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Democratic State Convention

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A Democratie Convoiitioji will be liold at Reprosentative Hall, Lanaiug, on Wednosday, May 24th, at 12 o'olook m., tur the uurpoea ni electinfí delégate tu the National Democratie Uonvention, to be helil at St. I.ouis, Missouri, on tlie 27th of June piox., for tho eleotiou of a State DoinocrutioaC'oiniiiittuí!, aml for tlio tranaaotion oi uch other busiuess as may come betore it. Each county willbcentitled to tnurdelet;:itcs for each Uopresentative to whioh, under tiie last apppitionmenti it 8 entitled in the lower braucli oí tlie State Lagislatare; but eacli organizad couuty will be entitleJ to at least two deleates. All counties except those oí the OppOE Folfinsulaí aro requirnti to send as delegiitcs those who reside m the counties elooting tbom.' County Committees, in ::ilii.u thoir respeotive convéntions, aro oarnestlv rcnuested to cordially invite Liberáis, Coimervativea and all othera, withoiit renard to provious party vHiliutions, who are opriosea to the eztraTagauo aud corruptions oí the Kepiililican party, to imite wíth ua m tlie primarie held to elect delégales. KOSTKK ll.rr, (lm. üated, March 7, 1876.


Old News
Michigan Argus