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LOST, ON tlio Eveningof the 4ih or morning ofilic 5Ïh instnnt, a Fustum Knvelopè, cotittimin Promissory noirs nnd büls ut nccounl (o the irooitni 'lsrno 3 r KMI dollar On Sntiininy èvning 1 tuok il.c rond fr m Ann Arbor to Dcíhl, via Ilirnm Anioldi, On Sabbatl niorninp iroinilicrc 10 Kensigiigion via lodepenlenco ami Wliitnmrc Lnice. On this rout the nbova wns lott. Any pcr8n piving nfurmtition cöntin'iig the nboviï fiiher tome by nmil ni Kcnsinton, Oakland (.'■.. or nt the Siírnnl Oífíoo, Ann Arbor, will conior o tavoranj n'. neiilentnl " n seswill be frèety paidï The notos mior all civcn piiyable io me BndoVóofno vnltio io any oiher mnn, os iinniediatc íiierisnus l be nlicn to iotcrcopt payment. JOHN M. TEN jfvYCK. Kcnsirigton; April (5. ItH5. 5LBJ-4w COPAR TNEUSH1P. THE n n I rpncd hnve Uus day formcd a Copárinoríhij) Tor the purpose ofcnrryii ihu Wagcon. Currinpe. nnd Itlaktmiiliing-bittiitss nt the ( stond of Millin-' & VIcKhmey, tinder the finn ( MiKmucy & Milieus". - All tho nccoun'sof the Inle Rrtn will be scttlod bv c.ilier of the snhsritiieifB. FREDERICK M.KINXF.V. GEORGE V. MILLBN. April 1. 1846. 2ó"3-3ïvIHssolutioii. TUF. Coparlnership hereipfora esuiling undcr liit'n it' Milieus' & McKiiuirv, is (];iy dissolved by nfutiihl consent GKORGK VV. MILÜEK, DANiEL'3. MILKEN, PHILO B. MH.LEN, FRF.DERICK McKIN'NEY. WOOL WOOL CLOTH! CLOTHÜ"TIHK iinrlersigncd wonld infonn tlie public I ihai ih!V continuo lo manufacture FULLED CLOTH AND FLANNELS, i tlicir iiifitiui.iclory, two and n hall miles wrsi f Ann Arbor, on the Iiuron fliver, nenr i'ie lailr'uod. TER MS. The priccof mnnurncuirim: Wliiic Flnnnrl will be 20 centa, Fulled Cloili 37J cenii mul C nere 44 cenis per yaul, or Imll the clülll üf WüoI will niakc. Wo will nlso oxchpgo Cloili or Wool un reasonnble tcirns Tlie cólora will be grny. black or Imnvn. The Wool belonginsf 10 uaoh individual will h worked by isclf when ihëré is cnoiigh of one qualiiy to moke 80 yards of elolb; when ihis is nol the case, severnl ptirocls ol the samo quuUiy will bc workcd togciher, nnd the doih div'ulcd aniong iho euveral uwnert. Viol suiit by K til road, marki'd 55. V. Koster & Co., Aun Aibnr.wiih directions, will be atiende t to in tho süine mnnner na if ihc owner were to coinc with il. - The Wool will be tnnnulnctured in lurn ns it confèa in, na near as rn iv be consistent vviih tho different qn.litiesof Wool. We liavc been engaged in tliis busiiiPs. several yenrs, and Oom the vcry genoral satisfaction we have gfvcB to our numerous oustomers for ilie last (vo years, vo nrc in-!uced lo ask n lnrrc share of pntronage with confuience tlwit we shall meet the jüi e.xpectations ol customers. Letters should be uddreisej to S. W. Fosier & Co., Scio. S. W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, April 6, 184G. í.'00-ly To Wool (irowers. WE beg lenve to infprm our Wool Growinp friends, that we shall bc prepared íor tfa purchase of 100,000 Iba. of a gr.od clean merchanlablo nriicle, os eoon fis the scason fo' sclling cnninetices. ca we are connected wiih E.nsieni woo] dcal.