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Have You A Dollar ?

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FOR ONE DOLLAR, We will send, IPostage-Paid, THE WEEKLY WORLD ONE YEAR. 1. It contatos ALL THE NEWS of the past seven days, eolleeted by the agents and eorrespondents of the New Yurk Daily World, and in fullness, accuraoy and enterprise in this respect is unequalled. ■. lts (.HKI III FtAl I) ■:■ A K'l'Tl r: VI' contains the latest news of farm experimenta at home and ahroad, oontxibotioBI by home aud foiefgn writers, full report oí the Farmers' Club of the American Instituto, and quotatious of valuable and interestng articles appearing in the agricultural weeklieH and mAgazfpes. 3. lts ItANG K 1VEWS, to which attention is specially callwi, is a feature whieh can befnund in no other paper. All the resources at. tlie comniand ol" a íírfal nn-tropolilan newspaper ure employed iu itscolleetion, and the resultisapage each wk wherc the membere may firnla complete record of the work of Uu order in every State in thu Union for the past seven days. In addition to this weekiy record, The Wori.d gives the cream of all the local grange papers in every Stal. This dtpartment is and will continue to be uuder the chargo of oiie of the active members of the order. 4. Kor the ETRIiSIDE DEPARTJIUNT, in additi.m to its other altractlonü, such s'poètrjr. miscellany, luimorous extracts, te.t during tht; cinnidg year, there will be not less than one huudred short tales by the bwt writtrs of ñction in Egland and America. 5. The 'lurkct Keports hrought clown to the hour of piiblication, are the best that can be made. Kach ujarket 13 reporlwi by one whose special knowk'dpi; and training make him thr best authority upon that Bubject in the United State. For accuracy and complëtenass the market reports of The World are unrivalled. ' The WoRi.n is not only the best but the cheapest newspapcr ever offered the farmer." SEMI-WEEKXYC104 JTo.)t2A YEAR. Daily (313 Noa.,) loper ïear. Specimen coplea sent upoa a]plisation. A{,ir,s " TUF, WORM)." 35 Pnrk Row, ew York