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EDWARD DUFFY HA8 JUST RECEIVED AN Eiitire New Stock Of goods rnnnixtlnü of Teas, Coffses, SUGARS AND SYRUPS. Bought in NEW YORK f rom first hands FOR CASH, and is offering them at VBRY 8LI6BT ADV over New York Oost. A!bo a full line of LADIE8 and GENTLEHEN'S WKAR in BOOTS &SH0ES, All of which ho ia offering VERY LOW FOR CASH. It paya everybody to buy their goods for Caeh. Cali and examina goods and prices, and I WILL INSURE SATISPACTION Qoods delivered to any part of the City fre o charge. EDWAltD DUFFY. " Maynard's cor. Main and Ann streeta Ann Arbor, Mich. Chancery Saie. PUR8UANT to and bj virtue of n order 01 the Circuit Court ior the County ot VVashtenaw, m chancery, made on the tlnrty-flnit day of December, A. I). 1675, in a cauae therein pending, whereiu Charles Thayer iscouiplainant, and Birlan W. MorgaU, survivin triiHtee of the Ann Arbor Land Company, is defcndnnt: Notie is hereby nivcn, thnt I shall sell at public venduc to the hitnet bidder, at ten oJcloi:K in the forenoon, on the L3fch d.iy of May, 187ü, at tbe south Ittor of the (Jourt blouse, iu Ihe city of Ann Arbor, uil Ihü fcllowing dcMuibed lauds xituated in the City of Ann Arbor, in said Counly : Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, aud It, in block neven south, rang; ciglit east ; nltto Iota 4, 5, l, 7, 8, 10. U, and 11, in block even south, and range nine eaat ; itl.i.i, lot 5 iu block geven south, range eleven eas ; aUo, lot 10 in block seven aouth, range twelvc east ; and also, Iota 5, 0,7, 8, and 'J. in block sovtu south range ten eaBt ; also the south ont 'luarttr f lot nine, in block jeven south, range nine eaat ; and tho tiiaugulnr pieoe of land, being about three qilartors of au aere, in the northeasl comer of sectiou tiurty-two. Duted, ilarcii -'J;li, IS, o. i;7G J. F. LAWREXCE, Circuit Court Comm'r Washtenaw Co., Mioh. Sheriffs Sale. BV VIRTUE of one writ of execution iasuKl out of and under theseal of the Circu-t Coort for the County of Lenawee, to inc dirceted aud deliveved, I did on the 3d day of January, A. D 1876 levy uponall the right, titlc and interest of Jacob W. JSIiller and Catharioe Millcr in and to the followinii described rcíil ótale sitnalod in the Couuty of Wasbtenav, State of Mkhigiiu, to wit : The uorth hall of the west hall of the northeaat quarter of section number twerity-nine ; also the northwyst quarter of the northeast quarter of aection S0, cxwpt ix acr.'s off trom the south end khereof ; also tbc southeast quarter of the southeast qiurter of stctiou 19 ; also the northwest part of the eaut hall of the nortbeast quarter of sectiiui 2'J, boundcd as lollows: uommencing at the nonhwest corner ot said east half of the northeast quarter ot sectiou 2S, riinuiniftheQce south forty rode, thencc cast to the center of the Rivcr Raisin. thencc nurtliwesterly along the center of said I'.ivcr Raisin to the nurtu line Of said seirtion 2'J, thence west alonu :lic section Une to the place of beginning, supixncd l contain Hftecn acres and forty square rods 'if land ; ulso that parecí of land kuown aud Osaeilbed abeing a parecí of land taken off the cast side of the Plumuier farm, on the east sidc of tlie territorial road, (so ualled) the west line thereuf being the center of said territorial road, saia parcel of land cont&intng one acre of land more or less, and beiug a part of the cast part of tlie northeast quarler ol seetion 29, all in townhip four south of range l'our east, containiii" in all ouc hundnd and thirty and a quarter acres more or leas, in Washtenaw County, state of Mtchligan. Which above described property I sball oller tol sale to the highest bidder, at the south door ol the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Cniiuty, Michigan, on the lüth day of May A. I. S'i, at IU o'clock a. m, of said day Dated, March aoth, 1S76. 