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lr. kuit' New Diirmir). This wonderful reniedy contains soqio very rare ogredients (heretofore unknown to the medical rofession) which have proyed to be a certain speific for dry hactyng ('ouglis, Tickling in the riiroat, Iloarsness, severe and stubborn Coughs, flii'iilty of hrcathing, wasting of flesh, l'hthisic, Aslhina, aud all diseaaes of the throat, chest and .nngj. Dr Klng's New Discovcry wül poaitivcly ure whero evcry thing olse fails. Go to jour rüggiat, L. S. I.i-rcli, get a hottle of this never aillnti renicdy, and your speedy cure is certaio. 'rial hottles frpe. "business notices. Dr. McKabi.and is filliiiR teeth with gold for the ame price they fill thoui for at the l)cnt;il CaHgi nd he has had thirteen years practical experience. Two Farms, onp of 10."i acres and one of 160 acres, in the Township of Sharrm must and will bc sold before April lst, probably vcry cheap. Auy ntliurirs hy letter will he pronptly an.iwercd. J. J. KOBISON, AssigDee, 4c, 570 Manchester, Mich. Pr. McI-'arlani) is fñflértlng the best artificial eeth at jiriccs Ihat dciy coinpctition. You eau have your teeth extracted without pain at Cr. Mc"'arland's (it-ulal roiiniM for the same oíd price, 'yiM 'all and sic hi heaulifnl stock uf tpclli, gold, and nutciial. Office over Tremaió'a cug store. Icaple Want l'roof. Thcrc is no iin-dicin.' prcsi-i-ihcd by physicians, or Bold by I)ruKists Muit c.irries such evidence of its snecess and superior virtue as JiosciiKK's (jkkman Syrup for severe Cougbs, Cold's settled on the riTflt Cousuiuptiuu, or any diauuue of the Throat aad Lungs. A prcf of that fact is thatany person .itllictcd, can get a Sample Bottle for 10 cenW aud try lts superior efTcct before buying the regular size at 75 ceuts. It has lajfly heen introduced in tbis lountry froni (imnauy, aud lts wouderful curi'H are istonishiiiK everyone tbat use it. Three d0S6a wil! n lifveun y case. Try it. &ld by lOltKRBAC1I A o. lor Kaniai and Colorado. The Atchiwm, Topeka & Santa Fe Iiailroad from Kunsas City and Atchison on the Missouri river viaTopcka, the (ipital of Kansas, and the beauti ful Arkansas vallcy to the KiM-ky Mountuins. Th . li. niest route to l'uolilo, thoUrariil ( uion, Colorad Springs, Manitou, Tikc's Peuk, and all phu es i note in the uaountain regions. The favorile rout to Denver and all poirit in Northern Colorad The best route Ut Southern Colorado, New Mexic and Arinona. The ouly direct route to the famou San Juan mines. The track and equipuieut is ui equaled, tiains run throutfh froni the Missour river to the Ilocky Mounlains, maklng connection io Union depots and avoiding delays and transfer For f u 11 descriptive circulars, niaps, time table etc., address T. J. ANDER80N. Qen'l Passenger Agent, Topeka, Kantai. CO M MERC1ÁL. Aun Arbor Market. Ash Abbor, Thübbdat, Peb. 17, 1876. Awleh- 4üc tO 50c per bu. Beans- 80c(gll 00 por bu. BüTTKB - 22c. Bkef- 87 rer hundred. CüBM - 40c to 45c. per bu. Chioxenü - íi0íg50c per pair ; dresBed lie per Ib. Eogb- Command 12c. H iï -t 1-2..V 1 5 per ton. Labd - The market BtandB at 13c. UAT8- 28c to 3c. Pokk- $8.O0(aí8.50 per huflred. POTATOIB - 20 centt. ' T0BNIPS- 2O@25c. Whkat- $1.00; new, 81.16. NËFlDVËRTISEMENTS COTICE. August Widenuifinn, of the city of Ann Arbor, hftTin this dfty made a pentmtl auaignment to me for the benefit of creditors, all persons indebted to him at this date &re requestftd to make immediate payment to me, and persona having claimt against him wil] please present me with a itatemeut thereof at n early day. Dated, AnnAibor, February 11,1876. JAMEÖ JB. OOTT, 4wl57O Assignee. The Event of the Lecture Season. HILL'S OPERA HOUSE Wcdnesdaj, Marcli 8, 1876, THEODORETILTON. 8URIKCT: "The Problera of Life." j ADMISS1ON, . 