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- Council meeting next Mouday evening. -Charter eleotion the third day oí April. - The Dexter charter election is to takO place on Monciay next, Match 6. - E. L. Boyden, of Webster, lost a rery fine horse a few days ago. Pneumonía. - There was a thunder storm on Sunday evening last, with sleet iustead of rain. - Mack & Schmid have a new and attraotive advertisement in our advertising columns. - The Manchester folks Kndulge in the freeman's right, and elect " village dads" on Montlay next. - We are undei obligations to Hon. A. S. Wi liams for the daily issues of the G&ngressiotial Record. - William Barry, a lad about 12 years old, had a number of fits at St. Thomas' school on Tuesday afternoon. - Anton Eisele had a flnger on his right hand crushed last Friday while engaged in moving a monument. - JVlarch carne iu on Wedtiesdfiy bringing the biggest anow storm cf the winter, - iu f act a geuuine snow storm. -Mr. Waidelich is to erect a three story trick block on the corner of Liberty and Second streets the coming seaaon. -Wind 'north, air olear and full of frost, and mercury at 8 deg. alove zero. That waB the weather report yesterday morniug. -City Marshal Herrón extended relief to '22 poor families only during the month of í'ebruary, and expended less than $100. - Tuis is what the Manchester Bnterj-!se says : " The theatrical mania has struck th amall boys of Ann Arbor. That's worse than the measles." - D. M. Finley is buildiug a new house on his farm iu Scio, and will remove thereto as soon as cotnpletecl, - trom his residence in the ïirst ward. -"The Problem ot' Life" is the trum Theodore latón wui wrestie wua on Wednesday eveiiing next, March 8th, at the Opera House. -Last week 20,000 white fish fry wer plauted in Base Lake, 20,000 in Portage Lake, 20,000 iu Big Portage Lake, and 12,000 in Silvor Lake. -City Attomey Mc Reynolds is reported 3 liaving aspirations for promotiou to the office of justice of the peace. What shall be done tü the slanderer ? - A. Kearney and Geo. f W. Cropsey have purchased the store of " Put" Martin on Main street, and report says a new grocery establishment is in prospect. -Dr. Simms, oí New York, is delivering a course of lectujes at the Opera House, on physiognomy, nature, oiind and beauty, ïllustrated by line oil portraits. - The ice men have been adding to their etorea during the present week, from the lukes about two miles southwest of the city. About íour luches is the thickness. - Cutters appeared on the streets Sunday noon : a forced endeavor to utilize the tbia ovëring of snowy sleet which feil om Saturday night and Suuday forenoon. -In the Detroit Superior Court on Tuesday, F. B. Hooper, formerly of this city obtaiued judgment foi $4,364.81 agaiust Hudson and Stroh. Wiusor " crooked " paper. -Gen. Geo. D. &U1 ha goue on a pilgrimage to Washington, relying (report say) upon the promise of a clerkship. Well, Uhandler js in the Cabiuet and knows his men. Capt. Spencer, postniaster at Ypsilanjiwa thrown Erom his carriage on Friday motïiing last,- hís horse, a young colt, being irighteued by a dog,- aud quite seriously injured. - Robert Widemnauu, son of August Widnmann, who went to Atlanta, (ieorgia, a year or two ago, 18 now ruuuing a cashmere goat ranche in southwestern Colorado,- Arkansas valley. Aid. Gardner arrived home from a " short run " mto Canada on Saturday last, and reportad fine sleighing at Kingston and " all along shore." He says that business in Canada is not much more brisk thau here. _J. Q. Detwilder is to lectura on temperance at the Unitarian Church to-morrow avening. He is reported to be the equal of Gough, aud iï anybody doubts it they can satisty tbemselves by going and hearing him. -At the next meeting of the Ann Arbor Scientific Association (to-morrow evening) Dr. Duuster will read a paper on " The History of Spoutaneous G-eusration," and Rev. C. H. Biigham one on " A Rare Bird." -The First National Bank is putting on Sargent fc OreenleaE's doublé chronomete bank lock,- a lock which st for a specifi hour cannot be unlocked by the bank ofncers themselvea until that hour comes round. It i coueidered isafe protection against burglar and will make raids upon cashiera' residence inefiectual, - A girl baby,supposd to be three week c ld, was deposíted on the doorsteps of Geo. Heartley in the Third ward, on Thursda; rnorning of last week. It was taken and caree for by a lady in the neighborhood. -At the meeting of the Executive Clommit tes of the Washtenaw County Agricultura and Horticultural Suciety held on Saturday laet, tlio revisiou of the premium lint was coni pleted. Another meeting will be held on th 7th inst. - nt which tne superintendent an( judges will be appointed. - Mrs. Wealthy Smith, living on State street, an old resident of this city and county died on Thursday last of paralysis- or we might say of old a(?e. Slie was Her long illnesa had been endured with patience anc ïesignation, the resignation ot a Uhristian. - Mrs. Nichols, an elderly lady living with her daughter, Mrs. Stewart Knight of the Third ward, attempted to go down stairs on Wednesday evening of last week, without a light, and feil from the top to the bottom, cutting both the back of her head an!l torehead, and bruising herself soverely. Fortunately the injuries were not fatal.