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The Heckendorn Plow For 1876

The Heckendorn Plow For 1876 image
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OCR Text

XMFROVED A1TD STREITCTSEITED ! The Cheapest and Most Efficiënt PIow Now in Use. The celebrated Heckendorn Plow, whloh bas been awavdrd premiums u f he M Ichlgan State Fairs of 1809, 187U and 187í3f has tliis aeaaon been hnproved ly making the moldboftrd sepárate frokn i lu si;; tui a ui. TM yivcs the plw more darabUity ;uul greator streagth. It is now tin Iraft.plov In oae, and we think i1 unrivalled in the tield. It peculiar lf-shiirpi'iijng poiol [a the Bimplest and most económica] plow kuown to plow-makera. lts reversible share is a feature of sjivut Impoxtance, .ts ii doublea the lastiug power of au important pari of tbc plow. The tand-si(l(; and mold-bourd ooOKDinÓd cut a rhomboidal 01 öUamond-shapecf furrow thai requlret ilie least draft to turn, and the veaz of botb is dlmiolshed. Applications for thifi plov and (bi deecriptions of it m:ty be made to the 1572 ANN ARBOK AttRICÜLTÜBAX WORKS, Ann Arbor, Midi.