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RAILROADS. MICIHUAK CENTRAL KVILKOAI). NOVEMBER 21, 1875. OOINO WIKT. S" 3 la 1 ' 3 L L A M f_ f ?_ ?__ d__ r_ 'a. m. a.m e.M. 1'. m. p.m. p.M. Detroit, loa. 7 oo lu SO 2 "0 4 00 5 40 Iq 00 Wajrne Junclioii, 7 57 11 17 8 SS 4 53 0 37 10 60 ïpsnuuti. 4' :i M 6 27 7 04 11 10 AnnArbui, 8 SJ 11 55 4 IS 4 45 7 45 11 JJ Dexter, 9 S0 4 35 ö 10 8 1 ühelaca, a 40 4 5.) 6 23 8 30 Olu Lke, lb ÜJ , 6 411 00 P.M P. M A. M. Jackaon, 1! I 10 5 7 15 9 30 12 50 A.M. Kalanlazoo, 2 05 3 32 12 26 3 03 Chicago arrive, 8 10 9 PO ■'. 8 80 GOINO BA8T. " A.M. A.M. P.M. P. M. A.M. rhioatfO, leRve, 0 00 8 S0 .'. U 00 P.M. A. M. Kiilauiiiüoo, 10 50 1 22 10 35 2 30 p.M. A.M. A.M. Jiickson, 2 12 3 42 7 O.lï 4! 4 55 9 60 Urasa I.ake, 2 4i 7 32 6 23 10 20 (Jhülsea, B IC' 8 Ou 5 50 10 42 Dextei, 1 U 8 18 6 08 10 r5 A un Arbor, 3 52 4 63 8 37 2 00 6 28 11 15 YpsilHtiti, 4 ■; 5 10 8 66 2 20 C 48 11 -0 Wayne, 4 46 í '28 a 23 2 io 7 OSill 47 DetTOtt, niriv,-, .', U e 16 Ifl 15 3 30 8 OH 12 SO "Snndsya excepteil. Satuiday and Banda; exeepted. fDaily. WM. B.STHONO, Gen'l Sup't, Oliicago. H. B. LKDYARD. Aast. Oeu'l Supt. Detroit. DETEOIT, HILLSD ALeTiNDÏANA KA1LKOAD OOIKO WEST. -1875 - OOINO F.A6T. STATIONS. Mili.. Exp. STATIONS. Kxp. Mail. A. M. P. M. Detroit, dep... 7:00 5:40' A. M. P. M. Ypsilanti . . . . :32 7:04 Rimkeni 6:20 2:06 Salino 9:30 7:40 liillstlale ... 5:45 2:15 BriJgHW'iter.. Ü::i5 8:1.1 Manchester.. 8.37 848 Muncheiiter. 10:20 8:22 Bridgewater 9:10 4:17 P.M. Saline 9:30 4:l',r Hillsdale..... 1:00 9:57 Yiwilauti.... 11:00 5:05 Bankers.. .. 1:19 10:00 Detroit 12:30 6:10 Trains run by fhicago time. To take eflect Nov. '21, 1875. W. P. PAKKER, Sup't, Ypailfinti. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Circuit Court. Circuit .lUilge Huu. Cieo. M. Hiintiiiffton. PrOKCutmg Atturney Kobert E. l'la.ei. Reporter Thomas I. DanielTcrms - Tüp ürHt Tuesday iu January ; tbird Tuesday ia Marcb ; third Tuesdny in June, and tourth Tuesday in October. Probate Court Judge of Probate Noah W. Cheever. Probate Register Jarnes M. Willcoxsan. Keyular torms - Every Monday. (oiini) Officers. Sheriff Michael Fleming. Clerk l'eter Tuite. Ueïiater of Deeds msnuel O. Schatfer. Treasu er Stephen F;iircluld. Cireuit ConrtOommus.oner, } j% S3; ÍUeorge 0. Arm s Kdward Duffy, F. K. Uexford. Regular raeetinge at the Oounty HouAe on tbe tírst Tuesdiiy ia each nionrli, at 10 o'clock a m. City Orrirer. Mayor .dwanl 1). Kinne Reporilr V llliam A. T.ovt'i'iy. Trpasurer Mrtses Roger. Attorney A. McReynold-' . Marshal A. H. Herrón . i Riílimd Bcflhan. JntteM ... ias H Manly ) Jas. McMahou. j Kdward Clark. J f 'onrad K i :ipf . Supn-visore j Antou Eltele. ; Benjamin Brown. Board of Education. President Elihu B. Ponii. Secretary laraea B. Gou