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EDWARD DUFFY HA8 JUST RECEIVED AN Entir e IVew Stock Of goods eonsisMng of Teas, (toffees, SUGARS AND SYRUPS, Bought in NEW YORKfnm first hands FOB, CASH, and is offering them at, Ffifiï SIJliHT ADVANCi over New York Oost. Also a ful] line oí LADIEB and GE.NTLEMEN'S VVEAR in BOOTS & SHOES, All of which he is "ffering VERY LOW FOR CASH. it puys everybody to buy their goodi tor Cash. Cali und ex:unine goods and pi -ices, and I WILL INSUEE SATISFACTION Ooods detivered to any part of the City free o charge. EDWARD DÜPPY. ' Maynard's Block, coi .Maiti nnd Aun streets Ann Arbor, Mich. LARCE ARRIVAL OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING AT W. WAGNER'S Who Sellss Olothinjf so Cbeap tliax be OEFIES ALL C0MPET1TÍ0N. All who are nressed with the hard times and desire A CHEAP SUIT Can find it at WAGNER'S. A fine stock of Cloths, Cassimeres and Trimmings always kept and Sviits Made to Order. A Largo stock of FURNISHING GOODS. W WAG1TEB., 21 South Main Sr. Ann Arbor. POR SALE. My store next door to the SAVHSTGS B-A.ISTI5:, Now occupied by C. A. Leivis. One of the beat locittioiiB in the city. Also ray State St. Froperty Of three Stores looutud at College entrunce - nortbweat corner. Alsomy Fiunïly Horse, Carrlftge and Harnes.s. I have decided to sell tbfl abovo ropcrty and rill muke piic toauil the tixaet. Tfaii propn-ty iscietir ol all incumbrance nnd citles perfect. I mean busineas as I expect to leave the city. Iniuirt of W. 1). SMITH, State Street, Aira Arbor. February 15, 1876. 3nil"70 ÏrINE JOB PRINTING Aone at tho AK(,IS 11] IK I THE HILI FARM FOR SALE. Adjuining the West line of thoCity of Arm Arbor, in towimmp two sonth of range aix eaat, compristog th eut half of the norlhenst ijuarter of section iiineteen ; aud thnt part of the west half oí the west half of the northwent quarter of atjction twenty, lying1 north of the turnpike ; in all H)' 42-10" acreu, with House, Barn, an Unfailingl Spring of Water, And about flfty acre well impioved ; tirst cluss land and sitifbtion btautiful. Two-thirds of the purchnse money inny remain on the land thrce tu live years Kor terma apply to OEO. E. HAND, OrH.J, BEAKKS, - Detroit. Aun Albor líTJtf I j jWEtLIX; IIOISIOS FOR SAl.K. Alargeand very woll uultt bnck house, with two or inore Iota. Two large framud houae. Also i n good ázed bric-k house itnd trame house ; and h siuull frame lioutu on a gotxllut. intendt'd for adding1 at'ront. For a;tle on fnirtenns and a reauouai ble credit. ! Also other buildings, lot( uud property. nor: WArVTBD -So many wifhing I lo borrow monoy ptlj t mi; thtit I CHn reudily obtaint'or Utuiers good satisfactory inventmentsi teu per cent, xtitereat. E. W. MORtiAN. Ann Arbor, Jan. 3 , l6. . 1C64 SKND '25c. toCi.P, ROWKLL A 00-, New York, for pamphlet óf 1(V paire, contaiuing lists of 3,000 newspapem, nnd evttmates ttliuniíig coat oiadvrti8iug.