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VfOR SALE. One portable eight horsc power Thrcahtng Enine. Also, one Feed Mili, Circular Saw and Cuttug Box, 90 feet of U4 inch shafting, 100 feet 5 inch ubbor belting. For partieulars inquire of ELI MOORE, Ann Arbor Agricultural Works, 1572wliit Ann Arhor, Midi. Estáte of Caleb Moore. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washteuaw, tm At a session of the Probate Court for the 'ounty of Washtenaw, bolden at tiie Probate Ofice in the city of A nu Arbor, on Monday, the .wenty-eighth day of February, in the year one housaud eight hundred aud seveuty-six. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the mttter of the estáte of Caleb Moore, deceased. B. Franklin Gooding, executor of said estáte, coinés into court and represente that he is now arepared to render his final account as such exjcutor. Thereupon it is ordered that Tuesday, the tweuy-first day of March 06It, at tt-n e'clock in the forenoon, be assiued for examiuing and allowine such account, and that the devisees, legatees and hcirs at law of said deceased, and all other persous interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said couuty, and show cause, it' any there be, why the said account abould not be allowed : And it is further orde red that said executor give notice to the persons iuterestod in sHid estáte oí the peudency of said account and the hearing thereo'f, by causing a copy of this order to be pubüshed in the Michigan Argus a newspuper priuted and circulat ing iu said county, three successive weeks previou to said day of hearing. (A true copy.) NOAIl V. CHEEVER, 1672w3 Judge of Probate. August Widennmnn, of the oity of Aou Arbor having this day mude a general assignment to mi for the benefit of creditors, uil persons indebted t him at this date are requeated to make immed: ate payment to me, luad. persons having claim againsthim will pLense present me with a state ment thereof at an etirly day. Dated, Ajm Arbor, February 11, 1876. JAMES B. GOTT, 4wl57O. Aiwignee. THE NEW ENGLAND RANGE with Hlevated Hot Closet, comliiniiiK all the latest, most Thble and económica! iuiproveiueuts in Cooklug Ranges. The new MORNING GLORY beautifully moiuited, and BCknowlettged to be one oí the leading flrst oíase Cook Store THE WOODLáND C00K A new first olasa Wood Store ; for a Um priced stove it caunot be, beat. It has all tho modern improvementa, Th o abovestoves all have the new Patent bitt'usive OvenKluos, by wbfefa the oven is sureto be evenly heated at all UfflW, rniiking them thu most perfect Bakers in the inarket. The LEVER C LOTHES WRINGER Ia a perfect success. Every lady who use a wringer should get one at Pease's. Those 40 reasoiis for getting WeeóVs Carpet Swecper are yet good ones. Galvanized iron Toilbt 3ets, are certainly tlie most durable. My Portable Bath Tubs are the best and cheapest and should be Indispensable. Those metal Water Filters everj Family ahould get one at C. J. PEASES. 48 Sou Mi mals Street. I y M $40,000, WKI I, UH'AI'EI) Toledo Property, fok;saxe ou exchasue. Wlll take as oue-third payment, Real Estáte n I Ann;Arbor orvicinity, cither forme, timbe r landi or h'iuses ;uiI ]uts, Iiahmce of p;iyments ou the Toledo property will lje easy. Is locatcd neartermiaui f' tlie Niirxow Gauge Kailway, Wolcott Bros Toleco, Ohi, Jauuary Ttb. IMf EDWARD DUFFY HAS JUST RECEIVED AN' Eniire New Stock Of ffOOdl cuisist.Ui'i (f Teas, Coffees, SÜGARS AND SYRUPS, BoughtinNEWYORKfrom first hands FOR CASH, and is offering them at ïïm mm AüVAPici over New York Oost. Also n full line of TADIES and GENTI.raiiN'S WK AR in BOOTS & SHOES, All of whicli be Í 'ffcring VERY LOW FOR CASH. ït puya everybody fco bay thcdr goodi for 'inli. Culi aud examine goodi Hld price, nnrï I WILL INSUHE SATISFACTION 'ioorl-i 'le!iveri".i(l to any part of the City free o charge. EDWAKD DUFFV. " Biayaard's Biock,1 cor. Main anrt Ann treets Aun Arbor, Mich. ■ LARCE ARRIVAL OF vi ■ F ALL AND WINTER CLOTHING AT W WAGNER'S Wlio Sell Olothin so Cheap ttifir fie DEFIES ALL COMPETITION. All who ave pressed with the hard times and desire A CHEAP SUIT Can find it at WAGNEK'S. A fine stock of Cloths, Cassimeres and Trimmings always kept and Sviits Made to Order. A Large stock of FTJENISHING G00D8. 