5O CENTS To all parts of the house. Tickets for snle at Fiske A Pougla' Book Store one week iu advuuce. out; wi'fh tu ;lu.iiii ■■ TRXCSS NOTIOES. BROOKIÏN DAILY EAGLK, Oct. 1, 1875. The lecture is characterized by felicity of expressiou, delicacy of fancy and oratorical skill. It is pleasaot to fee tbat Mr. Tilton has lont none of hiu old time skill, and that the public ia not averse to hearing him. So man who can speak as well as Mr. TtROB spokf laat evening, need nave fear of drawing goodly corapany together at any time in Iïrooklyn. ïr. Tilton was popular in Brooklyn béÓaóM of bis amiability and intellectual accoinplishments mauy years ago, and to-lay Hiere are thousanda whose interasts in lüm bavp surriVed tbe shock of roiiilict, who are glad to test i fy in eT-ry proper way tbcir risdoea at siseing him again engagtíd iu the piopt-r DÜBiheM of bis Hfe.' BOSTON ADVERTISEK.Oct. 2, 1875. Notwithttanding the rain, a Tery large audience asseiablod, overy seat except a few iu tbe balcony having been sold. The l!Cture waa given a warm reception. H is lecture was InUírentin contained many excellent morat and practical suutiments, and was very eloquent. It cannot fait to glve satlsfaetioii Tfbereverlt is delivrcd. BOSTON POST, Oct. 2, 1875. Notwithstanding the severe rain storm wbich pTevailed for two bours befor the time anuounced lor the lecture, every eat on the floor and in the balconies was occupied, and when the lecturer .stepped upon the stage he was receivwl wlth a bitrwt of applause wbich could hare bardly been more cordial. Ttaoii' who liatened to his eloquent and bcauiiful lccturu honored him with outburst of applause. 1570 ÏÖR SALE. My store next door to the SArvTTsrOrS, ba.3stis:, Now oocupied by C. A. Lewii. One of the boe locatioiiB iu the city. Alsu my State St. Property Of tbree Storen, located at Collesre entrance- northweit corner. AIbo my FnmllT Morse, Carrlage nnd HarneifN I have decided to Rell the nbove property ant will make prioefl to snit the times. 1 his propert iaciear of all incumbrance and titlea purtcct. mean bUHinetts as 1 expect to leave tbe city. In quire of W. D. SMITll. State Street, Ann Arbor. February 16, 1876. 3ml370 Estáte of Christian Grossman. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, county of Waihtenaw, O sb. At a Bession of the Probate Court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Otfice n the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the sixeenth du y uf February, in the yeur one thouaand ïKht hundred and seventy-six. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the eatate of Christian Qro&sman, eceased. Augustus Widenmann, administrator de bonit on witt the will annexed, of ttaid estáte, come nto court and represents that he is now prelared to render hin tiual account as such udmiiiisrator. Thereupon it is ordered, that Baturday, tbe leventh day oí March noxt, at ten o'clock in the orenoon, be assined for examining and allowins uch nccount, and that the devinees, leñatees, an3 ïeirB at law of said deoeaaed, and all other personi ntereated in aaid eatate, are required to appear at a ion of aaid Court, then to be holden at the 'róbate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county. and show cause, if any there be, why the aid account should not be allowed : And it is urther ordered that said executors eive notioe o the persons interested in said estáte, of the tendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, y cauBing a copy of this order to be published n the Michigan Argus, a newspapar printed and irculating in said county, three successive weeks trevious to said day of hearing {A true copy.) NOAH W. CHEEVER, liiOtd JndRe of Probate. Mortgage Sale. WHEREA8 Frederick Lindawer, of the townhipof Lodi, County of Washtenaw, Michian, on the twenty-eighth day of January, in the ear of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eventy-four, executed a mortgage to Henry L. ames, of Wilhamsburgh, Massachusetta, to ie ure I he payment of certain