Mortgage Sale. WBËREAS Frederiek Liudawer, of thfe township of Lodi, County of Washtenav, Michigan, on the twenty-eighth day oí Jummry, in the year of out Lord uno thousaud eight hundred and ïovrnty-four, exewited a mortngo lo Ilfiiry L. Jume, of Williftmsbui'ifh, UawaohutoettB, t ' rcure Ihe payment nf eer tam principal and Ínterest, heing the purchnne money tharein mentioDetf, which mortgage was leoorded in the office of tho Regiitor of Deeds of the County of Waahtenaw and State of Michigan, aíorusuid, on the l'.nh day of February, A. I). 1H74 at 3:6ü o'olocft ■. H. of said day, in líber ííí ut mortgages, on pnge b'l'A ; And whereas default hafi )fcn made toi more thtn thirty days in the paymentoí au instoUmnt oi' principal and ttitereat which becume diie on the twentr-eightfa day of Japuary, A. l. 1876, by rea son whereof, and jurHiiant to Cermb of said mortgrage, paid mortgagee heycby electw Ihat w much ol sid principal a reraaine unpaid, with all Hrrrar;iii'M of Interest thBffton -hai: beoome due and payitbl ünmediately ; And irbéiefta tbere i clrtimed tobe due and unpaid on aaid mortagi at the date of this notice, the Bunl i áfeTenteen hunilred and ihirty ?u11hm and ven cents an attorney fee of iifty dollar aa ;i r';isouab!e HOlidior'B'OT attorney'a íec ehooid any pmceedings bc tfiken to forcclnsc tho e ame, in addition to alfother leural rats, and no suit or proceeh'iL!-i havm btn had either in law or equity 1ü recover the same or any purt threut : Cïolioe theretore is hereby giren that on the thirteenth duy of May next, at two o'clock in the afternovn of aaid day, at the front door oi the Court Huudi; i tle city of Ann Arbor (tliat bein the place of holding the Circuit Court lor BHidcountyj, and by viilucoi th power of srtle contained in sid mortgagc, 1 shall ell at public atiction, to the higbèst bidder, the preraisfs desedbed in eaid raortgage, to ttatisfy the amount of principal and interest above clnimed as due, with the ohargee ol anoh bkIc and an attorney'a fee of fifty dolhit, all thosc certniu pieces or parcela of lnnrl, aïtiiut- and being in the township oi BndKewater iu the county oi Wthteuaw and State ol Michigan, and described us fuliow?, to wit : Being the west half of the vreet half of the uorthweat quarter of seotion number nin ; als; the souiheast quarter of the nortne at qnarterof Beotion number eight, 11 in towntflip number four(4) south of range numlwr four f4) east, cuntaining eigl'ty acres of land more or lesa. Dated, February 18, 1876. IÍKN11Y L. JAMES, Mortgagoe, John N. Gott. Attorney lor AlOTtyae. Mortgage Sale. WHEREAS, ítuth o. Otegon and John V, N . i -.■!!■', ber htisbflfid, Of rit y oí Ann Arbor, iu the cminty of WwbtOimw ín State of Michigan, on the fourteentb duy pf October, in the yrar & our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seveuty-four, executed a mortgage to Rabotea Jleuriqnes, of the city of Ann Arbor.i'nunty f Washtenaw, Michigan, to secure tln payíneni of th c principal and latereei imtney tlni-in nieni which said murtal-.;' was recorded ín th office oí thc BKbter of Deelu in mu ni y of Washtenaw aforesaid, on the Hth day of October A. I. 187 1, lo UbvSl of inortages, on page -114. And v. defauit has )wn made for more titán thirty days in the pay inent of an tnMülliurnt of interest vbich becaine due on tlitt Hth day of April, A. J. 1875, by reason wliorojf and ptirstmiit to im tettúaoí said mortgajíe.said mortgsgee liereby electa thai so mueb oí said principal a ronmins unpaid wiih uil arrear■me Of interest thoreof shiill becoatS lur:uid payable Immadlately. And whereas, tln re ' elaüned io l)t dtu mul uupaid un said Boorteflgoat the date of this notice, eleves hundrad and bweulj Hollara fox principal and batoitest, aleo an attornef'a fee oí fifty dollars in additlon t :ill other legal costo, should any pncrií(tins be tukcii ín toreclose tba same; and nu suit or pioooeingB having In in ínstituted either in law orniuity to pecorer the same r iiny purt th'-reof. Notfe a tberofore bereby given, that on the llth day of Mini-li, L876, at two o'clock in the afternoon of said day ut the front door of the Court liouae in rity ni Ain, county aforesaid, (that bjdog placo in whicli the Circuit Court forsaidcouuty Ís inld), and by virtiu1 of the power of sulf conuiiTh-i bxaaid atortoace, I shall aellái pablic aaction to the bigbeet btdder, the prtiiaistjs descri(ed in said Miortgags, to satisfy the amount of principal and iottiresl míeIi the charges of sale and the attftniL'y'.s fee of lifiy dollars, all tluit certain piece or parcttl of land sltuated Lu the city of Ann Arbor, coviuty oí V;iiii.