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Win. Campbell, a shoemaker at Jackson, feil down stairs on Junuary 3Oth, (iying next day l'ruui psralysia produeert by the fall. At Ci)l(iwut(;r Ihere aro 15 inauranco couipanies roprcsented, of wliicli 27 are board compañías, with six agtnta, and tho remaining 13 uaa -board with four agents. ïho railrodd engibe houso of tho Flint fc Pure Marquotte Riilroad at Rued City, was damaged to tho aiuouut of (500 !)y a fire on Monday moriiing. Mrs. Mary Beugon, of (imtiot ooanty is 91 years of age, und has livod to soe tho fifth generatioa of hor family. She spoaks of a 64 years old sou-in-law as " that boy." A fire at Bay City Suudity morning destroyod two dwellings on Twonty-fifth streot, owned by J. Pinokhatn and G. M. Millor. ïhe fire originated in Pinckham's, from whieh no furniture was saved. Total loss, $1,000; insured for $1,500. Douglass & Myres, clothiug merchants at Jackson, made an assignment on Monday to Chas. Nicklisson. Liabilities about $15,000 ; assets will porbably cover it. Farmers in tho vicinity of Dundee roport that jwtatoes of tho Early Rose variety are pomwencing to sprout and grow. Tubes on somo of them are nearly twoinchos in length. Byron Weiper, a stone-cutter at St. Johns, just discharged froiu the einployment of L. M. Shormau, committed suicide, on January 31st, by takitig morphine. Weiper was married only six weeks since to a woman from Corunna. Frey, who ploaded guilty in the Circuit Court at Ludington to the charge of incest, was senteneed on February lst to seven years and six niontbs at the State Prison. lie leaves a wife and seven children. Tranaactions at the State treasury for January : Balance on hand December ilst, $952,076 18 ; recoipts for January, $113,058 96 ; payments same time, $154,"10 52; balanco January ,'51st, $011,424 25. At Niles, on tho 29th uit., two of the men, Jno. Gablick and Anthony Bachnian, charged with stealing hogs from the trams of the Michigan Central Railroad, woro found guilty, the jury being out but tweuty minutes. Jno. Seaber, charged with murder, was convioted of manslaughter. Charles Laduke for burglary was senat Bay City, on the 29th uit., for two ysars. He said be was siek and not able to work, and stole toget something for his family to eat. Danial Ashley, for larceny, and Wm. McDonald, for maliciously injuring a dwolliug, were sent to tne Reform School. The anuual meeting of the Lonawee Agricultural Society took plitce on the afternoon of January 28. The financial officor's report shows the total receipts for the year to be $5,127 10; amount now o hand $274 99. The society resolved before adjourning to exclude the sale of intoxicating liquors from the grounds at all coming fairs. Lottio Fisk, of this city, was delivered. on Saturday last, of a living child by the operation known as Cnosarean Section. The child weighed six pounds, and was 20 iuches in length, the uiother, as is well known, beiug a dwarf. The operation was tho only proceeding which promised chance for the life of either inother or child, and was performed by Dr. O. P. Barber, assistedby Drs. White, Bliss, Watson andSmall. The case progressed very fovorably until Thursday morning, when symptoms of septic;umia, or blood pcisoning, bocame prominent, and sho gradually sank and died that evening. So far as ascertained it has been preforined about 20 times in this country, and but once in this State, by Prof. Sager, of Ann Arbor, the patiënt


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