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Democratic Conventions

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National, at St. Louis, Mo., June 27. Michigan -Mililled Lo twenty-two deletfat-s. Statk, at Lrusinj, Muy 24. This county i entitled to twelve delegato?. United Statse Senator from Illinois, Governor of Illinois, and President of the United States : those are tUe three offices for wnich Elihu B. Washburne has been enterad by admiring friends. E is credited with saying to an interviewer that he has no fear of Bristow, Conkling, Hayes, or Morton. The " Qreat Unknown " is the oandidate who inakes him quake iu his boots. Perhaps Blaiue underrates the Btrength of his opponenta. The amended Senate Silver bill passed the House on Wednesday, and now look out for an outflow (from the subtreasury) of silver coin to take the place of the torn, dirty and greasy shinplasters. The objectionable legal tender provisions of the House bill were stricken out. Last year the Demoorats had 42 majority in the Connecticut Legislature: in the Legislature just electec their joint ballot majority is only 89 And that is an evidence of great Be publican gains, and of that tidal wave which is to carry the State over to th Bepublican candidate for President. The Senate succeeded in passing a postal bill on Wednesday whioh will do anything but satisfy the country. Th provisión in section five for transien newspapers and magaizine, will no compénsate for extortionate ratos sec tion two imposes upon catalogues pamphlets, books and other mailabl printed matter. There was a State Bepublican Con vention at Charleston on the llth, an a free row, with pistal accompanimen resulting in the Chamberlain wing an the election of a Morton delegation t the Cinciunati Convention. And Be publicanism is the symonym for law an order and everything good, - or w know some mistaken individuals. Foreign-born residents who have renided in this State two years (or two years by the first of May next), and have not yet declared their intsntions to become citizens, should immediately do so if they wish to vote at the coming Presidential election. They must do 30 on or before the flrst day of May, at the office of the County Clerk. If the reader knows a neighbor who hasn't taken his first step to citizenship give hini a hint at once. There is no time to loss. Tkay, Blanche, Sweetkeart, and the whole Republican " pack " have opened on Gen. Williams, of the First district. They don't like his vote on the Amuesty bill, don't like the bilí he reported inaking rebels restored to citizenship by Republican Congresses, and relieved of their disabilities, eligible to military as they are and have been to civil positions, and, in fact are thoroughly dissatisfied witti all he says and does. Which iscertainly about the best reoommendation and indorsement Gen. Williams can ask or have. Judge Dillon has denied the raotions for uew trials in the several cases of Avery, Maguire, and McKee. This on the 8th inst., on which day Maguire was sentenced to pay a fine of f5,000 and rusticate six months in jail. Avery wasn't present to receive sentence, btjcuuse his counsel, Judge Krum, said he oould n't raise money to pay his expenses from Washington to St. Louis. Ue was given until yesterday to put in an appe&ranco, and his bond declared forfeited. Avery was arrested in Washington on Saturday and committed to jail to await the arrival of papers for his removal. A habeat corpus is what is to keep McKee out of prison if Judge Dillon refuses to dismiss proceedings or stay sentence. The Hotjsk has passed, and without a cali of the yeas and nays, the Senate bill reducing the salary of the President to its oíd figure, $25,000, and President Grant stands a chance to be the first and last $50,000 executive. The reduction is right. We believe in paying the President a salary corresponding with the dignity of the positien and the service he is called upon to render as an equivalent. $25,000, considering the fact that the appropriations made for the Presidential mansion in the way of service and supplies, is enough for any occupant who would be hospitable without being princely or "codfishy," and a larger salary can only miuister to the avarice of the occupant and aid in iuoreasing that display and show, that pomp and vanity, at the capital, which breeds corruption in officials of every grade, and teiupts men holding positions of trust to piece out their salaries by illegitimate means. The Lansing ReptMican figures np a gain of 48 supervisors in 31 eounties, and a net Republican gain of 1,669 votes, figuring on the several mayor caudidatcs and comparing with the vote for Governor in 1874. " Figures won't lie," but with figures an expert can give any coloritig he chooses, or, " lie like a shoemaker." A vote on supervisor nine times out of ten is less a test of political strength than a vote on constable. It is in most casos a mere personal contost, th party machinery being used or abusod as the case may bo. As so the vote for mayor it is still lesa a test of political prestige. For iustance, tbe majority for Mayor Kiune, corroctly figured in the Itepubliain' 's table at 378, and censtituting 359 of that gain of 1,669, will prove " the baseless fabrio of a visión." It is not as near a test of the party strength of thi city as was tho Democratie majority for Recorder, 99 ; or the Dumocratic majority for JuHtice, 58. Howover, our Republicotemporaries may as well crow over laying a small egg as a large one. They naad gome exercise of that kind to keep their oourage up.


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