Local Affairs

- The vote in thia city on Monday last was s very small one. - Company B has a drum corps, equipped with six new first-class drums, - Company B have an inspection and social at the Armory next Mouday eveniug. ---A large number of voters failed. to register on the appointed day and lost their votes on Monday. - Voters (like white man) are mighty uncertain : witness the statistics in another column. - Chas. H. Kichmond is temporarily running the Peoples' Bank at Manchester, the cashier being absent. - Horace Rosier, a heavy farmer and atockgrower living near Dexter, died on Tuesday, of peritonitis. - Abel is back from New York : first result a new advertisement in the Abqus, with heapa of new goods at Bach & Abel's. - One Democratie Alderman : that is the exaet number elected in this city on Monday last. A good year to count aldermanlc gains from. - The Democrats gain the Recorder and lose an Alderman, leaving the Oommon Council the same as last year : Republicans, 9 ; Democrats, 5. - The snow is all gone except in shady spots, the frest nearly all out, and the mud fast tliyiug up, giving promise of better roads and business. Let 'em both come. - Dr. Ford has gone to Brooklyn, NV Y., to give his spring course of lactures, and Dr. Palmer will be off in a few days to Bowdoin, Maine, for the same work. - The Circuit Court,, has been in session aince Tuesday, hearing motiona and disposing of ch.iiicery and court cases. The jury was dracharged ior the term last Friday. - Hiram Piokard, who was a participant in the saloon affray, üct. 30, 1874, in which Richard Flamiary was killed, died of consuinption on Sunday and was buried on Wednesday. - In the Second ward, Kinne, Republican candidate for Mayor, had 109 mojority, and Kintiier, Democratie candidate for Recorder, 110 majority. Who can teil how that job was done 'i - Either the Republican candidate for Mayor ran way ahead of a party vote in the First ward, or the Democratie candidatos for Recorder, Justice, aud Aldsrmau ran ahead. Vich vos it ? - The Sixth war 1 is about the only straight voting ward iu the city; and the Sixth ward votes almost unanimously Republican. Democratie voters are almost as scarce as the righteous men in Sodoin. - Rev. C. (i. Howland, ot Kalamazoo, will preach in the Uuitarian Church nextSunday. Subject for morning- " Religión greater than any single Form of it." Subject for Evening- ' The Safe Belief." - The discovery of a vein of coal isreported in Superior, near Ypsilanti, on the Voorheis. Depth 60 feet, vein 41 inches thick, and quality pronounced good. A thicker vein is beiiii? prospeoted for still below. Hope it will be tound. - Mr. Waldron has laid beFore the House a peiition for the establishment of a post route irom this city to Milan, via Saline and York. The Committee on Poetoffices and Post-roads haB the matter in charge. - A Mayor with no music in his soul : that is Mayor elect Kiuue who beiug ealled upon on Monday eveuing to contribute mouey to buy a serenade for'himself, cavalierly replied not a - Continental, and added that he wanted the band to keepaway irom his house. - The Ladiei.' Library Association are niaking great preparations for their " Tin Wedding," or tenth amiiversary, which they are to celébrate on the 18th and 19th of April. Do Dot eat your supper at home that eveuiug, but wait to teast ou the delicacies they have prepared. - Judge Cooley was sereuaded by the colorad band ou Monday evenine, - or woald have been had he been at home lustead oí iu Lausing. The fact that the nous was dark did not seera to cool the ardor of the musicians in the least. Thy were out to toot, and toot they did. - The girls at the LeoDard House were wakened about 2 o'clock yeaterday morning by a smell of smoke. Prompt search disclosed a fire in the liquor room, aud i hole about two by three feet burned through a'partition. Some 3,000 cigars were destroyed. A short delay would have resulted in a serious fire. - The CommoB Council held a special sesaion Wedue.day evenmf;, canvassed the returnit frora the bever.il vvards, and deslared the result, also allowed a long list of bilis and traii8acted some minor business. The new Council will holil its rirst session ou Mondav evening, the 17th inst, unless sooner convened by the Mayor. - The Courier wing of the Republicana of Scio ralhed in force iu town caucus on SaturUay last and by a majority of 13 - which Johnson claims was only 6 - shelved Supervisor Johnson, but the nominee, John L. Smith, was laid out on Monday - and without the Democratie candidate gettiug any aid or comfort irom tha Johnson Republicans. Johnson and his triends took the Courier' advice and behaved like good boys. - If the Democrats of thia city persist in such promiscuous, irregular, unreasonable, and unaccountable voting as was done on Monday, the time will soon come when Democrats who have either qualificatious or self-refpect will utterly refuse to be uandidates for any local office or have anything to do with local politica. To forcé a man upon the head of the ticket, - a man competent aud unobjectionable, simply to be slaughtered, is " pure cussedness," and cannot be repeated aud preserve party orgamzation. - Xelson B. Colé, a resident of this city for aearly 30 years, and oue of the most active business men, died at nn early hour yesterday morniu"-, after a long illneas into which much suffering was crowded. He leaves a large circle oï friends who were attached to hira by his many sterling qualities, and who deeply aympathize witli his bereaved wife aud two fatherless childreu. Mr. Cole was born in Ovid, Séneca couuty, New York. His widow is the daughter of our esteemed tellow citizeu, ex-G-ov. Felch. The funeral services take placa to-morrow, at 10 o'clock A. H. By a vote of the city on Monday, the memberg of the i'ire Departrueut are to be grauted au animal salary hereafter of five dollai-s each. - -Register. Coüsidering the httle fact that the ftremen have been paíd that sama heavy salary for a series of years to us just novv unknown, that word hereafter is a refiection upon the past inaguammity of our city. This ia the story told of the colored voters and a Bepublican candidate for alderman in one of the wards. The norainating caucus was a large one and severely contested, anti the colored vote was " pluiuped " for the deieated caudidate. Next morning early the nomiuee wan visited by a colored delegatiou aud a subsciiption solicited in aid of the colored bund. "do to h-11 " was the characteristic response, aud every one of them went and voted for the Democratie candidato, - probably thinking that the aext best thiug to obeying orders. And now Moses ttunks he won't have to feed as many " mggera " as have ben quartered on him fr years.