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THK EAST. The book-keeper of tho Marine Bank of New York city, Hedden by name, has abeeonded with .$38,000 of tbo inbtitutiou's funda Scranton, Pa., has Just experienced a destrnctive conllaration. Lesa estimated at $150,000. A HUI.D atteinpt to rob the First National Sïauk of Chambcrsburg, Pa., was frnstrated tbe otlver night. Xïvo men ontcred tho bank ■on pretenso of niaking a deposit, and when the cashier opeued the safe thov knocktd him down, eized a 30,000 package, and atterepted to escape. One of tliem stumbled and foll down as he was making bis exit. and was pouneed apon and secured by a faithful darkey who hoppened to be passing. Hij confedérate was puif ued and eaptured twenty miles from Chambemburg, aud all the monoy recovered. Ex-Gov. James G. Smith, of lthodo Ialand, ia dead. Skvekk Rtorms and flooda in the New England States have caused serious damage to mili proporty. At Burrillvillo, Cono., a mili and rmiuufacturing property valued at over $200,000 were ewept away. Some damage is slao reported from New Jersey. At Cantón, Worccster county, Mass., theMosay Pond dam gave way. destroying much valnable mili property. and aJsiost obliterating the manufacturing villano of FnllerviUo. Fortunately, tbe k)8s of lifo was not large. It ia eatimated that the damapre to property in New Kngland by the freshet will reacb 81,000,000. THK WKST. s Eon. Wm. B. Caíuwfjx, one of the oldest membera of tho Cincinnati bar, died in that city last week. He was on the Supreme Bench of Ohio for mauy years, and was a lawyer of preat (tbiJity At 8alt Lake, Utah. the'other day, John Wiggius was senteneed to be shot Juno 23 for the trmrder of John Kramer, the prisoner choosing tbis mode of death in proferenco to hanging or deeapitation. A noiLEB in tho Union Paciflo Eailroad Company'a rolliug-inill at Laramie City, Wyoming, oxplodcd the other day witli terrible force, completcly wreckiuf; the south half of the mili, int-tantlv ki'ling four meu, and serionsly wouudiiig ten others. News comes from the Black Hiils, via Fort Laramie, of a fight betweeu minere and Indimns, on Deadwood creek, eixty miles north of Custer. The minera attacked the Inciians and killed thirteen. Oqo white man was killed. The IndUns had been running off stock. More Irouble is axpected. The aectiou of the oxpedition againat the hoatile Sioux whicli starled out under Gen. Reynolds haa retnrned to Fort Reno. It was BucceBsful in puuishing one of the turbulent bands. Moke enow feil in the Upper Missouri country during üie mont h of Mareh thau was ever f ore known in the whole season Advices from Fort Fetterman stato that Gen. Crook'a victory over Crazy Horso was a complete one, and tha't many of tho Indi&ns who cscaped must Btarve. as all their provisions, ammunition, etc, were destroved. 8OUTH. Chief Justice A. O. P. Nicholson, of Tennessee, is dcad, Deceascd was United States Senator in 1840, momber of the Southern Convention of 1850, aud editor of the Washington Union dnring Pierce's administration. The impeachment trial of Gov. Ames began at Jaokaon, Miss., on tlio 2th of March.' WASHINGTON. Tho House Pension Committee has decided to recommend tho transfer of the Pension Burean to the control of tho War Department Ex-Senator Stewart was before the House Committee ou Foreign Affaire, last week, and gave bis explanation of his connection with tho Emma mine aa counsel for James E. Lyon. He contradieted Lyon's Btory, as told to the committee sonio time ago, in nearly every particular Troasurer New has finally decided to reaign, on account of a Drepsure of private business J. 8. Evans, tho poat-trader at Fort Sill, was before the Committee on Expenditures of the War Department, the other day, aud detailed all tho circumstanees surroundmg his obtaining permistiion from Marsh to remain at Fort Sill. It was a matter of uecessity with him, he eaid, to come to tcrms with Marsh. Secretary Belknap told Evans he had promised Marsh a place, and Marsh had eelected Fort Sill. Evans saw Marsh, who appeared to underatand all about the matter. He wentto Now York witu Marnh, where a written contract was eigned. Evans said lie was introduced to the Secretary of War Ly Gen. IUco, of Iowa, aud paid him 1,000 for the introduction. Ho thought this was enough, though Rice wanted $1.500 Respecting what haa bern said about the recent correspoudence of tho Attorney-general with District Attorney Dyer,intended to reflect npon Gon. Babcock. ho (Babcock) makes and ■authorizes tho publicatiou of the following statement : "I found a copy of the lottor lying open upou my desk at the Executive mansion. I do not know ho w or by whom ít carne there. It was without any envelope or direction to anybody. It was not marked official or confidontial. There wasnothrag to show that itwas intended for the President, and he inforais me that he never Baw it. The copy appears to havo boen male in the Attorney-generars ofiioe. Finding thiB copy open and without direetion upon my desk, ï presunied it was put there for my inspection and use, and iccordn jly I placed it in the hands of my counsel for such action as tbey inight think proper in regard to it." The wituees Marsh, abont whom there has been such a hubbub, was before the House Judiciary Committee again the other day, aud rerepeated his testimony against Bclknap. He made profeesion