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Estáte of Louis Lux. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, oounty of Washtenaw O sa. At asession of the Probate Court for Uit county of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Oflice in the city of Aan Arbor, on Friday, the fourth day of l'ebruary in the year one thousand eight tiundred and seventy-yix. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Louis Lux, deceased. Victorine Ducharme, Administratrix of said es:ute, comes into court and represents that she is now prepared to tender her final acoount as such Adniinititratrix. Thereupon it is ordered that Saturdav tht fourth day of March next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigi:)d for examining un.l allowing auch account, and that the heirs at law'of gaid deceated, and all othei persons interestod in said estáte, ire required to appear at a sessionof said court, then to be holden at the Probate omce, inthe city oí Arbor, ia aaid county, and show cause, if any :here be, why the said account should not be alowed. And it is further ordered that said Adminstratrlx give notice to the persons interestcd in suid sstate, of the pundency oí said account and the ïearing thereof, by caumnff a copy of thin ordei to ie published in the Michigan Argut-, a newspaper )rüited and circulating in said county, three successivo weeks previous to sald day of hearing. (Atruecopy.) NOAH W. CHEKVEU. Ii(9w4 Judite of Probate. Chanoery Saio. PUR8UANT to and by virtue of an order ol tho (;ircuit Court ior the County of Washte naw, in chancery, made on the thlrty-tirot dny of DecembiT, A. V. 175, in a cause tlicrein ponding, wherein Charles Thayer is complainant, and Elimh W . Morgnn, surrmuj; trustee of the Ann Arbor .and Conipany, is dofendant: Notice ie hereby Kiven.thatl hall sell at public vendue to the nghuKt bidder, ut ten o'clock in the forenoon. on he 18th day of March, 1876, at tbe south door of he Cnurt Houao, in the city of Ann Arbor, all he fcllowing dcBcribcd lands ituated in the City f Ann Arbor, in snid County: I-ot t, 2, S, 4, 5 and K, in block seveu aouth, range eight east ; also otó 4, 6, 6, 7, 8, 10, 1!, and 12, in block sevon eouth, ind range nine cast; also, lot i in block sevon outh, range eleven east ; alo, lot 10 in block seven outh, range twelve east ; und also, lots 6,6,7, 8, .? In blook 8OTen 8Outl? ranKe 'M' e8 ; a'o the wuth one quarter .f lot nine, in block even south, ange nine east ; and the triangular piece of land, eing about threo quarters of an acre, in the nurthast corner of section thirty-two. I)ated, January I8th, 1876. 1566 „. . „ J. F. LAWRENCK, Circuit Court Comm'r Waahtenaw Co., Mich. Estáte of Florian Muehllg. TATE OF MICHIGAN , County of Wanhtena o bs. At ti session of the Probute Court t,'t he county of Waahtenaw, holden at the Prob&tí Jffice, in the city of Ann Arbor, on MoniW the thirtyítrHt dny of January, in the yÍL one thousnnd eight Iiundrud und Movfüity-Hix. Present, Noah w. Obeever, Judge of Probate. Id the matter of the catate of Floiinn Mutííli,. lOQOMytl ' On readiug and filint the pet ilion cíuly verfiei f Emanuel Manu, AdminfstratOT de bonis non wUÍ tho will anuexed, prayiitg tluii he muy be lioenuj to sell the real estáte whezeof said deccawd diJ seized. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tuewdity, u seventh day of Murch riext, at ten ocLock íoronoon, be assigned tor the hearing oí petition, and that tlie devicees . Legateet, and rieirs at law of Lid doceased, tiiuí aü otb persnntt intreted in said estáte, are reqairi n Hppear at a session of said court then to u holden at the Probate Orneo, in the city of Bl Arbor, and show caiiwe, if any there be, whyiU prayer of the petitioner sbould not be jjranteiAnd ü is furthtr ordendt that said petitioner givt nonen to the persona interested in aaid tal the pendency of aid petition, and the heariiu thertoí, by cauHing u copy of thia order to be pui,; lislied iu the Michigan Argust a newspaper printaí and eirculated in said county, four Hucceasivewtjelu prrviouB to said duy of hearing (Atrue copy.) NÜAH W 'CHBBVER, 156ft Judifu of Probat. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULThavintr been made in the coiulitioit ot a certain niortgage, mude and ex the I8th day of July, 1872, by John Jacob Hutïd and Frederike Hut zei, iu Thomas s. antfnd ,',: Klpha Ij. fínni'ord, and recordad in the Dtfi ■ , RefrUU'r oj Deed for the County of W aahtetn, in liber 4 of mortagee, on pae 294. The iut.' est of Elpha Ij.banfcid in said mortgage havjtg been asain d to the said Thomas 8. Sanfoi deed of asfiignment, dated the 8th day of 1875, and record ed in th Registers Otfice, aloj! taid, in liber 4 oí assinmeuts oí mortgngett, page 711, by which dcfuult the power of tsale co-, tained therein bicornes operative, and the huid two thousaud three hundrd and forly-thrce i;r; lar and forty-eeven cent ($2%:_i43.47j is ciiinedti now due thereon, besidea an attorney fee of )t) provided