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All Sorts Of Pen-scratches

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- Harperi Weekly does n't incline to favor Senator Conkling ai a candidato for President. It gently hints that he is " one of the leaders who are responsible for the causas which imperil the party," to which " must be added other oonsiderations which must necessarily seriously wenken hira ia the canvasu," ainoDg them " the moiety investigation " and "Mr. Conkling's professional relations to causes in which he was oppoaed to attorneys virtually named by himself, bafore judges seleotion was due to his fuvor." A serióos indictment oonsidering the little ohance Conkling stands for a nomination. Wouldn't lighter blows be more humane ? - The Republicana say that if Belknap out of office oan be impeached so eau Jeff. Davis, Floyd, and other old school and old time Democratie sinuers. Wall, pitch in and impeach them or any modern Democratio holder of a aational offioe (if one can be founé) guilty of misfeasance or malfeaaance in office, peculation or theft. A Democrat has no more business to accept a bribe or steal, to buy a contract, an office, or an office-holder, than has a Republican So " lay on Macduff, and d - d be he who first crie.s huid, enough ! " - The reader will remember the ofttold story of the man who lying, as he supposed, at the point of death, sent for his enemy and agreed to a settlement of grievanoes and mutual forgiveness, and then half-repenting gaaped out : " I w-a-n-t it under-stood if I get well this settle-ment shall c-o-u-n-t for nothing." And so Don Carlos throws up the sponge and loavos Spain, with the mental reaervation and determiuation to renew the contest at his earliest oonvenience. - Is the Kansas City (Mo.) Times authorized to announoe the ultimatum for the Democracy of the entire West? This is what it says : " If the Demócrata of the East oannot support Hendricks, then no man aoceptable to both the East and the West oan be nominated by the Demócrata." If it is Hendriok's or nobody what's the use of a National Convention ? - The Common Council of Detroit by a vote of 12 to 10 has adopted a resolution permitting saloons, restaurants, bars, bar-rooms, and all plaoes of public resort where liquors are sold at retail, to remain open on Sunday from 1 o'olook to 11 o'clock p. m." Which permisson will prove about as valuable - legally - to the saloon-keepers, etc., as a free pass from that Council to the moon. - In reporting a vote of the State House olerks at Lansing oa the Presidential question, the N. Y. Evening Post says : " The female clerks voted for William Ferry, whoever he may be." Be it known to the Post that William (or more accurately speaking William M.) Ferry is a brotber of Senator Ferry, a Democrat, and a woman suffrage leader, the latter qualificatiou commending him to the admiration and huarts of those " female clerks." - And now one Hestor (of odious record) testifies that Postmaster-General Jewell appointed him Special Agent of the Post-Office Department at $16 a day, - the regular salary being f 1,500 a year, - expenseB included, to go to Alabama, not on postal duty, but to unearth the Ku-Klux in the interest of Spencer - now Senator. A few more developments will reduce that Jewell to the grade of " paste." - Private Secretary Luokey has vacated his table in the White House, and taken shelter under the protecting wing of Secretary Chandler. Babcook has also stepped down aad out of his snug berth and the mansion. U. S. Grant, jr., guoceeds Luckey, and a Mr. Sniffen beoomes assistant secretary. - The Republicana will no longer ridicule the manner ia which Speaker Kerr oonstituted the House Committee. Those small, unimportant, and hitherto do-nothing committees - like that on " Expenditures in the War Department " - are making the official fur fly and converting low comedy into high tragedy. - Indian Agent Betts, of this State, is on the anxious seat, and Washington advices say is to be suspended as soon as bis Methodist brethien name his sucoessor. One W. H. Brockway, of Albion, is talked of for the " posish," and in case of his appointment let the congre;ation join in singing " Lo, the poor Indian." - According to the Bangor (Me.) Commercial, ex-Speaker Blaine has "two strings to his bow : " that is, failing to obtain a nomination for President " he will console himself with the Maine Senatorship." - The Chicago Tribune aávises the Buffalo Commercial that the Wast will jive two votes for Blaine for every one t (the Commtrcial) dare claim for Conking "from other sections of the Union." - One less Grant at the White House, ' Col." Fred having gone to join his regiment in the valley of the Yellow Stone : " By order of Lieut. Gen. 3heridan." - A grane offense : that oharged kgainst ex-Seoretary Belknap of let,ing a tomb-stone contract to the ] ist instead of the lowest bidder.


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