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CONTINENTAL UFE INSURANCE CO. Annual Statement, JAKCIRV 1,1875. Aceumulated Asseta, - (6,55S,828 Llabllltlea, lacludlng reserve 5,843,846 Surplus belonging to Policy liold'rs 711,082 Annual Ineome, - 2,820,313 Amount of Insarance In forcé, $54,998,941 Tlirly liiyii of frace alloivrd on I'nyiuvnt oí Benewali. No retriction on Travel. Prompt snrt liber in payment of claims. Claims paid in 1874, $600,000. Total death claimi paid in laat eight years 3,0UU,O00. O. A. IVATKISS, 1538 No. 10 Bank Block. Detroit, Manager for Michigan JOHN SEARS, Dit. Ag't, Ann Arbor, Mich. BLY THE SLW Family Singer. 241,679 Soll m 1874! And 148,652 mire Ihnn wore noIcI by it big best competitor. %YHTLK THE WWIer Wjlsonsoldonly 92,827 Howe Machine Co. estimated 45,Gh) Domeatio 22,700 Weed 20,493 Grovtr & Raker 20.OU0 Remington lo,6O And so on down. Ho it appears from the sales of the different Cumpanies that THE SINQER Has More Friends and Admiréis Than all the othen combined I MACHINES SOLD ON EASY TERMS. AU partios buying a Sintrer end wishin to exebango it for a Howe or Remington within three months can dü so without extra cost. I have also several new Howe machines, a Doracstic, and a number of second hand machines in good order, which can be bought very cheap. The Tery best Needies for all machines at 40 cents Ê er dozen. Set of four Hemmers and the Grinnell inderforall machines, $1,00- the best set in the market, and also attachmenU for ncarly all niachinea. I 1,. 6RIHKELL, AgtsnU (1556) 2d door east of Postofiice, Aun Arboi, Mich. i yvi:i,i.i ; mirsus FOK saii. Alargeand Tery well built bnpk honse, with two or more loU. Two larga houses. Also a good qized brick house and frume house ; and x small frame house on a good lot, iatended for ad linff a front. For sale on fairtermB and a raasouuDle oredit. Also other balldings, lots, and property. UOltEÏ WANTEU- 8 many winning to borrow money apply to me that I can readily obtainfor lenden good satisfactory investmenu at l B. w. M0R(JAlf. Ans Arbor, Jan. t , 1876. 1161 EDWARO DUFFY HA8 JU8T RECEIVED AN Entire New Stock Of Koods consistlng of Teas, (toffees, SUGARS AND SYRUPS. BoughtinNEWYORKfnm first hands FOR CASH, and is offering them at. VBBY SLICBT ADVANCB over New York Oost. Alao a ful] line of LA T1TEK and GENTLEMEN'S VVKAR ia BOOTS & SHOES, All of whioh h e Ís oflcring VERY LOW FOR CASH. It paya everybody to buy their goods ior Cash. Cali and examine goods and prices, and I WILL INSUEE SATISFACTION Goods delirered to any part of the City froe o charge. EDWARD DUFFY. " Maynard'B Block,-' cor. Main ntt Ann strcets TS64 Ann Arbor, Mich. LARGËARRIVAL OF FALL. AND WINTER CLOTHING AT W. WAGNER'S Who Sells Clothin so Cheap tliit iie DEFIES ALL COMPETITION. All who are pressed with the hard times and desire A CHEAP SUIT Can find it at WAGNEE'S. A fine stock of Cloths, Cassimeres and Trimmings alwaya kept and Suits Made to Order. A Large stock of FUENISHING G00D8. TV K7A.CÏTER, 1504 21 S uth Main Sr. Ank Abboe. DRUGS. H. Á. Tremain & Co. (8Mom to R. W. ELUTS & CO.] ANN ARBOR, MICH. A FÍRST CLASS Drug Store. ÜRLÜS AlD ÜYE SÏUFFS Patent Medicines, TOILET & PERFL'MERY ARTIGLES. Prescriptions compounded at all hours. Corner Main and Hurón Strcets. 