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NEW ADVERTISEMENTS MONEY TO "LOAN On good flrst mortgage security Inquire of BEAKES & CUTCHEON, Att'ys. Arm Arbor, March 27, 1876, 15762 1876. 1876. SPRING STYLES. W. WAGNER HAS JÜST OPENED THE KINEST STOCK OF CLOTHING To bfl foand in A mi Arhor, comprising all the NEWEeT STYLB8 AND PACTERN8, Which he is ofibring it pricM tiiat OEFIES ALL COMPETITION. All wh.o are nressed with. the hard times and desire A CHEAP SUIT Can find it at WAGNEE'S. My stock of Piece G-oods Will be found complete and contains all the NEWEST DESIGNS. Suits Made to Order. A Large stock of FUENISHING GOODS. 21 SouTit Main Sr. Ann Arbor. A GENTS "WANTED! For Barnes' CenfenAry x_flistory of the United States. This ia the flnatworkof the kind published, and the only one ontuiniiig fiill account of the Ccntcnnitil Kxhibiion. Benutifully illustrated. Sells readily. Bend o. Hpecial ttírms and ciroulars. AU Michigan ieenta report to Detroit Agency. BËËCROFT BROS,, Gen'l A(f u. THE HILL FARM FOR SALE. Adjoining the West line of the City of Ann Arbor, n townahip two ttouth ol range aix east, comprisng thy. cast half of the uortheuat qunrtor of aecion nineteen ; aud thut part of the west huif of he west half of the northwest quttrter of section ; wenty, lying north of the turnpike; in all 0i 42-1ÍM) AcreB, with Jouse, Barn, an Ünfailingj Spring of Water, And about flfty aor woll impioved , flrst clans and and situation beautiful. Two-thirda of the lurchaue tnoney m:iy reinain on tbe land three to ve years Kor terma apply to GEO. E. HAND, OrH.J. BEAKES, Detroit. Ana Arbor. 1974 ' ÉjWELMIVG HOUSES FOR SALE. Alargeand very whII built brick house with two ir more loU. Two large frumad houses. Also a good stzed brick house and frame and a sniull frame house on a ,'ood lot, intended lor addinjf a front. For sale on fairterms and a reaaouable credit. Alsoothor buildings, lot, and property MNEÏ VA '■■■-: ■....-„ mRny wihhing lu bonoiv money applj to me that I can readily obtainfor Intuir rs$noA satisfactory inveHlment i ten per cent. interest. E. W. MOROAN. Ann Arbor, Jan. 3 , l"6. 1.164 SEND 25o. toG.P, ROWELL CO., New York, for pamphlet of 100 psii?es, containing lieta of 3,000 newspapers, and estimatet shoning oost of advertising. RAILROADS. ■ICIHftA CEWTRAL RAILROAbT NOVEMBER 21, 1S76. OOINO WtH. „„„. r y n _ ïjf f r e s A. M. A. M P . M. 1'. M. !'... p v Detroit, leave, 7 0(1 1., 30 2 50 4 00 5 40 u Wayne Junction, 7 57 u 17 :; S2 4 53 C 37 10 Ypsüunti, ö 32 II 40 3 60 6 21 7 04 n i, Ann Arbor, 8 57 II 55 4 18 6 45 7 45 n Dexter, ' 9 20 4 35 6 10 8 10 Chelseu, !) 40 4 03 6 23 8 30 . Oman Lake, II) 04 C 49 00 P.M P. II A. v JacküOn, 10 37 1 1(1 5 45 7 15 9 30 12 s A. M. Kalamazoo, 2 05' 3 32 1'2 ■:■ s Chicago arrive, I 8 10 9 K ', ixi s s pomo bast. i ais á %i % & jala f ;I ?__ _l_ f_y _ M A.M. A.M. P.M. 1'. M. A. y Chicago, leave, ú 00 8 30 Í5 15 90O - . P. M. A. M. Kalamazoo, 10 50 1 22 10 35 S 30 P.M. a.m. a.m. Jackson, 2 IS 3 42 7 00 12 42 4 55 8 J üraaa Lake, 2 4ö 7 32 6 23 In i Chelaea, 3 10 8 00 5 50 Kif Dextei , 3 25 8 18 6 08 10 i Ann Arbor, 3 52 4 53 8 37 2 00 6 28 U 1 Ypsilanti, 4 20 5 10 8 5i ï 20 6 48 11 Í Wayne, 4 45 i 28 9 23 2 40 7 08 II ( Detroit, arrive, 5 45 6 16 10 15 3 30 s 00 12 1 Sundays excepted. Saturday and Suuday exoepted. tDaily. H.B. LBDYAED, Oen'l Supt., Detroit. H. C. Wf.ntworth, Oen. Pass. Agt., Chicago. DETROIT, HILLSDALË & IÑDL ANA RAILBOAD. OOING WEBT. - 1876 - QOINO EAW. STATIONS. Mail. Exp. ' STATIONS. Kxp. Hal] A. M. P. M. Detroit, dep... 7:05 5:40 A. M. ï. Ypilanti . . . . 8:32 7:10 Bankera 6:30 2:K Saline 9:25 7:40 Hillsdale ... 6:50 S:] Bridgewater.. 9:65 7:67 Manchester.. 9:25 :',-} Manchester. 10:25 8:15 Bridgewater 9:55 4:; P.M. Saline 10:23 4i,: Hilladale 1:00 9:57 ■ Ypsilanti.... 