21 South Main Sr. Anst Arbor. Estáte of Caroliue Miller. O'l'.VTE OF MICHIGAN", County of Washtcnaw, O as. At a sesaion oí the Probate Court t'er the county of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate office in the city of Aun Arbor. on Friday, the eleventh Sk Mt 'mr . . J' L"1 l t , Htin4IT 1 1 i Ul 1 ' j l i b :i n lIwM, .-,. ■■ . 1 , , . , . " . 1 hundred and seventy-six. Present, Noah W. Cheever, .Tiidee of Probate. In the matter of the state oi Caroline Miller, minor. Leonhard Gruner, guardián of said estáte, comes into court and representa that he is now Iirepared to renderhis ñnal account as such guardián. Thereupon it is ordered, that Thursday, the sixteenth day of March next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for exarmuing and allowing sudi account, and that the next of kin ot said minor, and all other persons intereated in said estáte, iré required to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the Probate ofh'ce, in the city of Ann Arbor. in said county, and nhow cause, lf any there be, why the said account should nol be allowed: And it is further ordered that said guardián jrive notce to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendeney ot' said account, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of tliïa order to be published in the Mirhign Argwt, a newspaper priuted and circulating-in said county three succesive yoeks previous to said day of hearinv. (X true copy.) NOAH W. CHEEVER, liiïOtd Tudge of Probate. Estáte of Chriatian Oiossman. STATE OF MICHIGAN, counl y of V'a.shtenaw, as. At a Reasion of Probate Court íor the county of Wauhtenaw, holden at the Probate Otiice in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesdny, the sixteenth day of February, in the yeav one thous-aud öigat hundred and snventy-six. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judire of Probate. In the matter of the estáte ot' Chiistiautirofuman, deceased. Aniutitus Widenmann, ndmiuistrator bonit non witt the will annexed, of said estute, comes iuto oourt and rt'pret)n1 that he ft now ptepartd to render his final aecotmt as such admiuistrator. Thereupon it is ordered, that Saturday, the eleventhday of March next, at ten oVlock in the forenoon, be aasigned for examining and allowing sucli account, and that the devieees, leñatees, ano heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persone niterested in said estáte, are required to appear at a sassion of said Court, then to be holden at the 1'robate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said ounty. aud show eauee, if any there be, why the snid account should not be allowed : And it ia further ordered that said executors cive notice to the persons intereated in said estáte, of the pendency ot said account, and the hearing thereof, by ruusing a copy of thie ordor to be published in the Michigan Arffut, a printed and eirculatinfjf in said oounty, three sucecasive weeks previous to said day of he;trin?. (A true copy.) NOAÜ W. CHEEVEIl, 15"0td Judge of ProbaieEatate ot' Florian Muehlig. CÍTATE OF MICHIGAN, Countyof Washtenaw, O sa. At a seswion of the Probate Court for the county of Washteniiw, holden at the Probate Omen, in the city of Ann ArW, on Konday, the thirty-first day of January, in the yeur ,.nu tliniiurtTíH Mifht. hunilmd and seventv-fiix. li5 LIIVMIBULHI VIL,'. luiv,l uu uk vj .