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oJe'!?ií:r 6ü AunoT, fto I6-', Jeñ'ireon Avenue, nrxt door to Michigan State Bnr.k, Detroit, lave on hand n stock oí DRY GOODS ftot mounting to 5,000,000 Dollars quite - but oMtirc tlicir ol! customer, nnW those wishing to huy, that tliny have a wcll sclecicd aseortment íor the VVHOLÈSALÉ& IÍETAILTKADE, fover thcir Rctail Store and H.isenient.] whidi they will scll on n favorable terina as ony Sftab Hetunent vcíi of flfírtf York. WANTED- l'ot and PenrI Aslirs, for wln'ch the highest cnsh odvances will bo mndo. AJcrehsnts" anJ oihcrs will piense drop-in. Jan. 18-1G. 2-Í8- 3mo Medical iVotíce. THE undersigned, in off; ring his services to Wasbienaw oíd thc adjoining Co-iinies, nt Itoinccopathic pliysician. would soy, that nltcr having practici d ned;cino on the principies n. tauglit in the o!d school, nmi treated disenso for tho laat two ycar.- according i" the law of Homooopathy, - (Similiu tiaiilibus curanl-ir. ) taught in tho ncw school of medicine ; nnd haying compared thc shc.ccss oí the two systenis, he unheiititingly beücves ííoinu? ipnthy 10 te iht rtioit safj, certain nnd sueco a! til nn-ihod olcure D jeaícs, hithorto incur.ble. are now in moa easai, oernnnently cradicited ly Ilfimocopatliy X'fctions of the spino, hcad. nterti9.8;on;ach t,'.. &.C. have no.v thcir ceitain remedies. Kp lpsy, minia, paralywis. neuralgia, bi-üiiclutis tverond lung discases: wcirlct fevor, choleia bfa'ik monsles, mallgiinnt eorc thront, crysipel.n or black tonguc, croup, inflammn:ions of' the brain, stomach, bowels. &.c. Sec. nrc only a few of the in.iiry ills, that hivc bsan stiipt of thoi iért rs by thfe timeíy applicution of hoinffiojathic me iiesments. Vithont further cs3iy, the undersigned woulc letC it to thc alTlicicd to ay, úti trial of the rem dhs, whethor Ilonionopithy is uhatit claime lo I or nit. He would aiso state 'lint lie has jnst returned frJin New York nnd Pliiladejphio, wiih a complete aw.irtmentof MEDICA.MENTS, jnst nnpirtel from Leipsic, to thiaplnce, where he will nitcnd to all calis, nnd fiirniíh meclicaments. b oks, &c. at thc lowrst prices From the close and exclusive attention he is giving to the stiuly aad practica of Homajopalhy to he nble to give sitisfaction to thoac wha mny favor Itiin with thoir pitronage. Conimunications. post pjid. rom patiënt at a distance, will receive prornpi attenlion. Tho'se who may wisli to fhcmselvcs under his trentment for any chronic disease, can obtain lodíjing eithcr at his house, or in other SCaí'OTHür.ÍCBLACKWOOD,M.D: Homcnopnthist. .Yp.Mlnnii. 2O.h Nov. H-5 2 '.0-1 y Wardwcll & Dixon, TMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HARDWARE AND CüTLERY. ÉTNo 4, Ccdnr strect. 2 donrp abovo Fearl st. Ncw York. J. M. WaBDWEU. COURTI.AND P. DtXON. V. &. D. are receiving a full and gnneral as tortment of Englrsh and American Hardware, consisting in part of Tahlo and Pockot Cutlory, Butchera' Rnzorp, Files, Chisels. Plañe Irons and 8aws, American Btt:and Screws, Ames' Sho Tel nnd Spadcs. Wm. Rowlnnd's Mili and XCut Saws. Harria', Bloods'. Dennis' and TayIpr'a Scythes - which nre ofíered on thc niost íavorablo terms for cash or six mouth's credit. Ncw York, Ecb. 1846. 252- 6mWOOLEN MACH1NERY. H& R PARTRIDGEhavc on hnnd at tlieir shop, a largo nmount of Woolen Mnchtntfrji which ia now rcndy for sale, cohsisting of Poublc Carding Machines. Picking Machines. Broad and Narrow Power Looms, Nnpping and Tenxüng Machines: all of vvhich will be sold ai prices and on terms to correspond with ihe times. They are also preparcd to tnnke to contract CoftdeHsori and Jacks, or any other Machiriery that may be wantod for inanufocU'ring or cus trim work; and all Machines made by thom will bc warranted good. and for durnbiluy and despttch of business arenot cxcelled, if cqualled. by any pf the Eostern or Ohio Machines. And as much has been nnd is aaid by Machine maker in noighboring States, of the supcriority of their Machinery over all others, we now ofTer FIV E HUNDRKl) DOIiLARS il they will product n Machin' of their omn mahc. thatwi:h :he sanie ainount öf power, ill do tnorc and better work. H a given timo, Machines made by ihem. Thow wiahing to purchadeareinvited to cali and xamine their Machines, and 'earn their pricej" and termB before purchiBing elewhere. Ann Arb.r. January 12. 1816. 2-17-3m FARM tOR SALE, OR EXCIIANGE ron othkr PROFERTY THE suhscriber offers his farm of GO Acres with 12 Acres improved, and a frame house aixteen by twen'y-six, with an addnion of eigl feat on one side. Said fnrm is BÜucted in th lown of Concord, Jackson Co., thrce miles nort oiConcord village, fivo cast of Alliion, twl west of Jackson. Thcre is a never-failingstrcaí of water running across it, nnd about 15 Acres o firat qnality of natural meadow. For furthe particular cnqnire of Benj. Haviland. or J. i Swnirl df ÖonCord. or the subecriber at th Thraahtng Machine Shop, Lower Town, An Arbor. Termstoauit the purchaser. Ann Arbor. T. A. HAVILAND. Januarv 19, 1846. 247-tf"Stcam Foimdry THE undereicned hnviiitj houht the cntir interest of II . &, R. Partridge nnd Geo. F Kent in ihe "Steam Foundry," Ann Arbor will manufacture all kinds of Costinas to order nd willbo happy to ftlrnish any kind ofCnsting to the old customers ol Ilarris, Pnrtridiic & Co H. Sc R. Partridge, &■ Co., and Partridge. Ken it Co., nnd to all others wlio mny favor then with a cali. H. B. IIARRIS. E. T. WILLIAMS. Ann Arbor Dec. 26, 1846. 214-tf EOUiÍYORERsT THE higliestpricc poid in cash by G. F. Lewie, Exchange Broker, opposito the Insurmnco Bank, Detroit, for order9 on nny of the countit-s in the Stnte of Michigan; nlso for Stuii ficurities of all kinds and uncurrcntfunds Cali amlsee. Dec 1. 1845. 24I-tfCLOVER MACHINES. THRASHING MACHINES and Seperatorf moflo and sold by tlieir Machine Shop, noar tlio Pnpcr Mili, Lower Town, Ann Arbor, KNAPP & HAV1LAKD, Jan. 10, 1840. 