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Winslow, The Forger

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Frosb ülustratious of Wiuslow's swindling como to Iigbt daily. A gentleman uterested in a Christiaii object reoently went to Winslow and asked him to contribute Bomething. In the courae of he oonvorsation the gentloiuan remarked thut be bad a check for $')0, wliich ia ntended to hand in for the object ïamed. " I aiu glad to have an opporunity to give wbat I can to it," said Winslow. " Here is a nota for $100, but 'ou must give me back Unit $50 cheok, as I cau't affurd to contribute more tlin.ii 50." It is needlesB to say that the note was forged, and tbat Winslow received a check for $50 for a worthloss piece of isper. One night Winslow left his wife in .he sittuig room and went to lock up he house previous to retiring. Being jone muoh longer tban he should have uien, ahe Hought for him and found him ying senseless on the noor. He reoovred in a day or two so as to attend to usines8. A few inonths later bs was ound, late at night, senselasa in his hair in hia library. A friend of Winslow is reported to ïave said to bim a few since, Why, Winslow, I should go insane if I wed what you do," when he replied, Oh, I do not owe muoh now, not so nuch by $100,000 as I did a year ago." One morning last summei, says the same uthority, he had a note of $."0,000 to ay before the bank olosed at i o'clock, nd not $10 in bis pocket, or the promise of a single dollar; but he raised the money, and with apparently very little rouble. Haring a genuino note of $10,000 from a wealthy Boston capitaüst, ha made bree copies, putting them into as man y ifferent banks. An officer of one of hese banks went to the maker of the genuino note, and asked bim if he had ;iven any such note. Boing told that ie had, and supposing that they had hat note, and not an imitation, the ank offioers rested in Bweet content, until they discovered their los a fow days ago. - The Hon. P. R. L. Pierce, secretary of tbe land department of the Grand Rápida and Indiana Railroad Company, has issued a circular asking for sample of the coroal productions of all the oountie8 continguous to that road, or including anjr of the lands in its grants, north of Kent county, for exhibition at the Centtmnial. The luniber editor of the Iosco County (huette riaes to rouiark : " We may aay what wo chooae about the miserable weather, and the miserable sloighiug, uit the almost universal lack of now .o-day is working out the salvation of he lumbor business in a better and more satisfaotory mannerthan auything lse that could have happened." A correspondent of the Hart Journal tells of a warrant issued by one of Pentwator's pioneer justices some years sinoe, which read, " Fetch hiiu, d - u him. John liuan, Jr., Justioe of the Peace." Work on ihe intermedíate prion grounds and buildings is progressing nu rapidly as oould be expected for the seasons of the yoar. The buildings that contain the boiler and engine-room, dining room, and a few of the workhops, are enclosing, and a large forcé is ngaged in finishing the interior. The xenching for the walls of the main uilding has been oouiinenced and the te walla are soon to be laid. - lonia Sóninel. Mr. Allen Willard, one of the oldest ioneer farmers of Ualhoun oounty, and ather of the Hon. George Willard, Coneressman from the Third District of Michigan, died at his residence, two miles west of Battle Creek, on the 7th, from oíd age. He settled in the neighborhood of Battle Creek from Vermont, in the year 1854, wbere he has sincc resided. He was well known throughout that section, and was an esteoined oitizen at the time of his death. He was nearly 8:i years old. In Green Bay, botween l'eshtigo 'oint and Menekaune, a distance of bout six milos, tbere are usod 674 gill iets whose total length is 212,410 feet, r over forty miles if extended. An verage oatoh for these nets ia about en fish, weighing two puunds or bjr he entire result of one lifting 6,740 fish r 13,480 pounds. At the ourrent price four and one-half oents), the entire atch would bring over $600 as the esult of oue lift. Eoyal W. Jennie, of the Democrat, died t hia home ia Fliut on Saturday, of yptaoid pneuinonia, aged 61 years. He ■vas the oldeat journalist in the State ïanng boen connected with the Mich;u press siuce In 1840 he pubished the Lapeer North SUir, and in 1844 ia pnblished the Sentinel at Sagiiaw City, and in 1818 he commenced the Jeinocral. The pólice authorities of Jaokson ave commenoed the pubücation of the amen ot the cummon drunkards, in the orín of uotices to saloon keepers proïibiting a sale of liquors to them. In Marquette oounty the meroury tood 40 degrees below zero three morings in sucoession recently. A spirit liermomoter had to be used. The Jaokson Citizen of Feb. 12, kindly dvises people not to plant corn yet, ai lie weather may change.


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