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- Yh haft supjiosed that thnre were nu actual witnessesi of the adulterien liurpil tu the account of Boeoher and "hs. Tilton, lmt here comes the Kuv. )r. ''iiiiticM, of Mungiiuld, O. (fornierly lieutuiiant-GJovernor of this Stiito), and ays : " It (Heeohnr's guilt) is not with me a matter of opinión nr belief, but of absolute knowledge." He must haye jeun thore, and boiug sucli a ohap our ouly wonder is that he kept ;he tact of his personal piesunce a secret so long. - The Now York ISvmiÁg l'out says : ' It is impossible to believe that all tbis wrctched buying and selling of public, patronage oould have gone on about the Piesident, upon the threshold of his house tvnd under his very nose, without an unparalloled, an alinost inconceivable insensibility on the part of the President himself." " Iusensibility " to what I that thu atench pot was " under his very nose " or the odors it gave out ? That'g the question. - " A speoial interposition of Providencie : " that is whnt the Rev. O. H. i Tiffany, a Methodist Doctor of Divinity i up at Chicago, calla the timely turning i up of Mrtgill to swenr that Joyce withdrr.w that $"00 letter froru the straat córner postoffice box. Well, Providenee is in exeeediugly poor business interfering witli that kind of thimble-rigging. - And now the investigation into the oharges of fruud in the soldiers' tombstonu contract has developed the tact that the Government was cheated by the contractors for interring the daad soldiers, - a large numberof graves having been filiad with the bones of horses and other animáis. A grave oounted no matter what was in it. - The Republicans hare n't a bit of doubt that the shuking of tke " bloody shirt " by Blaine is just the thing that laid out the New Hauipshire Deraocracy on the Hth : which dooa n't gpea' much foreithertheintplligence or tianity of the average Republican voter j down in New Hampshire. - " Thp glorious Republican victory :" thftt is the stook rjhraae with which our Republicau exohanges record the tact that New Hampshiro did n't go Democratie. As it hns not been much in the habit of going Democratie one would tliink it a veiy sniall egg for snch loud cackling. - ïhti negroes are snid to be organiziug all through the South to compel the noniinatioa of Morton by the Cincinnati Convention. And this despite of Blaine's attempt to steal Morton's personal thundur. Perhaps they will give Blaine the second place 011 the ticket. - The Ohio Domocratic State Convention - to send delégate to the National ! Convention - has been called to be held at Cincinnati on the 17th of May. The time was a Thurinan triumph, hut the Wash.-McTjean-Tom-Ewing " softs " beat him in place. - It is more than intimated that the New Uampshire election was sared to the Ropublicans by the grossest and most outrageous frauds. Money was poured out as freely as water. Wouldn't the Navy Yard bear a little investigation ? - A postoffioe war rages at Corunna, and John N. Ingersoll is said to be on the " ragged edge of despair." John being one of the craft we hope that he will prove enough tor his enemies. - Bun Butler opposos the coufirmation of Dana. Cause : Dana is supposed not to have voted for Butler when he last ran for Congress. Which tnukes our sympathies flow out to Dana. - Burrows was the man who won victory for the Republicana in New Hainpshire, and yet he is without a fat office. How long will the " Oolumbian Orator " wait for his reward. - Tlie Allegan Journal entered upon ita 21st year on the 18th, in an entire new dress and in octavo form. Don Henderson runs the Journal and knows how to do it. -The New York Democratie State Convontion is to beid in Utica ou the 2(5th of April. Date aud place are said to he not exaotly satisfactory to Tilden's friends. - The Adrián Time comes out for Bristow, thus uiaking a break in the Blaino ranks in this State. - Jackson has drawn an elephant : the next State Pair. Baiicock comes to the front, and says that he found a copy of Attorney-tien eral Pierrepojit's letter to District-Attorney Dyer, lying open on his desk. It was neither envelopud, directed, nor marked official or confidential ; nor were there any raarks to show that it was intended for the President. The innocent and unsuspecting Babcock very naturally supposed that the letter was placed thore for his " inspection and use," as it undoubtedly was; and so, in imitation of Onkes Ame, he "put it where it would do the inost good : " that is, " placed it in the hands of my (his) counsel for such act ion as they inight think proper in rogard to it.1 They " thought proper " to give it to the newspapers, - and the moutbs oí mmiy witnessea were closed. Now, who put the letter on Babcooh'i taille ? That is what the great public wants to knuw. Wiutixg of Dua's refusl to appear before the Senate Coininittee on Foreign Relations and " submit a question touohing his honor " to its investigation, the Detroit Post says : " Thig in an impracticable temper (one of the charges made againRt him). Whoever is uominated for a foroign ministry is, by law and custora, bound to submit to an inve8tigation of his character and ' honor ' by the Senate Couuuittoe on Pöféign Relations." Uut do the "investigations " of that cominittee settle and dotermine a tnan's " honor '! " Hchenck was " passed ; " Kickles was " paseed ; " brothor-iu law Cramer was " passed ; " Butler, consul-guneral to Egypt, wiis " pagged," and how mmiy more of the same breed of diplomats " the Lord, ouly, knows." Who blauies Dana for not desiring to go before such il i-c.llllllit Iul: 'f The Demócrata of Pennsylvania ïeld their State Conven tion t Lancas;er on Weduesday, and tippointod do]p'nti'M to tlie National Convention. A osolution favoring the iioinination "I ion. J. S. Black for President, w.'is abled. . Tlio financia] plauks of the ilatform, tlumgh not exiiotly wliat we .ould wihIi, ovidenoo returning reaaou, leolaring that "gold and silver are the only truo basis for the currency of the republic," and in favor of " suoh steps 'or the resumption of Bpaoie payuieiitH aa will must suroly and Kpeedily reach that regult without destroyiug the business intersts of the country." iioinlation or perpotual soft money in that. ïlfE New York Bupublican State Convention was held at fSyracuse on Wodnesday, and delegates appointed to the National Convoutiou. A resolution was adopted presenting Senator Conkling to the National Convention ae the choice of the New York Republicana for President, and another pledging him the vote of the State if nominated. Marsh has returued trom Canada, and was partially examined by the Judiciary Couimittee on Wednesday : telling essentially the same story as beforo.


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