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__.. I BUSINESS DIRECTORY. IE. l I' ILI.AH, Surgical and MeJ chanical Dentist, corner of Main and Hurou rtreets (Jackson's oíd stand). Great pains taken in all (ipinui.jns rutrusted to my eaae. l'rices to suit the timo. AJÍ Work warranted. Teeth extracted without pain. Office hours : 8 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 6 p. ' M-; 7 to ö:yu p. m. JA TI ES McMAHON, Attorney and Counselor at Lftw and SoHeltoi in (Jhancery. Office ín Me.Uahon's Bluek, Aun street. WH. JACKSO1V, Dentist. Office corner . Main und Washington atreets, over Bach & : Abel's store, Ann Albor, Midi. An sthetics ad ministered if required. CGEORliE, M. 1., Physician and Sur eeou. Office and residence Ño. 1 Washington street, íour doors east oí' Main, Ann Arbor,Mich. EUGEJÍE K. FRtEACFF, Attorney at Law, Notary Public and Cominissioner oí Deeds for Pennsylvania. Connltation in the Germán or English language. Office Hill's Opera House, Ann Arbor, Mich. EII.AIIK, Jastice of the Peace, Notary . Public and Conveyancer. Will loan money for others on real estáte seeurity Office over No. 8, Hurón street, Ann Arbor, Mich, INÉS & WORDEN, 20 South Main street, Ann Arbor, Mich., Wholesale and retail dealers iu Dry üoods, Caipets, and Groccries. MACK & SCHMID, dealera in Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, etc., No. 54 Soutli Mam street. BACH fc ARRL, dealers in Dry Goods, Grocenes. etc., No 26 tíouth Main street, Ann Arbor, Mich. WM. WAGNER, dealer in Keady-made Clothing, Cloths, Cassiineres, Vestings, Trunks, Cavpet Bags, etc, 21 South Main street. JF. SCHAEBERL.E, teacher of the PI ANO, V1OLIN AND GUITAR. Residence southeast corner Main and Liberty streets, Ann Arbor, Mich. lyOAH W. CHUliVEK, ATTORNEY AT LAAV. Office in the Probate Office, Ann Arbor Mich. PVERYBODY SAYS REVENAUGH IS THB Boss Pliotogfraplier of Ann Arber. 28 East Huron stieet, up stairs. ANTHRACiTE & BITUMINOUS Goal of all Sizes, Also, always hae on hand Cord and Stove Wood, at reasonable prices. No. 50 Huron St., Ann Arbor, Mich. WINSLOW BROS., 32 EAST HURON STREET, DEALERS IN Picture Frames, Brackets VIOLIN STEINGS. 1565 )IMIT Sc GB1NGEB, General Law & Business Agency. Huviog secured the exclufaive use of ROOT'S ABSTIUCT RECORD BOOKS tor the county of Waehtenaw, which they have jurefully revised, posted and parfected, and havinR, irit'u an extensive and reliable business correBpondence, opened a GENERAL BUSINESS AGENCY at wo. 26 East Huron etreet, in the city of Ann Arbor, will attend promptly to the sale, purchiise and leasing of real estáte, the loaning of money, colleotiona, negotiations. contracting and conveyancLng, life and üre ipsurance, and to the praotice of law in the various courts of this State. TRACY W. ROOT, B. F; GRANGER. Ann Arbor, May 1, 1S75. THE ANN ARBOR SAVIIffGS BANK Ann Arbor, Michijran. Receives deposits of One Dollar and upwards and allows Five percent, interest on all deposits remaining three months or longer. Interest Compoundcd Senii-Anniially. Also buys and sells U. S. Bonds. Gold, Silver and Interest Coupons, and New York, Detroit and Chicago