-.., Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judjre of f róbate. In tho matter of the estáte oL Florian Hueblig, eeeased Onreadingftnd fllinir the petition diilyverined, f Emanuel Munn, Administralor da huift non with he will annexed, praying tbut he muy be licensed o aell the real estáte wheieof said deeeased died eizod. Therenpon it is ordered, that Tuesday, the eveuth dny of Murch next, ut ten o'clock in the oronoon, be assiyued tor thr hi;iriiiix of Huid etitln, and t.bnt t): devisees, leñatee, and leirs at law of sud dei;eased, nnd all other ersons iuterested in sftid etate, ure required Q appenr at a session üf said court then to be .uiden at the I'rohate Ottiiv, in the QÍtyof Ano V.rbor, and huw panse, if atiy there 'ie, why the iruyer of the petitiouer sbould mt be grmnted: Iml il is further onlrrHl, that aaid pütitioner give lotice to the persons interested in iaid estáte, of he pendonoy of aid petition, nnd the hearing .hcreof, by cnuaiBS a copy ot thia order to be pubished in the M ili 'in a Anjus, a newspaper prinlod ind eirculaled iosaidcounty, tour snecessive weeks ■revious to sftid duy of hearinw: (A true copy.) NOAH W. CHEEVER, 1588 Judsre of Pr(b ilt' Estáte of Louis Lux. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Waabteasw, O ss. At a seBsion of the Probate Court for tl rauuty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city oí Ann Arboj-. on Friday, the tuurt h day of Fobruary in the year on; thonsaod eight hundred and seventy-eix. Pnaent, Noah W. dwever, .Tnduo ui" l'iuhate. Iu the matter of Uie estáte oí Louis Luz, de eeaned. t Victorino Ducharme, Admltnstratrix of saín petate, comen int court imd represent! that he is now prepared to leuder hei linal account as -such Administratrix. Thereupon it is oidered that Saturdav tht fnurth dtiy of March next, at ten o'rlock n tlic forcnoon, be'i98ii?E'íil for examioiug acr aUowing suoh acoount," añil that, the heira at luw'ol lafl ilnwiwed, and all othei peraons íutcrentctl m sükI estáte, are required to nppear at ■ neMÍonoJ siiid cnurt, thi-n tobe holden ut the Trobute office, intlie city ol Arbor, ia paid county , and nhow cause, ií auy there be, why the said account sliould not be allowed. And it is lurther ordered that waid Administr:itrix give notice to the persons intereöted in said estáte, of the pendency oi aid account nnd the hearing thereof, by oanelng a copy of this ocdel to be pubÜHhed in the Michigan Argus, a newapaper priuted and circulatinK in said county, three buccessive weekB previoue to said day ol hearing. (Atruecopy.j NOAH W. CHEEVKR, 1jC9w4 JuJiff of l'robate. CoiDmisaiotiera' Notioe. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County oWash e3 naw, hs. The onder rfigoed havinpr been ap. bafe f wü ' Fot iid oètrtity, (Jonunisaionere to recteivei ind adjtiat alJ chuma and demanda ol ni! persona ntrainst the estáte oí Oeorge Worner, Inte f fuid unty, deoeudt.-d, hereby 'j,i e nol ice ' bat bix montli f rom date are allowed, by order oí snid Ptobate Oourt, for arediton lo procent their olttima ajrainBt the estáte of said deceased, and that tluy wijl meet at the late residence of said deceased, in the townnbip of York, in saJd county, -n the 8th day of Uay aad oa the 7th day of Anfpiai next, nt'ien o'clonk A. M , of ench of soid days, ti reoewe, examine and adjust said claims. 