247 tf To Sportsinen. A GENERA Lügöortment of Cnsteel andl.-on Bsrrel Rifles, doublo and singlo barrel 8hot Gilxte, l'islolíj Gun Locks, Gume Bugs, Shot Pouches, Pc wdef 'Flasks. forsnle by WM. R. NOYES, 248-1 y 76, Woodward Avenue. Detroit. ANNUALS. - A largo nnd vnluable assortment of Annuals for lS4f. togctlicr with inxny other splcndidly bound books, suitablc for Pr0Sent"'fOr8lepERRrSBOOKSTORE. Flax Secd ! TÍIE subscriber wishes to buv o qnantify of FtAX Sked, forwhich hc wijl pay ihc high est mnrket pricc, in Goods or Cash, delivered mthis Miüat Mount Pleasant, Genessec County, Michigan, fiveinilosnortloll gj Dec 15, 1845. ' 24.3- 5m liiveOëese Feafhers. 2AAA LBS. puro Livo Geese Feothcre (or jUUU aie t,y the b.i1c or single pound, ai f JiRtnon Avffnue, Detroit, by JÏÊÏCHF.R A ABBOT. f 2 1846. 243-3moLEATHER! LEATHER! 1JEATHER! flLDREI) & CO., No. 123, Jeflerson Avenue, "Eldred's Blöck," Delroit,take J ihia opportünity 10 inforrn tlifiir customcrs, eind the public generally, that they stil! continue (o keep on hand á fu 11 assortment of Spini-li Sjïo Lenlber, AÈbo, Los'a nnd Pc-a, Curricrs' Tools, &c. sUpl.tcrc-.! Öo Hjíríc.and Cóftnr Lb6r, HeroloMi-ianned Upper Leaiher, C&rfeVhn do q, ; .. t JI(irocco Skins, Frcncli lanncd Cnlf Skins. &l - do Onk nnd Hemlóck ipnnctl ilö ■ Gp Binijmy, Ilen.I.-ck tonncd liarntM and Bhdle Lcmhcr. Deer nnd Lnmb do q . ti ii ' f' u hite and Colorea Linings, Ifag and Top Loniher, . Pó do Skinin'. philndelptoi ""! 0Ili; Shoc Tnm' Ruasct do ining?, and Kit ol nll kinds. ' As the Subscribers are tiow inn nu fort uring their own Leather, they are preparcd to seli ns ]ov nscan bo purcliascd in this market. Merchants and manufpeturer? will find it to their odvaningc to cali and examine our stock before purchnsing clsewhore. (n Cash and Leal her exchangcd for Hidcs and Skins. _Tr.D17ri . „- Detroit, Jon. 18-16. 2i81rTMrty Thousand Persons ANNUALLY fall viciims 10 Coiisui.ipi'.un in the United Siates. Tiiü-cuisr of" die cvil is yoneraüy overlooked. A eliori dry ' CjfdffX, or neg!ectel Dold, is the prccmsor. These art: dcemed unimportani. Poin in the side.JiccUc lever, nnd nijjh'. sweats follow, and dcatn ends the acene. WouUI yu tlnd ai-.vMKDY roa Tur. rvir. 7 Herc it 18. Tlic cxpcricncc of inore thnn'SO veáis n private practico has proved i t3 efíicany, nnd sincc ís imroduction to puhlic notice, ahhough t h)9 nnw been oflered lint a fcw niomlis. iis silo hns been unprecedentcd. nnd its succesa he yond luestion, grent- so mticb so. tlint it is declared to be thc greritcst rcnicdy in ibe world. ASTHMA. oo, that fenrful and ilis'.rcssing n-.alady. which renders lile Imrthensoinn durins; iis conünnancc. 8subdued without difficuhy by thisgreiit remedy, and thc sufierer is ennbled by its use ío ohinin quict repose ; tho sliorlness of brenth is overeóme, the cöugh is nllnyed, and health nnd vieor tnkc tlie place of dnspondeney and suíltring. Dr. Folcer's OLOSAOXIAN, or, Avu He.u.tvg Bai.sam, is thc remedy whieh hns been so eminently eurccsslul ín nllcviniiiift nndeuring tlieabove complnints ; and ii linsbcon tísed by the fuBt phyíicinns in the city, wl-.o declaro it tu Ifb unriyollcd, mnsm'icli ns t docsnot disturb the btfWo.U in tlie íea6t-Iy producing cnstiveness, whilc 11 other remedies rccomsncndod for the above disensos invariably siuit up tlie bowels, thus íendi'iing it necessary lo resori tu purgativo medicine. Ruad the folio winc cnpes, whinh hnvebeen rcüeved nnd eilief v. i'hin u few weeks, : DAVID Iir.NDKHHON. 00 Lniuht street, look ri severc cold on thc l.h day oí Jnly. nnd wasbrouglit very lo-.v by a disíressina ctfugh, which rt-fuited in frequent ntt;ic!;8 of bloeding from the lunga; Álthough lie tried evory thil)g in he simpe of remedies whicli could be fonnd. yet he was not benefuted. and by thc moni Ül Octobar was so much reducod by nigb sweatg that he depaired of lile. One boitlé of Folger's Olosnoninn restored Inm foh'niílfh. GEOJtGK W. BURNteTT, of Xowmk. N. J.. lias sufiered under tlin eflects of a severo cold for more than a year. He wns redneed u ilie brink of the grave al most, by hiacough and nLlit sweats. lie comnicnccd raiáing blood in tlie monih of October lnst. He commcnrrd using the Olosaonian. and by il e. rrftddlé of Novrmber he was so für restored thal he left for Piítpliurali with every prospect ot recove rin g hie healtli. Mrs. 13BLL, thc vvifo ol Roben. P. Bell, of Monistown, N. J.. wns drc.-nlfiilly niílictctl wiih Asthma lor many years. Her physicións had (Jespairtd of relicving her. One bonle of the Olosaonion so fnr resiorcd her that slic was able to get out of her bed and dress hcrsclf. which shc liad not dono before in nionthe, and she is now in a Inir way to lie reheved.Mr. F. LAI3AN. 52 Piké stroct, was sn bad with Bflhma llint he had not slcp in his bed lor ten weeks, w'.ien he commenced tho nse of tin'? croat retnedy. One botilc cured hifn, nnd hc hna nothnd a rciurn of his complaint now more than five minths. Mrs. McGANN. 20 Walker s:rcct, was a!so cured of sevcre nst'hmn by iho Olosnonian, nnd statcs ihat she never knew medicine givo eucli mmedinfc nnd permnnent relief. GEORGE W. HAYS, of this city. wnsgiven up by lus physician aa incurable. Ilis diseni-c wnp con8upmtion nnd when he cornmeneed using the OIosnoninn. was so wenk ihai he could not wnlk without being nssisted by a friend. By 8trict attention lm was po inr restoren in Q few weeks is to be able io pnrsue liis bneincss. JAMES A. CROMB1E, P20 Nassau streel ; J. .1. Par6flls. 11 Temh street ; C. S. Bciisom. 