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NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ]OTICE. Came into the encloaure of the aubscriber, onehalf mile east of the city, on the 23d of December, TWO FAT WETHERS, marked " B " on the left rump. The owner can have the oame by proving property and paying charges. C. L. TUOMT. Ann Arbor, Feb. 10, 1876. 3wt569 jVOTICE OF ASSIGNIHENT. E. J. Johnson, of the city of Ann Arbor, having made a general aseignment tu me for the benefit of all his creditors, without preference. I hereby give notice to all persons having claims against him to present their claims with proper statement, and to all persons iiidebted to him to muke payment without delay to me at No. 7 South Main Street, Ann Arbor, O. H. RICHMOND Assiirnee. Dated Ann Arbor, February 7 , 1876. 1568w6 EBERBACH & CO., DRÜGGISTS AND PHARMACISTS, No. 12 South Main Streel. Keeps on hand a largc and wel] selected stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUPPS, Artists' & Wax Flower Materials TOILET ARTICLES, TRUSSES, ETC. PÜKE WINE AN1) LIQUüRS. Special attention paid to the fiirnishing of Physicions, Chemlsts, Schools, etc, with Philosophieal and Chemical Apparatus, Bohemian Chemical Glassware, Porcelain Ware, Pure Reagents, etc. Physicians iirescriptions carefully prepared at 1 all hours. 1564 EDWARD DUFFY HA8 JUST RECEIVED AN Entire IVTe w Stock Of gooda oonaiating of Teas, (toffees, SUGARS AND SYRUPS. Bought in NEW YORKfrom first hands FOR CASH, and is offering them ai VERY SLIGHT ADVANCE over New York Oost. Also a full line of LADIES and GENTLEMEN'S WKAB in BOOTS & SHOES, AU of whioh he is offering VERY LOW FOR CASH. It paya everybody to buy their gooda for CaBh. Cali and examine gooda and pricea, and I WILL INSUEE SATISFACTION Goodi dolivered to any part of the City f ree o charge. EDWARD DUFFY. " MnynRrd'8 Block,' cor. Main and Ann wt.reet 1534 Ann Arbor, Mich. FIRE INSURANCE. INSURE YOUE PROPERTY WITH FRAZER & HAMILTON, Who represent the following safe and trustworthy Fire Insurance Comp&nies : Fire Association OF Illll Alll 1 l'IIIl. Incorporated 1820. Assets, Jan. 1, 1876, $3,289,798 91 AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO, OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1810. Assets, . . . $1,250,000 WESTCHESTER FIRE IE CO, Assets, . . . $859,700 Northwestern National FIRE & MARINE INS. CO. Assets, . . . $881,425 53 Michigan State Ins. Co. OF ADRIÁN. Assets, . . $327,493 88 The State Insurance Co. OF LANSINU. Assets, . . . $175,000 Office OTer the Savings Bank, i88 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. FÜRSÍFÜRS!! Assignee's Sale AT ■ 7 SOUTH MÁII ST, ANN ARBOB. o Also, a Large and Choice Stock of HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, COLLARS, SCARFS, TIES, HOSE Aud a Fnll Assortment of GENT'S FIMISIMG GOODS, At Wholesale or Ketail. Now is llie time to snpply Yoiirsolf Cheap, as the stock must be closed out. C.H.RICHMOiVD, Assignee, Ann Albor, January 17, . ,.156(iw4 BLY THE fJEvV Familjfjinger. 241,67Í Solfl m 1874! And 148,653 mure tban wcrc soltl Ij il liighest competitor. WBILE THE Wheeler & Wilson sold only 9?,S27 Howe Machine Co. estimated 45,000 Domestic 22,700 Weed 20,405 Grover & Raker 20,01 0 Remington 18,600 And 80 on down. 8o it appears from the sulös of the different Companies that THE SINGER Has More Friends and Adntirers Than all the otbers combined ! MACHIAES SOLD ON EASY TERHS. All parties buying a Sinter find wisliinir to exchange it l'or a Howe or Reminsrton within three months can do ho witliout exti'a cost. I have also several new Howe machines, a Pnmi'stic, and a number of seeond liand nnu-hinea in good order, which can be bougbt very cheap. The very best Needies for all machines at 40 cents Ê er dozen. Set of four Hemmers and the Grinnell inderforall machines, 81,00- the best set in the market, and also attacliments for nearly all machines. I. 1.. GRINlVEtl., Agent. C1556) 2d door east of Postoflice, Aan Albor, Mich. THE M0RÑÍNG COUIIIER.I Recent politkal events strongly indícate a speedy return of the Democratie party to supreme power in the nation. The House of Representatives is now Democratio by a large majority , the govemment of more taan one-half of the States is admimatered by Demócrata; the party enters upon the Presidential conteat with the bri:htest hopea, and under the most substantial enrour ageiaen t. The wonderful revelations of rascalicy and corruption on the part nf Republican leaders, which nave hurdened the presa and horrified the people during the past three years, mnke it ciearly the duty of every man to take n active p;rt in the great cortest of the present year. More than at any previous time in the history of the country, a trustworthy daily newspaper ia nöw necessary to every citizen, in order that he may inlelïigently discharge his political dutiea. The Chicago Morning Coürier ia a consistent Democratie newapaper. It will be devcted to the work of aiding in rescuing the nation froni the party tlmt has debauched its aervice, squandered ita tieasure and enalaved ita liberties. It "will advocate a Bpeedy return to Bpecie payments, but believes thut thia result