-rs. we shall be ablc. 10 pay ihe higlicst pricn the Enstcrn mar ket will aflbrd. Grent complaim wns mnde last sensun omongst the Eastern Dealers and Mnimfacturers, in reference to ihc poor condition oí Michigan Wool - much of it being in had ordoi and a considerable poriion being uniotuhidWe would hcre take occasion o request tlint the utmost pnins shoukl bc taken lo have ihc shcep well washed before Bhearins thni the Tng [,ucks be cut ofl". and that each Kleece he carel'ully lied up wiih proper wool twinc. (cost 18J to 'J5 cis per Ib. ) hemp twine is tlin best: it Will 6e bund gre.'iily to tliL-ndvantngc of Wool Grow ers to put up tlieir woo! in tiiis manner. Un waslird wool is not mcrchanfobjfi, and will bc rejected by most if not all oftho Wool biiyere, ii benig difiicult lo clean. J. HOLMES & Co. WuOlJWAUD AvKNUKi Larcndn }3iock. Detroit, March 2G. 1846. 2'.7-tf OI IIAIi A(UAIi! êl rrUE Stihsciilerhas jiiFl 8sy- J_ recaiyed, (nnd is con yyT iO stnntly recciving) fron íp y New York in clegomord ïf wJáawt" St'(:clCL' aseortmcni Jcwclry, Clocks, Watchcs, Vc. &c. which be inicnds lo sell as lt-io ns at any other establishment ihis 6de o I}uf}iilo for rcttüij pay only aimmg whicli may be found iheJoliow ing: a cnod assoriment of Gold Finger Rings. Gold Dmasl pinf Gnard Chaina and Kcys. SfU'Ct .SpocniH, Germán Silver Tea and Tuide Spoons (first qualiiy.) Silver and Germán do Sugor Tongs.. Silver Sali.Mustnrdand Creorn spoons, Butler Knivts, Siher PÓncil Casca, Silver and Cominon Thinibles. Silver Speetaeles, (Jcrman and Slccl do. Gogglep, Clothrs, Hair and Tooili Hru.shes, Lniher Brukhcs, Razors and Pocket Kniv.-s, Fine Shcars and Scissors, Knivrs nnd Forlcn. Brittannia Tea Pols and Castora. Fine phted do Brittania and Brafs Candlesticks, Shavintr boxes and Soaps, Chapmaii's Heet Razor Strop, Calfand Moroccn Wallets. Sillt and Cotton piirres, Vioüns and Bows, Violin and Hnf-s 'io! Sningi, F!uii8, Fifes. Clarioncts, Accordeons Motto Sea!s. Steel Tena and Twèezera, Pencases. Shufl'and Tobacco boxe, Ivory üicssing Combe, Sirle nnd Bfick and Pocket Combn, Neodle cases, Stelcrtocp, Water Paints, Toy Watches, a great varicty of Dolls. in short :h"c greatcst variety of loys evpi broug'ht to this market, Fancy work boxes, chüdren's ten setts. Coloanc Hair Oils. Smcllmp Snlta. Court Piaster. Ten Bcllsi. Thermometers.. Germán Pipes, Children's Work Biskets, Slate? and P.'nciis, Wood Pencüs, BRASS A.M) WOOD CI.OCKS. Jtc. in fact almost evory ihing to piense the fancy. Ladics and Gentlemen, cali and examine for yourselvec. Cioclt8. Watches and Jewelry repnired and warrnnted on ehort notico. Shop at his oíd stand, opposite II. Becker'e brick Store. CALVIN Bf-ISS. N. B. - Cash paid fnr old Gold & Silvcr. Ann Arbor, Nov. Gilí, 131.'). Í:í7-I BROAD CLOTHS, Cnssimeres. Vesiingu, Sntinctta, Gents. Cmvats. &c. Sec. cheap at the MANH.vrrAv Stok:. Detroit. W. A. RAYMOND. Dec. '25, 1815. i-M- fimf"(( Knes nf Knstern NaiL, jüst reccivcd ♦)" and 'or pnIp bv WÍLLIAM R. NOYES, Jr. 76. Woodvvard Avenue, Detroit. Dcc. 12, 1344. 