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EDWARD DUFF Y HA8 JU8T RKOKIVED AN Entire New Stock Of Kuuilü connistlng of Teas, Goffses, SUGARS AND SYRUPS. Bought in NEW YORKfrom first hands FOR CASH, and is offering them ai VBRY SLIGHT ADVANCB over New York Cost. Also a full line of LADIES and GENTLEMEN'S WKAR in BOOTS & SIIOES, AU of which he is offertng VERY LOW FOR CASH. It paya everybody to buy their roods Íot Cash. Cali and examine t;ooda and prictn, and I WILL INSUEE SATISFACTION Goods delivered to any part of the City free o charge. EDWARD DUFFY. ' Maynard'a cor. Main anti Ann streets Ann Arbor, Midi. Mortgage Sale. IVHERBA8 William Vannckle, of Salem, in the ('ounty of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, on the twenty-third day ol December, in the year one thousaud eight hundrud and aeventyfour, executed a inortguge u Olney Hawkins, of iheöiiy of Ann Aibor, in said county umi state, to secure the payment of certain principal and interest monev therein rnentioned, which mortgage was reoorrled in the Office ol' the Register ol Deeds tor the County of Washtenaw, on Lhe twenty fourth 1ay of December, A. D. 18T4, in Uber 1 oi niortgaees, on pue %&}. which said mortgage was assigued by the said Olney Hawkius to James Galick, by written nnsignment, bearing date the twenty fourth day of December, A D. 1874, and recordad in the Bnid Register' Office tor the County of Washtenaw on the 2Hh day oí December, A. D. 1874. in lihcr 1 ol' assignnients of mortgagcs, on page 465 : And vhereaa default has been made tor more than niniity ilnys la the pnyment of an instalment ot' interest due on said mort gage, by roason whereot , ttnd purauant to the terras of said mortgage, so much of the piincipal gum as lernains unpuid, with all arrcaiages of interest thereon, the option of the mortgagee or hi- - signee, oecaine due and payubly iumeüiately theroafter , and whereas the aid assignee has deolared it his option and election, and does hereby declare it nis option, and does hereby elect that the principal sum with all arrearage of interest on said mortgage, ahall be considerad due andpayable now : And whereas there ia elaimed to be due and uupaid on naid mortgage and the note accompanying tlie same at the date of this notice, flve hundrud and aixtybïx dollars, for principal and interest ; also an uttorney feti of twenty-flve dollars provided for in aaid mortgage should any proceeding be taker to foreclote the same in additioii to a il other legal coits : And no suit or proceedinga having been ïnstituted at law or in e-iuity to recover the same, or any part thereof, notice is hereby given, that on Saturday, the eighth day ot July next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the souih door of the Court House in the Oity ot Ann Arbor, in said couaty (said Court Hunne beiug Lhe placn of holding the Circuit Court for said Oounty}, and by virtue of the power of sale in said mortgagti contained, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sile at public uuction to the highest bidder, of the piemiee described in said mortgaee, or so muoh thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the i.mount of principal and interest remaining unpaid, with the charges of sale and the ttttoriiey íee aforeaaid ; which said proinises are described in said rnorLgage as follows : Those certain piecei or pareéis of land, situated in said city of Ann Arbor, known and described as follows, viz : Lot four and the north half of lot flve of Brown and Bach's addition to the plat of the City of Ana Arbor aforesaid. Dated, April sth, 1876. JAMES GALICK, E. D. Kinne, Assignee of aaid Mortgage. Attorney for Assignee. 