Exehange. Also sells Sight Drafts on Great Britaik, Ireland, Germany, or any other part of the European Continent. This Bank is oiganized under the General Banking Law of this State. The Stoekholders are individually liable to the amount of their stock, and the whole capital is security for depositors, while Vith Banks of issue, the capital is invested for the seurity of bill-holders. This fact makes this Instiution a very safe depository of monies. Married Women can deposit subject to their own Irafts only. .Iloiiey to Loan on Approvcd Securiücs. DIRECTORS: S. Smith, C. Mack, W. W. Wines, R. A. Beal, W. D. Harriman. D. Hiscock, W. Deubel. OFFICEBS; R. S. Smith, Pres't. C. Mack, Vice-Pres't C. E. Hiscock. Teller. THE NEW ENGLAND BANGE with Elevated Hot Closet, combinlng all the latest, most valuable and economical iinprovements in Cooking Kauges. The new MORNING CLORY beautifully mminted, and acknowledged tobe one of the leading flrst class Cook Stoves. THE WOODLAND COOK A new first class Wood Stove ; for a low priced stove it cannot be beat. It has all the modern improvements. The above stoves all have the new Patent Dülusive Oven Flues, by which the oven 3 sure to be cvenly heated at all times, makinr them the most perfect Bakers iu the market. Tne LEVER CLOTHES WRINGER Is a perfect success. Evcry lady who use a wringer should get one at Pease's. Thtifle in n;w)iis lor getting Weed's CarpetSweeper are yet good ones. Galvanizkd ikon Toilet Sets, are certainly the most durable. My Portable Bath Tubs are the best and cheapest and should be Tbiwe inutal Water Fliters every family should get oue at G. J . PJEASE'S. 4 6 Sou tl ,Uü in Street. 1 1 11EAPER THA THE CHEAPEST OLDBR THAN THE OLDEST ! Ilis shop was first started in 1842. "WANTED- 1,000 cords of wood, 1,001) bushels of first quality of corn, In exohange for Saddles, Harness, Trunks, Traveling Eags, Robes, Blankets, Whips, and Buckskln Uloves and Mittens. I will sell siuglc hamesses from Í8 to Ï100; halters from 20 cents to $2 (10 trunks and satchels, for the next 30 days, at cost. , Haruesses, Trunks and Bags repaired at ïlo. 9 East Huron street. J. VOLLAND. Ann Arbor, Nov. 18, 1875. 1557m3 RAILROADS. locnTeAÑNTRAL KAILROAl). NOVEMBER 21, 1875. QOINQ WEST. ■ "d% . s . I - 1 Ia t I V A.M. A.M P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M Detroit, leave, 7 0010 30 2 60 4 00 5 4O,1OOO Wayne JuDOtion, 7 57 11 17 3 32J453 637,1060 HTpsilanti, , 8 32 11 40 3 50 5 27 7 04 11 10 Inn Arbor, 8 57 11 55 4 13 5 45 7 45 11 27 Dexter, 9 20 4 35 6 10 8 10 Chelsea, 9 40 ! 4 53 6 23 8 30 i Grass Lake, 10 04 6 49 9 00 P M P. M A. M. Jackson, 10 S7 1 10 5 45 7 15 9 30 12 50 A.M. Kalamazoo, 2 05 3 32 12 26 S 03 Chicago arrive, 8 10 1 9 00 1 00 QOING EAST. ■S I m 2 ñ í I ' a p H 5_ ?& ■ a.m. a. m. p.m. p. m. a. m. Jhicago, leave, 5 00 8 30 5 16 9 00: Kalamazoo, 10 50 1 22 10 35 2 30 P.M. i A. M. I A. M. lackson 2 121 3 42: 7 00 12 42 4 5S 9 50 Sas Lake, I 2 45 7 32 6 23 10 20 Chelsea S 10, 8 00: 5 50 10 42 Dextei i 3 25 8 18 6 08.10 55 Stat, ' 3 M 4 63 ! 