242 WILMAÏTI R. NOYES, JÏr, DEALER IN FOREIGN ANO DOMESTIC Hardware and Cutlery, NaÜ9. Glnss, Carpenters, Cooper's nnd Blacksmiih's Toóla. Aleo, Mnnufactnrer of Coppcr, Tin Ware. No. 76, Woodward Avoni'e, Detroit. Iv Plastering: Hair. AQUAN7ITY fbr sale nt the Signni On;co, bv rOPTER & DELL. Ann Arbor, March 25, 45. 236tfJ. HOLMES & CO. WHOLESALK AND RETAIL DEALERS IN STATLB AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Ur Grocerit'Si Carpcting, and paper Miannrs, No. 68 Woodtcard Avenue, harned's Block, J), tr, j iioi.MKi, N-tn York. S M. HOLMES, Detroit, j WF! tnke this mcihoii of intortning our frienda nnd custoiüprs ihronghoút the State, i hul wc nrc still p.ursuing tlie oven tenor of our ■i.ys, ondeavoring t lo oür busintss upon Lir iiml li'Hiürnblc prmoipli h. wotlid nlgo tcn)rr wur aeknuwledgnients for ilic pitronngc exlendod lo us hy our custofïitsré, nnd wuuld ln'ff lenvo lo cali iho k(lo,n(iH of die pullic lo p vty well select' i 't of' scaüunnlilc Oocls, wliich nr! cliu ;ii wholcsaU oi" rntaiJ ni vcry lov priecs. Our lacilinVs lor pciHiapine Goods nrc uiisui pnssed by nnf conrern n ilift Simo - Duo ol tliu ittni. .lr. J. Jlolir.fs icsides in the Dity of New Vutk, ond hmn his lotg experience :n (he Julibíñg irade in ihnl ciiy. und froni his ihorotigh knowltdpe ol the tiuukct, Jicietnabl.ed i" nail hihisolf of tho nurtiona imJ nny price?i We nlso purehoao from iha Impórtcrs, Mnnufncturer'a Ar u'.. :mcl fin ilie nurtioii!, liy die kago, the üs N. Y. Jobhors púrcliose, ilms saving i i . c : r jiroliis. - With (heve fnciliiif'8 we cni) süídy say that our ■ id uu u' for the t idence of rhioh wo invite the n'Uiiu.m oí the public to om stock. Wc hlil ff5fhc grènt cnVdinb! principie ol the üreat .-f anoil t tlic i. numbtr," 80 if you wam lo liuy Ciooda cKtnp, nnd buy n Lorgt quiintitu lor n liUle mnnty givo lis a triol. Our stock ia ds citènèive iib any in the city, nnd we oro constnplly reccivin liew and-fresb Goode from ov Yoik. .10,000 lïw. IVool. Wnntedj theobovo uantity ol ood merchant.ililc Woiil for which tlio liighest ninrkei pric wül bc pnid. J. HOLMES & CO. Detroit, lP4r. 14-tfBOOKS! BOOKS!! Al Pcrry's Rook Sforc. JVexl door Easi of the JV York Cheap Store. Til F. suliscnlirr hns juut opencd nnd ia now rcady to scll tbc mo.M exirnsivc nssorlnicnt o BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS and STATWjt ; i . cvcrofiercd in Ann Arlor. liia stock consista o SCHOOL I5ÜOKS of nenily evetj variciy in u?o in iliis Siflto - Miëtoriea, Rioprnphies, Travele, Mcmoirp, Miscelluiicuus, Kehyiuiu and Clnssical looits. BIBI.ES nnd TF.STAMr.NTS, ev.iry v.nieiy ol sizc, siylc and binding. Somo plcmliilly lmibhud. PRATER BOOKS, TOEMS & ANNVAI.S' beauiiluUy tumnd for llolydoy gilte. Pnrcnt mul oihcta wisliinc to nitiko snlcndid liolvdnrpresenta ai smnll copt, will do wcll to cnll at Perry'a nnd miiUo tlicir seleelions from a fu!l su c.. Don't ditl.iy. Alao, on linnd ilio largcst asportnient of PAPER ever olü-rnl wel of Detroit; fa'.icli (is Gnp FJot C ap, Loticr, 1; nch Letter, Drinkers Post, Copying, is8Üc, Cnrd Huik, Envclopc, nnd 10 kind of notn pnpcr. wiih n full asaortment of Steel Pens, Quiüi, Wnfers: Black, Knie, Red, and Cópying