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The ladies of the Presbytarian society of this place gare, -on Friday last, a Centeunial Tea Party which was a decided success in every respect. The exercises consisted of tabluaux, recitatinns, music, &c. Manyof the ladios and gbntlemen appeared in costumes. Washington, Jefferson, Hancock, and severa] other characters ware well represented and received many demon strations of applause from the audience. The Declaration of Independence was read by E. A. Reynolds, iu the presence of all the ladies and gentlemen in costume, and was received by the audience by tremendous bursts of applause, and one would think himself placed back to the good old days of " 76," and inapired by the patriotism of those good old days. We understaml that the society cleared about $100. The election pasaed off quietly Monday. The Democrats elocting all but their supervisor ;md one constable. The hea'l of the ticket was lost by a split in the Democratie ranks. John A. Klein was elected treasurer by 137 majority. aud E. A. Reynolds superintendent of schools by 67 majority. The balance of the ticket elected by majorities rangiug from 13 to 50. The Union School opened its spring term Monday with a íull roll, nearly as Iarge as last fall. The school is prospering fiuely under the present corps of teachers and everything passos off smoothly. R. Feench Politioal Leadeeb . By Edward King. G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York. Thi8 third volume of " Brief Biographies " well fulfllls the promise of its predeceesors. There are sketches of Hugo, Thiers, Gambetta, Marshal Mac Mahou, Mouseigneur Dupanloup, the Count de Paris, Rochefort, Ollivier, and raany others well kuown, by name at least, to American readers. In the chronio state of upheaval in French affairs, and in view of the remarkable facility Frenchmen have in vaulting from monarchical to republican principies, or vice versa, it has somstimes proved difficult to form correct ideas of men or situatious. Mr. Kiag, however, bsing on the sceue of action, has evideutly made the best use of his advantayes. Legitimists, OrleanisU, Imperialista, and the Republican " Left," with lts unruly sub-division of " Extreme Left," are pictured forth as occasion requiras, aud, as fsr as we may judge, with eqüal impartiality. Each one's strength or weakuess, and the widely different styles of eloquence possessed by his varioui subjects are sketched with a firm hand. The style of the writer is racy and entertaining, and combined with the interest of his matter gives a book well worth reading and possessing. It Vanishes Awat. - Do all our reader unilm-staiid that the geuuine Chemical Saleratus, mude by D. B. DeLand & Uo., is never eateu. In the procesa of baking it all evaporates, leaving the bread liht and pure. It has been imitated, but the counterteit is not easily disposed of. - Use it instead of Soda or Bakiug Powder. All enterprising druggist sell largely of Dr. King's New Diacovary for Consumptiou, coughs aud Colds.