1676 WL FLK.MINi;, Sheriff. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Kourth Judicial Ci7Ocuit- In Chancery. Snit pending In the Circuit Court tbr theCimuty ol Wablrnaw, in chancery, whereln Thomas iSkuce is complainant, and Ivsther A. Skuce is defendant, at Ann Arbor thls 27th day of March, 1S76. Upon duc prooi" by aftidavit that Estber A. Skuce, the dcfemlant in the sntltied camw pending In tni C"urt, reridea out of the sai.l Statf of Michigan, and in the State of New Vork, and on moUon of Bablútt and Bmerlok, solicitors l"or conijjlainant, il ordered that the said defendant do appear aud answer the bill of couiplainl Oled ld the said, wkhin six w.u'ks trom the dato of this Order, else the said bill uf complalat shall be tak as confessed : And further that this order be published, within twenty days frum this date, la the Michigan Argüí, a newspapar prlDted ia the said County of Washlenaw, and be piiblishcl therein once in each week for six ween in succession ; sneh publication, liuwcver, shall not be necessary ín case a copy of tliis order be served on tiie said defendant per.i'oually, at leasl twenty days Ixfore the time herein prescribed for her appearance. Dated this 27th dav of March, A. D. 1876 J. F. LAWRENCE, A true copy ; attest, Circuit Court Com'r Peter Tuitk, Register. Washtenaw Co., Mich. Babbitt & Kmkrick, Solicitors for Comp't. 157C Estáte of Sarah Iugalls. STATE OP MICHIGAN, connty of Washtenaw, s. At a session of the Probate Court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Oüice in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the thirteenth dHy of March, in the year oiie thousand eight hundred and seventy-8ix. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Sarah Ingalls, deceaaed. On reading and filing thepetition, duly verifled, of Michael McFadden, prsymg that John N. Gott, of Ann Arbor City, may be appointed Adininistrator de iwm'j non, with the willitnuexed of said deceased. Thereupon it is ordered, that Mondny, the tenth day of April noxt, at ten o'clock iu the forenoon, be assigned for thu the hearing of said ietition, and that Ihe devisees, legatees, and heirs at law of aaid deoeaped, and all other peraont mtereated in aaid estáte, are required to appear at a aexaion of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, und ahow oause, if any there be, hy the prayer of the petitioner should.not be gmnted : And it ia further ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons interestcd in suid es tate, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printud and circulated in said countv, three aucceasive week previous to said day of hearing (A true copy.) NOAH W. CHEEVER, 1574 Judire of Probate. Estáte of Rohecca P. L. Gillespie. OTATE OFMICHIÜAN, county of Washtenaw, O as. At n üooaioii of the Probate Oourt for tht connty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city oí Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, tho twenty-tirst da y of Mnroh, in the year onc thouwand eight hundrrd umi seventy-six. Present, Noah W. ('heever, Judre of Probate. In the matter of .h estafe of Kcbecca P, l„ Oilleapie, deceaaed. On n-adingr and ílling the petition, duly verified, of J. Lathrop (iillcapie, praying thut an administrator ra ny be appointed ou thè cvtate m mud koeaaod. Thereuion it ia ordered that Muuda tht eeventeonth duyoi April Dext, at ten o'cloek in tht toreiiooik be iuMigi:Kl tor the hearing