ehould bebroujihtabout by econumical management of the Government, and not by arbitrary enactment, It believes in gieeubacks at par, and the aame currency lor the rich and the pooi1. It will advocate Home Rule, Free Trade, and, PubÜc Economy, the oíd cardiual principies of the Democratie party. The Courier has establiaheda widespread reputa tion as a flrst claas newspaper. The aira of ita manacement ia to make it all that the public m these hurrying daya ean desire, namely- a complete newspaper. Every facilily kuown to modern journaliam will be utilized to insure the prompt preaentation of all important ïnielligence from all parts of the world, while the utmost care will be utilized to glean only sucli as is wovth print ing. In short, The Courier will ürive all the newa aa promptly ae an y other paper, and condensed into a more attractive and readable lorna than the blanket sheets. Terms - Mail subperiptions, pistaijefree, eix dollars per annum, or ñtty cents per inonth, in advanco. THE WEEKLY COURIER Has a large cireulation in every western State and territory, Itis our aim to raake The Weekly Jourier the best family paper in the West, and we ihall continue to give ia itB columns a lnrge imiount of miscellaneous reading matter, such as 3toriea, tales poems, scientiüc intclligence and agricultural information for which we are not able bo make room in our daily editiiion. The airricultural department is especiitlly one of itB prominent features, The fashions are also regularly reported in its columns, and so are the markets oí tjveiy kind. Terms- $1.50 per year, pontpaid. l56'Jwf THE WEEKLY SUN. 1716. NEW YOEK. 187C. Eightten hundred and seventy-six ia the Centennial year. It is alao the year ia which an Opposition House of Representatives, the ñrst since the war, will be in power in Washington ; and the year of the twenty-third eleotion of the President of the United States. All of these events are sure to be of great interest and importance, especially the two latter ; and all of them and everything connected with them will be tully and ireshly reported and expounded in The Sun. The Opposition House of Kerresentatives, taking up the line of inquiry opened years ago by Tuk Sun, will 'sternly and diligently investígale the corruptions and misdeeds ol Gbant's achniiiistration ; and will, it is to be hoped, lay the foundation for a new and better period in our national lustory. Of all this The Sun will contain complete and accurate accounts, furnishing lts readers with early and trustworthy information upon those absorbing topics. The twenty-third Presidential election, witli the preparations for it, will be memorable as deeiiliii; upoo G-nANT's aspiratious for a third term ot power and plunder, and still more aa deoiding who shall be the candldate of the party of lieform, and as electing that aandldate. Concerning all these sabjects, those who rea d The Sun will have the constant means of being thuroutjhiy well informed. The Weekly Sun, which has attained a cireulation of over eighty thousand copies, already has its readers in every State and Territory, and we trust that the year 1876 will sec their uumbers duubled. It will continue to be a thorough newspaper. All the general news of tlie day witl be touud in it, condensed when unimportant, at full length of moment ; and always, we trust, treated in a olear, interesting and instructiva manner. It is our aim to make the Weekly Sun the bost family newspaper in the world, and we shall continue to give in its columns a large amount of miscellaneous readiiw, such as storios, tules, roems, scientiflc intelligence and agricultural informution, for which we are not able to make room in our daily edition. The agrieultur;il department especiïilly is one of its prominent features. The fashions are also regularly reported in its columus ; and so are the markets of every kind. The Weekly Sun, eight pages wiih fifty-six broad columns, is ouly $1.2ü a year, postage prepaid. Asthispiice barely repays the cost of the paper, no discount can be maiie (rom this ritte to clubs, agents, Postmatters or anyoue. The Daily Son, a large tour page newspaper of twenty-eight columns, sjives all tlifl news for two cents a copy. Subscription, postage prepaid. 56e a month or $6.50 a year. Sünday edition, extra, $1.10 per year. We have no traveling a"-ents Address, THE SUN, New Yoik City Commissioners' Notice. STATE OP MICHIGAN, County of Washtanaw, 88. The undorsisned haring boen appointed by the ïrobate Court for Baid couuty, Oommissioners to receeive, examine und adjuat all claims and demanda ut all persons iiirtiinat the estáte of George Warner, late of said 'couaty, deceased, hereby give notice that six months from date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for credltojs to present their claims axninst the estáte of aid deceased, and that thty will mi the late residence of aaid deceased, in the lownship of York, in said county, on the 8th day of May and on the 7th day of August next, at len o'elook A. M., of each of said dtiys, to recöive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated, Peb. 7th, A, D. 1876. ALDEUT CAHK, ) „ 1 NATHAN rUTNAJt, Commissioners.