University Notes And Gossip

- Tlie Board oí Regents will meet next Tuesday. - Medical Commencement next WedneBday forenoon in University Hall. -The Webster Society (Law Department) e'ected it8 officers ior the coming session a few dayj ago. President, W. B. Williams ; Secretary, C. W. Seward; Treasurer, C. W. Perry. - The lectura seasou clo3ed ou Friday evenir last with the Meudelssohn Quiutette Club entertainment. Financiad}1 the course has not been as profitable as usual, owing to the failure of two or tliree of the star actors to put in an appearance. - There will be a reunión of the Law Department alumni on Tueaday evening, at the Law Lecture room. Address by E. E. Frazer, üq., of this city ; Poem by Hftrry Russell, of Detroit ; also an oration by the senior class orator. John A Momnger. Atter the exercises supuer will be aervetl at the Uregory House. - üreat eftort lias been made to secure a large atteuduuce ot the alumni of the Medical Department at the Commencement next week. A business meeting will be held at Hangsterfer's at 6 o'clock P. M., Tuesday, and the alumni will be served at 9 o'clock. Dr. Kedziu, of LaMsin, is President oí the Alumm Association ; Dr. Breakey, Secretary ; and Dr. Kapp, also of this city, Treasurer. Registhation.- The Ward boards of rogistration will be iu session at the following places on Wednesday, Marcli 29th, ior the purposo of noirecting the registry hstB of their several wards : lst at F. Sorg'a shop, Washington st. M " -at W. Herz'a shop, " " 3d " -at the ShenfF's office, Court House. 4th " -at the shop of M. Rogers. óth M - ut the shop of A. M. Doty. -Bth " - at the building kuown as McDonald's store. The sessions will commence at 9 o'clock A. M. and close at 7 o'clock p. M. Any elector who has moved into the city during the year, or has changed las residence íroin one Ward to another, should see that his name is properly regis tereU.