ot stiid petttion, and that tJie heira at luw oi' Bald (feceuwd, ■tnd all othei peraom 'nterostt-il in said estatt, are required toapmiral saewion oi said coQit,theo tobe holden ut tO6 Probate oúue. in the eity of Arbor. and show otUSQ, if any thevo tw , why the prayer oí the petitioner hould not l.igrnnted . And it i (arthec orderecl that suid petitioner giw notice to the peraon Lnterasted in snul Mtet, "f Hie pendency oi said petition, and the hearing tlierroi, by chusíuk a copy ol thin order to be publislied in the Michigan Argux, a nt'wsptiper prinU'd and oirculated in suid i-ounty. three supfessivo wpeka previous to aid day oí hearing. (Atruecopy.j NOAH W. CHEEVKR. # Ií7íiw3 Judjre of Probate. Estáte of Millers, Minors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Countynf Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate ('ourt lor tlic County of Washtenaw, holden at tlie Probitte' Office in tlie city of Ann Arïmr, on WtMln'sd:iy, thr twe nty-sfcontï day of M;m:h, in the yuar one thonsand eiht hiipdred and S4venty-six. PMMt, Noah W. Chesfar, Judo of Probate. In the mttlrr ol Oic -s[alr of ('ieor;e Millerand Hannah Milicr. minors. Jacob Hv;iun. liuanlian of said estáte, comt'S into eourt and reprfsi'iils ttim i now rei;in!t'i render hia ucoajal :is toch guanllui. Tbereupon ii la orderad Uut Thundkf, the thirteanth dy of April nuxt, at ten n'ciiH'k in the forenoon, be ansineí! for exainlninji and ftUowlDg snch account, and thai the next of kin of asid ininon, and all other pbraons tnterested in .M patste, k raqulred to ampewr at aseados of said court. t Ti " be In. i.l. -ri m the Probate fïici'. in the city of Ann Arbor, in aald COUDty ana ibón canee, if any thera in. hv Hie uld Hi-t-onnt ?-hfniliI not hc aliowiil : And il is Avther ordered that said guardián gWe notice to the panooa Intereated in aald eataïe ol tbc pcndncr of aatd account and the hearing thereof Sr cansing a copy ol' iliis order to be pubUsbed In the Michigan Argut a newapaper prtDted and elrculatloginaaid county. two successive weeks proriom to said dav of lx'urii)};. (A true copy.) NOAII . CHEEVSB 1675W2 Jlldffeof Probate. SEND 25c. toii.P, ROWBLL Ik. CO., Nuw York, for pamphlet of 1(K pnea, contuiniug liats of 3,OCHI nowapapers, and oaiimateu ahoniny con of advertising. RAILROAÜS. ttCIHULH CEÑTRAÍ RaTlROAdT NOVEMBER 21, WW. UOIKQ III, A. u. A. M P.K. P.K. P. JÍ. f, Jetroit.leave, 7 00 in :o ü ' 4 00 5 4(1 i Wayne Junction, 7 57 11 17 H 32 4 53 ü Ifpnilantl, 8 32 114.' 3 40 6 Í7 7 04 u AnnArhor, 8 5? 11 55 4 3, 5 45, 7 45 n Dexter, , 9 20 4 S5 6 10 8 10 -_Í CheUea, ;i 40 4 53 6 23 8 30 j Graas Lake, 10 04 6 49 9 00 .1 P. M p. M A ■ Jackson, ie ::; I 10 6 46 7 15 9 30 ijïj A.M. ' Knlamnzoo, . 2 o: 3 32 12 26 J Chicago arribe, 8 10 9 PO 7 00. slt OPIMO EA8T. liÍÍ4fl A.M. X. M. P. M. P. M. A.( Chicago, leave, 6 00 8 S0. 5 16 8 00 --. P.M. i.U. - ] Kalamazoo. 10 50 1 22 10 35 2 30 - P.M. A.M. A.M. . , Jackson, i lï 3 42 7 00 12 42 4 Í5 9 Oras Lake, 2 45 7 32 6 23 1(1 .0 Chplbca, lf; 8 00 6 50 10 f Dextei, 3 25 8 18 6 08 ld Ann Arbor, 3 52 4 53 8V 2 00 6 28 11 ; YpilMiti. 4 ïO 5 10 8 66 2 20 6 48 11 i Wiiyne, 4 45 i 28 9 23 2 40 7 08 11 ( Detroit, arrive, 6 45 6 16 KI 15 3 .50 8 OU Ij 8undaye excepted. ISaturday and Hunday n. cepted. I Daily. H.B. LBDYARD.Oen'lSupt., Detroit. H. C. Wkntworth, Gen. Pass. Agt., Chicago. DETROlTrHILLSDALE&'lÑDÍ.I ANA KAILROAD. OOINQ WF.8T. -1876- OOINQ ÏA. BTATIONH. Mail. Eip.' STATIONS. Kzp. Ml Detroit, dep.. .7:05' S:4o" f ■ YpRilanti . . . . 8:32 7:10 Banken 6:30 i% Saline 9:25 7:40 Hillsdale ... 6:50 lm Bridgewater.. 9:65 7:67 Manchester.. ; Manchester. 