1,.!. -]. h. 7th, A. I). !.s7i.. A rJiBRT CA8K. ï . XATHAN PUTNAM, i Gommisaioow. Chancery Sale. Í RRUANTto and by v'ïrtiie of au order ol iIm-i ircuit Conrt for the County oí Washtenaw, inehanoery, madeon the thirty-Ürst day of ) 'eoember, A. D, l75, In acnuse therein pejidifig, wherein uñarles Thayei 'm complainant, andEluah W. Morgan, survivfng trustee of the Ann Arbor Jjimd Cfimpany, h defendant: Notice ík hereby piven, tliat T flhnll ell at publio voikIuc to the higlxjHt bidder, at ten o'rlork m the forenoon on tlic JRtli dar of March, IOT6, at tbe wiuth door of the Court Houkp, in thp city of Ann Arhor, all the fcllowing deacribed tanas rituated in the City of Ann Arhnr, in said CoQnty : .ïs 1, 2, 8, 4, 5, uiid U, in bloeit soven ou( li, range eigh east ; also lotsí, .r, o, 7, 8, 10, 1!, nnd 12, in bloeit eren Bouth, and rany-f; nine east; ulso, lot 5 in block seven sou tb. , range eieren enst ; alo( lot 10 in hlock seven sooth, run f? e fcwelve east ; and also, lot.' 0, (i, 7, 8, and 9, in block sevn soutfa ranjfe ten east ; nlo the soutli one quarfer f tot nine, in block eren i-outh, rane nin eint ; arl l,he triangular pieoe of land, beinff about thrée quarteca of au aore, In the northwM ooroet of seotton tlnrfy-two. Dated, January ïili, íh,v. ITG6 J. F. LAWBEXCÜ, Cirmiit Cort omm'r Washtenaw Co., Mich. Mortgage 8ale. nl'-l' 'A 'Y li&vlng been made ín tbe condltionsof a certa in mortffage made and executed by Abram Mangas, and Kis wlfe Lucinda Mangas, to John Bush, beaiinp; date the twenty-thlrd day of Sopteinber, A. D. 187ÍÍ, and rocordea In the office of the Register of Deéds tor Washtenaw Coiintv, iu, on tlie 26th day of September, A. J. 1873, at one oclock p. 5f., in liber 50 of ffiOrtgg on page SU, on whicb mortgage there is claimed to be due at the dnte of thís notwe, for principal and interest, the snm ofoup hundred and forty-sevcii dollars and sixtv-nine cení r wlth au atiorney's fee of ten dollars, b hou la any prooeedinen 'f taken to forecldse the saine, u'nd nu proceedinas ai law or tn eqnity baviog been taken to recover the suido or nuv part thereof: Notice s, Cherefbre, hereby glven. thal by rirtue of the power of ale comainod in said mortgage, aml tin: statutein suchcase made and prorided,! willsell ut pubtle aui'tion, on öatübdat, the tweïttieth day of May, A. D. 1876, at ten o'Mock in the fonnoon, at the south dooT of rln Coort House In tbe city of Ann Arbor (that being the building In which the Circuit Court for the County of W tenaw is held), the preraises describsd Lu mortgage, tosatlsfy the anjount duethereo, and thecoetfl nu expenses of sale and -■i attorney's feo, to wit: All that certain piece orparcel of land described and bounded M follows, comnienoin a; ti stake in t ! of au ta-t Rfid west road on the section line dividlng seclions twnty-nin and thïrty-two (32), township &nr {4 south of ranee six (ft) east, foarteen roda and three feet vesi of tue Dorthvetil nï Fletcher's ïand, runnin thenoe eat fburteen rods and three feet to said corner of Fletcher1 lands, (henee sotíth elgttteen rods and two f&eí ti loe oeoter of Kidge road, thenoe along the center of Ridge road, 8outhwefterty, seven teen rods and three reet, thence northerly tairty-one roda feotheplaoe of &eginniog1 th? lame contaioing two acres, - ai'l Innds situated in the toirtwhip of Yoflc, Waht?na Pmintj a int State of Michigan. Pated, Fobrii JOHN K( SH, Mnrtgoi By Attony. i ,7] Mortgage Sale. WSEREAS P'rederick lándawer, of the township of Lodi, County ol Washteuaw,. Michigan, on tbe twenty-eighth day of Junuary, in the year of our Lord one thounnd eight hundred and sevimty-four. exeented a mort page to Benvy L. TaineB, of Wilhamsburgh, MassHchusetts. to Be cure Ihe payment of eertain principal and Interest, being the purchase ïnoney therein meutioiie, which mortgage was iecorded in tlie otfioe of the Register of Deeds of the Couuty of Washtenavt and State of Michigan, aforesaid, on the I9th d:iv of February, A. 1. 