Real Estate Sales
The followmg transactions in real estáte hav been reoorded in the office of the Register ot Deeds, during the past week . Amarilla H. Beckwith to Luther Beckwith, Sidney Beckwitli and Sarah J. Pratt, the east lialf of section 14 and that part of the southeast quarter ot section 1 1 lying south of M. C. R. R , Sylvan. 23,00(1. John Harle to George W. McCormick and Adelbert C. Curtís, 280 acres off sctiou 33, Salem. 14,200. Thoí. Wood to David Honning, 118 acres off the southwest quarter of section 30, Pittafleld. $8,342.60. Adolbert C. Curtis to John Harle, 40 acres off section 33 and 66 acres off sec. 28, Salem. 16,500'. Andrew Shields to John Costello, 80 acres off southwest quarter of section 33, Webster. $4,800. John Costello to Jas. Hawkins, 80 acres off section 33, Webster. $4,000. Ario Pardee to Henry D. Platt, 80 acres off southeast quarter of section 10, Pittstield. 3,000. Horace W. Bigelow to Emily Clark, house and lot on Congress street, Ypsilanti. $2,000. Wm. W. Johnson to Geo. A. Robertson, lot 3 in blook 3, Chelsea. $1,420. Augustus F. Blanchard to John J. Robison, house and lot on eaBt side of División street, near Madison street, Ann Arbor. $1,200. Anton Eisele to Frederick Schleyer, lots D and K in block 4 south range 4 west, Maynard's addition to Aun Arbor. $875. Hetiry J. Miller to Albert F. Bal], a parcel of land off the southwest quarter of sectioB 31, Pittstield. $700. Julia 3eer to Thos. R. Batey, lots 24 and 25 in Harwood's addition, Saline. $600. John Moran to C. Mack and F. Schmid, 2 acres off northeast quarter of section 32. Ann Arbor. $500. Harmon Allen to Hannah Smith, lots 4 and 5 in Edward's plat of village of Milau. $500. Henry J. Phelps et al. to Benedict B. Williams, lots 25, 26, 27. 28 and 29 in Mary J. Raywalt's addition to Dexter. $500. Christian Schumacher to Hannah Schumacher, interest in lot ó in block'2 south range 2 east, Ann Arbor. $300. J. S. Robison to Helen Blanchard, 20 acres off northeast quarter of section 15, Sharon. $300. Hi ram Thompson to Ehzabeth C. Cracker, oue-half acre off subdivisión 10 of section 5. Ypsilanti. $250. Hiram S. Huil to Henry Bliton, lot in Bennett's addition to Saline. $250.
Register of Deeds
Register of Deeds for Washtenaw County
Old News
Michigan Argus
Amarilla H. Beckwith
Luther Beckwith
Sidney Beckwith
Sarah J. Pratt
John Harle
George W. McCormick
Adelbert C. Curtis
Thomas Wood
David Henning
Andrew Shields
John Costello
James Hawkins
Ario Pardee
Henry D. Platt
Horace W. Bigelow
Emily Clark
William W. Johnson
George A. Robertson
Augustus F. Blanchard
John J. Robison
Anton Eisele
Frederick Schleyer
Albert F. Ball
Henry J. Miller
Thomas R. Batey
Julia A. Geer
John Moran
C. Mack
F. Schmid
Harmon Allen
Hannah Smith
Henry J. Phelps
Benedict B. Williams
Christian Schumacher
Hannah Schumacher
J. J. Robison
Helen Blanchard
Hiram Thompson
Elizabeth C. Crocker
Hiram S. Hull
Henry Bliton