21 1 Bleeckcr streef ; James Davis, 5H Groene street: nnd Mrs. Mallen, 0 Morton street ; linve a)l expericneed the good efiectsof the Olosaonian in cougliR of long standing and nffeciions of tho luns, nnd pronotincc it, wuh onc accord. to 'oe the greatesi remedy. and tlic nmst speedy and eflectual, that they linvc ever known. Ronder, nre you euflering from the nbove disasc ? Try this remedy. You will not. perinp8. regret it. It may arrest all thosedisucrecble symptoms which strike such tenor to the ïind. and prolnnp your days. Forsalcat 100 Nnsanu et. onn donr ob'ove Ann. nd at Mrs Flnys. 139 Fulton st.. Broaklyn. Agents for Ann Arbor. W. S. & 3. W. M.iyord; E. Pampson. Ypaiinnti: D! C. Whitwóod, Dexter; Pickford S: Craic Saline: Smiih V. Tyijl: Clinton; H. Bowcr, Mnnchestèr; P. Fmlick tCo.. Plymouth; D. Grcgory and A. Órant, Vorthville. 244-6mo FEATHERS nnd PAPER IIAÏS'GINGS may bo fonnd at all times at the M sn ti;ak "torf, Detroit. W. A. RAYMOND. Dec. 25. 1841. 244- Cm DISSECTED MAPS - An instructivo nnd nmusing article for the yminsf. for sale at FERRY'S BOOKSTORE. Dec. 23. 21btfPersian Filis. 'Pui nol the Light vndera Bushei" hut read and ponder . T;iK TIMÉIS COME, nid now is, that the great m;is3 of ihc pcop'o o" lilis and the old world, have decidcd thm the PEKSilAN AND INDI4N EXTRACTS. are the most (ff.ctual coinbinntion of medicinal ingrediente that ever hos, ur ever can compase a pi i. The RESURRECCIÓN or PERSIAN PII..LS, bcing made ol vegetable extraets, nre eaíily digostive. becom:ng a juice in the human stpmoch. This liquid iseasily taken up by the nlisorbent vcsscU, and conVeyeu ihroyghqut all parts of ihesysiem, diapensing lifeand animatiou in ali the organs. Jiy being nssimilatcd jyith the hlood. it eniers into i i s co'mb.ihaiion, purifyinj theetrenms of life. Yon seo it would naturally nnd re.idily coml ne with the llood and all the pccretinns, thits adnruing iteel I to the renioval of olí dtseases of impure blood. which clog the orgnns. causing pain. distress. and Jeath. If the impurities settle upon tbc organ of the t-toniach. it causea bad taste in the mouth. a furred tougue. bad brcath, indigestión, dyspepnin. pain. a sense of fullness or goncness, &c. If upon ihe ltings or thront, thcy will c-iuso n cough, tightness. weakness. and an uneasy s?nsotion in the throat. irritation. bronchitis, r.nd consumption. Ifthcy seltle upon thelivei. they will cause livor comilaint. jnundice, nr sallow skin, fover and ague. hilious dUeasesof all kinds, and inegularity of the bowels.diarrahoja. &c. lt upon the nervcs, ihey will cause nervous weakness, pain in the, aick headache. general debility. lowspiiits. heat in thebnek sidc, or hcad. If in the system gcherollj', it cause seneral emaclation.'scrofula, tumors, tight hard skin, pimples, blotches, irritation. &.C. &-C. Ton know if any tliin clogs tbc engine. all i the machinery becomes reiarded in as motion, and as it deercasee in strength, the motions bccomc pnralyzed more and more. until finally it cr-ases to move. So with the human sys'.em, a? the blood becomes impuro with humors, the organs suffer creating, pnin, misery, and if not rcrtioved, iloath. A constant u?e of thrse Pilla in a fainüyT will add ycars to each individu;il lile. For leing made of vegetable extraets, iHej mny bc taken from youth to oíd age without injury. but with decided benclit. Weal-Jy, puny children. wil] bceomo healthy and strong with a slow u?c ol these Filis. 'ïhc.y soothc wenk nerves. strengthen the weak, and eleahee all tlie ognris in a man ner abovc describcd ïièing compound of juicos ihey pass throueh the smallest yesecjs, thus teaching d!80.lBa whcrecver pent up in the sys:ein. even in the cycs and binin. Wo know that ihey are the best Pili i'n the world. for tnis of thoustntdn that háve laken cvery other gill'. have decidcd so. and nothing coult binder tbem irom keeping them on hand. - Takc thcíc pille freely, and you will eeldon wnnt n physician. Who ever heard of rnucl sicknr.s in a forrtily where these Pilis were taken frecly ? Thcn ngnin they cause no pain or wrtak ness in their nperntion; ihey soothe the bowels nnd are a sure rnre for DIARRHQEA OR SUMMER COMPLAINT itidigcstion, costivencis, and all diseases arising from an impure stomach or blood. There is nothing betier for fever and ague. ot bilious diseases, and all others ineiuioned above. N. B. Price reduced to 3e per box for 31 Pilis. Rcmcmbcr eaih box contain9 'M Pilis - thcrefoie, they are the cheapest as wcll as the best. Beware of Pilis made of guins, calóme and coatse powdern, for they will dostroy the coats of the stomach in time, and cause doath. - Hcware, for tho most of them contain calomcl or something asdcstruclivc to human existence. Remembcr the Reaurrection or Persian Pilla aro made of Vegetable extraets. For eale in all the principal places in the Un on - Wholesale and retail by P. Owen & Co. Detroit: C. Eberbach, S. P. Jewctt. Lund A M'Collum, Ann Arbor. 2:)7-fim WHOLESALE & RETAIL. A. JWFARREN, BOÖKSELLER AND ST ATlOïiER, SMAltT'S BLOCK, 137 JI5FFKRSON AVENUE, DETROIT KEEI'S constantly for salea complete assnrt ment of Miscellaneous. Schooi and Claestcal Books, Ijeltcr and Cap Paper, plain and iul cd, Quiüs, Ink. Scaling Wox. Cutleiy, Wrapping Paper, Printing Paper, of all sizes; anc Book. News and Cnmiister Ink. ofvarious kind? BLANK BOOKS, full and ha!f bo-tnd. of every variety of Ruling. Memorandum Books. &c To Merchantfi, Teachers, and others. buviiig in i'innjiiiee, n larjo diprount mnde. Sa'ubath School nnd Biblc Society Dcpositor. ?-17-if WF1OKVER wishes to boy their goods to good advantage. must not think of making their pllrchtlss till ihey have looknd over the "oods and prices al the M.vNn.TT,N Stoke, Detroit. W. A. R WMOND. Dee. 25; 18-15. 244- 6nt WliïilAifï H. NOYES, JR, OEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Hardware and Cutlery, Naiïs. Glass. Carpcnters, Coopcr's and Blncksmitli's Tools. Also. ïMonufaciurcr of Copper, Tin Vac. No. 7G,Woodward Avenue, Detroit. 21H-ly PlasIcaingTltair. AQÜANTITY for snle nt the Signal Office, by FOSTER & DELL. Ann Arbor, Mnrch 25, I&46. 