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The April Magazines

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In ücrtbner goodly iustallments are giveii of the two seríais, Philip Nolan's Friends, or " Show yoLir Passports," by Rev. E. E. Hale, and Bret Harte's Gabriel Conroy. Twentyiour pages and tliiity illustrations sketch the history of Yale College; Martin A. Howell, Jr.f discusses the qustion, "Is there a Subterranean Outlet to the Upper Lake Región ;" Claience Cook has another paper on Beds and Tables, Stools anrl Candlestieks, illustrated : Ueorge Parsous Luthrep writes of Poe, Irving, Hawthorne ; there is a fourth paper of Revolutionary Letters ; aud the Mysterious Island is coucluded, There is a revised translation of Dies Irse, by Oen. Dix, and poems by John G. Saxe, Abbott Foster, John Boyle O'Reilly, John Burroughs, and Aunu C Brackett, with othor readable articles and vrell-HHed editorial departtnents. Bceibnee & Co., New York. Harper's Mnrazine opens with The Romance of the Hudson, by Benj. J. Lossing, beautifully ïllustrated ; Prot. Samuel Lockwood has a second paper ou The Microscope, also prof usely and beautifully illustrated ; St. Johuland, auother illustrated paper, 18 by Dr. Samuel Osgood ; the eighteenth paper of the series on The First Century of the Republic is by S. S. Conant, and traces the Progress of the Fine Arts ; Old Philadelphia is a tiniely illustrated paper (tirst of a series), by Rebeoca Harding Da vis ; Garth, Julias Hawthorne's novel, and Daniel Deronda, by George Eliot, are coutinued and maintain their interest ; and there are lesser stories, sketches, poems, with good thiugs in " The Easy Chair" and " E'litor's Drawer." HAUrKR & BkothER8, Xew York. The Atlantic has among its list of readable papers : A Caruival at Rom, Part II., Jane Reed- a Ponnsylvania Bailad, by Bayard Taylor ; Early American Novelists, by G. P. Lathrop ; At Lutzen, by J. K.. Hosmer ; Rural Architecture, by Wilson Flagg ; Private Theatricals, XI., XII., by W. D. Howells ; Old Woman's Gossip, IX., by Francés Aune Kemble ; A Memorial Tribute (to Dr. S. (i. Howe), by Oliver Wendell Holmes ; The Siege of Boston, by H. E. Scudder ; and Lienur's Pneumatic Systain of Sewerage. H. O. Hoüghton & Co., Boston. The following books have been recently added to the Ladies' Library : ïhe Vail of Isis or the Mysteries of the Drnids ; Life of Alexaiuler Dumas ; Newly discovered wrttingl oï DeFoe ; Early Kings of Noiway, by Thomas Carlyle ; Notes on Paris, Taine , Livingston' last journal ; Edglish Portraits, Sainta Beuve ; West Ireland, Froude ; Victorian Poets, Stedsan ; Capt. Marryatt's works ; Baker's Albert Nyunza ; Baker's Nile Tributarios ; Autobiography of Mrs. Fletoher; Anderson's Norse Mythology ; Curtius' History of Greece; Life, letters and journal of George Ticknor ; Miss Hitchcock's wedding dress ; Letters of John Adiims and his wife ; Oreene's Germán element in the war of Independence ; Hamerton's round my house ; Walter Savage Landor's workR, edited by John Forster : Life of Dr. Todd ; Prest. Finney's memoirs ; Draper's ïntulleotual developraent of Europe ; Life of Dr. Malan ; Parknian'e Jesuits iu Nbrth America ; Parkmati'B Old Northwest ; Parkman' conspiracy of Pontiac. Oider your Visiting Cards at the AROUS Offlce : a stock of fine Bristol and Bep Cards jus reoeived. 50 oards ia a neat case, beautifully printed, for 50 cents. We shall be ready to print election ticket and slips up to 9 o'clock Saturday eveniup April 1. No work will be doue or delïverei on Sunday. New and beautiful styles of Card Type jus reeeived at the Arous üffic,


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