Treasurer Philip Hnch. Truatees- C. B. Porter, Patrick Donovan, M. L. D'Ooge, Ebenezer Wells, L. O. Risdon, Lennhard Oruner. Superintendent of Schools W. 8. Perrj'. CHUBCH DIBECTORT. BAPTIST- Oatherine ureet, tetween I . División streeta. Services at 10J a. x. and 7 p. m. Smulay School after moroiog service. Prayer meL'tÍHK, Thursdav eveninjí at 7 o'elock. l'astor - Rev.SAMii:!. Hvskell; residentie, 'M Thompson street. C0NG1ÏEGATI0NAI,- Córner of au.I WHIjiiin stn'cts. Saliliath sérvicas al 1' a. u. aml , i, m. SundaT School at :; o'dock i'.'.M : nii-iuiijf Thursday evcnimí at 7 oclock. !' Rev. II. L. Hubbell; residence, Tu South street. iServices temporarlly snspeoded, cxcepi Sunday School hukl in the oltí Chucch). CATHÓIC(8t,Thomasr-IorOi scr.-,t. bctweeU División a ud State. Firl M;i a1 8 a. ;. Jiili Mass at ioy, a. m. Sunday s-' ai i} . p. u. Vespers at 7 p. já. Pastor - Rev. F.J. Van" Erp; rcs!denee., 34 E. North str.vt. EPISCOPAL (St. Andréw)- Divluiou street, Dorth ofCatheriua. Sabbatb serrtee at luu i. H.andí P. M. Similur Scho.jl al :."., p :. Se rv. .■ ,,]j rhurday anti on the lüorniu of all Uoly la Ï. Rector - Kev. W'yli.vs Uu.i. ; reshlcnce, :v Ñ. Sl&te atreei. (;EK.1AN MKTHODIST- Wn. i ..I ' Ka-t Liberty and División sireets. Sabbatta serriceaial hi'.,a.m. aiul 7 y. H. Sinniay School at 9 a. m. Prayei neetiog Wsdnuda; eTealng. Paitar- Rev. l'iti.n. F]ssi TNi..Kr. restdenoe, Aun street. LUTHERAN- Covner of First and Washington streets. Sabbath services lu1 . a. m. and 7V, p. m. Suuday School at close ot' tnoming ser iré. Prayer meeting XhurMlay evening al 7 o'clodc Pastor- Rev. il. Rkuthkh ; reaideñee --i Fiftb street. M BTHODISt EPISCOPAL-! 'orne, of Slate and Washington streste. Salibath serrieesal U%a.k. and 7 i', m. .Sutlday School at doaepf inorniug service. Prayer meeting Thursday evenlngal 7 ■!. i.k Voung peoples' meeting Sunday evenlng at ti o'cloct. Pastor- Kev. LN. Elwood; cesidence, 46 Washington street. METHODIST EPISCOPAL (Colomlj- Fmirth street, north of Pontiae. Sabbalh Services at m1 .. a. m. and 7 p. m. Prayer meeting Thuraday eveniug at 7 o'dock. Pastor ii.-v. Chis. II. WaRD. PKESBYTEKIAK- Corner of Hurón mil Iiiviion streets. Services al lOo'clock a.m. aml 7 t m Suuday Scliool after mornins service. Prayei meeting Thursday evening at 7 opdook. 5 peoples' Uieetiuif' Sunday evenlng at 7 O'dock. Pastor- Kev. F. T. Browk; residence, 21 Easl UbrtJ alieet. Unitakiax- Córner of Aun and Fiftli itreetí. Sabliath services at III' :_; a.m. and 7 i u. Sunday .Scliool atter iiinrniug sei iee. Studenis' elasa al ■_'.4."j p. m. Pufaw- Rev. C. H. JtKKiHAM ; residence, 48 East Aun street. Znix Lutherax- Comer of AVashington aml Filïh si reets. Sabhath services at W, i, m. aml 7 p. m. Sunday School at uloae of mornina aervice. Prayer nieeting Wednoadny evening at 7 oelock Paltor - liev. H. Bklskk : residence, Aun streel. STLDENTS' CHRI8TIAN ASSOCIAÏI0NMeetint; in l'niversity Cbapel atlo'docli a. m. on Suuday, 6:45 o'dock P. M. on W.