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Mr. Dawes says that the 3.G5 bonds issued by the Board of Comraissioners now govcrning the District of Coluinbia have increasod the natiomil debt in the sum of $15,000,000 ; and this notwithstanding the guarantee of the chairman of the committee reporting the biü to the last Congress that no obligations would be incurred (by the Fodoral Government). And Mr. Oglesby, another Republican Senator, says that " the extravaganee in the District will nover be stopped until God, in his wrath, shall put his foot upon it." And such is tho result of a piece of hasty and partisan legislation. - Hon. Samuel J. Bandall, chairman of tho House Committee on Appropriations, was a private in the First Cavalry Regiment of Pennsylvania, and was " at tho front," serving under Col. (afterwards General) Goo. H. Thomas, when elected to his first term in Congress. And this is the man Republican journalists and cross-road politicians - stay-at-homes, all - abuse so roundly for introducing a general amnesty bilí identical with one reported by Speaker Blaine's committee in the last Congress, and passed by a Republican House with scarcely an objection. - The Lansing Jiepullican soes two objections to Mr. Morton as a candidate for President : " One being the uncertainty of his views on finance, and the other his physical weakness." A third and greater one is that he belongs to a past goneration, and is full in tho faith that a robollion is in progresa, that the slavery issue has not yet been settled, and that peaoe and harmony between States and sections must be postponed to the next century, - that tho Republican party may bo continued in office. - Senator Eaton was not easily frightened into voting for the bill to provide for paying tho interest on the District of Columbia 3.65 bonds, because being government paper the Government would be dishonored by their going to protest. His retort was, " the Government has been protested on $450,000,000 every day in the year." It's nothing after getting usod to it. - Senator Wright, of Iowa, proposed two constitutional aniendments on Monday : One providnig for the election of President and Vice-President by a direct vote of tho people, and the other for tho election of United States Senators by direct vote. Who is the next man with a grudge against the constitution ? - Gen. Banks writes to the New York World and pronounces as unqualifiedly false the report that he is a candidate for Vice-President of ihe United States or any other States ; but adds : " I have no hesitation in saying that I believe Gen. Grant will be the candidato of the Republican party for a third term." - The Cincinnati Enquirer wiirns the Democracy that if it will have a hardmoney man as its candidate it must take an eastern man and not a western one ; if it will have a Tilden it must flnd him in New York and not in Indiana. Or this is the essence of its commands. Level-headed for once. - Representativo Starkweather, of Connecticut, died at his residence in Washington, on the 28th uit., of pneumonía, aged 50 years. He was Connecticut's only Republican member in either house. Two Republican Senators have died within a year, and their suecessors are both Democrats. - Mr. Morrison iutroduced a tariff bill on Monday which it is said considerably modifies and greatly simplifies the revenue system. But judging by the long list of dutiable articles it retains there is yet room further pruning. The free list would bear further enlarging. - He's got it : Frederick Morley, late of the Detroit Post. Consul General at Cairo, Egypt. Salary good and duties nominal. A " phat take," and we congratúlate our friend on securing it. Chandler evidently has influence outside of his dopartment, and don't hesitate to provide places for his friends. - The Detroit Post dropped tho disoussion of the District of Columbia 3.65 joint resolution out of its Monday's Senate proceedings. Dawes and Oglesby were oompelled to teil some unpalatable truths which the Post evidently thougbt not good for the party. - " Blaine's little bub " : that ia what Sunset Cox says haB been Congressman Hale's pet name during four CongrossesAnd Mr. Hale understood Mr. Cox to say " little pup," and so " got up on his ear about it." Cox should speak plainer. - Delayed thirteen hours by snow : a train on the Union Pacific railroad on Friday last. If tbat snow had been spread out in the lumber regions of this State it would have prevented a hoap of' grumbling and swearing. - The West Virginia Legislature has disposed of State Treasurer J. S. Burdette, by impeachment, conviction, and removal. S. Brady, formerly of Wheoling, and a well-known and popular bank cashier, has been appointed his successor. - The Conneoticut Democratie State üonvention is to be held on the 23d of February, to nomínate oandidates for 3overnor and State officers, and proba:ly will appoint delegates to the Na.ional Convention. - Poor Scbenck can't escape persecución. This time suit has been commenced against him in England, and ocauBC of his innocent and honorable connection with the Emma Mine. - Ben. Butler gives it to be undertood that he intends to go back into üongress. For what sins is such a punshinent to be meted out to his district and the country at large ? - McKee, another of those St. Louis " crooked whisky ' follows, a leading lepublican journalist and politician, las been convieted. Babcook's caso is xpected to be called on Monday next - Under its " Politioal " hoading the iew York Evening Pont says : " Thore re twelve hundred Granges in Ohio." Ve thought the Patrons disclaiined béng a politioal organization. The secret is now out why Eeproeutative Hubbell voted against the nti-third term resolution. He wants a third term himself.


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