8 37 2 00 6 28 11 15 rL5utT 4 : 5 io 8 s&i 2 20 6 w 11 30 Wnvne 4 45.1 i 28 9 23 2 40 7 08 11 47 Detroit', arrive, 6 45 6 16 1 10 151 3 30 8 00Í12J0 ♦Sundays excepted. tSaturday ana Sunday ex3epted. WM. B. STEONG, Gen'l Sup't, Chicago. H. B. LKDYARD, Asst. Gen'l Supt. Detroit: DETEOIT, HILLSDALE & INDIANA EAILEOAD. OOINQ WEST. -1875- GOINO EABT. ""btatiohÍ ïlaü. Exp. stations. Kxp. Mail. A. M. P. M. A M P M Detroit, dep... 7:00 5:40 Ypnilanti.... 8:32 7:04 Bankers 6:20 2:05 Saline ... 9:30 7:40 Hillsdale ... 5:45 2:15 Bridgewater.. 9:65 8:15 ! Manchester.. 8.37 3:58 Manchester. 10:20 8:22 Bridgewater 9:10 4:17 p.M. Saline 'J:30 4:35 Hillsdale 1:08 9:57 Ypsilanti.... 11:00 5:05 Bankers. .. 1:15 10:05 Detroit 12:30 6:15 Traína run by Chicago time. To take effect Nov. 21, 1875. W. F. PARKER, Sup't, Ypsilanti. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Circuit Court Circuit Judge Hon. Geo. M. Huntington. Prosecuting Attorney Robert E.Frazer. Re porter Thomas I. Daniel. Terms- The flrst Tuesday in January; third Tuesday in March ; third Tuesday iu June, and t'ourth Tuesday in October. Probate Court. Judge of Probate Noah W. Cheever. Probate Register James M.Willcoxson. Regular terms - Every Monday. County Officers. Sheriff Michael Fleming. Clerk Peter Tuite. Register of Deeds manuel G. Schatter. Treasu er Stephen Pairchild. Circuit Court Commissioners j jwiüa'rd Babbitt! ÍUeurge O. Arms, Edward Duffy, F. K. Rexford. Recular meetings at the County House on the ñrst Tuesdny iu each month, at 10 o'clock A M. City Officers. Mayor Edward D. Kinne. Eecorder Wüliam A. Lovejoy. Treasurer Moses Bogers. Attorney A. McReynolds. Marshal A. H. Herrón. ) Richard Beahan. - ,. Chas. H. Manly Justices { Jas. McMahon. J Edward Clark. SConrad Krapf. Anton Eiuele. Benjamin Brown. Board of Education. President Elihu B. Pond. Secretary James B. Gott Treasurer Philip Bach. Trustees- C. B. Porter, Patrick Donovan, M. L. JD'Ooge, Ebenezer Wells, L. 0. Risdon, Leonhard Gruner. Superintendent of Schools. W. S. Per y. CUCRCU DIRECTOKTT. BAPTIST- Catherine street, hetween Fifth and División streets. Services at 10J a. m. and 7 p. M. Sunday "School after morning service. Prayer meetiug Thursdav evening at 7 o'clouk. Pastor - Rev. Samuel Haskell; residence, 3S Thompson street. CONGREGATIONAL- Corner of State and William streets. Babbath services at 10J A. M. and 7 p M Sunday School at 3 o'clock p. M. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. Pastor- Rev H L. Hubbell; residence, 70 South State street. (Services teinporarily suspended, except Sunday School held in the old Church). CATHOLIC (St. Thomas)- North street, between División and State. First Mass at 8 a. m. High Mass at W]2 A. M. Sunday School at 2% p. M. Vespers at 7 pm. Pastor-Rev. F. J. Van Ekp residence, 34 E. North street. EPISCOPAL (St. Andrew)- División street, north of Catheriue. Sabbath services at 10J A. M. and 7 P. m. Sunday School at 2]2 P. M. Service on Thursday evening and on the morning of all Holy Days. Rector- Rev. Wyllis Hall ; residence, 2 N. State street. GERMÁN METHODIST- Corner of East Liberty and División streets. Sabbath services at 10K A. M. and 7 p m. Sunday School at 9 a. