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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. -T K. McFARIilSD, Surgical and Mechanj. ical Deiitist, corner of Main and Hurón streets (Jackson's ola stand.) Great pains taken in all opcraüons entrnsted to my care Prices to suit the times. All work warranted. Teeth extracted without pain. Office hours : 8 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 6 p. ni.; 7 to 8:30 p. m. TA5IES McMAHON, Attorney abd Counselor (J at Law and Solicítor iu Chancery. Office in McMahon's Block, Ann street. H. JACKSON, Dentist. Office córner of Yy , Main and Washington streets, over Bach & Abel's store, Aun Arbor, Micli. Anesthetics administerod if required. ITUGENE K. FRCEAITF, Attoreey at Law, li Notary Pubhc, and Commiesioner of Deeds íor PeDUf-ylvauia. ConBnltation in the Germán or l Énglish laugujge. Office, Uill's Opera-House, Ann Arbor, Web. ECI, IKK, Justice of the Peace, Notary Pub, lie : nd Conveyancer. Will loan money f or 'jthfrs on real estáte srcurity. OCice over No. 8 Hurón atree', Ann Arbor, Micb. TTT1NKS & WORDJ, 20 8outh Main Street, YY Aun Arbor, Micb., wholesale and retail dealers m Drj (i oorts, C rrpets and Groceriee. MACK & SCHMID, dealere in Dry Goodf, Groteiies, Crocker.v, etc., No. 64 South Maiu títreet. BACH & ABEL, dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, etc, Xo. 2iï South Main street, Ann Arbor, Micb. WM. W46NES, d aler in Ready-Msde Clothing, Oloths, Caesimeres, Vestinge, Trunks, Carpet Bas, etc.-, 21 South Main street. JFRKIffllilCK SCHAEBERLTï, tracher of I , the l'IANO, ViOLJN AND GUITAK. Residence sou heast cerner Main and Liberty sireets, Ann Arbor, Mich. KOAH W. CHEEVEB, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Probate Office, Ann Arbor, Mich. EVEBÏBODI SAYS THAT REVENAUCH IS THE Boss Photographer of Ann Arbor. 28 Easl Buron Street, up-stairs. 3NT. 13. COLE, AntñracitB & Biinminous Coal Of -A-ll Sizes. Alo, always has on hand Cord and Stove Wood, at reasonable prices. No. 5O Huron St.T Ann Arbor, Mich. WINSLOW BROS. 32 East Huron Street, DEALERS IN PiCTUBE FRAMES, BBACKETS AJiB TIOLlíi STRISGS. 1865 J. H. ISTIOKELS, FRESH &DSALT MEATS, Hams, Sausages, Lard, etc, STATE STREET, OPPOSITE NORTHWEST CORNER OF UNIVERSITY CAMPUS. Orders proAptly filled. Farmers baving meats to eell should give him a cali. 1568-yl THE ANN AKBOR f SAVINGS BANK A.nn A.rbor, Michigan. : Receives depoêits of One Dollar and upwards aud allowB Five per cent. interest on all deposite remaining tbree months or longer. C INTEREST COMPOÜNDED BEMI-ANÏftjAIXY. Í Also, buys and sells TJ. B. Bondü, Gold, Silver and Interest Coupons, and New York, Detroit aud Chicago Exchange. # Also sells Sight Drafts on Great Britaio, Ireland, Germany, or any other part of the European ' tinent. This Bank is organized under the General 1 ing Law of this SUte. The stockholders are vidually liab'.e to the amount of their stock, and the whole capital ia security for depositors, while ' wita Banks of issue the caoital is inveBted for the security of bil:-holilers. This fact makes this stitution a very safe deposit of moueys. Married Women can deposit subject to their owu drafts on3y. Money to Loan on Approved Securitles. DlKECTOES- R. S. Smith, E. A. Beal, C. Mack, W. .D. Hurriman, W. Deubel, W. W. Wines, D. Hiscock. OFFICERS: 1!. S. Smith, Pres't. C. Mack, Vice-Pres't. C. E. Hiscock, Teller. W, A. L0VEJ0Y, Tobacconist ! DEALS IN FIXE-CUT AND SMOKING Tobáceos, SISTXJFF, PIPES, &c, At No. 7 East Huron-st., Next to the ExpresB Office, ANN ARBOB, - - - MICHIGAN. EBERBACH & CO., Drupte ai Planaats, 12 South Main St., Keeps on haud a liri;o end well selected stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFF8, ARTISTS' & WAX FLOWER MATERIALS Toilet AHicles, Trussp, Ktc. PURE WIHES AND L1QÜ0RS, Special attoution paid to the furuif-hing of PhyBiolaD, ChemiótP, SchoolH, etc, with PüiloKophk:il ar.d Ch( mical Apj aratus, Bohemian Chemical Qluaware, Porcelaiu Ware. Pare Reagents, etc. P.iyi-iciaiis1 pieroripÜoBi ovtetuïïj prepared at al Uours. l56


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