1874, at 3:50 o'elook p. m. of êaid. day, in liber 49 of mortsgogea, on page r23 ; And whereaa defuult has been made for more thun thirty duya in the payment of an mstallraenl of principal and interest which beeazne dne un the twenty-eisrhth day of January -A-. I. 1875, by reason whereof, and pursuant to tbe terms of said mortgage, said mortgagee hereby electa that #o mueh of said principal as remains unpaid, with a!l arreurageti of interest thereon hall become due and payable immediately ; And whexeas there m claimed to be due and unpitid on said inortgne at the date of this uotice, the snm of se ven teen hundred and thirty t'ollara and forty-seven cents; alao an attorney fee of flfty dollars as a reasonable solicitor'w or attoriipy's fee, should any proccedings be taken to foreciose the turne, in adüition to all otlier legal costs, and no snit or proceedioga having bt-en had eit her in law or equit y lo recover the same or any part thereof: Notice thereloreis hereby given that on the tliirteeuth day of Muy uext, at two o'clotk in tite afternoun of said day, .. m iV „ J i.3 _ i Jl__ J 1 _ TT . . .. _ ? . 1 ' j of Anu Arbor (rhat oeing the place of holding the Circuit Cottrt for saidcoiintyj, Hnd by viitue of the power of sale contained in'suul mortgaiie,.! shall sell at public auction, tothe highest bidder, the premises described in aaid mortgage, to Hatiafy the amoniit of prinoipal and interest abovecinirned as duc, with the charges at suoh .solt' and un attorney's fee of fit tv dollars, all ihose certain pieces or pareéis of bind, sitúate and being in the township ui Bridgewater in tlie county oí Wafchtenaw and State of Michigan, and deeeribed as t oiiows, to wit : Being the west haJf of the weat half of the uorthweat quarter oí seotion nuinber nine ; also the ou t heust quarter of the uortheast quarterof section numtier eiglit, all in township number four(4j south of rang-e nuraber four f4) eaöt, coñtaining eigtty aerea of land more or lese. Dated, Fcbruary 18, 1876. HENRY L. JAMES, Hortguffee. Jotín N. Gott, Attorney for Uortqagee. 170 Mortgage Sale. ■ DEFAULT having been made in the oondüion of h cortaiii murtgage, made and executed by William Fitzgerald and Maiy Fitzgerald Lis wife, of NorthtielU, county of W'nsKtenaw, and State of Michigan, on the nineteenth day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eint hundred and sixty-ñve, to John Lyneh, of the pnrae place, and recorded in the ottice of the register of üeeds for the oouiity of AVasteniiw atoresiiid, on the teutli day ot Jíinuiwy A. I). 18G5, at 3 o'elock 1'. n. oi eaidday, iu liber SB ot Mortgages, on page L55 ; which said morteage was duly asaigned by Jolm Lynch of tlie towoship ot Nurthfield, aforesaid, to Thomas Farl, ot the city of Ann Albor, couniy and Stato aforesaid, on the thïrteenth day of November, A, D. 1S67, and recorded in the office of The register of iluedts for said county on the thirteenih day of November, A. D. 1867, in liber number one oi aesignmenta of morteages, on page 502 ; ano again asBipned by the eaidThomns Emito Carolim M. Heunequin, of the city of Aan Alber, aforesaid, on the twen ty-third day of December, 187ñ, and recorded in' the oöicc of the register of deeda foraaidcounty on the twtnty-seveuth day of Dtcember, A. D. 1875, iu liber number rtve ol assn.nimentsof mortffages, on pagethirty-three, and that tüere is uow claiiued lo be due and unpaid on said mortgage the som of four hundred and ninety-two dollars, iuoludiug a reasonable attorney '8 or solicitor's fee for foreclofintf the same ; and no proi'eedings in law or eqoitv having been had to recover said tujn ot mouey or any part tïiereot, therefore, notice i hereby given, that by virtue ut the power of sale in smd inortgnge contnined, 1 ahall sell at public auction lo tlie hijfhest bidder on the twenty-Üith day of Maivh, A. V. 1876, at tw o oelock iu the fternoon of said