that be desired to state the eutire trutb, without reserve. His testimony waa jiot consistent with his profession, unlees it bo that his memory is nulike that of the maiority of men. He could remember that he was caiefu! to deslroy every ahred of paper which could show a diroot connection with the late Sec:elaryof War, bnthe could not remomber the sligbtest detail, or even the subject-matter of the moet important conversationa with Gen. Bciknap. Marsh admittod histeetimony before the Clymer Committee with one iuconsidorable exeeptton. That exception was an incomplete phraso which was omitted rom the printed report.. . .Tho President has nominated to tho Senate Hou John A Bentley, of Wisconsiu. for United States Commifwioner of Peusions, viee McGlll, who resigna on account of the inadequacy of tho Balary Mrs Lyra, Clark Gaine has once more recovera! judgmeut in the United States Supreme Court in her suit for the vast estates in aud arcund New Orleans to which sho lavs claim. Cajjií P. Mabsh, refreshing his memory, now rccolleots distinctly having talked with Secretary Belkuap about the article npon postIriderabip extortious whicli were pnhlished in tho New York Tribune in February, 1872 ; and thathe infoimnd tho Secretary that the contract with Evens was tben in forcé. Marah has !sj explained to the Committee of CougresB the reeson that impelled him to run off to (iiiiiula. He hnvH when he read tho debate in the Ilouao upon the propo?ed impeachment of Baiknap, he was lfd to apprehend that he might bo arrested and prosecuted on a criminal charge. Tue bill making appropriations for rivers and harboru for the n xt fiscal year, as j)repaxedby a tub-committeo of the House, calis for about .-6,000,00(1 An indictment bas been found by the Washington grand jury acnniRt Kilbonrne, the real-et-tate pool man, for refiising to aiuswer the questions of the House Committee.... Mr. Mareh, in her testimony before the Clymer committeo, said ehc undertood that the Fort Sill tradership was a matter I bitnecn Mr. Marsh and Mrs. Beiknap, and that Ihe Secretary know nothing abont it, so far as oho knew. 8he contradieted Pendletan in regard to id denying liavia pone to Europe with Mn-. Boweta ai:d Lerself and her husband. TJicy all went together, in June. 1871. She know notMng about Pendleton'a railroad claim, and liad no kuowledge tbat Mrs. Bowers reit i ved my part of it. The Ccmmitiee on Military Affairs have agreed upou Hej-resentative Banning's bill, with somo ameudments, for the reorzanizatiou of the army. It does not reduce the pres( nt effoctive ferco of the ïirmy. bnt it nxluecH the norabep of iufuntry ref,iiuoats from twentyHve to twentv, and tl.c cavalry from ten to ■;„'!it. A recent Washington dispatch suya: "Persona who have talked with the President lately Biy that he is vcry deeidcd in bis opinión that the resumptïon act shou'd noL be ropea!ed; ai;d he dops not lifíita'u to say that if OoDgreaa shouid repeal the act he would interpole U veto. T re iw no prntnbility of the Senate irteiüg to repoal the act. tvei) if the House nhouid do ho.'' .i:kkal. I 'uwih Boorn's theatrical tour through the So'itii wan remarkab'y Kiioce-sful. He was grei t:! with ovatione eVerywhere. Mr. Booth ■ '] fili a serieeof Western 'ngigemeiit, opening in CV-icaco, t McVicker's Theater, on the ritu f April... Five otates have now totally :ib"lish"d rl:i-. dtüitli penalty, viz.: Maine. Rhode Kland, Miahignu WiaconBin and Iowa. Tuk Nhí onal Cotinëi] of the Order of Sovery kus in session at Cleveland lust week. Ei6vtn States were ropreseuted. The rtportH QÍ tlifl officera mako a favorable ii of i!: hfftán nd prospecta of the I inlir. HrNCETontn tho mauly and courageous ' lince of wif'-l8tin!? will bc ottended with ! Borne unpleasant couae'iueucos in California. Gov. Pacheco has aftixcd hís signatura of approval to the act which provides tbat men found gitilty of wife-beating shall'be public] v whijiped It is reported f rom Washington t armv headquartera are to be removed from St. Louis, and ro-Cötablished at the capital. A Washington" disputen says the Houso Committee on Military Affair is pualiüig vigorously the headstone inveetigation. SI. J. Walh, of Now York, one of the unsuccessful bidders, has tetstified that he Hubmittcd a bid to furnifh tho etoues for soldiera' graves in the National ccmctery fer Y723,000. Tho contract was awarded" to one Bridges for $900.000, or -177,000 more than WalHli' figures in the schedule of bida made up in tlie Quartermaster's Department. Bridges' bid was not included, bnt after this sclieaule was eent to the Secretary of War it as inserted, and BridgeB got the contract. Another witnees testifled that the night bcfore the bids were to be opened firidges ahowed him letters from Secretary Belknap, saying that if he (Bridges) got the contract honvould be allowed to save considerable expense by abbroviating somo words of the inscrïptions on the headstoues, and also that he would not bo required to round the corners. It is a very ugly piece of business, and placea Belknap ma -wórse light thau the Marsh affair. What to do about Winslow is a question which tlircatons to cause a spirited controversy between Great Britain and tho United States. England stands ready to surrender the Boston forger, but imposes aa a condition that he shal] be tried only for tlie crime for which ho was extradicted - sucli