-dnesday. and S:4fl o'clock p. í. on Friday of cacti week. Beádtng Room of the Association open on Sunüav Irom '1 to 5 p. u. SOC1EÏIKS. AU AKKOlt COMMANOKHY. N„. 13. K. T.J;uii. s Boyd, K. C, Williaui A. Lovtjoj Recorder Regular conclave ihc fust Tuesday evenlne of each iiiiiurh. at 7 o'clock. WASHTKNAW CHAPTKR NO. C R. A M Jas. Boyd, H. P. ; William A. Lovejoy. Sic. Begular Convocatiou the Monday evciniijí on or befori' Uu: l'ii 1 i of the uioon, at 7 o'elwk. OOI. DEN RULE LODGE, 262. F. M - JayBiKitli. w. 81. : Charles A. Chapin, Secretery. Regular Communlcatíoo Uie Wedneadav evening uu or brforf the l'ull of the meon,al 7 o'clock. KRAÏERNMTY LUlHiK NO. ÍK, F .V M - .lühn V. Little, W. M. : Charl li. Hiscocl Rcsular Coroirmnicatiuu the Wednesday evening on or after the iull of the moou, at 7 o'clock. ANN AKHORENCAMP.MICNT, KO. 7 I O O F A. R. Schmidt, (. I'.; Chulés H Manly, Scrii. fnl iind Ihii-d Fridav of oaoli muiith. WASHTENÁW LODGE NO. 9, I. O O F.- D Allmandinger, N. (i.: N. B. CpTert, ■ Meeti Friday .-v.-nim:. of eh eek ;U 7]_, o'cloolt. ANN AKHOR LODGE, NO. 329 I. O oí G T - J.Sprague.W. C. T.; Sylvtor AjmstraqK. W. S. Met evcry Tuedav eveuing, at 7 "Vloek. ANN ARBOR KNIGHT8 ÓF HONOR NO s. -James Koyd, Dictator; C. S. Milieu, Graod RoP'irliT. Roftular meeUllñ on the seconil and last TiH'Hday eTentiifaoi eacli nionth. MANH(K)D How Lost. How Restored ! Just published. a new edition of Or. CtiiTerw-elPh -Celebraltd ICwNiiy on the kadical rvnn fwitliOiit medÍRinej oi öpkhma-tohkhcea or Seminal wcaknesa, InvnJuntary ïieminul Loss& Impotenoy, in-ntrtl and PLy-siea] inoipncity, lmpedimenta to aMiTiago, eto. . aJao, (t)nsunip(ion, Epilfejisy and Fits, iuduced by selt-indu)gence or sexual cxtrHVagunce, Ac. BT Pvict,iii n eenled envelope,only six cents. The celebrated author, in tbis admirable Kssay, clearly demonstrates, froni a thirty yeiirs' .sur' ■.-, iuï praotioe, tlmt tho alarmingconsenences olscliabune iiüiy bc raili ally cured without the the danxerou use of int vin. il medicine or the apphcjttion of the kuif f ; out a m--de of cure at onoe simple, certain, and eftectual, by meaitn ol wlnch every Buiferer, uo matter what his coudition inay be, icay cure himseilcheaply, privately, ■. nd radically. Öc# Thia lectureahould be in tL handy of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under ael, iu a pïnir. enve opa, t-o any address, poat paid. on receipt Óf six rente ortwo post stampa. Addresa the publishers, F. BRUGMAN & SON. 4 I Aun St., New York, Pust Office Box,4586


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