principal and interest, being the purchaae money therein mentioned, whicb mortgage was lecorded in the office of the Kegiiter of Deeds of the County of Washtenaw nu State of Michigan, aforesaid, on the 19th day f February, A. D. 1874, at 3:50 o'clock r. M. of aid day, in liber 49 of mortgages, on page 52S ; And whereas default has been made for more thañ hirty day in the payment of an installment of irincipal and interest which became dne on the wenty-eigbth day of Jannary, A. D. 1875, by reason whereof, and pursuant to the term of said mortgage, said mortgajee hereby elecU that so much of said principal as remains anpaid, with all arrearages of interest tbereon hall beoome due and payable immediately ; And wbeieas there n claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at he date of this notice, the sum of sereuteen nundred and thirty dollars and forty-sevcn cenfs; also an attorney fee of flfty dollar as a reasonable solicitor's or attorney's fee, should any proceednga be taken to foreclose the ramt, in addition to ill otïier legal costa, and no suit or proceediags ïaving been had either in law or equity to recorer he same or any part thereof : Notice therelore is hereby given that on the thirteenth day of May next, at two o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the front door 'oí the Court House ii the city of Ano Arbor (that being the place of holding th circuit Court for aaidcountyj, and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, I shall sell at public anction, to the highest bidder, the preniises described In said mortgage, to aatisfy the amount of principal and interest above claimed as due, with the charges of such sale and au attor"'■)' fee of flfty dollars, all thoBe certain pieces or parculH of land, situatu and being in the township f Bndsewater in the county of Washtenaw and Hate of Michigan, and described as follows, to wit : lleing the west half of the west half of the northwest quarter of section number ninft ; also the Kouiheast quarter of the northeast quarter of seo;iou number eight, all in towuship number four(4J south of range number four (4) east, containing eigl' ty acres of land more or less. Dated, February 18, 1876. HBNRY L. JAMES, MortgaRee. Joh N. Gott. Attorney for Mortgagee. 1570 nOOT A i-IIlM.lii. General Law & Business Agency. Having securedthe exclusive use of ROOT'S ABSTRACT RK('ORI) BOOKS lor the county of Waehtenaw, whioh they have arefully reviwd, posted and perfected, and havinK, irith an extensive and reliable business correpondence, openedaGKNEKAI, BUSINESS AOENCY at Kn.lC, East Huron utreet, in the city of Ann Arbor, will attend promptly to the sale, purchase and leaaing of real estáte, the loaning of money, oolIvotiona, negotiations, coiitraeting and conveyanciog, lifo and flre irwurauce, nnd to the practice of law in the various oourts of this State. TBAUY W. KOOT, B. F; UEANOJSR. Ann Arbor, May 1. 1K7S. QHEAPEH TI1AN THK VHËAfKSI' OLDER THAN THE OLDEST ! Hls shop was first started in 1842. WANTKD- 1,000 cords of wood, 1,000 busliela of first quality of corn In exchange for Saddles, Harneas, Trunks, Traveling Hau. Rolies, Blankets, Whips nd Buckskiu (iloves and Mittens I will sell slngl liarni-sses fn.m M to $1M ■ halter frum 20 oenta to $2 00 ; trunks and satchels for the ii. 1 1 30 days, at cost. Harneases, Trunks nd Bagj repaired at No. 9 Eaut Huron street. J. VOLLAND. FÜRS! FURSÜ Assignee's Sale -AT 7 SOUTH MAIN ST„ ANN ARBOR. . O Also, a Large and Choice Stock of HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, DOLLARS, SCARFS, TIFS, HOSE And a l'ull Assortment of GENT'S FlUHIKG GOODS, At Wholesale or Ketail. Now Is tlie linie to snpply Yoiirself Cbeap, as the stock must be closed out. O.H.RICHMOND, Assignee, Aiin Arbor, Jannary 17, . 