The Democratic Caucuses
Democratie caucuaes were held in the Beyeral wards of the city on Wednesday eveniiig, witli the following result : Aldurmen Nominated - lst Ward- James J. Parshall. 2d " - John G. Grossrnau. 3d " -John B. Dow. 4th " -John Clancy. 5th " -Frank ürtman, Thompson I. Clark to fill vacanoy. 6th Ward- Charles O. Church. Constables Nomtnated - lst Ward-W. W. Waüace. 2d " - Jasper Imus. 3d " -Thomas Clarken. 4th " -Thomas Boyd. 5th " - G. Lodholz. 6th " - Felix Donnelly. Deh-gates to Ihe City Convention - lst Ward- Geo. W. Cropsey, J. J. Parshall, J. H. Morris, J. F. Avery, D. Cramer, Geo. B. Stone, C. Weitbrecht, M. ü'Brien. 2d Ward- A. D. Besimer, J. G. Grossmann, Edward Clark, John Murnin, Geo. F. Lutz, R. Matthews, Jasper Imus, John Walz. 3d Ward- John B. Dow, George Clarken, John Keenan, George W. Efuer, J. O. Smith, Wm. Kennedy, C. Kearns, Jas. Galiok. 4th Ward- A. Eisele, B. Beahan, N. P. Hill, E. (Jsterlin, L. C. Risdon, W. Tremain, P. O'Hearu, A. Kearney. 5th Ward- S. Prutt, P. Mulligan, C. Place, Isaac Duim, Thos. Walker, C Murray, G. Lodholz, A. W. Porter. 6th Ward- Chas. C. Church, Jaa. McDonald, Pttr Dignan, Steele Proctor, Thomas Dignan, C. Gillespie, Felix Donually, L. Vaughn. Ward Committees - lst Ward- J. J. Parshall, D. Cramer, G. W. Cropsey. 2ti Ward- J. N. Gott, Edward Clark, John G. Grossmann. 4th Ward- ChaB. J. Kintner, Jay Roath, R. Beahan. 6th Ward- Chas. C. Church, Jas. McDonald Leonard Vaughn.