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University Notes And Gossip

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Letter to the Editor
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- That iuvestigating committeo is still at ork. - J. B. Steere and a corps of assisstauts are usily at work on the Steere collection. - The ne w hospital buildings are both comiletecl, but will not be used this session. The special religious exercises on Wednes83-, the day of prayer or colleges, were largely ttended. - Jolm B. Gough (if he don't fall out by lie way, like other lecturerB,) is to appear beore the lecture association on the evening of he lOtl inst. - We are told of a senior medical student who having beeu detailed to take eare of a palent coming from abroad for a surgical operaion, charged and received a fee : and theu had ;o refund. - Monday afternoon Dr. Maclean lectured on homeopathy, or rather on the connection or ack of connection of the oíd and new medical schools. The object of the lecture was to satisfy the studente that the " College ot Medicine and Surgery " has not been put under ban, and that their time certiflcates will be recognized at any ud all medical colleges. He anticipated no coudenmatory action from the American Meiic&l Association, and thought the State Association would hesitate loug beiore taking such action as would compel the abandonment of the tield lo the lionieopathists. Editor of thk Aequs : To the conuudrum in your laat issue as to why two of our UniTersity magnates pronounce the last syllable in hterature as if written chure, let me add anotlier. Why do some of our educated men sound the t in oten, and give e in th last syllable of Jerusalem the ound of u short ? Philomato.