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"the Gem Of Science."

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-This is thfftitle of a new publication, the first number of which will bq issued on the 15th instant, in this village by E. H. Sranford.It will besemimonthly, each numbercontaining 16 pages, at 81,00 a year, in aávanee, or $2,00 within the year. It will treat of Phrenology.Physiology, and Magnetism, and will also contain a Ladies Department and Miscellaneous matter. We believe this is the first attempt to start a publication of this character in the State, and should it do justice to the several suhjects of which it treats, t should receive a liberal oiipport.C Banks linve extraordinnry Hicilities forobtaining their olyects: for moncy is power, the world over. The United State. Jout nal bm tli following stntement of loans mude by the U. S. Bank to metnbcrs of Congress. It will be seen that the amount 9 ncarly Two Millions of Dollars, loaned to 265 members, in five years: 1830 to 52 inembcr8of Congress $192.161 1831 to59 do tlo 312. 191) 1832 to 44 do do 473:069 1833 to 48 do do 374.766 l8C4to52 do do 233,526 O When the Universalist Convention was n session at Jnckson, thcy appointed a committeo 10 visit the State Prison, and ascertain the religious faith of the convicta. They reponed ihat o' 126 onvicts. the wh lo nimber, 67 are n t professors; and 26 are Methodisis, 4 presbytcriins, 11 Roman Catholics. 1 Shaker, ) Congre.ationalist, 5 Bnpiists, 1 Dutch, 1 Dnich Refjrmed, 2 Lutherans, i Clirisf-ian, nnú I Greek. fJA friend in lona County sends us ilie names of se v eral new subscribers ond adds: "There is a great Iack oí energy nmong our Liberty men in this county on account of the One Idea principie, and I think that should we take gronnds on the various points as do the other political parties, it would not only arouse?o energy the present members of our party, but add greatly to our numbers. We wanf and we must liave a lecturer here soon.' (E5 We have received from Senator Howell a report on the righl of tho General Government to lease lands ín a State : published by order of the Senate. We have not had time to examine it.Qr The next term of the Supreme Court is to be held at Kalamazoo in July. We wonder if ar,)' of the 100 License cases on the docket will be reached at that time? ETMr Hydu, the Tempcrance Lccturer, has visited Jackscn. A grent excitement followed. The trafile in intoxicaüng liquors is said to bo about annhiliated. J05 of the inmates of tho Siatc Prison fbok the plodge. TTT Judgc, who was a short timo sinee elected President of the American Bible Society, in the place of the late Gov. Smith, has declined the appointment, for the reason that his official duties would render it impracticable for nim toattend the meetings of the socioty. O It will bc scen ihat the Judiciary Committee of the Sennte have reportod in favor of abolishtag Cnpitol Punishment. O" The Detroit Frce Press says that tho Copppr Mania is raging stronger than ever, and tbat [here will be a general rush for the upper country in aboiu 30 Jays. 05a The State Legislature will nol probably adjourn until sometime in May.