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Tliere ia a general rush at the drug stores for Dr. King's New Discovery tor Coughs and Colds, it is the great remedy of the day. The Snow Flakk. -The poets and writers of romance of ten refer to the snow flake as an emblem of purity. When we see the anow falling gently to tlie ground, we think of D. B. DeDand & Co. 's Best Chemical Saleratus, which we think is quite as pure and produces biscuit nearly as light. Dr. Kinff's IVew Dtscovery For ('onsumption, Coughs, Colds etc., invariably mires the most aevere and stubborn cases in the shortest time possible, as hundreds of its cures already prove. Every bottle guaranteed to give entire satisfaetion or money cheerfully refunded. Kor sale by L. S. Lekch, druggist. ïrial bottles i'ree. Dk. McFarland is inserting the best artificial teeth at prices tliat defy competition. You can have your teeth extracted without paiu at Dr. McFarland's dontal rooms for the same oíd price, 50 Cali and see his beautiful stock of teeth, gold, and material. Office over Trfiinain's drug store. Two Farms, one of 105 acres and one of 160 acres, in the Township of Sharon must and will be sold before April lst, probably very cheap. Any inquirios by letter will be promptly answeied. J. J. ROBISON, Assignee, Ac., 1570 Manchester, Mich. For Kansas and. Colorado. The Atchison, Topeta & Santa Fe Bailroad f rom Kansas City and Atchisou on the Missouri river, via Topcka, the Capital of Kansas, and the beautiful Arkansas valley to the Rocky Mountains. The shortest route to Pueblo, the Grand Canon, Colorado Springs, Manitou, Pike's Peak, and all places of note in the mountain regions. The favorite route to Denver and all points in Northern Colorado, The best route to Southern Colorado, New Mexico aud Arizona. The ouly direct route to the famous San Juan mines. The track and equipment is unequaled, trains run through from the Missouri river to the Rocky Mountains, making connections in Union depots and avoiding delays and transfers. For full descriptive circulara, maps, time tables, etc.address T. J. ANDERSON. Gen'l Passenger Agent, Topeka, Kansas. Remember Tlifs. Now is the time of the year for Pneumonía, Lung Fever, ('oughs, Colds, and fatal results of predisposition to Consumption and other Throat and Lung Diseases. Boschke's Gkrman Syrup has been used in this vicinity for the past two or three years without a single failure to cure. If you have not used this medicine yourself, go to your druggist Ekkrbach & Co., and ask him of its wonderfnï success among his customers. Two doses will relieve the worst case. If you have no faith in any mediciue, just buy a Sample Bottle of Boschee's Germán Syrup for 10 cents aud try it, Regular size Bottle 7ö cents. Don't neglect a cough to save 75 cents.