256tfFOR COIOHS, COLOf?, CONSrMPTION &C. IMPOKTAT TO ALL THO3B AKFLICTED WITII niSHASKS OK THE LUNG8 AND BRHAST. IVi'l Mtradcs ertr cañttf A' ore nulouc of il su run.'!' hr.iilth rs'nnttirc V'rfursUl ? $ ? 1 ? ? [Frota Dr. Baker. Pprinsfirld, Wjwh Co. Ky.] SriüNOT-iKi.u Ky., My 14, 1S45. Mcsrs. Snnford &- Parkr - Gents I lakc ihis opporluniiy of informins you of a most reinnrkable cure performed upon t.p by the tise of "Dr. Wislar's Balsain of Wil r,crrij." Jn ilie yenr IS-íO Í was tallen witb on Infl;mntion of the Bovvols which I labored undor íor ei. weeks wlion I grndually ricovered. In the fnl! of IS4I I was oitnckcd with o neverc cold. whicli jeated itsell "upon my lungs. and the spnee of threo years I was confinad to my bcti. I tried all ;irifis of medicines nnd cvery variety of medical aidnud without brnifi1: nnd llnis I wonried along uniil ilic winlc-r of 164 ! wlicn I heard of 4iWistar's Balaam of Wild Chcrry." My friends persunded me to give it o trial, thoUgii I hnd yivetl up al! hope3 of n reenvery, ntid Int! preparad myself for the change oí nnotlicr woi ld. Tfarpugjb their solicitntion I wns nduced (o makc use of the "Genuine Wistar's Halsam of Wild Cherry." The effect was truly DRtonisliing. After fivc yenrs of nfflietion, pain nnd suffering: and after hnving ?pen fanr or f:vr. Inmdrcd dollars to no purpose, nnd the best nnd most respnctablc phvsicinns had proved unavnnx. I was so-n rest rel lo cnt'trr. hcnlik by t'ic blcsship of Gml nml the vsc of Dr. JVlstar's BaUaia of Wild Chr.rry. I om now ecjoying good henlth. and such is my aliored appcarance that I am no longer know wlien I meet my formcr acquaintances. I have guinorimpidly in weight. and my Hesh 3 (lrm and salid. 1 enn now eat asmuch asany erson. and my food ?ecmsto ajrpe witli mc.-I hnve calen more during the last six tnonths than I had eaien for five years bcforo. Considering ïny ense almor-t a mirncle. I deern it necssary for the good of the afflietnd and n duty I 6WB to the proprictors nnd my fellow men. (wlio should know whrre relief may be hnd) to make thisstatfiinent pubiic. May the blcssing of God rest upon the proprietors f so vnluablca medicine r.s Wistar's Balsam of Wild Clieny. Yours respcctfully, WILLIAM IJ. KAKER. The follur.irt'r hasjust. bren rcct'vr.d from Mr. Edward Strtittnn, of Lr.iinztun, Ma., xcliich. s'iows ih'il Cons'tmption irt i's icorst farm cun bt cured by ' Wistar's Bulsam of W.ld Chcrry. Lkxincton, Mo., Jan. 21, 1845. Benjnmin Phelps - Dear Sir: 1 take great pleasurc in communicating to you whnt I consider an extraordinary cure, efiectet on my daughter. about 14 yeara of age. by Wis tar's Balsam of Wild Chcrry. About the lsto September last. my daughter was taken sick. anc was attended ly physicians. whose pre serjptions proved ineflectunl. nr see.ned to do no 5ood. She wnsnttendcd with a constant cough and pain in the bronst. Hor physicians and u who saw her, carne to the couclnsion that nli was in q :onfirmed stage of Cor.sumption. mude no oiher cnlculntion than for her to die. - But as soon as she conimenced taking the Bulsam she begnn to improve. nnd continued so t do until her heal'.h was restored, and is now entircly wen. With n view of henefitting thos who may besimilarly offlicted. I take pleasuro i rncnmrnciiding this remedy to tho confiJence o the public. Yours, with respect. KDWARD STRATTON. WiSTATi'S BALSAM OF WILD CH ER il that not only relieves but cures! (LrTrice $1 per bottle. or six boules for 5. For snle in Cincinnati only by SANFORD & PARK, and in Ann Arbor by Maynards. sol Agents for thisCouniy. .238 IïanTbe beatT Til E subscribers would inform ihe Public, tha they continue to supply the State of Michi gan with L. B. WALKER'S PATENT SJtlUT JflJlCIIlJVJES. Tho largu number6 ot these Machines that hav been snld. and the steadily inercasing demand fo (hem. is the best evidence of their real valué and of their cstimation with those who have be come lainilinr with their merits. Walker's Smut Machine is superior to other in thcfollowing particulars: 1. As it combines the Bealing. Swuring, anc Blotciitg Principies, it cleans the smutiiest o grain in the best manner, retnining all the fric lion of the wheat, anti discharging thesmutanc dust ns fust as Eepnrated from the whent. 2. It s shnple in cotistruction, and s there foro les? Hable to bccome dcranged,and costs Ie for repairs. 3. It runs very light, and is pcrfcctly secu from fire. 4. It isas durable as any other Machine i use. 5. It costs considernbly thnn oiher kind These 'moonant pointe ordiflerfnce Inve gi en ihis Machine the prefcrence with those wl have fain'y tried it. Among a large numbero Gcnilcmen in the Milling Business who mie! be named, the following have uscd the Machine nn'I certiiied to iheir excelk'iicy nnd superiority: 11. N. Howard', Pontiac. Mich. E. F. Cook. Rochcsier, do E. U. Dnfortii, Mason, do M. F. FruNic, Bianch. do H. II. Comstock. Comstock, do Refcrence8 may also be had to John Bacon, Auburn, Mich. W. Rvon. do do I). C. riiEt..M). Rock, do John Piíips, Monroe, do H. Dousman, do do A. Bkach. Waterloo. do Gko. Ketchum. Mnrshnll, do N. ilr.MENWAV. Oakland, do All orders for Machines will be promptly a tended to. Addrcss E. O. & A. CRITTF.NTON, Ann Arbor. (I.ower Town) Wasli. Co. Miei A ug. 24. 1845 22S-1 y "Crockery at Wholesale." FREDIIRICK WETMORK. has constanti on hand, the largest stuck in the West o! Crocerry, China, Gldssware, Look in g Classes and Piales, Britannia Ware Trafs, Lamps and Wiekin g, Plaled Ware, China Toys, $L %c His stock nclodes all ihe vnrioiies of Crock ery and Chinu, from the finest China Dinno and Tea Setts to tho most cornmon and low priccd wnre - from the richest cut glass to th plainest glaps wnre. Britannia Castors of ever kind. Britnnnin Tea Setis. Coffec Pots, Te Pots. Lamps. Cnndlesticks, &c. Solar Laúd Lamps of every desrription from the mosi costly cut Parlor Lamp to the cheapes Store lamp. . All the abovc nrticles are imported byhimse directly from the maniifnctnrcrs nnd wijl be eok at Wholesale, as low ns at anj' Wholesale House expenses from seaboard nddcd only. A liberal discount given for cash. Merchants and olhers are invited to cnll nm examine tho abovc articlts at ihe oíd stand, No 125, Jeflerson Avenue (Eldred's Block.) De troii. 