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All Sorts Of Pen-scratches

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- The House ventilated the lack of ventilation of the House on Tuesday, during which Repre.sentative Kelley suggested, a a temporary expedient, "the opening of the doorg of flie main gallory, wluch was at the time crowded principally with colored people, as he understood. The poisoned air droppec from there to the floor and was inhalec by the raembers." And now another colored indignation meeting will be in order. Novertheless so large a nuaiber of idle negroes - unclean in clothing and person - roost in the galleries frooi " early mom to dewy eve " that Kolley was probably more than half righ' about the source of the odors, - if he is bol h a Republican and a crazy inflationist. - On the 9th inst. the House passec a bilí regulating the remoral of causes from State to United States courts. I provides first that petition for remoTa shall be made at the time defeudant enters his appearance in the State court and not afterwards ; secondly that remoral shall not be made where the matter in dispute, exclusive of costa does not exceed $2,000 ; and thirdly that no romoval shall be made on the application of the plaintiff. It shoulc haVe gone further and prohibited the removal of suite by forsign corporations doing business under and by perruission of the iaws of a State. - The cotered people of Washington New ürleans, and " all along shore,' have boon indulgiug in heavy thunder at th-i Senate for rofusing a seat to Pinohback. They take his rejection aa an indignity to the race. They also " weigh one " out to President pro tem Ferry for issuing an order excluding Pinchback from the floor of the Senate but Ferry says that the order was general, and also exoluded ex-Gorernor Baldwin, of Michigan, and other prominent visitors seeking to enter the narrow portals and sacred precinote. - The House has done a very foolish }hing in ordering printed large editiong of old reports of the Agricultural bureau. Uuless printed in advance o; this action, and without authority o: law, the volumes will be so stale as to be worthless for any purpose, except as mere ornament to the book-shelves 01 here and there a backwood's granger Published on time they are of little use ; two or three years old a distribution of white paper would be preferable. - Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit, David conflscated Uriah's wife Solomon had three hundred concubines Judas Iscariot betrayed theSavior, Benedict Arnold was a traitor, and Jeff. Davis & Co. " put up " the rebellion ; therefore the Demócrata have no right to make such a terrible fuss just because ex-Secretary Belknap aold a posttradership er two. That is the logic oi Repubhcan speeches and editonals. -The Springffeld (Mass.) JiepuUiean hasn't much conffdence in either Democratie or Eepublican sagacity. It says : " Bristow would carry the country, to-day, againat any man the Demócrata could nominate, unless it be Tilden, and they won't take him. And yet it seems to be conceded that the uuinerous ' rings ' in the Kepublican party are so strong as to be able to defeat Bristow." - " Jenkins " has variously described the toilet of Mrs. Belknap, but the St. Louis Times "takes the rag off the bush" in this wise : " The last time Mrs. Belknap appeared in Washington society she wore two elegant post-traderships for ear-bobs, while on her bosom a fat sutlership rose and feil with the soft tide of einotion." That fellow should keep his eyes in somo other direction. - -The House passed a postal bill on the 9th inst., uuder which, if it shall pass the Senate and become a law, the sender of a aewspaper, magazine, or other 'package of " third class mail matter," may write his or her name on the wrapper, wiih the name and number of articles enclosed. And what will Mr. Himliu do about it 'i - In the Senate on Thursday of last week a bill was passed granting a pension to Elmira E. Cravath, widow of the late Captain Isaac M. Cravath, Twelfth Michigan Voluuteers. Capt. Cravath was formerly a resident of Lima in thi8 county, and Mrs. Cravath is a sister of Rer. L. R. Fisk, formerly of this city and now of Detroit. - Geu. Sherman has informed an interviewer that the President never asked him to appoint " Col." Fred on his staff, but that Mrs. Grant did. He declined because of Fred's youth and iuexperience. And now, will the President thiow all responsibility for family favoritism, preference, and promotion upon Mrs. Grant. - " Let no guilty man uunfess." That is the interpret ition the Kcening Post ['S. Y.) puts upon the letter of Attorney-General Pierrepont pending the Babcock trial, and the President's order for the prosecution of Belknap, Marsh, and Evans, - the wonderful product of a three hours" Cabinet meeting. - Gen. Rufus Iugalls comes to the front with another explanation. He says that that watch cost only $180 instead of $480, and that " it never did keep good time." And wasn't he a nico man to give such a worthlesR present to the " first lady in the United States V" - If the President did really say ' d - n Marsh, be ought to be hanged," it is more thiin probable that, fcjrgetting his brotherly affection, he paid Orvil the same compliment, or perhaps wished him at the bottom of the sea. Sileiit partners are Grant's admiration. - And this is said to be the desptvirng wail of Zaek Chandler : " I would is soon be in heil without a fan as to De Secretary of the Interior with a Democratie House in session." And so Belknap thought. - The New Mexico admission bill jassed the Benate on the lOth by a vote of 35 to 15. The House ought to defeat t; New Mexico as a State would prove " rotten borough " ju every sense of the phrase. This 18 what Mr. Beebe, of'Now York told his Republican friends who were hedding crocodile tears over the flight of Marsh to Canada, and charg ing the HtmiH to the Democratie mem bers of