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Tbe Adrián paper mili has been gold to W. 8. Wiloox for $12,950. The postoffice at GaUsburg was robbed on Saturday night, and $250 atoleu. The State Fireinem' Atsociation meett at Coldwater, May 3d. O. M. Sellick, of Paw Paw, is the secretary. Q. W. Davis, for ton years cahshier of the National Exohange biiuk of Albion, shot himself tUrough the head at kis homo April 6. He had been sick sevorol days, aud was gupposed to be out of bis mind. The Detroit and Milwaukee earnings for the week ending April 6, were $24,367 48 ; bumg au inoroase of $5,761 51 ' over the oorresponding week of last year. The ice bridge across the head of St. Clair river at the lower end of lake Huron has broken away, and the ice is coming down in large quantities. The ferry-boata cross with the greateat difliculty. The Kvoning News tays : Of the 700 inniates of the county poor house over two-thirds are able-bodied men and wouiun, who are able to earn their owu living, and many of whom exprc-es their eutire willingness to do so, if thoy can only find work. Judge Withey in the United State Court at Grand Bapids April 6, docidad that the letters patent issued to Albert 3. Southworth, for an improvement in the plate-holders for oameras, are void, as Southworth is not the original inventor, lt is said that this decisión is worth half a mi Ilion dollars to the photographers of the United States. Joseph Haas is a boy 16 yean of age, who resided, until Saturday, with hii parents at Xo. 65 Brewster Street. On Friday the father did not conduct hinaself to his son's entire satisfaction, and Joseph caressed him with a boulder, bruaking his arm. On Saturday the policu justice sent Joseph to the House of Correction for 90 days. - Detroit JHott A superb portrait of the late Kinsloy S. Bingham, painted by L. T. Ives, of Detroit, was placed in the State library last week. This institution is beooming quite an art gallery. Italready oontains potraits of all of Hichigan's governors, except acting Govs. Gordon and GreenMr. John Canfield, a Manistee capital ist, has a project for giviug that city a railroad. His plan is to build a road from there to Baldwin on the Flint and Pere Marquette Road, about 25 miles from Manistee, and he saye that if six men will subscribe $25,000 apieoe the rsad will be built without delay. Judge Kamsdell informa us that he went through his orchard a few days since making a through examination of the trees and finds them in good oondition. The following kinds are woll buddud and give promise of an abundant yield : nectarinos, aprioots, peachea, sweet cherries, pears pluma and mulberries The wood and fruit buds are uninjured trom any cause. Last year's growth of peach and nectarine are ulive to the terminal bud. The only thinga damaged were niulberry sprouts that grew 1 1 feet last year. The peach trees, especially, are very f uil of buds. The prospecte ia favorablo for an immense orop of grupea. -


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