24-1 y TEMPERANCE TfoüSE. PB. R1PLEY would say to his friends and -the friends of Temper? nee. that he has taken the Temperance House, lately kept by Wra, G. Wheaton, where ht; would be glad to wnit upon them. Hay and Oats and Stabbling to accommodato teams. Detroit, January 1, 1646. 245tf Wood ! Wood ! ! A FEW Cords of Wood wnnted imtnediately in payment for the Signal of Liberty.rrUIE prcoeding huro is given to represent JL the Insensible Perspiration. It is ihe grent yacuitioh lor the impurities of tho body. Jt will e noticcd ihnt n thirk cloudy mist issues from I poinis of" the Bürface, wbich indicnies thnt lis iicrspirntion flowg uninterrtipiedly wlien wc re in health, bat ccase? wheu we are sicU. Li'e mnoi lic 8U8toiheij without il. It is tlirown ofl rom the blood nml oilier juicos of the body. nd disppaes by ihis mems. of nenrly n!l the imniri'ics within us. The blood. by ihis mcans nly. works iiscli j uri. The language of Scripure is, "in ihe Blood is :lie Lifo." II' it ever ïecomes impure. it iv.ny bctrnced direcily 10 the opp:igc of the Insensible PSrepirnííort. It ncver equires nny intcrnnl medicines to clcanec it, as ulwnys.purifips itfélf hy its own heat nnd neon, nnd throws off n'l the offending hninors. ïrough the Insensible Perspirntion. Thiis we ec nl! t lint is nccessnry whc n the blood is stngant, or inlected. is to open the pores, andit reie ves i tscl f from nll tnpurity instnnily. lts own u-at and vimlitv nre suiTicient, without oneparc!e of" medicino, except to open the porc. np n lesurface. Thas we sec the folly of taking ho incli internal remedies. All prnciitioncrg, howver, direct their cfforts to restore the Insensible )erppiration, but it seeni6 to he not nlways the roper one. The Thompsonian, tbr instance. teams, the Hydropathist shrouds is in wet blankts, the Homopath st deals out inrmitissimnls, the llonnt hist bleeds and doses ub with mercury,and lic blustering Quack gurges us with pill, pills. lilis. To give some idea of thcamntint of the Tnscn iblc Perspiration, we wil! state that tho learned ir. Lewenhock. and the great Boerhaave, asceraincd that fivceighthsof oll we receive into the toniach, pass-ed oif by this menns. In other words, if we ent and drink eight pounds perday. we evacúate five pounds of il by ihe Insensible 'erspiration. This is none other than the uscd up particies of the blood, nd other ju i ces giving place to the new and fresh ones. To check this. thercfore, s to retain in tho system fiv .eiehrhs of nll the virulent maticr that nature demnnds should leave the body. Andeven when this is the ense, the ljod is of so active n principio, that it derermines t'iose partidos to the ski i, where they form scabfe, pimples, ulcers. oud üthsr spots. By a sudden tmnsition ironi heat to eold, the poros are stopped. iho pcrspiraiion censes, and díñense begins at once to developeitself. Henee, a stoppnge of ihis flow of the juices, originales so many eomplaints. It is by stopping the pores, nat ovcrwhclms munkind wiih cnughs. colds. and oonsumptions. Nine-lentli8 of the world die from disensos induced by a sioppage ol the Insensible Perspira. tion. It is easily secn, thcrefore, how ncccssiry is the flow of ihis subtlc humor to the surface. to preservo hoalth. It cannot be stopped; it cannot bc even checked, without inducing diseae. Let me nsk now, every candid inind. what course scems the most rcasonable to pursue. to unstop the pores, aftcr they are closed? Would you give physic to unstop the pores? Or would you apply gomething that would do ihis upon the surface. where the clogging actunlly is? Would not ihis be coinmon sense? And y;t I knowof no physician who niakes nny external application to èflTöit it. The reason I assign is. that o medicine within their knowledge. is capablo of doing it. Undcr these circumstancee, I presint to physiciuns, and to all others, a preparation that has this power in ts fullcst extent. It is McALISTER'S ALL HEAL1NG OINTMENT orthe WORLD' S SALVE! It has power t restore perspimtion on the feet, on the bead, a round oíd sores, upon the chest, in short, upo ony part ol the body, whether diseased i-lightl or severcly. It has power to cause nll extorna! sores, scro fuloushmnors, 9kin diseaes, poisonous wounds to discharge their putr.d matter, and then hca thero. It is a remedy that sweeps ofT the wHólc cata logue of cutancotiB disorders, and restores th entire cuticle to itshealthy funcfiotis. It is n remedy that f()rbids the necessity of ? mnny and deleterious drugs taken into the sto mach. It is a remedy that ncither sickens, gives in convenience, or is dangerous to the inres'ines. It preserves and defends the snrface from a dcrangement of its f'unctions. while it keep o pen the chnnnels Ar the blood to void ;dl its m puritics and dispose of all its useless partiële The snriace is the outlet of five-eij.hths of th bile and used up matter within. It is picreei wi'h millions ol openings to relieve tl:e intcs tines. Stop up these pores, and death knock at your door. It is rightly lermed AIMIealinj, lor therc is scarcely a distase, external or inte nal, thatit will not beucfii. 