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All Sorts Of Pen-scratches

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- Gen. Rice, of Iowa, who has figurad as " Belknap's next friend " iu the Rale of patronage, and the to man whom Evans, the Port Sill trader, paid $1,000 tor an introduction to the ex-Secretary, was bafore the sub-Judiciary Committee on the lst, and confessed to the sale of four post-traderships by him(or of his influeuce in proouring them). For one he got $2,000 ; for a seoond, $5,000 ; for a third, one-half the net proflts ; and for a fourth, one-third the net profits. But, then, ho said Bilknap didn't know anything about his " eussudnesss," and that he hadu't divided the plunder with Belknap. Some wine and cigarg to Belknap and " and a sinall wedding present to his wife," that was all. It is now in order for Mis. Marsh to rise up and cali Rice "a pig." - It is well to reward patriotisra and cultivare generogity toward tae defenders of the nation's unity or honor in any and all its wars, but it strikes us that the thing was a little overdone by the House on Monday last, in passing the pension bill giving $8 a month to all soldiere of the war of 1812 who servod ten days, and to their surviving widows who married prior to 1850. Ten days service, without a scratch or possibly without smelling powdor or gettiug within danger-distance of the enemy, is a narrow base to rest a pension on. The number within the provisión of the bill in question may be stnall, but the precedent is a dangerous one. - It is to be hoped that the Sonate will materially uiodify the shinplasterredemption-in silver bill which the House passed on Friday last. The country should either be given a higher grade of silver coin or it should not be made a legal tender for so large sums as $25 and $50. The smaller sum is large enough for the dollar coins, and fractional coins ahould not be a legal tender in sums over $10. Those figures ought to float good coin ; poor coin should not be forced upon the public. - A correspondent of the New York Sun says of the President's recent illness : " ' Neuralgia of the brain ' is the polite, technical name given to a disease which is chronic, and whioh medicine alone cannot cure. Resolution and restraint are the true remedies, and he himself the only physician to apply them ; but he doos not appear to possess the necessary strength of purpose." A "polite" way of saying "drunk again." -The New Tork Sun or its Salt Lake correspondent has discovered a very big cat coneealed under the New Mexico meal tub. It is an arranged Mormon exodus trom Utah to New Mexico, the gobbling up of large and valuable land grants, and the coatrol of the new State governmeut in the interest of Brigham Young and his followers. Certain parties at Washington share in the plunder : and that is what the " rotten borough " of New Mexico means. - The House formally adopted the articles of impeachment against exSecretary Belknap on Monday (five in nuraber), and directed them communicated to the Sonate, whioh was iramodiately done. The House also, on the same day, elected as managers, or prosecutors before the court of impeachment, Messrs. Lord, Knott, Lynde, McMahon, Jenks, Laphara, and Hoar, the last two being Republicans. -Madame rumor now comes to the front wjth the report that President White, of Cornell, is not a Conkling man, that he will not go to Cincinnati (because of the collision of commencement wilh convention), and that he will vote for Tilden if Tilden is the Democratie nominee and a more satisfactory nominatiou is not made at Cincinnati. All of which we hope is true. - Ben. Butler's son-in-law Ames, the carpet-bag Governor of Mississippi, itgainst whom articles of impeachment were pending, has compromised with his prosecutors or persecutors : that if the articles of impeachment being withdrawn, he has resigned and " stopped down and out." He could n't stand under flre longer, - the batteries were getting too near. And Beu Butler approves. - The Rev. Thos. K. Boecher does n't take tnuch stock in Conkling. He says : "Roscoe Conkling should be n either nominated nor voted for by intelligent Republicans, because he represents nothing but partyism. He is the ablest and most conspicuous defender of a costly and corrupt system of government." A heavy blow to strike at a man whose chances aro almost uext to nothing. - One Felix Murphy, an " anti-Tammany " member of the New York Legislature, voted for Henry Ward Beecher for Regent of the University, and then didn't go and haug bimself, bist took to " pilfering documenta from boxes in the postoffice, refusing to return them when requested to do so." And now comes in the old saw, " jnst as the twig is bent." - Sons industrious newspaper follow has commenced cataloguing the Ropublican Presidential aspirants, - giving ñames, ages, and professions. We have so far : Blaine, 45, teacher and editor; Bristow, 44, lawyer ; Conkling, 4fi, lawyer ; Hartranft, 45. lawyer ; Hayes, 53, lawyor ; Morton, 52, lawyer. And the end of the list is not yet. And this is the stone that some envious scribbler hurls at " an old man's darling ": " Ths Treasury girls wbo forinprly diviried the contonts of their lunch baskets with Mrs. Senator Christiañcy have not yet been invited to cali." - The Sen ate on Monday, by a rote of 24 to 31, refused to reconsider the vote by which the bill was passed reducing the salary of the President from $50,000 to $25,000 a year. And now the House will make short work in passing it, - or so we hope. "A pig !" that is what Mrs. Marsh swears she should have thought and called hor husband if he had not divided liberally with Belknap. She is evidently ft believer in the doctrine of honesty among thieves."


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