157 Chancery Saïe. PURöüANTto and by virtue of au order oi the Circuit Court for the Couuty of Waahtenaw, in chancery, made on the tlnrty-rlrat day of December, A. li. Ih75, in a cause tliurein pending, wherein Charles Thayer ík coniplaiuant, and Elijah V. Morgan, surviving trustee of the Ann Arbor Land Company, ia defendant: Notice is hereby given, that 1 shall sell at public vond u e to the highest bidder, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, on the 13th day oí May, 1S76, at tbe south door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, all the fcllowing deur i bed lauds situuted in the Oity of Ann Arbor, in said ('ounty: Lots l, 2t 3,-4, 5, and K, in block geven uouth, range eiht eiiat ; also lots 4, ó, 6, 7, 8, 10, 1 ! , and 12, in block e vuu aouth, and range nine uast ; also, lot 6 in block aeven south, range eleven east ; alao, lot 10 in block seven south, range twelve east ; and also, lots 5,6,7, 8, and 9. in block seven south range ten enat ; abio the Bouth one uarter of lot nine, in block even south, range nine eaat ; and the tnangular piec? of land, being about three quartera of an tiore, in the northeast corner of sectiou thirty-two. Dated, March 29th, 1876. 1576 J. F. LAWRENCE, Circuit C'ourt Comni'r Washtenaw Co.. Mich. SherifFs SWe. BY VIRTUE of oue writ of execution issued out of and under the soal of the Circuit Court for the Couaty of Lena wee, to nu riirected aud delivered, I did on the 3d Uay oi' January, A D 1876 lery uponall the rlght title and interest of Jacob f! Miller aud Cathariuc Miller in aud to the Ibllowing describfKl real estáte sítuated in tíie ('uuntv oi' Washtenaw, State of Michigan, to wit : The north half of the west half of the aortheaflt yuarter of section number twenty-nine ; also the uortliwe:st quarter of the uortheast quarter of sectiun 30, exceptsix acres off from the south eud thereof; also the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of scctionl9; also the northwest part of the uayl half of the northcast quarter of section 29, bouudnl a follows: commencing at the northwest corner of üaid east half of the nurthcast quarter of seciion 2( running thence south forty rods, thencc east to the center of the Blver liaisin, thence northwesterly aloug the center of said Itiver Haisin to the north lim.' of sakl Bootion 2y, tbenee west itlong the MTtinn line t the place of beginniug, supjosed to contain Bfteen acres and forty square rods oi" land ; that iarcel of land kuown and dt-scribed as being ix parcel of land taken oí!" from the east side of tho rmmmer (arm, on tho east slde ui the territorial road, (so calledj the t line thereoi buiug the center of said territorial road, sait parecí of laúd con taini og oue acre of land, more or less, and bttng a part of the eiust part of the northcast ijuarter of sftctiou 90, all in township iour south oi nage tour Met, uoutainiug in all one liundrcd and thirty and a quarter aerea uioreor leas, in Wa.-liu County, State of Michiigan. Which above describcd property I shall otter for sale to the Mlieut bidder, at the south door of the Court House, in the city of An ii Arbor, Waafateuaw County, Michixan, on the lytb dav of May A. D. 1S76, at 10 o'elock a. m( of said üay' Dated, March Wtti, 187fi. 1676 M. FLEMINti, Sherifl. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Fourth Judicial CirO cuit- In Chancery. Suitpendi&g in tlie Circuit Court for the County of Washlmaw, in chancery, wherein Thomas Skuce is coniplainuttt, and Ebther A. Skuce is defeudant, at Ann Arbor. this 27th day of Marcli, 1S76. l'pon due proof by aflidavit that Etether A.8kuue, the drfendaut in the above eutitied pending In this Court, resides ont of tbe said Btate of Michigmi, and iii the ■State oí' NYw York, and on motion of Babbltt and Emerlck, sollcitoni lor eomplainani, ii a Ordered that the said defcüdanl do appearand answer tbe bill of coniplaint Üli-d in the saiiï cause, with In six w.teks from ilie date of thi; omer, eiM the said bill of i-m,i'.!itint shall be taken as eonfessed: And further that this urder be pubUfthed, witliin twenty days from thli date, tn Uxchlgan Atfftti, hnjfrVBpapor.prlated in tbesatd County ot' ffashtenaw. and be pabUshcd therein once in aaeh veek for ix nreeKu In succossiou; sucu publLcallun. howtiver, shall not be neceasary in oane i copjr i tlii.s order beaervedon the -ai! deieadaal persoually, at Jeast tventy ilays before the time tn-n-in preaerlbed tor herappearaaee. Liitul tlii S7th day ol' March, A, D. 1876 J. F. LAWRENCE, A true copy ; attest, Circuit Couri Com'r PetkkTihtk, Begbter. Waahtenaw Co., Mirrh. Babbiit & Kmkkhjk, Solicitors lor Comp't. 1576 Ëstate of liebecea P. L. Gillespie. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw, se. At h aession of the Probate Court for tht county of Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor. on Tuesday, the twenty-flrst day of Mtirch, in the year oue thouaand uieht hundred and seventy-six. Present, Noah W. ('heever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of he eatate of Rebecca P, L. (iilli'sj, dectased. On rcading and ñlin the petition, duly verifled, of J. Lnthrop Oille.spio, praying that an julmimstrator may be appointed on the' tmtate of said deotaeed. Thereupon it isordered thut Mondav tht seventeenth day ot April next, at ten o'elock In the forenoon, be aamgcïd for the hearing of said petition, and that the heirs at law of said dBBjpatd, and all othei persona internat c-d in aaid Rtate, are required to ppear at a ewjion of said court,then to be holden at the Probate office, in the eity ot Arbor, a&d show cause, if any there be, why the pruyer of the petitioner hhould not be Kranted. And it is turther orderod that said petitioner give notice to the persontt iuterested in naid estáte, of the pendoncy of sniil petition, aut! the lieaiing tliervOÍ, by MUSUlg n copy ui this order to be publihed in the Michigan Aryut, a newspaper printed nnd cireulated ín said county, three succesbive weeks previouB to aaid day ot hearing(A true copy.) NOAH W. CHEEVER, 157tw3 Judfire of Probate. JPOII FINE PltlNTiNU Go to the Argus Office. RAILROADS. MICIHUAJi CKHÜAL KAILROAdT NOVEMBER 21, 1876. aoiKo wzst. .. ___ _____ LJLü__J___! _ IC. A.M P.M. P. M. P. II. P.M. Detroit, leave, ; W) 1 30 2 50 4 00, 5 40 i0 oe Tayne JuDction, 7 57 11 17 3 32 4 53 6 37 10 60 ïpsilanti, 8 32 11 40 3 50 6 27 7 04 11 10 Ann Arbor, s 57 11 55 4 13 6 45 7 45 11 27 Dextr, 1 9 20 4 35 6 10, 8 10 heUea, 9 40' 4 63 6 23 8 30; Qrass Lake, 10 04 i 6 49' 9 00 P. MJF. M A. JÍ. ackson, 10 371110 5 46 15 9 3012 50 A.M. Kalamazoo, 2 05 3 32 12 26 3 03 Chicago arrive, 8 10 9 PO 7 00 8 80 OOING EA8T. ij4ill A.M. A.M. P. V. P. M.Ia. X hipago, leave, 5 00 8 30 5 16 9 00 PM. A. M. - - Kalamaioo, 10 50 1 22 10 35 1 30 P.M. A.M. A.M. Jiicknon, 2 12 3 42 7 bO 12 42 4 55 8 S0 Grass Lake, 2 45 7 32 6 33 10 20 CbelBta, S 10 8 00 6 50 10 42 Dextci, 3 25 ■ 8 18 ! 6 08 10 55 Ann Arbor, 3 .'.2 4 63 8 37 2 00 28 11 15 Yusilanti, 5 10 8 U 2 20 6 48 11 30 Wnyne, 4 45 128 9 23 2 40 7 08 1147 Detroit, arrive, 6 46 6 16 10 15 3 30, 8 00. 