1 have uscd il fo the last fiMirtcen ye.irs, for all diseasen of tl chrst, consumption. liver, involvin: the utmo dangor and responsibility, and I declare befor Ileaven and man. ihatnolin onc single case Ik it failed to benifit, when the paiicnt was wi;hi the rcach of means. I hnve had physicians. learned in the profes sion; 1 have had ministers of tho Gospel. Judg 06 on the Bench, Aldermen snd lawyers. gei tlemen of tho highest erudition and multitudes o the poor, uso it in every variety of way, an there has been but one voice, one nnited, unive sal voice, saying, "McAlister, your Ointment good!" COMSüMTTIOX. It can hardly be crcditcd that a salve enn ha any effect upon the lungs, seated as they ar within tho eystem. Bat wesay ince for all, ihn this Ointment will rench the lungs quicker tha any medicine ihat enn be given intcrnally. Thu it' placed upon the chest, it penetrales direcily t the hing?, sepáralos the poisonous particles tha are consuming them, and expels tliem from th systsm. I need not say that it is curing persons of Con sumption coniinually, althoiigh we are lold it loolishncss. I care not what is said. so long a I can cure sevcral ihuusand persons yearly. hk.u ach r.. Thid Salve has cured persons of the Head Acl of 12 years slandinjr. and who had it regularl every weck, eo that vomiting took place. Deafntss and Kar Ache are helped with th like SUCCC8S. as also Ague in the Face. COI.D KF.F.T. Consumption, Liver complaint, pains in th chest or 8(le. fallin? of the hair. oneorthoothe ahvays accoinpunies cold feet. It is a sure sign of disease in the sysfem to have cold feet. The Salve will restore the Insensible Perspiration and thns curo every cafe. In Scrofula, Erysipelas and Sn!t Rheutn, and other diseases of this nature, no internal remedy has yct been discovered thnt is so good. The parné may bc snid of Bronchitis. Quincy, Pore Throat, Piles, Spinal Diseases, Broken or Sorc Breast, &c. And as for the Chest Discnse, g;irh as Astlima, Pain. Oppression and tito like, it is the most wonderful antidote in the World. For Liver Ccmplnint it is cqually cfTicncious: for Burns it tns not in the World: also, Excrescjices of every kind, siu-has Warts, Tumors, Pimples, &c, it makes clean work of ifTuni all. sonr v.YF.s. Tho inflammation and disca?e alwoys liesbnek of the ball of the pye in the socket. Henee the virtufr anfA"mfcdicinc must rench the eeat of the inflanmion. or it -wijl do liulo good. The. Salve, jrjjbbed on the temples, .will penétrate JirccYPy intd the socket. The pores will bo open cd, a proper perspiration will beercated and the lisease will soon pass offto the sur'ace. PIMPI.KS ON TUE FACE, FRECKÍ.F.S, TAN, MASCUL1NE SKIN, CROSS SUKFACE. It? first action iitocMH-1 all humor. It wil]ot cense drèwfng lili the face is frce from any atier that niay bc lodgcd under thn skin and cquently brcaïung uut 10 ihu surface. It tlicn cnls. Whcn there s nothing but grossness, or uil repulsivo surfuce, it begins to solien and pfien uotil the skin becomes assmooth and deliTte as n child's. It thruvvs n freshness and tishing color upon tbc now whiie. transpnrent iii). tbal is perfect ly enchaniing. Sonic times i caso óf Frecklcfi it wiil firtt start out those int havo lain hiildeii nnri secn butscldom. Puriü the Salve and all will soon disappenr. WOt.'MS. Kpnrcnta knew how futal most medicines were o children tnken inwardly, thry would be slow o resort to them. Especially '"mercurial lozcn9," cnlled "mcdicüted lozenges." pills, X:c. ■"he trutli is. no one cari teil, invnriahly, when vorms nrf present. Now let rne s:y topnrentn. i'it this Salve will alwiys teil if a rhild hap onns. It will drive every vestige of them any. This is 1 s:mple and sofc cure. Tlierc is probnbly no medicina on the face of 10 earth at once so sure and so safe in the ex ulsion of tvnrms. It would bc cruel, nny wicked, to givo internl. doubtlïil medicines, eo longos a harnilcs, xternal one could be had. TOII.KT. Ahhounh I hnve snid ütile .ibotit it as n linir s&nrative, vet I will stake it ncninst ihc World! 'hoy rn.ny brina ihfir Oils inr and nenr, nnd line will restore the hairtwo cases to t heir onn. OIvO SOnF.S. MORTIFICATIONS. UI.CKRS, ETC. Thnt FOüie Sof%s are an outlet to the inpurie of the system, is bncause they ennnot pnes fi' t!uoti2h thn natu-al chimnels of the In?ensile Perspintion. If such sores are henled up. io impuriiies must hnve some other outlet. or it will en'lnnger life. This ia ihe reason why it is nprlitic to use the common Salve of the day n such ceses. For they hnve no power to open avenues, to let orF thia niorbid mattnr. and be consequences are always fata!. This Salve will always provide for such emergencies. niSFASES OF CHIT.DRF.N. FIow mnny thousands are swept ofT by ving nternnl ïru-dicines. whan thfir young bodief tul tender frames are unable to bear up against hem? Whole armies are thus sent to their graves merely from pourinf into their wcak toniachs poworful drugs ond physics! It is to sucb that the All-Hcalmg Ointmcnt tendeipsc afe, pleasnnt, and harmless a cure Such caes as Croup. Cholic. Cholera Infantum. iVorite. and all Summcr loniiilaints. by which so many children die. tlio Ointment will renove so speedily and suulv. ihat a physician will never be needed. Mothers! throughout all this land. we now snlemniy and sncredly declaro to you that ihe All-Healing Ointment will anve your children from an early grrve f you will use it. We are not now aciuatcd by the eae' desire to gnin: luit knowing as we do ihnt vast bodies of infants and ch'Idren die early: which is supposed to bc inevitable and impossiile to prevent, we liold up our warnine voice, and (leclnre in the face of the whole world, CI1ILDREN NEED iNOT DIE MORE THAN OTHERSÜ But it is from the want ef proper nourisbment and the constant drugging they undergo which mow8 hem down as the rank grass falls before the ecyihe. RIothers! we ropcat again. and f they were the last woids we were ever to utier, and of courpe past the reacli of all interest, we would say. "use the All-llealing Oiiuincnt foi sickness aniong