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T3IN8EY & SEABOLT'S BAKERT, GROCERY - ANDFLOUR & FKED STORE. We keep constantly on nnnd, BREAD. CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLESALE ahd RBTAIL TRADE. We shnll ilso keep a Bupply ot DELHI FLOUIfc, J. M. HWIFT ft CO'S BEST WHITE WHEAT FLOUR, BYE FLOUR, BUCK WWHEAT FLOUIl, CORN MEAL, FEED, &,o., &o. At wholesale and retail. A (reneral stoelt of GROCEKIES AND PROVISIOXS conatantly on hand, wbioh will be eold on as reaaon ible terme as at any other house in this city. Caah paid for üutter, Egga, and Country Produce generally. VrW GoodB dellvered to any part of the city with out extra charge. KIVSI.V Jk SKABOLT, Ann Arbhr. Jan. 1. 1875. ir14tf THE NEW ENGLAND RANGE with Elovated Hot Closet, combi n ing all the latest, most valuable and xionomical imnroveiucnts in Cooking Ranges. The new MORNING CLORY beautifully mounted, and acknowledged to be one of the leading il rat class Cook Ötovna. THE WOODLáND COOK A ntïw fint clans Wmxl Stove ; for a low pricod stove it cannot be beaU It ba.s all tha modtírn ïmprovemeiiis. ïlie abov stoves all have the new Patent Dirt'usivc OvnJF luu.s. by which the oven ís sure to be evenly faeatÁd at all times, makjng them the most perfect Bakers In the market. The LEVER C LOT HES WRINGER Isa perfect success. Every laly who use a wringer jbotiul got one at Pease's. Thoe40 rcusons foryetting Weed's CarpetSweeper are yet good ones. Galvanizad ikon Toilet Sets, are certainly tho most durable. My Portable Jiiith Tubs are the best and eneapest and should be Indispon sable. Those metal Water Flitcrs every family should get oueat O. I . PEASE'S. 46 Nou i ii "Uii 1 ii Streot. MA1THOOD: How Lost How Restored ! Just published, a new edition of Ir. Culverut ll( rlilratil l.ssay oo the kadical cuiïk (without mediciDei oí Spekmatobhhcea or Seminal weakness, Involuntary Seminal Lobbch, Impotency, mental and rhysicnl incapacityt Impedimenta to marriftge, etc. , also, Conauioption, Bpilepey and Fits, induced by self-indulgence or sexual t'xtravagttncts &c. lüf Price, in a sealed envelope, only six cents. Toe celebrated author, in thie admirable Essay, clearly dfimonatratet, from ft thirty years' successf til practico, that the alarming eonsequences of selfbune may be radi ally eurc-d without the the dunseroufl use of internal medicino or the application of the knift ; pointing out a m de of cure at once himple, certain, and effectual, by meann of which every 8uiïenT,no nmtter wlmt his condition may be, m&y cure himaeifcheaply, privately.t. nd rmlu-iilly. BrtT Thifllecturé should be in the handfl of every youth and every inan in the land. Sent under seal, in a plaii. enye opa, to any adIrew, poBt-pttid, on receipt of bíx cents or two post itump. Addrea the publishers, F. BRUGMAX & SON. 1 1 Ann s t ., Tievr York, Foat Office Box, 4586 TW" O T I C E . All pontons flre cautionod aainst purchasinj? a theok tor Si2, dtl Jauuary 24, drawn by Rinsey tScaholl on the Ann Arhor SaviiiK Bank, ;iml piiyablc tt J.X. WanfOT1 01 bi-aror, paym.'iil. ïavlng been stoppod. Tbe findcr if naid clicck will :„nfer a favor by "i'fL2&H$$ Ann Arbor, Feb. 3, 187C. 1M8W2 lf A. LOVliJOÏ, TOB ACCON I8T DKAL8 IN tm CÜT & SMOKING TOBAMOS S.VM'F, PIPES, ETC., No. 7 East Hurón Street, Nexttothe Express ottice, ANNARBOB, . MICHIGAN. rpo LOAN. From $1,000 to $2,000, On ffood unincumbercd Farm Proporty. Inquire at the lw office of A. J. SAWTER, Ann Arbor. $40,000, WELI. LOCATED Toledo Property, fok;sale or exchanue. Will take as ono-tbird payment. Real Estáte in Ann)Arbor or vicinity, either farms, timber lauds or housen and lots, Balance of paymeuts on tho Toledo property will be easy. Is looatcd near terminus of the Narrow Gauge Railway, Wolcott Bros. Toledo, Ohio, January 7th. ITOTICr HAVINOleasedthe Michipan Central Kailroad Klevator and Scules at this place, I am prepared to handle frrain at reiieonahle rntcs for snippers. HiKheet market price paid In cash for all kinds of grain. T. FOHEY. Ann Arbor, Not. lOth, 1875.