day, at tlie front door of theeourt house in the ciij of AunAiboi, county of and State ot' Mi hiptnthat eing the building in whioh the circuit eourt foi id county is held,) the prenrises described in said ortgagre. as being all that certaín piece or pa ree 1 : land knwii and dewiibed as follows, to-wit : 'he east half of the aouth-weet quarterof section ïumber three (3), in township number oi.e( 1) soul h n range nuniher six (fi; east, being in Nor tb field, the oounty of Wasatenaw, and State of Michiul, cmt-rtinmir fjhty acres of laad, more or lesa. Dated Droember 2Tth, 1875. CAEOLINK M. HENNEQ.UIN, Abiynee of widÚ Lorttr;yep. JohsM. Gott, Attorney lor the aflftignee ol saiil Mortgagee. Mortgage Sale. Viri;i;i;.s, lïuth O. Gregory aud John v, N Gregory, her husbaod, ot the city of Anu Arbor, in the eounty of ';■lll1■;■■ ia the State '-!1 Michigan, on the fourteentfa day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eiglit hundred aod seveuty-fonr, executed a mortgage to Ba becea Henriques, of thecity of Ann Arbor,connty of Washt - aw, Michigan, to secure iliopuvükiii ni' the certain principal and infeenesi money thereiQ mentioned, which said mortgage was recorded in the office oi the Résister of Deeda In county of Washteaaw aforosaul, on tlie Uth day of OcinWr A. D. 1874, In liber 51 of mortgages, on page il t. And whereas, defanii haa 'm -en maae for more than thirty days in ilu' p;i viiM'iii ■!' ;m i nst ii 11 mei il. of i aterest whieh became due on the Ui h day of April, a . I. 1875, by reason whereof and pursuant to the termofsaid mortgageaid mortgagee hereby elects that so uur-U t s:uil principa] as reraatns a&ptiid wiili all arrearagea of interes) thereof shali become due and payable [mmediatety. And whereas, [here is claimed in 1m lup ui'! nii]i;iiti on süi'l inortvftge al the date of tliis notice, eleven humtred and t went y dollars for principal woê intcn.-st, íbo au sittorney'B feo -i ftfty dollars in additioo lo all other lesñai costa. hou I1 aay proceediDga t"1 taken to roreclose the .uut1; ;iiil uasuttor proceedlngg haviugbeen intitniril uither in law or equity tn recover ido same r any pari tlirrrni. Nfiicf is therofore hereby ivvn.'tlr.u on the mh day of March, 1876, at tw o i'clock in tin' afternooD of said day at the front toor of üw Courl Houae ia the city of Ann aïbor, ntiiih aforesatd, m Iku beíng 1 1n1 place In wliich tht1 ïlrcufi Courl Eorsaidcouuty is held), and by virtuc ,f the power of sale contatued in sald mortgage, I liall wil at public aucüon tothe hlghest biader, hepremises described in said mortgage, toaatisf) the uiiuuni of principal and intereel witb the cbarkea of sale and the attorney'a fi e of ttfty dollar, all tnat certaln pl "'■ paircol of land sltuated in the city of Ann Aj-bor, count; of Washtenaw, and suite of Michigan, known, bounded.aQddescribed :is follows, to wit : Belns lot unniher two (2) In block nuiiber eleven (11) HïBcocka addition tothe ctty of Ann Arbor, acooniing ia the reeorded phu th ].ii,-.l, Decemlier 1 i. 1875. l;i r.l ica HENBiatTES, Mortgagto. .Ii nis N. i lui i , Att in nry for Mortga pOOI ,V GRAN6EK, (jeneral Law & Business Agency. Hfivin !(■(■ m red Ulo cxclubive UBSOf BOOT'S ABSTEACT RECORD BOOKS for thp count.y of "VVnnhtenaw, whicli they bae iareftiUy revised, poated nd parfeeted, and harine, with an extensivo and reliable business correepouaenoe, opencd a GENERAL BUSINESS AÖENCY at No. '2G Kast lturon ntrcpt, in the city of Ann Arbor, will attend promptly to the sale, pnrofaftse and leasing of real estáte, tbe locinittg il money, collectiona, neffotiations, ooctraoting and convt'yancín(f, Ufe and iirc ipsurfiuct1, und to the practice of law in the varioua courts of this Btate. TRACY "W. ROOI', B. F; ÖKAMG-Efi, Aun Arbor, Mtiy 1, 1575.