children." RHKPMATISM. It removes almost ininiediatelj1 the inflamation and swelling, when the pain of course ceases. FF.vrris. Tn caes of fover. the difiiculiy lies ii the porep being lockcd up. so thnt the hent and persp:ration cannot pass off. Il the least moisture could be stnrtcd. the crisis h passcd and tindanger over. The All-Healing Ointment will n all cases of feyërs alniost instnntly unlock the skin and bring forth the perspiration. FKMAI.K C0MPÍ.AIN1S. Inflama üon of the kidneys, of the womb. nnd its falling down, wrakness, and irregularity; in short, til tho;e difiiculties which are frequent with females, litid rendy and permanent relief. Wc have had aged ladies teil us they could not live six months without it. But to females obout tohecomc mothers. if used for some weeks antecedent to their confinemo'nr. very few of those pains and convuisions which attrnd tl-em at that period will be feit. Thïsract ougln to be known the orld over. Sr:.T.D HF.A.Ó. Wc have cnrcd cacs thnt nctnallv defled cvc rything known, as well as the ability of fifteen or twenty doctors. One man told xe he had spent $500 on his children without any benefit, when a few boxes of the Oinim'ent cured them. COHNS. Peoplc nced never be troubled with )hcm if ihey will nao it. As a FAMILY MF.DICIXE, no man can mrasure its valne. So long ns the stars roll along over the Ileavens - so long ns man treads the carth. suliject to all the intirmities of the flesh - po long as nnd aickness is known - just so long will this Ointment i.e used and esteemed. Whcn min ceases from ofl" the earth, then the (Iemand will ccase. and not lili then. To allay all opprehensions on account of its ingredieuts. in pos'essinjr such powerful proporties, we will state that t is cotipocd of some ol the most common nnd harmless licrbs in existence Thcre is no mercury init. asean be icen from the fact that it does not injure the skin onr partiële, while it will pns tljrough nnl physic the bowels. JAMF.S McAT.lSTER & CÓ. 168 South Street. N. York. Sole proprictor of the above Merücine, lo whom all Communications mnpt be addressed (post paid). Price 5 cents and öO cents. (EJ' As the AU Heating Ointment ha. been greatly counterfcited, we hnve given this caution to thepubhe, thnt "no Ointment will be genuinc unlefs the names of James WcAlister, or James McAlistef '& Co., are wriiren with a pen upon every labrl." The label is n steel engraving, with the figure of "Insensible Perspiration" on the face. Now we hereby ofler n reward of $500, to br paid on conviciion. in any of the constiiuttd courts ol the United States, of any individual countcrfeitinir o-:r nnmc and Ointment. MAYNARD'S. Ann Arbor. Wholesale Agents; Smith !t Tyrell, Clinton": Kt-ichmn & Smitli, TècumseK: D. C. Whitivood. Dexier: H. Uower, MaiH'hcsiRr; John Owen & Co., Detroit: Marinan Sc Cook, Urooklyn. Dei:. 18. 1-15. ' 244- ly 184(1. Watkins Si Bissel!, $w F0RWARD1NG AND COMMISSION KEBECHAMTS, DETROIT. Agcntsfor the Troy and Er'te Line. For Freight and Passage, apply lo Asa C. Tefft, ? . N. ClIAMBERLllv, ASenfá' 29CoentesSlp, Ni Y. Ion, Coit & Co., Trov. KlM3ERLY, PEASE & Co., } n rr i S. Drüllard, BuíTalo. Mnrk Packages " Troy nnd Erie Lino." Sbip Dai'y, (Sundays exceplcd,) frotn Coeniies' Slip, N. Y., by Troy and Erio Iron Tow Boat Line. 24-6m DEUÍTISTRY. E. G. BURGER, Dentisi, HAS removed hisofíicc to Crane & Jewett's Jïlock, first room on the Second Floor, where being well prepared to attend (o every branch of his profeaeion, would reepectfully say o all who have not had those nccessary organs. THE TEETH, properlv attended to, delay no onger, but cali upon him and experience the easc and durability of hrsoperations. Teums accommodating and charges inno case unreasonable. Ann Arbor, March fi, 1845. 47-ti QABBATH SCHOOI. BOOKS for sale at O PERRY'S BOOKSTORE. Dec. 23. 244- tf QHAWLS. Dress stufla of all kind Laces. Veils, Crnv.its. Ribbona, &o. fee. At the VIanhattas Storb, Detroit. W. A. RAYMOND. Dec. 25, 1S45. 244- 6mTry - Try - Try Again. AFTtR you have tried onc thousmid andona kinds of Pilis: then try Dr. Halstcad'a Briek Pilis nnd you wiil be iully saiisiied that thcy nre t much prefcrable to every oiher kind as the eun' light and heot is prefernble, 10 bring.forward and proniote a healt'iy growth in vegetables to th-t ihicli cmanates Iroiu the moon. Thoy arejust what is wanrcd in this country - n pül that operates quiek. thorough and easy carryuig al' impu-ities with ihem; leaving thó siomnch and bnvols clean and clear. wiv wit yourSLOW PIILS, that act SLOW-cleanYÓ SI.OW. and leivo the system in a SLOW stite. Bilious ma't.T and oiher impedimenta collcct vel ry inpid in ihe syetem when once they begin te nccumulatc - and wil increase as fnst as Slow Pilis wijl remove them. It is necoísnry tl.erefore to hnvca brisk operaiinn- ihat wil) aroo uj the okgans from tlieir torpic! siatc. give n nw nipeiua 10 the blood and secretinne! Then food will digrst - the stomach gnin strength the ya icni strons - ihe i-kin clear - the appeiite good, nnd you are wc.ll- wlicn yonr slow doses wrulc keep you üngeripg along for nionthi- r.m) ibn prhnps you will fend for a Doctor, and vhtt wiil he do? Ue will give ycu a pouerful cnihnrtic - one tliat wil! do yon porre pood. Now be yoprown doctor?, and tuke HalMrd's Vegetable Brisk Pili, and gradúate them 10 itiit ihe patiënt. To wenk patiems give mi 11 doses-nlro to children. They are harn.lrfs nr.d can begivcn 10 the nost delicate- but ihtnthcy give lifc nnd moticn to the pystem. DISEASE is a low n.oibid nrtien. clopgine up all the small vessel?- and colls aloud (or a remedv that will aroüsc them into nction hefore they becometoo enk to be kept in motion.