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After the retirement of Ames f rom t he Governorship oi' Missisippi in order to escape iinpeachinent, it might hav been well f'or the Republicana to haya let't liini off the list of delegates to the National Convention. - Ulica Herald [Btp.) It is stated that President White, of Cornell, described In insult' last tull as a " Tilden Ropublican," and bas quito recently avowed bis readiness to vote tur Governor Tilden for President as against any noii-reformatory Kepublican. - Syriiigfield Iiepublican {Ind.) Always claiining to have sa ved the country, the Republicana have robbed it until we hare become an object of contempt to evory nation in existenoe. If the Republioans did save the country, then, the next time the country is in danger, for God's sake let it down. - Chicago Timet (Ind.) Governor Ames has been a soldier. He knows, therefore what resignation in the face of the enomy means. Iu resigning he has laid hiraself open to grave suspicion, and to the charge of having abandoned, if not betrayed, nis best friends. - Chicago Ocean {liep.) While Republicana are striving to cover up their iniquity, and wbile we are looking about tor the right man for the Presidency, would it not be well to reinember that Governor Tilden bus reduced the taxes of Nsw York Stivte one half, and that he has saved the State in canal expenses $7,863,741,04. How would it aeem to have such a m an in Washington ? - Kalamazoo Oazette (Dem.) The platform adopted by the Penusylvania Demócrata shows that they have recovered tbeir reason, whioh was temporarily lost during the Bil Allen turmoil laat year. The sturdy Domocrats of the Keystone State beoaine ill nigh unto death under the eifocts of the niUation medicine presrcibed by the Cincinnati Enquirer and the Pittsburg Post. They have no desire whatever to repeat the dose. - Fort Wayne iietitinel (Dem.) Mr. Pierrepont ia still explaini ng that letter to the distriot-atorneya. It seeins to be a good deal on his mind, as it oertainly is on his reputation. The Attorney-General would soom to bavo been victimized by the President, but it the President was not a pretty patiënt philosophioal man he would be likely to have a new Attorney-General about these days. - Spriiuj field Republican (Ind.) There ia a growing disposition on the part of both parties to take the ourrency questiou out of politics. We regard this as a favorable omen. We are not insensible to the importance of a sound ourrency to the public welfarea but we believe that return to the constitutional principies of the Government and sweeping reforma in the administratiou of tha publio affairs are mattere of even greater importance. - Neie Orlean Democrat. We did suppose Senator Boutwell incapable of such an exhibition of folly as he made in the Senate, on ïbursday. Men of plain common sense know that Mr. Bayard, Mr. Tilden, Mr. Thurman and other Democratie leaders of the North, are not encmies of the Union, and would never be the allies of any body who plotted against the Government; and they do not believe that Mr. Gordan, Mr. VVithers aud other Democratie leaders of the South are conspirators against the lite of the nation. - Boston Olobe (Ind.) The teslimony of General Custer ia very direot, and will add very much to the general distrust noncerning the manner in which post-traderships are managed. It bears hard upon the President. If, as he asserts, the proclamation of the President extending the great Sioux military reservation enhanced the value of the trading-poste on the Northern Missouri Kiver, there are those who will argue that the President must have antioipated the result, else his experience on the frontier was valueless. - Philadelphia Inquirer (liep.) The ldaho World tells a story that seems aliuost incredible. One evening two years ago a party of ten of the prominent citizens of ldaho gave a reception at Boise City. Not one of them is now living, uil having met with violent deaths. One was killed by an insana man, another preferred laudanum to political disgrace, another blew his brains out with a pistol ball, one was murdered and his body.ooncealed ainong the rocks, one feil down a minc-shaft 600 feet and was dashed to pieces, another was aasassinated while walking along the street, one feil out of a wagon und recnived fatal injuries about the head, one was killed in Washington territory, and the last of the ten wan ecalped by Indians in Eastern ldaho.


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