Local Affairs

- John Rogers, a brother of Mosea Rogers, of this city, died at hia residence uear Quincy, liranoh County, ou the 4th inst. - Durmg the last college year Washtenaw County had but onu atudunt in the State Agricultural College. - Goo. Buil got on anothor tear on Monrtay, abused aud threateued the life of his wife, and was arrested and iodged in jai], - The Ann Arbor Sciontific Association has had an accessiou of three moinbers : Dr. J. 13. Steere, R. A. Beal, and W. H Smith. - "Lives there a mau with soul so dead, ■who never to himself has said " I'll take the Akous, aud pay $1.50 for it in advanca. - The oöice 01 the American aud Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph Company has beea removed to the corner store of the Gregory House block. - J. B. Steere gave a very intei-esting lectura on " The Amazon and its Autiquitiea " before tlie Ann Arbor Scientiñc Associatiou on Saturduy eveuing last. - Brick are being drawn for a new Cathohc Church m Northüeld, to be located just across the street trom the oíd oue, and to cost OUÜ, or so leport says. - Mra. Cieo. Buil attemptod suicide on Wednesday by taking laudanum, but the prompt interference of Drs. Stone and Bitckus saved her hfe. Family dirïicultiea. - That " run oí sleighuig " we noticed as haviug put in an appearance on Thursday ot last week was a brief one, the snow having been whittled away by the sun of laat Sunday. - Webber, Ellis & Co., is the name of a new firni of Commission Stockbrokers at Oakland, Cal. The Ellis ia our late fellow-oitizen, B. W., and we presume that Andrew is the Co. - Hangaterfer harvested a little ice during the cold snap of last week, but ït waa " no great shakes " unless better than ms we saw being drawa through the streets on Monday,- thin, spongy stuff. - There was lively skinnishing " all arouud towu " on Mondoy afternoon and evening, culminatmg m a general flght at a saloon on South Fourth street : studeiits, town boys, and tramps participating. - (Jeo. L. Carrón, of Ypsilanti, a young man aged 2o years, and an employé of Deubel Bros., of the Hurón Milla, oommitted suicide on Monday eveuing last by taking two ounces of laudanum. - La3t Saturday a limb or mail twig oí sumach was hauded iuto our office, with buds nearly open, perhaps we might say fally open, and with a green and Iresh loot despite the then prevailing cold snap. Au adjourued meeting of the Executive Committee and life members oí the Washtenaw County Agricultural and Horticultural Society is to be held at 10 o'clock A. M. tojnorrow, at the Court House iu this city. - John J. Bobison, asaignee of E. Annabü and G. R. Spauldiug, advertises au auction of iarm implemeuts, horses, cattle, grain, oil stocks, Iowa couuty bonds, etc., on the lst of March, ou the premisas of E. Annabil, in Sharou. - The board of manager ot Uompany B has the followiug oöicers : President, Wilbur ï. Eeed ; Vico-President, Albert J. Volland ; Kecording Secretary, A. L. Worden ; Financial Secretary, Gilbert Blisa ; Treasurer, Wm. W. Douglas. - A meeting was held yesterday at the Globe Hotel, Piuckuey, to cousider the proposed continuation of the Toledo Anu Arbur and Northern Eaüroad (narrow gauge) to üwosso, via Deiter, Dover, Pinckaey, and Howell. - That lawyer who, at the risk of being pronounced insane, was laat Saturday inquiriug into the date the late Schuyler Colfai was to lecture at Ypsilanti, with the view to go down and hear Min, is adviued that to-morrow eveuing is the time. - Au Anaus oflice visitor of Weduesday - Jesse Scott, of Lima - said that February 9tli of last year - exactly a year before - was the coltlest day of that cold winter, - 20 deg. or more below below zero. And Wednesday it laiued all day with the mercury above 40. - Manchester has a new Baboook Hook aud Ladder Truck, the furniture of whioh includes eight Babcock Fire Extinguishers with 24 aets of charges, ladders, buckets, axes, pike poles, grappling hooks, lanterus, sigual lamp, alarm teil, etc. Cost Ï97Ö. A good iovestment. - At Ypsilanti ou Saturday last Austin Bur"bank, au employé at Cornwell & Co.'a paper mili, was seriously injured by the boiler, which ■was being set, rolhug against him aud crowding him against the wall. He was also a sufïerer at the receut boiler explosión at the same mili. - At the recent meeting of th State Pioneer Society, at Lansing, this couuty was represented by Messrs. J. D. Williams, J. H. Fellows, E. D. Lay, and M. H. Goodrich. Mr. Goodrich was eleoted one of the Vice-Presilent8, and also appointed one of the five society historians. - A one horse lottery or "candy bazar "was opened on Hnron street last week, but the Marshal, by direction of the Prosecutiug Attorney, gave the manager notice to " get up aud get " aud he " got." The boys of ome other town are now probably buying his candy and drawing his prizes. - Edward Mortord, a colored waif of Ypsilanti, was sent to the Reform School on Monlay, by Justice Crane, with the approval of Eeformatory Agent McMahon and the Judge f Probate. He is but 14 years oíd and has "been sent to the same school twice before. This time it will be well to let him stay there "uutil he is 21 years