- People die for ihe wnnt of iiction- nnd frnring they shnll ohtain a hoolthy. natural r.ctior - tlity príer tnkine a plow medirine- tj.nt they may doctor slowly for yeart - nnd at die viih slow, linperng dipcese- the notuinl eflect ol tri. ing slow Pilla. Away then with ihis theory. If nature wishes to ptïiily the aii, she enlls tip o hurry a thunder shower, nnd w iih it her lighi nings (air physic) to puiify, cleanpe. and give i new motinn to the atniofphrre. and all is e. She does not liphten prntly the yenr round te produce thu motion. Then follow nature, when. you nre out of henlih - have a bad t.iKte in youj niotitli - indigrstioji - costivenefp - fryrr eolk chills - fevcr nnd npue- dyspppyia- prin in bacd or ljrnhs - t;il;en cold - or in fort out ol orrïf r in nny wny - relieve your.TÜ inuredintely by tnking tht; Urisk Pilis. Try them nnd you wij use no rther. ?.Q Filis for i;5 cent. Sold wholi-sale nnd retnil by .1. Owen & Co., Detroit; C. Fherbnrh. S. P Jewctt. Lu-d McCoIlum. Ann Arbor. 237-Ctn S1CKNKSS IX CMJLDKEN. AND the iufTering which thej nndergc frora "wokms" ofte lend to a Intal 'terininatmir, while the calsk is oever 6iirpected. Oflenrivs bicath, pitking at the nose. grinding the ieeth during sleep, ftnning in sleep wïih fricht and scrennting, troublesotne coiigh, and fevcrifhiicig, aro aniong some of the Prominent Symj tom.s of the presence of worms. A timely use ot' SIIERMAN'S WORM LOZENGES Will nimcflinfcly remove all these unpïen?ant symptoms. and restore to perfect heahh. Siitor fenatius, Superior of the Catholic Half Orphnn Asylunt hne addcd her tesiiinony in their invor, to ihe thouF.-mds which have gone bel( re. "Slis si ates that there aro over 100 rhiidren in the Asylum. nnd ibrti they h.ive betn in the hnbit of nsing Pheinian8Lo7.enges. and she litis nlwnys found tt:eni to be nttendud with the most beneticial efJectS. They iinve been proved to be infU lible in over 400,000 cases. CONSUMPTÍON, Inilurnzo. Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Tigntres8 of the Lungs or Chest may be cured. Rev. Darius Anthony wns very low !ioni Coniumpiion. Jonnihan Howard, the Feiebratrd tfiupernnce lecnirer, was reduerd to the vergeoi the grave by rnicing blood. Rev. Mr. . Dunbar, öf New York. the Rev. Mr. De Foiest. Evangolisi in ilie Western part of this state. Rev. k hastian Streeter, o1 Iloston, the viffof Oramns Dibble, Flejjj. in Monravia. nnd hnndreds oí others, iiave been rtlieved and cured by a proper use of SMERMANíe COren LOZENGFf:. And no medicine has ever boen more efTectnali n the relief of those discasea, nr which rnn be recotumendcd with more cot fi-Jence. Thry n Iay all itching or irriiotion. rtnder the cough cacy, promoie expcctor.ition, remove the c-iuse, anti produce the most happy and Insting tfiects. IIEADACIIE. PalpitDiion of ihe Heart, Lowness of Spirft, Sea sicknesi, Despondencv, Fnininees Cholic ypnsm.o, Crnmps of the Stomach. Surntncr or Bowel Cortipliiinla. nlso all ihe distressing smptons aiising from Irce living, or n night of dis■catión nre quickly and entirely relicvcd by using SIIERMAN'S CAMPÍIOR LOZF.NCES. They .iet {-peedüy nnd relieve in a very short spaccof time. giving tone and vigor to the aystm. nndennblea person usisg them to undergo great mental or bodily fatijruei RI1EUMATÍSM, Wenk Bnck, pain and wenkness in t!ie Crensi, Back. Limbs nnd other parts of the body are spcedily and cflVotiiiilly relit-ved by SÍIFR MAN'S POOR MAN'S PLASTEit, vhu-h cosisonly 12J cents, and is within the ro.ich f nll. So firrtn hs becomn the repu tal ion of thfs nrticln thnt one müüonwill noi hrgin to eupply the aununl demnnd. It is ncknov'u-dped to be the bcBtstrengthenmg Plaptor in thcworld. BEWARE OF IMPOSITION. Dr. Slurinau's Poor Maji's PLs:er his his name wiila direciiuns printrd on ihe back of the Piaster, nnd a ÏÏTac simüejj] ot the Doctcr's writtcn name under ihe direc:ions. None oihers ore L'enuine, or to he reücd on. Sherman' Warenouse is No. 106 Nrssüu st. New York W. S. fc J. V. MAYNAUD, Agcnts 'for Ann Arhor. 24(3 Cheap Hardware Store. THE Subdcriber tskes this method 10 inform his old customers nnd the public jenernlly thnt hestill cominues 10 keep n largeand gonernl assortment of Forrign and Dorheatic HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c. Also. Spike. Wrought, Cut nnd Hon,e Shoo Nails. Glnss. Sheet Iron, Hoop Iron. Sheet and Bar Lertd. Zync, Bright and Ancalod Wire, Molaesea Gales and Fnssetts, Mili Snws. Cross Cut Shws. Mand n,d Wood Saws, Back and Key Hole Saws, Anvils, Viccs. Bellows.AdzoSjCooper'd TooL-, Drnwing Knivea, Spoke Shnves, Tap Borcrs, Cast Sieel Augurs. Common Aaffi'rs, Augur Jjitts, Hollow Auguis, Steel and Iron Squares, Ground Piaster, Watex Lime, Grind Stones, Potnsh.Caldronand Sugnr Kettles, Cable, Log. Trace nnd Halter Chninp, Brond, Hand and Narrow Axes, Spirit and Plumb Levels. together with a general ns&oriment of Hollew Ware. which will be sold low for Cash of npprovcd credit at 123. Jefferson Avenue. EIdred'sBlock. R. MARVIN. Detroit, .Jan. T6th. 1846. 248-Iy BOOTS ANI SIIOES, AT WHOLESALE. A. C. M'GKAW & CO., WHOtESALR A.ND RKTAIL rAI.KRS W BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER AND FINDINGS, Comer of Jefferson and Woodward Jlvenuet, Detroit. AC. M'GRAW & CO. would respectfully inform the Mcrchnnts of Michigan, that they have opened a WHOLESALE BOOT AND SHOE STORE, in the rooms over their Retail Store, Smart'a Corner. Their long nc qunintance with the Shoe business, and the knds of shoes that are neoded in this Stnte, will cnahlc them to furnish merchnuts with 8tich shoea as they neod. on better terms than they can buy in the New York market. as all their goods nre bought from first hands, and particular attention is p;nd to the selcction of sizes. Detroit, 1846. 248-lv 1VAITEB. 1 1 1VVO young men about 18 or 19 yenrsofnpe J. as apprentices to the S'at-h nd Blind mnking business. Also, one JOURNEYMAN, at the above business. IT. GREGORY Ann Arbor, Lower-Town, Dec. 4, 1845.