The Alumni Meetings

Tha annual reuuion of the Law Alumni was held oa Tuesday evening, in the Law L30ture room, Prot. Wells bemg oalled to presido in the absence of the President. The address was delivered by B. E. Frazer, Esq., of this city, his subject being " The Practice of the Law- lts Penis aud Rewards." It was a ñne effort and well delivered. An oratiou was also delivered by John A. Moninger, of the graduating class. The poet of the evening failedto "enter his appearance." After the exeroises the alumni moved on the Gregory House, where the auniversary supper was eaten aud the after supper speeches were made. An eiijuyable time was reported. Tlie Medical Alumni Association held its animal meeting at Arbeiter Hall, also on Tueiday. The sessiou was, like the evening, a sturmy one, the exciting matter being the allopathic anv homeopathie embroglio, or the connectiou of the two schooU oi medicine. As itnticipated, au attempt was made to censure the taculty af the Department of Medicine and Surgery, - for continuing to hold their places with that Homeopathie Collage planted in their paths like a stumbiiug bloek, or its bauner flaunting in their taces like the fablod reg rag. The resolutions of censure were flually tabled. It was after midnight befo re the alumni got a chance at tha supper provided. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year : President- H. F. Lyater ; Vice-Presidents- F. N. Oakley, H. A Olelrad, M. A. Allen, C. H. Lewis, J. W " Hawxhurst ; Secretary- P. B. Rose ; Treasurer- W. B. Smith.