old. - One Lewis O. Partridge, said to be a law student, got drunk on Monday evening, raised a row at his boarding house, threatened the lives oí hi9 wife and young child, and was arTested and brought before Justioe Clark and fined $3 and costs. He repeated his drunk on Tuesday eveniug and was again arrested and iined $10. Something besides a fine might Hot be out of order. - " Clalvanized Jack " was convicted on Saturday last, before Justwe Beahan and a jury, on a charge of stealiog turkeya from another colored man, in accordanca with the civil rights bill, which Judge N. assures Jeft. " gives one nigger the right to steal from another, when his old privileges only allowed hun to steal from a white man." He was sentenced to a counnement in the county jail for twenty days. - " Bourgeois " writes from Washington to 'the Evening News (of Detroit) : " J. F. Miller, formerly of the flrm of Miller & Webster, Ann Arbor, is here on Old Zack's invitation, to take a position of some kind in the Interior Department." Miller's jealous home "friends" say they can't teil why he has been preferred over other applicants, whether his business capaoity or ability aB a political organiser Becured him what they faüed to get. It was the latter no doubt. - Mrs. A.bby O'Bourk, of this city, mother of Maurice O'Rourk, died at the residence of the latter on Tuesday morning, lacking but six days of being one hundred years old. Ou Monday she was in her usual health and spirits, eating and enjoying her regular meali, and nothing iudicated her speedy decease. She commeucod sinking in the eveniug and p&ssed away without a struggle. Mrs. O'Kourk waa bom in the county of Kerry, Iroland, and came to this country in 1851. What changes she has seen in the huudred years she had so nearly lived. - On Saturday afternoon last a horse attached to a buggy and traveling along Main street, slipped and tumbled down, esayed to get up and again tumbled, and then a third timo tumbled breaking one of the thills. A lady and young man were in tho buggy but got out safely, and bystanders aided in detaching the horso and putting things to rights. The horse belonged to Wm. Winuington living just on the outskirts of the city on tho Whitmoro Lake road. - In the suit of Jaznes McLean and others against the Ann Arbor Trading Association, pending in the United States Circuit Court at Detroit, and trial oí which was commenced on Tuesday, the plaintiffs subinitted to a nonsuit on Wednesday, with leave to move to set aside in twenty days. The suit attached the validity of the assignmcnt and tied up some lü,000 by garnishment, which the creditors at large now stand a good chance to get. - Co. B succeeded in getting a legal quorum on Monday evening last, aud the election of officers resulted as follows : Captain, S. B. Revenaugh; First Lient., Wm. Kay; Second Lieut., Wm. W. Douglas ; Directora, Albert Sorg, Gilbert Bliss, Arthur L. Worden, Albert J. Volland, Chas. E. Hiscock. The constitution was so amended as to make 31 members a quorum hereafter, and to mako the term of the commissioued officera two years instead of three. ' "'S - Some four weeks ago one Sylvan Burch, from the rural " deestricts " of üakland County, imbibed too much crooke,d whisky, and was brought bef ore one of our city ] ustioes and finod. Marshal Herrón permitted him to go in seurch of a friend and money to pay the tine and costa, and he forgot to return. In response to a letter and a gentle reminder that another and severer rod was in píckle for him, he carne in a few days ago and forked orer the til. 25 charged up against him. - Dennis Warner, of Dexter, is made to say that M forty-two winters ago we had just bucIi weather as this has been, without a day'i sleighing during the season." This before the late " short run." And Newton Sheldon, of this city, giTe us to understand that the winter of 1832-33 - forty-three years ago this ter - beat this for müdness. Plowing was dons eTery month, and we are not sure but every week, and on the 6th and 7th of February fires were running in the woods (like autumn fires in a dry season) and were only eitinguished by a light fall of snow. Spring opened early in March. - C. M. Woodruff, at Ypsilanti, has oommenced the publication of au eight page monthly, Law for the People, whioh is to give new statutes, recent decisions, and suoh legal informatiou as will interest the people geuerally. Price 75 cents a year. It may be made a very valuabl publication, but the young editor must be careful and not give much such advice as that volunteered to a Mr. Mowry, of liattle Crcek. üot-headed laymen may sometimes be excused ior such talk, but lawyers and public teachers should at least know something of the facts first, and then should take the " sober second thought."
Washtenaw County Agricultural and Horticultural Society
State Agricultural College
Old News
Michigan Argus
Moses Rogers
George Bull
J. B. Steere
R. A. Beal
W. H. Smith
R. W. Ellis
George L. Carron
Austin Burbank
J. D. Williams
J. H. Fellows
E. D. Lay
M. H. Goodrich
Edward Morford
Lewis G. Partridge
J. F. Miller
Abby O'Rourk
James McClean
Sylvan Burch
Newton Sheldon
C. M. Woodruff