The Common Council

- A special meeting was held on ThUrsday eveuiug last, for the purpose of desigtiatiug the places for holding the polls at the coming charter election, which are as tollows : First Ward - at Sorg's shop. Second " - at Wm. Herz's shop. Thtrd " - at Court House. Fourth " - at shop of M. Bogers. Fitth " - at Engine House. Sixth " - at McDonald's old store, Forest street. The chairman of special committee reportad recomruending allowance ol $75 for extra services of City Attoruey in compiliug ordinances. Adopted. The bonds of the tollowing persons (liquor dualers) were approved: W. H. Mclntyre, Wm. Fauth, August Herz, and Gottlieb Bischoff. Adjournud to the evening of the 24th, to consider a proposition to open an alley trom Liborty street south to land of Mrs. Wood aud theueo west to Söcoud strsst. - The University Sodality íb to play for th High School junior exhibition next Friday evening. - The Garrick Club is meditating another dramatic entertainment : this time for the benefit of the Boat Club. - At the late charter election Saline decided, by a vota of 68 to 20 in favor of having a tiro engine. - Oscar Tucker, foruierly clerk for K. W. Ellis & Co., and later for L. S. Lerch, is about reraoving to Cantón, Ohio, where he will go into the drug business on his own hook. - The Ann Arbor Agricultural Csmpany has made applicatiou for space at the Centennial Bxhibilion (Philadelphia), for the tiou oí plows. - An Akous 8Ubscriber remitting from Houston, Texas, under date of Maroh 11, propounds this provoking conundrum : " Have you had any strawberries y et 'i We had them two weeka ago, and new potatoes." - Last erening Prof. Langley Iectured before the Ann Arbor Scientific Association, at the Medical lecture room. Subject: "The Physical theory of Hearing," with illustrations. - " The Islands of the Pacific" : that is what J. B. Steere propoaes to talk about to-morrow evening at the lecture room of the M. Ii. Church. - Couflicttng reporta come to us ol the condition of the wheat erop iu different sections of the county. Ou clay ground it has undoubtedly suffered same f rom frequent freezing and thawing. - Frank L. Stebbina, formerly of the firm of Maynard, Stebbins & Wilaon, of this city, and son-in-law of the late Wm. S. Mayuard, died at Dowagiac on Wedueaday morning. - Match 7, at the date of rendering his anuual account, the treasurer of Manchester had a balance in hand of $608.59. - George E. Southwick, of Kansas, formerly one of the most prominent business men of Dexter, is reported in the last stages of consumption. He visited hls old home recently, and fears were expressed that he would not reach his westera home alive. - A. L. Noble has opeued that new stock of clothinti, and has the store im apple-pie order. It will give hiin pleasure to wait on customers. See his advertisement. - A. M. Bodwell, ol this city, was a bidder for the seats tor the Detroit High School building, but the Michigau School Furniture Compaiiy beat him by 1303. The lowest (and accepted bid) was (1,440; the highest bid, 12,000. - At the Chelsea charter election held on Monchiy last the following oflicr8 were elected: President- Curran White: Trustees- Aaron Durand, Thomas Wilkinson, James Hudler; Clerk - Edward McNamara ; Treusurer - Wra. Marston ; Marshal - J. H. Vauriper. - Aid. Schmid says that this is a fortúnate city : that a single job of advertlsing let by contract, nets premium enough to pay the salury of the Mayor for a year. The Argus idn't give that dollar for the privilege of oing an even hundred dollars worth of adertising for uothing. - H. L. Beach, the new landlord f the Orre-iory House, is thoroughly renovating the stablishment, and proposes to keep a house eserving the patronage of the traveling pubic. The Gregory can be made a first-class ote! aud we hope that it will be. Mr. Beach was keeping the National at Grand Bapids at ie time that popular hotel was burned. - The 17th AnnualCommencement of the Department will take place in Universy Hall, on Wednesday, Mareh 29th at 2 clock p. M. Hon. O. I. Walker, oi Detroit, will addrcss the graduates. - The 29th animal Commencement of the Jepartmeut of Medicine and Surgery is to be held m University Hall, on the 29th inst , at 10 o'clock A. M. The Faculty have si ven an invitation to the profession throughout thu State to be present. Dr J. H. Beech, of Coldwater, gives the address to the graduating ass. - Report saya that the " Senior Reception,' eld for the last two years the evening before ie Xiiterary Department Commeucement, - in une, - will be dispansed with this year: ie mpving reasou bein;jf too great expeiue ud dissipation,- the few enjoying themselves t the oxpause of the mauy, thus reversiug he old siw, " Let those who" dance pay the ddler." - The University calendar for 1876-7 is on ur table. It is a solid pamphlet of 144 pages nd f uil of information upon all the departnents. We have only time this week to give ie tabular wummary of students in atteudnce:f L EPARTMENT OF LITERATURK, SCIENCE 1MDTHÏ AI1TS. tesident graduates, - - - ló Seniora, - 60 Júniora, - - - - - 73 Sophonaores, - 87 Freshmen, .... 119 In selected studies, ... 19 In Pharmacy, - - - - 79 Total, - - - - 452 The Polytechnic School eontains - From the above departmeut, - 149 From the departmeut of medicine and surgery, - 2 - Total, ... 151 DEPARTMENT OF L1W. Seniors, - - - 187 Juniors . - - - - 164 Total, .... 321 DF.PABTMENT OF MEDICINE AND SUEQEEY. Studente -total, - - - - 312, DENTAL COLLEOE. Students-total, ... 20 HOMEOPATHIC MEDICAL C0LLKOE. Studente- total, - - - - 24 1,129 Deduct names twice counted, - 2 Total in the University, - 1,127