boing the provisions of a law enacted by Parliamont in 1872. Tho United otates, on the other hand, insist upon tho strict obaervance of the.treaty of 1842, and deny the power of Parlinmentto modifv or alter its tering in the manner indicated without tho concurrence of the United ötatefl. The Britih Government eveu goes so far as to require tiiat Congress shall pass a conespondiug law before Wiuslow ia rendered up for extradition - a demaud which will prooably uot be complied with. . . The Emperor and Empress of Brazil are now en route from Kio Janeiro to New York, where they are due the 20th of April. They will attend tne openiug ceremonies of the Philadelphia Ceutennial Exhibüion. after which they will make a tour of the United Staten. The Supremo court of tho Uuited States has reached a decisión in the Grant pariah, La., cases, which were carried from the Louisiana Circuit court for final determination. The lower court had decided that these caaes did mt properly come within the scopo of the enforcement acts : that they reïated to offenses of which the State courts should take coguizance. In other words, it was intimated tliat offensoa of a similar claës have always been punishable under State laws in other sectionn of tlie Union. This ruling the Supremo court attirms in a lengthy decisión, in which tho whole subject of intimidation and election frauda is exliaustively treaéed. POLÍTICAS. The New York Eepublican State Convention, for tlie appointment of delegates to tbe National Convention, was held at Syracuse last week. George Dawson presided. Areaolution was adopted instnictijig the delegates to Cinciniiati to vote for Koscoo Coukliupr í'or President. Tlie platform declares for liard money The Democracy of Peunuylvauia held their eouveution at Lancsster on the same day. In their platform they declare for general anineaty, demand the repeal of the Beaumption act, and favor ' ' such t top for the reaumption of specie paynients aa will most surely and speedily reach. tbat result without destroying the buainesa interests of tlie country." The delegates to Bt. Louis were left nninstructed. A motion to instruct for Judge Black was voted down. Washington advices report that there ia a proposition on foot among Cougresamen for the formation of a non-partisan finauce compromise. The plan, it ia stated, ia to re-enact the law nllowing the holders of United States notes in 81UUH of $50, or any multiple thereof, to fund tbem at their own option into a gold bond, bearing interest at tlie rato of fonr per cent, and payable af ter thirty or forty years. All notes thus funded the bill will próvido Bliall be canceled and destroyed, and Bhall never be reissued. Thf. Washington correspondent of the Chicago Tribune telegraphs that there is a prospect of union of sufticient number of Bepublicana and Demócrata of the House upon the proposed non-partisan currency bill to secure its passage. The Rhode Mand delegation to the Bepublican National Convention is pledged to support Senator Conkling for the Preaidency. FOKEIGN. As srmiatice of twelve days' duration has been agreed upon by the Turks and Herzegoviuians.. . .Tho French Governmental budget for 1877 eatimates the revocue at L534,400.000, and the expenditures at L533,400,000. No increase of taxation is proposed.. . .The return of peace in Spain haa caoaed the issue of a decree establishing a relief fund for invalid and wouuded soldiers, and for the familie of those killed dui iug the war. One year's aervice is remitttd for all men now in the army Tho Galvoston JVews prints a special dispatchroceived from Bio Grande City, atating that news was received that tho ïlexican forcea had been badly defeatcd by the revolutionieta, with the loss of 1,500 men and all their artillery ajid wagons. Thebe was a anow-storm in Eome and othoi portions of Southern Europe on the 20th of March, This is extraordinary, more so even than the foot of snow which feil in Tennessee on the aame day. ■ The members of the Irish Eiilo Asaaciation have unanimously voted to accept the invitation of the Nalional Bifie Association of America to compete for the champiouahip of tbe world.. . .After an aniinated debate in the British House of Commoua, the Eo3ral Titlea bill, making Quecn Victoria Empre38 of India, has passod to ita third roading. The vote stood 309 for the bill and 134 agaiust it. A membkh of the Engliah House of Commons haa given notice of a formal inquiry as to the truth of the repoii; that tbo United States Goternment holds a surplus of the Alabama indemnity, for which a legitímate claimant cannot be f oiuid .... American merchante in Ma: amoras have appealed to tho Washington Government, through the conaul at the port, for protection from tho banditti of the central goverument, who are attempting to collect a forced loan in the city. 8oijiehs of tho late Carlist army aa well as othera, are enliating in S,.ain in great numbors for service in Cuba It ia reported from St. Petersburg that tho Czar is about to abdícate in favor of his aon Thfi ocean cable reporta a terrible flood in Holland, an ununual freahet liaving broken through the dykeH and inundated a vaat región of country, rendering thouaanda of people homeleas. Quees TlCTOBli has left Eogland for a brief sojourn in Gcrmany. She is accompanied by the Princesa Beatrice.


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