lul. ; Bandj Inkstnnds, Folder?, Pen Holders) Stampa. Moito Soolt, Gold and SiivtT Wnfers, India Rubber, Pcncils nnd Points, Envetopi s. nnd mnnv vnrietics of Vsiing Carda. Also, GOLD PKjN'S, on nrticle eombining olcgance wiili ccononiy. Il e line n hand n good Mtecuón 61 Booka mutable for Familyr School District and Township LIBRARIES. It w.ill not bo'potsiblb (o luitne all the nrticlco in his ünc: Snfiicc it to sny, thnt his ngsortmeni is ire'iicrnl nnd chcaper llian wus cvur bcl'ore offerod in this vil!nre. lias mude n rnngenirnts in New York wluch ili enabl.c him at uil linies to obinin nny-1 iliing in liis ünc direct from New York nt shor notico. by Exprefs. It will bc ?eèn that lus fa cilitics lor acconiodating liis custdiiiers with nrtt- cles not on hnnd is heyohd prccciii'M'. nnd ho is ready and willing to dv evcry tliing rensonable to maUc Ii ís establishment surh pri ono as nn enlightened nnd discerning connminiiy require, and he liopts to mcrit n simio ofpaironnije. Persona wishjng ;iny anide in his line will do wcll to cnll betore iMiichnbin clspwherc. Tf you forc ili'j (ilucp, eñauiro I r Pcrry's Booksfprr, Aim Atbor, Upper Village- 2d door Eosi of Main etrect, on Iluron strect. ÏÏM. R. PERRY. D.ïcpiiic'-, 11.1. - And Stovcs of all kinds. The 8ub3cn0of wuuld culi ihe oflönuon ot tho public lo Woolson's Hpt Air Cookingr Whirh bc enn conlidently recommrnd na being decidedly superior to nny Cookiny Stovc in ubc. For siiiiplicity ui operntwn - econoiny ia hiel, nnd lor uiii-r)it:iHcd Uaiíi.n" and rjualiity, it is uíirívallcd, Tho ncw and iinporinnt Improvomeni introduced In iis construction eueh os to ir - sure grent odvantnges over all other kinds of CooktD'; Stovcs. WTLLIAM R. ÜOYE, ir. 70 Woudwnrd Avenuu, Dc:roit. Dcc. 12, lf'lö. mS ITlaiihattnii Store. Corner of Jtjf'cr soti Avenue aud Bates stret, Detroit. BEsnrc and vibit the Manhattan Siore whvn are mnking purchnses. The goeds wluch yon will find thcro are excellent m quality and rcaeonnble in price. We hnve Good Heavy Sheetings, Ahipacas, Drülings, Merino?, Tickingn. M""1"1 Delamei, Linseys, ' CnslunercB, Red and nitc Flnnnela, Cnlicos. Saiinel, ]?ce viIb' Cnssimercrt, G loven, Vesiin-i.. Hnmery, Broalci Ginphnms, Shnwls. Ribbon, Lincn Cambric HdlJs. Locci, Sic. &c. &c Dading, Cotton Yarn, Wicking, White Carpet Warp. Colored do. do., Straw Ticking, Bïcachcd Cottors ofnll qnnlitifs. Fine unblcnch((! ('oitor.B. Unrrcd Muslir.s, Arc. && Also, FF.A'niF.l'.S and PAPER IIANOINGS, Borderinp, Window pnpcr, Fire board papers, Travcling Jïankets. Piral rato TEA and COFFF.E, &c &c. Aml iner nnic'cs to nonieroua to mention. Firmers cannot fail of finding tho Manhattan Store dpsirnblo pinre todolhert trading. No pains will be pared in wnitingon customers and ill etWiuvited to rail and examine nur poodsbeïore mnkini; tbrir purchasc. W-hile we are confident thnl nll who exnmine onr stock will Imy, yet we wijl mke no ofTencc, ïf arter showng our coods, people chooae to trndr rpi'"AF'ere. W. A. RAYM0ND. Detroit, Dec 2.", 1845. 244- Gm Chattcl MoviKage&i JUST printei aad kr gn! a-, tb orTe in ai)jquantity. March 2J, 1846.