-tiinv. and state of Michigan, kuuwn, bouaded,aiid dqeeríbed u follows, to wit: Tteing lot nnintn-r two rl, in block unmber eleven (11 Hiscock's addition iotne city of Ann Arbor, accordin t the remorded )ihit bhereof. Datcd, December 14, 1875. REBECCA HËNRIQÜES, Bfori John N. Gott, Attorniy for Mortgagee. Mortgnge Süle. DEPAULTUuving beeo mude in the conditions of a certain mortyriige, mude and extcuted on the I8th day of Jnly, IH72, by Johu Jacob Hutzel andFrederike Hutzel, lo Thomas 8. Basfnrd and Klphu L. áanford, and recorded ui the olüci; of tho Retrister oi Deeds for the County oi Waellteoaw, inliber48oí mortgages, ou paira 204. The interest of Elpha L. Sauford in suid mortgage having been assign' d to the fcitid Thomas s. Santord by deed of assignment, dated ihe lIi day of Uay, :87S, and rcooTded iu th Kegiatcr's ttficeI aforesiiid, in liber 4 of ueaignmeuts of murtgtiges, tin page 711 , by which defauit the power ot Sttle contaiued therein beoontM osetativv, and the sum of two thousaud tliree hunüivd iiiid i'orty-tbn i dol lara md fortv-eeveu cunt tt2 .343.47] i e-Himed its now due thereon, oesidts au attornu'y lee oí í-í, provided tor in fcaid mortpige, umi uo suit or procedin(T in lw or ëquity baving been institutcd to recover the inortgage debt, or any part theieof : Notice is hereby given said inortjr;tír' vrillbe forecloaed by a sale of the mortiiired premiM s, 01 suoh prt tbereof au may be sutticient to Batisf] said mortgage and all legal costs, at public auetion. to the highest bidder, ut the souili duor oí the Court House in said county [tlint being the placo where the Circuit Cnurt for suiü county i on Saturday, the 2i)th d'iy ui' April ntxt, :tt in o'dook in the foreuoon oí thut day ; &aid tnortjíaged preniises beiug de&criued a loliows, to wit : TheBOUthwestquurterof the northeast quarler mul the soulheast quui ter of the nortJiwest quarter of section 30 (except the west ewhteen acres of the last deacribed parcelj, in tuwiiHl.ip ntimbfr :ï suuth, iü range L eaat, in the tpwmlhip ut Lodi, in Wasli tenaw County, in the State of Michiuu. Ann Arbor, Keb. 2, 1K76. THOMAS 8. SAFORI), MorLgagee and Assignee. By Attorney. ' iot8 Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT hftving been mde in the condition of a certoin mortgnp-e, made itnd exccuteiï by Willitim Fitzgerald and Miiry Kitzerahl hiu wife, of Northfleld, county of fTasLtenaw, and Btateof Michigan, on the nineteoiith day oí September, in th year of our Lord one thousaud eight hundröd aud sixty-iive, to John Lyncli, of the sume place, and recorded in the otüco of the reffisu-r ui deeda for the couuty of Wustenaw aforesaid, m tenth day oí January A. D. 18(5, at 3 o'chK-k V. M. of said day, in líber ö3 oí Mortgages, on ag6lfi6; which Baid morteage wnsduly aadffDcd by Julm Lynch of the township of Korthfit'kl. af9resaid, to Ttiomas Sari, ot the city of Anu Ailor, countv and State aforesaid, on the thirteenth day oí' November, A. h. 1867, and recorded in the otficn of the register of deeds for aaid county on the thirteenth day of November, A. I. 1ÍS67, in liber number one Oi assigrnmfmts of mortnges, on page 502 ; and again atsigned by the eaid Tnomnw Karlto Caroline M. Hennequin, of the city of Aun Arbar, aforesaid, on the twenty-third day of December, 1876, and recorded in the olticc of the register ot deeds for said couuty. on the twtnty-sevcntli day of December, A. D. 1875, In liber number ve oí aasignments of mortgages, on p;ipe thuty-three, and that there is now claimed to be due and aopaid on said mortgage the sum of four hundred nud ninety-two dollars, including areaeonable nttorney's or eolicitor's fee for lorecloeing the same ; and uo proeeedings in law or eqnilv having beon had 10 iecover said sum oí mouey or any part thereof, therefore, notice is heieby jpvi.n, that by virtue ot the power of sale in wad mortjiitge contained, l shall aell at public