1566w4 THE MORNING COURIER. Recent political events strongly indícate a speedy return of the Democratie party to nupreine power in the uatiou. The House of Representativea is now Democratie by & lárice majorily , the goveinment of more than one-half of the Otates is ddminÍHtered by Demócrata; the party entere upou the Preaidentinl oonteat with the britfhtest hopes, and under the inostaubstantial eneouraKtment. The wondertul revelations of rascaliiy and corruption on the part of Uepublicjin leaders, whieh nave burdened the presa and horrified the people durinu the past three yeara, make it cïearly the duty of every man to take an active part in the Kreat cortest of the present year. More than at any previoua time in the history of tbe country, a trustworthy daily newapaper is now necesaary to every citizen. in order ihat he may intellipently diachargo bis political duties. Tuk Cqicago Mohnimq Codiuer is a consistent Democratie uewapaper. It will be devcted tn the work of aidinK in rescuintf the nation from the party that haM debauched ite nervice, wiuandered ïln tteaBure and enalaved its liberties. It wilt advocate a peedy return to specie payments, but believen that this result ihould bebrouhtabout by economical management of the (iovernment, and not by arbitrary enactment. It believes in greenbacks at par, and the same cuirí-ncy tor the rirh and the poor. It will advocate Home Knie, Free Trade, and l'ubiic Kconomy, the oíd cardiual principies of the Democratie party. The Courier has establinhed a widespread reputation as a first class newspaper. The aim of ita management is to make it all that the public in thewe hurrying daye can desire, namely- a complete newspaper. Every facility kuown to modern journaliarn will be utilized to inaure the prompt preaentation of all important intelligent from all partt of the world, while the utmost cait will be utilizod to glean on 1 y such as is worth printing. In short, The Courier will ffive all the news as promptly aa an y other paper, and eondensed into a more attractive and readable form than the blanket ahoeta. TermB- Mail subscriptions, postag-efree, ix dollars per annum, or fitty cents per month, in advance. THE WEEKLY COURIER lías a large cireulation in every western State and territory, It is our aim to make The Weekly Courier the best family paper in tbe WeBt, and we hall continue to give m ite columns a l:rge amouut of mincellaneous reading matter, euch as stories, talea poemB, scientiflc intelligence and agricultural iuformation forwjuch we are not able to make room in out daily editilion. The agricultural department i eepecidlly one of ite prominent features, The fashione are alno reularly reported in iu columns, and ao are the markets oí every kind. ,= Terma- 1.ÖO per year, poutpaid. 1569w6 THE WEËKLY SUIN 17Ï6. NEW YORK. 1870. Ëigbteen hundred and Beventy-eix is the Centennial year. It is aleo the year ia wbich aa Opposition House of Rtpresentatives the íirst since the war, will be in power in Washington ; and the year of the twentj-third election of the President of the United ötatee. All of these events are suretobeoi great interest ar d importanee, ettpuciallv the two latler ; and all of them and everythiriK connected with them will be fully aud ireahlj- reported and expounded in The Sun. The Opposiiiou House of Kepresentatives, takin up the line of inquiry opened yeare ugo hy Tuk Sun, will 'sternly and diligently investígale the eorruptions and misdeeds oí (íeant b adinimstration ; and will, it is to be hoped, iay the foundation for a new and better period in our noUonal hiatory. Of all this The Sun will coütaiu complete and accurate accounts, furnishing lts ruadurs with early and truatworthy informatiou upon those absurbing topics. The twenty-third Preeidential election, with the preparations for it. will be memorable hb decitlin upou Ubant's atspiraÜODB for a third term ot power and plunder, and suli more as dtcidiug who shall be the candidate of the party of Keform, and ae electing that