for in said mortgage, aud no suit or p1 ceedings in law or erjuity having been instituí to recover the rnortgage debt, or any partthen Notico íb hereby giveu that fiaid mortgage wülkj foreclooed by a sale of the mortgaeed premiuoh pnrt thoreof n raay be sum'cient to - Büid mortgage and uil legal costa, at public auctioa to the highest biddcrT at the south door Court House in said county (that being the pi where the Circuit Cow rt for said county i on Saturday, the 29th day of April next. o'clock in the forenoon oí that day ; Paid mortvaged premíaea beiug described as follows, to vi The Bouthweötquarter of the northeast quarti the aoutheaet quurter of the northwtíat quartercí aection 30 {extept the west exghteen acres of f last debcribed prcp])t in township uninber j in range 5 eaat. in the townehip oí Lodi, iu Waifc. tenaw County, in the State of Michigan. Ann Arbor, Feb. 2, 1876. THOMAS 8. SAMFOUD. Mortgagee and Assinef, By Attorney. iöü Mortgage Sale. EFAXJLT haviBg been made in the conditie of a certnin mortgage, roadi. and extcuteü bt William Fitzgerald and M;iry Fitzgerald bis of Northtleld, county of Washtenuw, and Statte Michigan, on the ninelet-nth duy oi Bfpteml the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundni and sixty-tive, to John Lynch, of the same and recorded in the otüce ot' the regiwter of deeli for the county of Wastenaw aforeaaid, cm th day of January A. D. 18i!ij, ut 3 o'clock P. K. aaid day, in liber -3 of Mortgages, on pagi which said morteage Wasduly ftssigncd h Lynch of the township of Northfieíd. aturen, to Thomas Earl, ot the city oi' Ann Arbor, ■ and Htuto aforeaaid, on the thirteenth day vember, A. D. 1867, and recorded in the Olfio register of dceda for aaid county on the tbirt day of November. A. D. 1867, in líber number o o! nssignnients of mortnges, on page 502 ; an again atsigned by the taidThomab Earl to CaroÜK M. Uennequin, of the city of Aun Arbar, aíorísaid, on the twenty-third day of December, %; and recorded in the otiicc of the register of dtfj for said county on the twtnty-seveuth duy of lt cember, A. D. 1875, in libdr number ive ot ., ments of mortgages, on pigethirty-three, and tul trifiv is now claimed to be due and unpaid on g mortage the sum of four hundred and nin I dollars, including a reasonable attorney'a or tor'a fee for foreclosing the unnie ; and no pr,ceedings in law or equitv having been had to n cover said aum of money or any p;irt tl tberefore, notice i hereby givcn, that by vn the power of sale iu said niortgage contaiin -ii. shall sell at public auction to the hiint bidden: the iwenty-filth day of March, A. D. 1876, o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the trom door of the ouurt hoube in the cit of AnoArW county of Waahtenaw. and Stuit ol Mi higanthi' being the building in which the circuit court foi aaid county i held,; the proinises deacribed in sai: mortguge, as being all that ctrtuin pit-ce or pnj. of land kn"wn and deacribed as follows, to-wit The east half of the aouth-wust quarter of aectiw number three (3J, Ín township number oi4e(l) wmtl in range number six (6) cast. beinj; in Northtiw: in the county of Washtenaw, and otate oí J gan, containing eighty acres of land, more or!ei Dated Drcember 27 th, I37;". CAKOUNK IC. HENNEQUIN, Aöüignee of i-aid Mortgiigee. Joh M . Gott, Attorney for the ufüignee u! - Mortgagee. Mortgage Sale. WHEREA8, Ruth O. (.regory and John V 5 Gregory, her husband, of the city of AnnA-bor, in the county ui' W'ashtenaw ín the State o Michigan, on the fourteenth day of October, in tbi yuar ui our Lord one thousuntl eight huodi seveuty-four, executed a mortgage to Rebecca Henriqüós, of the city of Ann Arbor,county of naw, Michigan, to secure the payment of the (.-ertsin principal and interest money therein mentioin which said mort,gaie was recorded in the olí the Register of Deeds iu the county of Washtenai aforeaald, on the 1-lth day of Outober A. L. 1S74, in liber 51 of mortgages, on page 414. And where, default has beun mailt' for vaoTQ than thirty da the payinent of an installiuent oí' interest w'liid became due on the 14th day of April, A. I). 175, tij reason when-of and pursuant to the terms uf a: mortgagc,said mortgagee hereby elects that s muil ol said principal as reiimins unpaid with all arrearages ol' interest thercof shall becoiue due and payable immediately. And whereas, there is cJiiiiii tobe due and unpaid on said mortgage at the dnie of this notice, eleven huudved and twenty dullari for principal and interest, iilso an attorney 's fet oí fifty dollars ín addition t( all otber Iv-aI cosü. should any prowedings be taken to tl sanie; and no suit or procuedings havinu im-n irstituted either in law or equity t recover the sanw or any part thcreof. Notice is therofore hereliT given. that outhellth dayofMarcb, 1876, at (w o'clock iu the afternoon of said day at the f run; door of the Conrt House in the city öf Ann Arlxc county aforesaid, (that belfig the place in which tfci Circuit Court for said couuty is lield), and by viriw of the power of sale contained in said mortgage shall soll at public auctiou to the highest bidder. the premisos described in said mortgage, to aatisfj the aniouiit of principal and inten-st willt tto charges of sale and the attornoy's fee of ftfty tl all that cerluin pieco or parcel of land Bitual the city of Ann Arbor, couuty of Washtenaw, and state of Michigan, k now n, bou'mUtI,tnd described M folio ws, to wit : Being lut nnmber two (2) In bloei number eleven (11) lliscock's addition tothe city ol Aun Arbor, according to the rceorded plat thercof, Dated, December 14. 