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Was flowers, il' left out in the drizzliijg rain, wijl be thoroughly cleaned in a short time. A simple remtnly for bitiüg the nails is quustin. Wet the ringers and allow thcm to dry; if ta&ted it -will be a bitter remindt-.r. I givo it a trial au d it wns efl'ectual. Indian Rusk.- -Two liglit cups of Indian meal, ono cnp of ilonr, ono toaspooni'nl of saleratu'í, enough sour or buttermilk to di.ssolve, 0110 cup of sweet miik; Btir in tbree-fourtlis oi' a cup of ■ S.'S. 1 f the inside of yoiir tea pot is black from long use, fill it with water, throw in a small pieeo of bard soap, tet on the etove and lot it boil from half an hour to aa hour. It will clean :is bright as anew dollav, raid costs no woik. Bkead Ealls. - Break the bread in small picccs, and moisten with milk, or a litlltj w:u'ui water, scason with salt, pepper and nutnieg, adding a little fino sago or parsély and a small piece of but%í't, mix and form into srnall cakes or bulls ; roast with beef or ehicken, or fry af ter meat in. a akillet. PunVajN SaoMT Oaks. - Oog onp oí ono cup " C " oatrneal pon-idge, and one cup water. Boat thoso np together, and then add three cnps fino Graham flour. Mix thoroughly, spread ha' f an inch thick on a baking tin, and bake half an hour in a. good oven. Cover forten minutes, and serve warm or cold. Hot SijAw. - Butter the size of an ogg, half a cup of milk, yellow of two cggs, teaspoonf'ul of Balt, ono-fourth of a teaspoonful of pepper, small level teaspooni'ul of dry mustard and three tableapoonfula of vinegar. Put the buttor iato tho skillet with tho fine ent cabbage and the other ingrediente, and stir all the timo until the cabbage heats well through. To Mend China ware.- -Take a very thick solution of gum arabic and stir into it piaster of Paris until the mixture is of proper consistency. Apply it with a brush to tho fractured edges of the chinaware and stick theni together. In a few days it will be impossible to break the article in the sanie place. Tho whiteness of the cement renders ifc doubly valuable. Bkeakfast Muttins. - This recipe will be valned by housekeepers as a dainty substituto for bread at breakfast or tea : Two eggs well beaten with a cupful of mgar and a lump of butter tho sizo of an egg ; to this add one pint of milk with a teaspoonful of soda, one quart of flour, and two tablespoonfuls of creara tartar ; bake in muffin-rings on top of the range, or in gem-pans in a quick oven.


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Michigan Argus