candidate. Concerning all these sabjecU, those wbo rond The Sun will have the constant meana of being tlmrouifhiy well informed, The Weeki.y Sun, which has httained a circulation of overeighly thouttund copies, already bas iU readers ineveiy State and Terntory, uud we trust that the year 1876 will see their uumbers donbled. It will continue to be a tboroujjh newgpaper. All the general news of the day witl be lound in it, condfenBed when unimportant, at tull leugth of moment; and alwuyt, we trust, treated in a cleur, interesting and inatructive manner. It is our aim to make the Wkeklt Sun the bft family newspaper in the world, and we snall contin - ue to give in its columns a large amount of iiuhcellaneou8 reading, auch as atories, tales, TKïems, scientific intelligence and agricultuxnl iniormation, for wbich we arenot able to nuike room in our daily edition. The aricultural dcpartmeut especiallyis one of its prominent features. The fashïons are also regularly reported in ita columna ; and so are the markt ta of every kind. The Weekly Sun, eight pages wiih fifty-six broad columns, is only $1.20 a year, postagu prepaid. As this piice barely repays the eont oj the paper, no discount can be made from this rate to clubs, ngents, Postmatters or anyone. The Daily Sun, a large four page newspaper of twnty-eiirht columns, gi ves all the newa lor two cents acopy. Subseription, pottage prepaid. 5óc a month or 6.50 a year. Sunday edition, extra, $1.10 per year. We have no travuling iffyffi. Addreso, THE SUN, New Yoik City MANHOOD How Lost How Restored ! J ust publiahed, a new edition of Ir. Culvcrwell't Ccletrutecl 1Sh;i j on the madical cure (without medicino) ot Si-kumaiokkiuka or .Seminal weakneaa, JLnvoluntary tiermrm] Lobsoa. Impotency, mental and I'hysical ïncapacity, Impedimenta to miirriae, etc. , alo, (Jonsumption, Epilepsy and Fita, induced by teli-iXadulffenoe or sexual extravagance, &c. W0 u eealed envelope,only six cent. The celébrate! autiiur, in this admirable Efcay, clearly demónstrate, from a thirty years' succeaslul practice, that the alarmingconsequencea oí Bñlfabuse may be radi' ally cured without the the dangerous uae of intern al medicine or the apph&itioii of the knife ; pointinx out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and eflVetuiil, by means of which every Btferor,no matter whut bi COuditioD may be, itay cure hiinsetf cheaply, privately, l nd radically. Biy This lecture sbould be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal, in :i pluii, envo o.t, to any addreB8, post paid, ou receipt oi nix cents, or two pottt stampa. Address the publishera, F. BRLUMAX & SOJf. iUllllSI,,Ji(H orlv,l'ut ulHiv Uux,4586 THE NEW ENÜLANÜ RANGE with Elevated Hot Closet, comblnliiK all tK latent, moat valuanie aud peottcñoloal UufMurwawits iii Cooking Ranges. Tiif mw MORNING GLORY beautifully mcmnted, nd AcKooIedged tö l ie of the leading flrst class Cook Stol ei THE WOODLáND COOK A new nstc■l:ls Wood Btore; foi :i Imv MIMI btore Lt cannot he beat. It has uil tlu: modero Improvementa. The aliove sttws all have the ncw Patent IHtriisiveOvenKlucs, by which the nvrn is aure to beevcnly In ;u,, ;it all' liinrs, uuitini.' Uiem the most perfect Bakers lu the inarket. The LEVER CLOTHES WRINGER ïsa perfect success. Kvery lady who use a wrlngex sbould get one at Pnmr'fr Tfaofle m reatonn for getttng Weel'i Crpet Rweeier are yet (roixl one. CiniMira iriin TOILKI Skts, are cerUinly the must duiahl'. My PortatiU Bath Tubs are the beat and cheapeat and ibould bi hnlisi)ensablf. Those metal Water Fliters every t'amily should get oue at g. j. pi:asks. 46 Sou tn ITInin Street. I y 1526 jOTlCE. Camft into the enrlosure of the snbscriber, one t half mi Ie HBt of t lic city, on the 2:irt ol December l TWO FAT WKTHKKÖ, mark.-d " H on the lef rump. Theownercan huvo the mime by proviUj property and charges. C. L. TVOMT. Ann Arbor, Feb. 10, 1876. 3wl6CÖ