1875. REBËCCA HEXRIQUES, Mortgagee. Joint N. Gott, Attorney tur Mortgage. Estáte of Samuel W. Dexter. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Wahtenaw. as. At a seasion of the Probate Court for '] county of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office ín tho city of Ann Arbor, on Tt uraday, the twentieth dny of January, in the year one thouaüi.eight hundred and eventy-fix. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Jiidge of Probate. In the matter of theeatnte ol' Samuel W. Dexter decened. Millisent Dexter and Wirt Dexter, executoraoi the lunt will and testament of aaid dece;ised, comí into court and represent that they are now preparad to rendt'r their account ns such executora. Thereupon ïtiaordered, that Friday, the eigh1 teenth day oí February next, at ten o'clock in lh forenoon. be a.naigned for examimng and uUow ;; sucb account, and that the devises, leñatees, an-heirs at lw of said decoaned, and all other peraoBt ïnterested in tiaid eutate, are required to appear at t aeanion of said Court, then to be holden ttt th-# Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county. and show cause, if any there be, why tt aid account ahould not be all o wed : And it i further ordered that said executors fpve notiw to tbepersons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of Sftid account, and the hearing thereof, by causinjf a copy of thie order to be publislieí in the Michiyun Argus, a newspapor printed and circulating in said county, three successive weet: previou.4 to said day of hearing. (Atruecopy.) NOAH W. CHBEVKR, 1M6 Judge of Probate. Real Estáte ior Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WftghteOnaw, ga. In the matter of the et;ite of Ulricb Laubengayer, deceuwd. Nutice i hereby giveOi f'itt in purauancu of un order irranted to the undcrbigneti, aiministrator of the etaie of said t' ■ rich Latibcntfayer, by Ihe Hun. Judge of Probate for the Cuunty of ashtenaw, on the twelfth daj of January, A. D. 1876, thtre will be sold at public vendue to the hihest bidder, at the dwollinhouse 011 the premises hereinaftt-T dtscribtd, m the County of W ashtenaw Ensaïd State, on Moitday the lint dayof Ataren, A. 1, 187Ö, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day (subject to all encumbrancs by mortffajie or otherwisu ex istniK Ht llie time of the deatb of sid dtceaged, andttlbo subject to therijfht of dower of Ihe wido of said decejised therein), the following describí real etate to wit : The eust half of the northW99t quarter and the north tweuty acre of the west huif of the northenst quarter tsec tion number twenty ix ; also the west half, md fifteen acre-j otf froin the north end of the easl half oï the west half of the quaittnuf sec tion No. tweuty thrce.nll in town tlm-e south. n rungc ttve east fl.odij in the tttftte oi Miebigan1 DutfU, Janmiry ;2th, A. IX 187IÏ. 1565 COMbTOCK K.HÍLL, Adminiatrator. Estáte of Emma L. Knight. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Gounty oí Wnshtenaw, O as. At a sesHiou of tlie Probate Gourt for the ounty of Waehtenaw, holden at the Probate office n the city of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the four eenth day of Tanuary, in the year oue tliouaaud cight hundred and seventy-gix. Present , Noah W. Cheevyr, Jude of Probate. In the matter of the eatate ol Emma L. Knielt, [QQOMOdAlpheus Felch, Administialor of said estáte, comes into coutt and represent that he ie now prepared to render bis final account as euch ndministrator. Thereupon it is ordered.-that Tucndaj.thc flfofüithday of Fobruary, nest, at ten o'clock in the orenoon, be aeaigrned for f-xnmining and llowin Huch account, and that the beirs t law of said deceaaetï and all other persons nterested in aaid eetat, ure required to ppear at a session of said court, then to o bolden at the Probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and -huw cauae, if ny there be, why the said account should not e allowed: And it ia further ordered that said Iminint nu ur give noties to the personB interested n eaid estáte, of the pondency of said account nd the hearins thereof, by causing a copy of this rder to be oublished in the Michigan Argus, a ewapaper printi-ü and circulating in said eounty iree sucoesaive weeks previous to said day of CA true copy.) NOAH W. CHEEVEU, 16Ww3 Judge of Probate,


Old News
Michigan Argus