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Probate Court

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T'.e íollowiug orders have been niade la the FroDate Court since our last report: Estáte of Jedde O. Bunnell, deceased ; notice to creditors published ; claims to be heard May 24 and Aug. 24, by (Jeo. S. Wheeler and J. L. Wheelock, cornraissioners. Estáte of Lawson Eogers, deceased ; petition for probate of will ; day of hearing March 20. Estáte of Charlotte T. Palmer, deceased ; order for hearing final account of administrator ; day of hearing March 25. Estáte of Jacob Colé, deceased ; order for hearing final account of executors; day of heariug March 29. Estáte of John Heivans, deceased; notice to creditors published ; claims to be heard May 26 and Aug. 26, by J. Willard Babbitt and Frank Emerick, commissioners. Estáte of Caleb Mooie, deceased ; order for hearing final accouut of executor ; day of hearing March 21. Estáte of Patrick Hoban, deceased ; license grauted to sell real estáte ; day of sale April lö. Estáte of Elizabeth Holden, deceased ; notice to creditors publishfcd ; claims to be heard May 29 and Aug. 29, by H. C. Waldron and W. Hamilton, commissiouers. Estáte of Alma Butler (Cross), minor; li cense granted to invest in real estáte. Estáte of Benjamin F. Chamberlain, deceas ed ; final account of executrix heard and a lowed. Among the papers in Harper's Magazine for March are : The Principalitiss oi the Dan abe, fioely illustrated ; The Microscope, by Prof. Samuel Lockwood, interesting and in struotive botli in text and illustration ; The First Century of the ïtepublic, in which E. P Whipple oónoïu&M hm sketch of Amoriai Literatura ; The Baby, by Porte Crayon, artistic, comioal, and appreclative ; Partios ai Preachers of the Church of England ; and the Soutliern Industftal Prospect, by Gen. T. M Logan. There is another installment of Julian Hawthorne's novel, Oarth ; tlie second book of Daniel Deronda, by Ueorge Eliot, favorably receivod by the critica ; a sketch of Luorssia Borgia, by Prof. F. P.t Crana ; and for lesser storie, The Crimo of Abigail Tempest (the aforesaid Abigail having undortakeu to betray Washington atid deliver him into the Imnds of the enemy) ; Simpson of Bussora, Almost too Late, Wantod- a Soul, and Namber 13, by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps. The poems are : Aunt Haanah, by I. T. Trowbridge, and Love is King. The several editorial de" partments are full of good things. Haepbr & Beothees, New York. ClECtTIT COITKT JüRORS.- Th8 foltowing ÍS the list of the petit jurors drawn and umraoned to appour on the first day of the uext term of the Circuit Court, Tuesday, March 21: Ann Arbor City- Nelson Eastvrood, Auguatiue H. Markham, Lewis Sehleicher, John Schumacher, E. Sumuer. Ann Arbor Tovn- Frederick Piown. Axtguíta-Y. H. Hurria. Freedom- Jacob Lutz. Lodi- Julius F. Santón!, Jossup Wocni. Li(ndon- Martin How. Manchestin - Oeo. H. Hatntaond, James Kelly, Thomas Logan. A'ot-MeW- Wm. Doty, Geo. MnlHiaeli, V. S. Purtell. PitUfield- Sidney Hurwood. Salem- G. N. B. Keuwick, John W. Stile. Saline- Matthew Sager, Geo. Slierman. Scio -Lewis Vogel. Siaron - GeoOsborn . Superior - Abrara Culver, Geo. r. Gates, Clark M. Sly. Webster- E. L. Boyden, Alfred Valentine. Yoii -James M. Kulsey.