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Lenawee County Meeting

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The friends of Liberty of the County uf Lenuwee, are rospectfiilly rcijucsted 10 mem in Cuiinly Convoniinn, nt llic Courl House, in ihe VilInge of Adrián, on Wednesdny ihc 2ihh d.iy of April rext, at on-j o'cSick P. M., for ilie purpusc üf a more thorough orgnnization of ihc frier.iin every pari of the County. Lot cvory to nahip be fully represented in soid Convcniion - loi uo man wlio feels the ennte ol IAlerty nt lie.ri. remnin at home for nny ordinary object. Thf time acems to bo fully nt hand, when Libcrtij men sliould see etje to tyc. When onr pony ühould be so org-inizud in overy part of the Union, upon such a eystem that we cun nll net togethcr. It is ilu-ii, nnd not till then thnt we enn t-ffict tho great ylject inlended. Come out, come all, be nol discourngcd Irom acting in a cnuae whith is frauht with such important eonsiderationf.