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Pastor- Rev, í bed. Esslisgek; residence street. LUTHERAN- Covner of First and Washington streets. Sabbath services IOVá .■ and 71 p' M: Sunday School at close of morning service. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. PastorRev. H Reuthkk ; residence 24 Fiftb. street. METHODIST EPISCOPAL- Cornet of State and Washington streets. Sabbath services at 10J4 A. M. and 7 P. M. Sunday School at close of morning service Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. ïoung peoples' meeting Sunday eveuing at 6 o'clock. Pastor-Rev. I. N. Elwood ; residence, 4b Washington street. METHODIST EPISCOPAL (Colored)-Fourth street north of Pontiac. Sabbath services at 10 a. m. and 7 p. M. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. Pastor- Rev. Chas. H. Ward. PRESBYTERIAN- Corner of Hurón and División streets. Services at 10 o'clock A.M. and p. M Sunday School after morning service. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7 o'clock Young peoples' meeting Sunday evening at 7 o clock. Pastor-Rev. F. T. Bkown; residence, 21 East Liberty street. Unitabian- Corner of Ann and Fiftta streets. Sabbath services at V)]4 A.M. and 7 P. M. Sunday Scliool atter morning service. Students' class at 2.45 p. m. Pastor- Bev. C. H. Bkiqham ; residence, 48 East Ann street. Zion LUTHERAN-Oorner of Washington and Fifth streets. Sabbath services at W% A. M. and 7 p si Sunday School at close of morning service. Praver meeting Wednosdny evening at 7 o clock Pastor-Rev. H. Belskb : residence Ann street. STUDENTS1 CHRISÏIAN ASSOCIATIONMeeting in University Chapel at 9 o'clock A. M on Sunday, 6:45 o'cloclc P. M. on Wednesday, and 6-45 o'clock l. M. on Friday of each week. Reading Eoom of the Aasoeiatiou open on Sunday from l to 5 P. M. t SOCIEXIES. ANN ARBOB COMMANDEBY, No, 13, K. T.James Boyd, E. C, William A. Lovejoy, Recorder. Regular conclave the ürst Tuesday evening of each niouth, at 7 o'clock. WASHTENAW CHAPTER NO. 6, R. A. M.- Jas Boyd, II. P. ; William A. Lovejoy, Bec. Regular Convocation the Monday evening on or before the full of the moon, at 7 o'clock. GOLDEN RULE LODGE, 262, F. & A. M.- Jav Boath W. M. ; Charles A. Chapín, Secretary. Riiular Communication the Wednesday eveniug on or before the full of the 7 o clock. FRATERNITY LODGE NO. 262, F & A. M - TolmP Little, W. M. ; Charles E. Hiscock, Sec. Kegular Communication the Wednesday evening on or after the full of the moon, at 7 o'clock. ANN ARHORENCAMPMENT, NO. 7 I.O.O. F. A R. Schmidt, C. P. ; Chaales H. Manly, Scribe. Meets first and third Friday of each montn. WASHTENAW LODGE NO. 9, I. O. O. F.- D. Allmandingor, N. G. ; N. B. Covert, Sec. Meets Friday evening of each week at iy2 o'clock. ANN ARBOR LODGE, NO. 329, I. O. of O. T.J. Sprague, W. C. T.; Syivester Armstrong. W. S. Meets every Tuesday evening, at 7 o'clock. ANN ARBOR KNIGHTS OF HONOR, NO. 3. -James Boyd, Dictator ; C. S. Millen, Grand Reporter. Regular meetings on the second and last Tuesday evenings of each nionth. Ir, dhfïAPer day at home. Termi fre. Ad 5pO t0 ípáUdress G. Stibson k C., Portlmd, Me


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Michigan Argus