11:15 5 Bankers 1:15 10:05' Detroit 12:30 6:Ii Trains run by Chicago time. To take effect Nov. 21, 1875. W. F. PARKER, Sup't, Ypsilanti. EDWARD DUFFY HAS JUST RECEIVED AN Eniire Ngvu Stock Oí goods consiating of Teas, Coffees, SUQARS AND SYRUPS. Bought in NEW TORKfrom first hands FOR CASH, and is offering them at VBBT SliliHT ADVAiCL over New York Cost. Also a full line of LADIES and GBNTLEMElfl WEAll in BOOTS & SHOES, All of which he is offcring VERY LOW FOR CASH, ït pnyueverybody to buy their goods íor Casi Cali and examine íjoods aud prices, und I "WILL INSUEE SATISFACTIOï OoodB delivered to any part of the City irce chiirffe. EDWAH1) DLFFY. "Maynard'e cor. Main and Ann Rtreeb Ann Arbor, ICich. BLY THE ÜËW Family Singer 241,679 Sold in 1874! And 1 IS.söii iiiufi tliitn wirc sol,l in its liislK'si coiiipetitoi . WHTI.E THE Whoeler Wilson sold only 92,8Ï Howe Machine Co, estimated 45,0v Domestic 22,; Weed 20.4S1 QrovEr Sc Raker 20,W Reiniugton ]aM And 30 on down. öo it appears trom the uk the different Companiea (hit THE SINGER Has More Friends and Admirer Titan all the others combined I KACHI.NES SOM) ON EASY TERM All partjes buying a Singer r-nd wishinï tí exchanffe it for a Howe or Kemington withi three moiillis can do ho witliout extra cost. 1 hayo Also aeveral nw ELowe niachiiu'.s, a Donir tic-, knd a oumber of se. 011,1 hanil ina'hiiu-s u U"1 ordiT, wliicli cftD Ik; bOUghi cheap. The very best Neodles for all 'machines at 40 cent! per dozen. Set of foor Hemmcrs mul the Urinin Binder for all machines, si.ijo- the in-st set in tbt nuurket, aud also atlachments for ncarlv all nu chines. 1. 1,. GKIIVEI,L, Asnit. f1556) 2d door eastot PostofHce, Ann Albor, Mieh. FOUND AT LAST! A Wa-sh Machine tbat pleases everybody. Oalkins' Champion Washer Doe its work qnickly, without iuj uring the fabrit 01 breuking ofl buttons, and completes its work, f ïom the üneat laces to a rag oarpet ; so simple tliat h child can uae it, and as easily hnndlud as a common wringer. SATI8FACTION GUARANTÈEP Or the mouey refunler1. Calï and get a circular Jtnd aee the Waaher and try one. I have one tbs! I nppropriate MpeoiftUy to that une, and will seiuii: to your house nud culi for it agaiit ii you are uoi convinced that it i.s juut THE PKRFECT WAS1IKK And wiah to purchasu one, or try it further, 1' ñfíht. Wftnteil - few Live Ag'tsto üanrtissthe Gonnty Alao, a responaiblo party to handle 'them in Ypsilanti, Salino and Dexter. O. J. PEASE, Hardware, Tin, aud House Fnrnisbin-: i.noiis. ïvi.-.Li. 4; Soutll laain Street, Aim Arbor. MAN HOOI) How Lost How fiestored ! Juat published, a now eriitiou of Dr. Cul er well'w Celebratecl KsNity on the BadioaL OüBI (without inL-dieiiiej oi Skkumaiohuhcka ot Seminal weakness, Involutitary fcemin] Lotjes. Impotency, mental and Physical incapacity, lmpediments to marriai?, 6tc . alf-o, ConsumptioD, Kpilepsy aud Fits, induced by aelf-ixidulgence ol sexual tíXtravaHiice, &c. ■ST" a sealed envelope, only eix cents. The celebrated autbur, in tbis udmirable i clearly dfimonst ratee, from a thirty years succesiul practice, thnt tlie alarmingcoDequences ol self abuse may be radi ally cuitd without the the dengerouti use of interna! medicine or the applicatioD of the knifc ; pointing out a mede of cure ut once simple, certain, and effect ual, by mean of wlnch cvery matter what his conditioo may be, may cure kuUHifobeaply, privately, j nd radioally. Béy This lecture should be in the hands of eve ry youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal, in a plañí enve opa, to any ad dreew, post paid, on receipt of bíx cents or two post stampa. Address the publishers, F. BBUUMA1V & SON. 4 1 Ann st., c Vork, Post OfSce Box,4586


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Michigan Argus