1564 BALTIMOUË &0HI0 THE GREAT NATIONAL ROUTE - - - TO [ WASHINGTON BALTIMORE, PBÍLAPELPOIA, M YORK, The East and Northeast. ALL TRAINS VIA WASHINGTON CITY, Among the oharacteriitics of thia favonte Rout are Doublé Tracks, Steel Rails, Magniflcent Iron'-.Kriiiires, Gorgeon Momitain Scenery, Unrlvaled Eqnipment, Ijoaghrldge Air Braket, Unsurpagged Eating Honse, (Owned and Operatfd bjr tbe Company,} And in fact all the Modem Applianoa that conconduce to SPEED. SAFETY ani GOITOBT. PULLMAN PALACE CARS RUN THKOL'GH With( ut Change BKTWEEN THE PRINCIPAL Westn & East'n Cities For Thiough Tickets, Baggage Cheeki. Uovc ment of Mniins, Sleepinff Car Aeeommodations, etc., apply at Ticket Office at all Principal Pointe. North, Soath, East or West. E. R. D0E9ET, L. M. COLE, Ass't Oeu'l Ticket Agent, Oen'l Ticket Aft't. THO8. P. BARRY, R. 6HAEP, Teiitern Pastenger Ag't. Manter fo.Transp'n FIRE INSURANCE, tNSURB YOÜR PKOPEKTY WITH FRAZER & HAMILTON, Who represent the following safe and trustworthi Fire Insurance Companies : in Fire Association OF FH1LADEI.PHU, Incorporated 1820. Asseta, Jan. 1, 1876, $3,289,798 91 ABEHICAS FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF PUILADELPH1Á. Incorporated 1810. Assete, . . . $1,250,000 WESTGIIESTER FIRE INS. CO, Asseta, . . . $859,700 Northwestern National FIRE & MARINE INS. CO. Assets, . . . $881,425 53 Michigan State Ins. Co. OF AIMCI A. Asseta, . . $327,493 88 The State Insurance Co. OF L.AN8INU. Assets, . . . $175,000 Office orer the Savings Bank, 1508 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. EBERBACH & CO., DBUG6ISTS AND I'IIIBÏACBÏÏ, No. 12 South Main Streel. Keeps on hand a largc and well elected tock of DEUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS. DYE 8TUFF8, Artista' & Wax Flower Materials TOILET ARTICLES, TRUSSES, ETC. PDRE TVIXE AND LIQVURS. Special at tent ion pa ld to the furnishing of PhyIcioos, Chemfsts, Schools, etc., with Phüosophical and Chemical Apparatus, Bohemian Chemical (jlassware. Porcnlam Ware, Pure Rcagents. etc. Physiciana prescriptiona carefully prepared at all hours. 1564 $40,000, VTELL I.OCATKD Toledo Property, für:sale or exchajige. Wil! take aa one-tbird payment. Real Estáte in Ann;Arbor orviclnity, either farms, timber lands or houses and lots, Balance of paymenta on the Toledo property wlll be eaay. Ia locatcd near terminus of the Narrow Gauge Railvay, Wolcott Bros. Toledo, Ohi, January 7th. 1366 WE BELIEVE IN ADVERTISINO. MOEK MERCHANTS AND BUSINESS MEN TO KNOW THAT IT PAÏS TO ADVi I1TM IF DONE JÜDICIOUSLY. AtatiseiitlieArps WHEKE It wlll do the most Good, AND DON'T THROW AWAYMOKEY WITH CANVASSING AGENTS For Hotel Registers, Grocers Bags, Pocket Memorandas, Railroad Time Tables, etc. All such HUV1BÜG ABViMlM DON'T PAY $1 on $1,000 INVESTÍS. WAITTED 2,000 SÜBSGRIBERS TO THE ARGUS! ACKNOTTLEDGED TO BE TEE BEST PAPEE IN THE COUNTY. m W.A.ÏTTED TIb Pile to Knoi THAT THE ARGUS OFFICE 18 THE PLACE TO GET Job Printing! A SPECIALTY MADE OP LETTER IIEADS, BILLHEADS, STATEMENTS, CICULARS, CARDS, AND ALL KINDS OP COMMERCIAL PliMM LAW RECORDS, LAW BRIEFS, LAW BLANKS. Prices Low as the Lowest.