10:i3 8:15 Bridgewater 9:55 ( p. m. Saline 10:2i tj Hillsdale WO 9:S7 ' Ypsilanti.... 11:U Bankera. ... 1:15 10:06 Detroit 12:30 6: Trains run by Chicago time. To take eSect Not. U, 18Ï5. W. F. PARKER. Sup't, Ypsiianti. 187G. 187 SPRING STYLE&I W. WAGNER HAS JUST OPENED THE FJNEST STOCK C ■- h a k.CLOTHING To be found in Aun Arbor, comnrising all tM N1;VI-:kT STYLE8 AND TATTIHiNS. Wliicli i-. oflbrtng at prices that DEFIES ALL COMPETiTION All who are nressed with the har: times and desire A CHEAP SUIT Can find t at WAGNEE'S. My stock of [Piece Goods Will be found complete and contáis all the NEWEST DESIGNS. Suits Made to Order. A Large stock of FUENISHING GOODS. TV tfTGITER, 21 South Main Sr. Ann Abbor. Kb Y THE AtiW Family Singar 241,679 Sold in 1S74! Aud 148,852 mure lliuii were sld b) its Uíghest conipetitor. WBILK THK Whoeler & Wilson sold only 92,r Howe Machine ('o. entimated 4r,i Domestic -j:,;: Weed jo,4 Grover & Raker 20,0 Kemiugton ]Si; And so on down. öo it appears from thesalenol the different Companiea thnt THE SINGER Has More Friends and Admïrer Than all the otbprs combined ! MACHINES SOLD K KAS Y TERMS All partios buying a SinKer r.nd wishing t. exchanKe it for a Howe or Rrmlneton witbii three months can do o without extra cost 1 have also si-viTal aew Hoe machines, a Domes tic, and a Bumberof second hand machines iu :. order, Inch cun be bui;ht very cheap The very best NeedUw for all machines at 40conl ?"■!?" lSot of for Hemmers and the Grinof Hinder for all aueblnec, $1,00- the best set in ibi market, and also attaehments for ncarly all nu I 1.. GKIKHEI,!,, Airent. C1556) 2d door eiwt ol Postoflice, Aim Arbor, Mich A arded ih. Hihest tledal at Flenm o E, & H. T. ANTHONY & CO, 591 Braad war, Vexv Vork. {Opp. Metropolitan Hotil,) Tlunufaeruren, Importrrs & Dealers I CHROMOS and FEAMES, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS, Albums, Oraphoscoi-eb, and Stitahli: Views. Photographic Materials. We ure Hemlquarter for overything in the way of STKKKOPTIOOVS & ffl.MilC l,tIKHS. liuintf mHHufuciniers ol the MICRO-SCIKNTIFIC LANTEltN, STEREO l'AXort'ICON, ÜNIVERB1TY -TEREOPTTCOX. Al'YUKTlSUlt'S SIJSSEOPTICOJi, VUTOPTICON, SCHOOL LANTERN. FAMILY LANTERN l'EOPLE'S LANTERX. Each atyle beinj; the beat of its claeain the market. o Catalogues of LaDterus an.t Hlide with directiuna for U8ing aent on upplimtion. Any enterpriiuK man cnn mnke money with Mairic Luntern 15y, ■WCut out this advertisement for reference. IañhooF How Lost. ïïow Eestored ! Juat publiahed, u ncw edition of Ir, Culver ll richt ut-l Issu) on the jtADicAL cuju; (without mt-dicinej ot Si-KitWAiORBHtKA or Seminal weuknust, Involuntary iStmiaa] Lossw. lmpotency, mental und l'iiysic'a] incitpacity, Impedimenta to mariiii-re. etc. , also, Consuraption, Kpilepay and Fits, induced by nelí -indulgen en or sexuiil extiHViiunef , &ü. fcriT Friet , iu u aenled euvelope, only hïx cents. Tlit! (ïelebrated uwtiior, iu this jidmirable Essay, clearly dümünstrntes, fiom a thirty years' succeBSiul jír.-tctife, that the alnrnuiifr consequent-en of selfübuae 1HH.V bc radi tiliy eim-d without the tlie dungeruuB uae of internul medicine or the application of the kuift ; pointiug out mode ol cure at once imple, certfttn, and effect unl, by means of which every mtttter wlmthiw coudition muy le, may cure himseifcheaplv. privately. i nd ratlically. Ky Thia lectura ehould be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain enve oj;a, to any ad dress, pO8t paid, on reeeipt oí aix cents or two post stampa. Addrew the publiahera, F. BKÜÜMAN & SON. 4 1 Aun SU, New Yrk,Pot Offlc Box,45S6


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Michigan Argus