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- W. D. Sniith offers aonie rare bargains in real estáte iu auother column. - The Sylvan treasurer has made his returns, having collected all but $43.38. - The Agricultural ïnatitute held at Yjtsilimti lust week waa a gratifying auccess to the getters up. - The scholars in the public schools of this city are to have a holiday on Washington's birth-day. - That clerkship to which Johu F. Miller has been appointed at Washington is in the pen.sinn bureau. - The selected clases in the public achools of thia city have coinpleled their centenuial examination papera. _ ( - Anuther installment ot real winter : that ia what we are enjoying no ; but with no auow and rough roada. - The CoouHewitt libel suit was prtially heard before Justice Beahan on Mouday ast and contioued to the 28th. - The Supervisors are indignant because the Common Council think tuem too poor om_ icers to relieve the uecessities of the poor. - C. H. Millen A Son are slaughtenug their fine stock of prints, and uow ia the time for the ladies to lay in their nummer supply. See ad. -The ladies of the Library Association met on Monday evening at the reaidence of H. W. Hogers and read " As You Like It." And report say they liked it. -Theodore Ti ton ia to discuss " The Problem of Life" at the Opera House in this city ou the 8th of March He draws a full house wherever he appears. - Messrs. J. Sprague, C. Krapf, D. Cramer, Fred. Sorg, Jay Boath, and J. E. Carr are at Grand Rápida, attending the meeting of the Grand Lodge ot Odd Fellows. - And still they come : that is boxea of birds, pottery, shells, etc , to the museum, the collections of J. B. Steere. Six boxes arrived last week, collected iu Java or thereabouts. - The third meeting of the creditors of Miller & Webster, called for the 14th inst., was adjourued to March fith, the assignee not having given the uotice requisito to a hearing of his final account. - What lady can't afford to change hsr dress almost as often as a watering place belle, when she can buy a neat and elegant print % 6 1-4 cents a yard. Thut is the figure Bach fc Abel advertise tliem at iu another column. - In trouble once more : wo mean the law student I'artridge, reported in laat week'a Ab0U8 as having furnished two jobs to the pólice and Justice Clark. This time he has been ditmssed by the faculty, ind the halls that knew him will know him no more. He ia a California boy- not yet 20- of wealthy pareutage, but a sad failure. - In the United Stntea Cirouit Court at Detroit ou Saturday last, two foreclosure suits ■were commenced by Charles J. Howell, of New York, against John W. Cowan : one for $4,622 on farm lands in Sliaron, and the other for $1,784 ou village property in Manchester. A foreclosure suit was also commenced the same day by Samuel Hutchinson, of New York, en mortgage upon Cook's Hotel in this city, amounting to $23,938. - The anuouncemeut on Friday last that August Widenmaun, hardware dealer at the corner of Main and Washington streets, where he has been in business for over twenty years, bad made an assiguuient, caused no little surprise. Mr. Widenmann'8 iudebtednesa is underetood to be about $45,000, $29,000 of the ame being secured by mortgafteson his house store, stock of goods, and a piece of land in the Secoud ward. His entire assets amount to Bomewhere in the neighborhood of $35,000, It is understood that the iudebteduesa is largely for borrowed nioney, and is moatly owing to Germán residents of this city and vicmity. James B. Gott is the assignee.