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About The T. A. A. And N. Railroad

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We haar nothing dennite at home about toe Toledo, Ann Arbor and Northern Railroad or the pending negotiatious between the present owner, Mr. Crane, and the citizens of Toledo who haTB been giving the enterprise a look up. But our neighbora abroad are mor iortuuatp, nd so we will echo their utterancos as they come to us. The Lansiug Rtpublicati of the 11 tb inst. saya : Toledo fc Ann Akbou RAii.ROAD.It ia expected that this road will be completad to Ann Arbnr by July Ut ; and a movemeut is now on foot to push the lina northward by way of Deitor, Dover, Pinckney, and Howelï, to Ówosso. A meeting was held at Pinckney yesterday to aid in this eitenRion. Some of the prominent business men of Lunsing believo th prospects good to bring the lino through this city if proper effort be made. Th route talked of, if Lansmg ij made a point, ia north by way of üt. John. If we ire not mistaken, subscriptious euouffh were once secured to grade and tie the Northern Central road on this route. And the Pinckuey correspondent of the Deroit Post, under date of the lOth inst., writes : A meeting was held at the Globe Hotel, in his village, this' atternoon, in the interest of he Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad. Repreuntativcs from Anu Arbor, Howeli, Byron and üwosso were present. Speeches were made by Messrs. Clark, Bush, Gould, Turner, iiuchoy and Webb. A committee of tive, cousisting of Messrs. Clark of Ann Arbor, T. 3irket, of Dover, Wm. McPherson, Jr., of ioweli, Mr. Dewey, of Uwosso, and Mr. Fisher, of Byron, was appointed, with instructions to cali meetings, appoint committees and transact such business as would be t'or the interest o the road. Steps were also taken to procure a survey of the rond immediately. The meetng was well attended by farmers and business men, and all soemed to have a lively uirt-si in lite ineeung. Has Ann Arbor aüy interest in these outside movements ? Tbat'a the ijuestiou we ■ houlil like to have auBwered. - Since the abuve paragrtphs were put in type we hear from Toledo that the partiea interested there report mnttera favorabiy, and it ia expected that they will Boon be ready to their negotiation with Mr. Crane, that ia i f our citizens " come op to the scratch," and that they will do 80 when the project aêsumes (U tinite shape there seems to be little doubt. Another favorable item of intorraation also comes froin Toledo The Directora oí the Wheelmg and Lake Krie Bailroad Company have just voted to adopt the narrow gauge, and have received an offer to construct and equip the entire line for $30,000 a mile, - 14,000 cash, 15,0 bonds, and ll,000 stock. ThÍ8 road will run through one of the best of the Ohio coal regious, and will enable our ccai to be brought from the mines to our doors without breakiug bulk. This does away with the last objection to a uarrow gauge, and ought to unite all our citizens in a detevmination for the iramediate coustruction of the road to Toledo. Ouce completed to this point it will push itself either northward or uorthwesterly. era. The only picture which has been selected tbus far is the one entitled " Off Sleepy Bear Point," by Robert Hopkina of this city. The exterior of tho building presenta a graciiful outline and very elabórate front, being of the Nwiss style of architeeture, with its heavy tiinber frame visible, und a woalth of inouldings, pendan tR, Boroll and lattica work. The tower ut the aoutbweat corner of the building is Bixty-eight feet high, aurmounted by a rlag staft' twenty feet high. The roof is to be oovered with Lake Superior slate, whilo the window {lasa íh from the workn at Monroe. The estimated coat of tbe structure is 112,000, and it ia expoctd to have it oompleted by the firat of May. Already ;he contraotora for framing the building - Henry George & Co., of this city - ïave the work well under way, but there ia considerablo hindrance by reaaon of delaya in forwarding by perBona who have contributed lmuber totrard he imterprise.