the Coinmittee on Expeuditure in the War Department: " Gentlemen on the nther aiüo of the Hous nmy tulL us oí the escape of a miserable Mm'sh an obscure petty thief. The Democracy were no uitent ujk)u greater tbings that this misera ble oftender may huve slipped through thei tingers by the ud ot the deliberutions aud do termiuations of an executive cabinet couucil Bnt we propose to puraue, not especially the Marshes, who are but the trichitin ; we pro pos to take hold of those villains who in high placea have been betraying the most hoi} trusta. The gentleman from Maine may g about with his lighted candle Beeking. fo Marsh. Why, sir, ne remiuds me ot' the wes teru rhyme8ter : 8ome hait thoir hooks with mites of cheese, Aml alt on a kennel and bob tor fleas ; bait Mieir hoolcs with tigera' tails, Aud sil on a rock and )ob for whales. (ioutlenien on the other side may pursu their flea-catchiag busmess as assiduously as they please ; we wiil drag from these turbi( waters of pollution the great thinves, th w hules. We will supplement it, i f need be by dragging forth the leviathan himself, to th indiguatiou and punishnient of an outraget people." A capital hit considering the sinoerit; of the lamentatious which oalled ou the remarks. In discussing the claims of Pinoh back to a aeat in the Senato, Henato Christiancy took occasion to say that h did not believe that Kellogg is Govern or of Louisiana de jure. If not de jur Governor haven't Congress and the Pres ident gustainsd him long enough ? ] not de jure Governor is n't it about tim thai the people of Louisiana were re lieved of his rule? If not de jure Gov ernor, after being impoaed upon th State for three years, how long wil CongresB and the President ueed t override the will of the people and th State before the de Jacto Governor wil obtain a higher right and become th de jure Goyernor ' If not de jure Gov ernor has Kellogg the right to appoin a United States Senator to sucoeei Pinchback 'r And if he does appoinl will Senator Christiancy, who rejectec the certifícate of Kellogg as not givini Pinohback a prima facie right to a seat vote to admit his appointee ? Or wil Kellogg's appointee, holding Kellogg' certifícate, have a higher olaim (a prim facie) than did Pinchbaok eleoted by a bogus Legislature and certified to by a bogus Governor ? These are pertinen questions just now, and we hope tha Senator Christiancy, who has shown somothing of a disposition to talk on way and vote another, will conside thbtn in time. It is givsx out by authority tha this is the note which accompanied tha $4,800 watch and chain which acting Quarterrnaster General Ingalla (to mak place for whom the veteran Genera Meigs was sent on a Parson-Newman like roving raission) presen ted to Mr Grant : Dkab Madam : Animated by an unaelfiah affectiou ior your husband after an unbrokei friendahip of more than thirty years, with ver high fegard for yourself, I take the liberty to hand you this trinket, which I beg you to accept, being a thing which is of no use to me aud whieh cost me little. Yours truly, " Uut'us Ingalls." And the game " authority " says tha the watch was given to Ingalls and tha " he did not know what else to do with it." Who is the " friend " who purohas ed the " trinket" in Europe and sent it to Gov. Ingalls t Will not he feel indig mint that his present was branded " a trinket " and given away 'i Or has he been given a fat office as a part of the lit tle game ? These are are pertinent ques tions, as also another: Wbat self-re speet is cultivated or prevails at the White House if costly and valuable presents are made in this manner, uut received and kept instead of being hurled back at the head of the impertí nent giver ? " This trinket - a thiug o no use to me and which cost me little ! ' What a generous and maguanimous sacrifico upon the altar of " unselfish af iection." Hon. Geo. H. Pjsndleton was before the House Committee on Expenditures in the War Department on Tuesday, and swore that he never paid a cent or any other suru to Mrs. Belknap or any other woman or man to procure the aliowance of that Kentucky railroad claim, or because of its aliowance, or that be traveled with Mrs. Belkuap or Mrs. Marsh or met Mr. Clymer in Europe. He prosecuted the claim ($188,000) for half the prooeeds, believ ed it just, and no inrproper nieans were used to procure its allowanoe. AN " occasional " correspondent writes from Washington to the World : ' Belknap may pull down more Presidential candidates: tbus far he has certainly ham-strung, first, General Grant ; second. Mr. Blaine ; and now we hear that New York Republicana speak out that he has done the like for Mr. Conking." Aud now the ex-Secretary, in ïimtation of a redoubtable warrior of oíd, can recite, " Who killed oock robin, [ said the sparrow with my " poBt-traderships. Daniei, DreY has failed again, and ;his time goes into bankruptcy. The Bank of the State of New York (a national bank) has suspended, - and the gtookholders are the heavy losers. Dejositors and bill-holders loso nothing. Jverdrafts and bad debtg sink half the capital or more. The Vice-President seems to be at the bottom of the bad management. The Democratie fiuanqial (Congressional) caucus agreed ou Wednesday evening, by a vote of 69 to 46, in favor of the Payne bilí. It was opposed by the ultra soft-mouey men, - stultifiers of the old Democratie record, - and yet we fear tbat they will get the better of ;he hard-money men and resumptionsts if the bill sball become a law. "Belknap held both Bowers and hen got euchred " - Ex. Not exactly : ie held only ono Bower(s) aud that the tft one (a widow, you see). ■ ■■ i mm -m- - - The House Judiciary Committee has not yet roported articles of iinpeachtnent agaiust Belknap. Robeson is under fire, and Washington advices say that Belknap 's fato is ure to overtake him. ■■ -- . - Town meeting April 3. Make good uomiuatioiiB.


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