auution to tlic lnj:hest bidder on theiwenty-nfth day of March, A. D. 187li, at two o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the front door of the oqurt hout-e in the citj of Ann Arbor, county of "Washtenaw. and Btate'of Mi hignn,Cthat being the building in which the circiit eonrt foi said county Ís held,; the preminen de&cribed in eaid mortgüge. aa bting all that ctrtuin piece or parcel of land knnwn and desciibi-d au ioliows, to-wit : The east half of the aouth-west quarter of sectiou oumber three (3), in township number OLe(l) south in range number aix (R) eaat. being in Northli.kl. in the county of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, contauüngeighty acres of land, more orïess. Uated Diecniber 27th, 1375. CAROLIXK M. IIEXNEQUIN, Aigneeof taid Mortgugee. John M. Gorr, Attoniey for the iiKaiguee ol aaid Mortgagee. Real Estáte íor cíale. STATE Ot' MICHIGAN, County of Washt naw, ss. In the matter of the estáte of Ulriob Laubengayer, deoeaaed. Notice ia hereby ifivt i. tnat ju purauance of an order fuuuted to ti,e uu_ deraigned, adminiHtrator of the eet ate of said L(rich Laubengayer, by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on the tweWth (lay of Jnnuiiry, A. D. 18TG, th-re will tx? wlá at pubhe vendue to the hihest bidder, at the dwëuibghouse on the premise hereiuafter dtscribed ir the County ot Wa-sliteuaw in iid .State, on Muh day the Ürat duy oí March, A. D. I8Z at tb, o'clock in the forenoon of that day (sulg.ct to all enpumbraneea by mortffuge or oth-rw:isting at the time of the deato ot aniti deceased, andal.-o subjtctto theright ofdower of the widow oí daiii deceaaed therein), the iWIowhig descntod reul estáte to wit: The e;r half of the northweet quKTter and the north twenty acics of the west half of the northaat quarter section number twenty six ; ahw the wet half, iind flfttM'n acreutf frum the north end of the east half oí the west half of the southwost qimiterof ection No. twt-nty three, all in town thrqe south, in range five east (1-0(30 the State of MichiganDuted, Janury 1 2h, A. I). 187C. LM COM8TOCK F.HILL, Administrutor. Estáte of Caroline Millar. TATE OF MICHIGAN, Conntyof Wuhtenaw, J au. At a ft'-sion of the Probate Coutl forthe county of Wiuhtcnnw, holden nt the Probate uftice ïu thecity of tnu Arbor. on Kiiiliiy, the elcventh day of Kebi uary, in tlie yenr one thousand eight hundred and aevenly-six. Present, Noah W. CHeever, Judpe of Probate. In the muiter of the estáte ol Caroline Miiler minor. Leonhard Gruner. guardián of Btdd est;iï come iuto eourt and representa tlmt hv is now prepared to reuder lii fiuul account as such uuar dian. Itereupon it is orderal, thftt Thnrsdaj, the 8lxteentfi day oi Jlarch next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, ba asaignad for exannninfc and allowing such account, and thal the next of kin of said niimir, aud all other peritonü intereated in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the Probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause, if any there be, why the said account should not be alloved: And it is further ordered thal said guardián give nol to the penona inierested in said estáte, of the pendency of said aoconnt, nd the hearing Ihereof, by cauaing a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Arffut, a newspaper printed and cireulalin in said county three succeaivo weeks previous to aaid day of hearing. (A true copy.) NOAH W. CHEHVKR, liOtd 7udge of Probato. lyoXICE OF ASSIGJfMJËlvr. E. J. Johnson, of the city of Ann Arbor, having made a general a&signment to me for the benefit of allhis creditors, without preference, I hereby give notice to all persons having claims againat him to present their claims with proper statement, and to all perion indebted to him to make payment without delay to me at No. 7 South Main Street, Aan, Arbor, C. H. RICHMOND Asainee. Dated Ann Arbor, Februtry 7 , 1876. lioswo
Washtenaw County Probate Judge
Register of Deeds for Washtenaw County
Old News
Michigan Argus
Frederick Lindawer
Ruth O. Gregory
John V. N. Gregory
Rebecca Henriques
John N. Gott
John Jacob Hutzel
Frederike Hutzel
Thomas S. Sanford
Elpha L. Sanford
William Fitzgerald
Mary Fitzgerald
John Lynch
Caroline M. Hennequin
E. J. Johnson
Caroline Miller