
The E vont of the Lecture Season HILL'S OPERA HOUSE Wednesday, Mnrcli 8, 187C, THEODORniIM SUBJECT : "The Problem of Life ADMÏSS1ON, . 5O CKKTS To all parts of the house. Tickets for sale at Fiske A Douglas' Boofc Si ore eme week in ad va nee. PREH8 NOTICKS. Ï5U00KLYN DAILY EAGLK, Oct. 1, 1875. The lecture ia characterized by fi'lieity of expressisn, delicacy of fancy and oratorical skill. It is pleasant to see that Mr. Tiltoii has lost none of his old time skill, aud that thr Kublic is not :t verso to hearing him. 'o man who eau peak as well as Mr. Tilton spoke last .: v'n hiii, jH'rd have foar ot' drawin gnudly coinpauy together at any time in lïruuklyn. Mr. Tilton was popular in Brooklyn berause of his amiability and intellectual accompHshnients many rears ago, aud to-day there are thouands whose ntt.Tüsts in him have nurvived the shock of conflict, who are glad to testify in every proper way thelr laduess at sering hini again engaged in the pnKT tuiness of his Ufe. BOSTON ADVERTISER, Oct. 2, 1875. Nntwlthttanding the rain, a very large andienco issembled, every seat except a few iu the balcony laving been sold. The lecture was giveu a wurm reception. His lecture was interestin, contained nany excellent moral and practica] sentinientM, and wan very eloqueut. It cannot fail to give satisfaction whereverlt ís delivercd. BOSTON POST, Octt 2, 1875. Notwlthstandlne the severe rain storm which ifi-vnili-ii fur two hours before the time announccd 'or the lecture, every seat on the Hoor and iu tbe mlconii's was occupled, and when the lecturer nteped upon the stage he was received wit h a burst of Lpplause which could have hardly been njore corlial. Th' si' who listened to his eloquent and beauiful lecture honored him withoutburstof applaue. 1510 ■pOR SALE. My atore next door to the SAVINGS BA-ïsTIC, Now occupied by C. A. Lewia. One of the bent locatioiiB in the city. Also my State St. Froperty Of tb ree Stores, locatcd ut College entrance - nor tb west corner. Alaomy Family Horse, ("iirrïage and Harnrss. I have decided to sell the above property and will make pricea to snit the times. Thia property ia mear of hII incumbrunce aod titles perfect. I mettn bunineu as 1 expect to leave the city. luquire of W. D. SMITH, State Street, Ann Arbor. Februsry 15, 17. 3nil570 O?jS% Auger A Drill. 100 a montb Ln%m a pildto ood Agenta. Augcr book m? mm 0 &. Jiu Auger co., at. louh, Me.
Hill's Opera House
Old News
Michigan Argus