12 W 'rfundavH excepted. Haturday and Bunday exoepted. tDaily. H. B. LEDYARD, Gen'l 8upt., Detroit; H. C. Wemtwobtb, Oen. Pass. Agí., Chicago. DETROIT, HILLSDALE & INDIANA RA1LROAD. QOINO WfcST. -1876 - GOINO EA8T. STATIONS. Mail. Exp. STATIONS. Kip. Mail. A. M. P. M. Detroit, dep... 7:05 5:40 t.u.r.u. Ypsilanti.... 8:32 7:10 Bankers 6:80 4:05 8lino 9:25 7:40 HiUsdale ... 6:50 1:15 Bridgewater. . 9:55 7:57 Manchester.. 9:25 3:58 Manchester. 10:26 8:15 Bridgewater 9:55 4:17 P.M. i Saline 10:25 4:35 HilludalB 1:00 U:57 ! Ypsilanti.... 11:16 5:05 Banker 1:15 10:05 Detroit 12:30 6:1 Trains run by Chicago time. To Uke efieot Not. 21, 1875. W. F. PAKKER, Sup't, Ypsilanti. 1876. 187G. SPRING STYLES. W. WAGNER HAS JTST OI'KNED THK ) 1NKSÏ STOCK OP CLOTHING To be fouDd ín Ann Arbor, cornp rising all the NEWEeT STYLES AND PATTERNS, Which he is oflering at prices that DEFIES ALL GOMPETITION, All who are nressed wdth the hard times and desire A CHEAP SUIT Can find it at WAGNER'S. My stock of Piece Groods Will bë found complete and contains all the NEWEST DESIGNS. Suits Made to Order. A Large stock of FUKNISHING GOODS. 21 South Main Sr. Ann Arbok. IJL Y THE HEM Family Singer 241,679 801(1 in 1874! Aud 148,852 mir tban wore sold by Ita higltest , oiupeli tor. WBILK THK Whueler & Wilaon sold on ly 92,8!; Howe Machine Co. eatimttted 4ó,(X Domeatic i 2i,;( Weed ' 20.4SÍ Grover Sc Haker 20,XK Reinington js.gM And ao on down. So it nppears from the sales o! the different Compunies that THE SINGER Has More Friends and Admireif Than all the othera combinad ! MACHINES SOU) ON EASY TEBXS All partjes buying a Sinser and wishins U exchanf it for 11 Howe ur Remington withü three monthb can do ao without extra coat. I hav. íiImi MTMal ncw Howe machines, a Domef tic, and a nomber of ntHroiid hiiml niachincs in kock order, which can be bought Ti;ry cheap. rerj beo) Raadla tol iD m-h- at 40cent perdoien. Setof tbuxHemman udtbe Qrlnjie Binder for all machiues, 81,00- the bit set iu th DUrket, and also attachmcuts tor nvarlr all mi chines. 1. 1.. ;iti 1:1.1., ARi-iii. C155G) '2d door eastot Postoöice, Ann Arbor, Mich. itwarded the Highrst .Hedal at Vienna o- E, &H.T. ANTHONY & CO, 591 Broadway, York. tOpp. Metropolitan Hotel,) Tl.iiiiif;iiiiiicrs Inior(or8 & Dealers il CHEOMOS and PEAMES, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS, Albums, Okaphoscopes, and Suitablk Vikw. Photographic Materials. We are Hoadquarters for everything in the waj of STEUEOPTICOXS & 11(,H r.Wlüin. IÍMÍ11K mauufactnrers of the MIUEO-RCIKNTIFIC LANTERN, .STEREO PANOI'TICON, lNlVi:i:siTY -■'KltKill'llcON', ADVKRTI8ER'B 8TBREOPT1CON, AKTOPl'ICON, SCHOOL I.ANTERX, FAMILY LaNTERX PEOl'LE'8 LANTERN. Ech style boing the best of its classin the market. (Jataloifues of LanU'rns aud Hlides with directionu for uaiug sent on applicution. Any enterprising man cu innke muney with M;i-ic Lanteru. 1571 y Cut out this advertisement for reference.( m MAN HOOD How Lost. How Restored ! Just published, a new edition of Dr. Culver ell's Celebrated Kkiii)' on the hadhal l'uhk Cwitltout medicicej oí Si'j.umatoiíkiicka or Sc mi nul weaknetiB, In vuluntui y Seminal I,ossf-, liapotency, mental und Pbysical ïucapacity, lm(K'ciinient.s to marriae, etr , also, Consumptioo, Kpilupsy and Fit, indueed by weif-indulgence or sexual extravagunce, &c. 93T Pricc.iu a senli-d envelopo, only six cents. The celebrated author, m tin admirable Lsmiv. Dlearly dHODCtntlM from a thirty yntrM1 success:ul praciiee, ihat the tiliirmingconjíequenceB of selfabuse mny be radi' ally euix-d without the the dan ;erous uae of internal medicine or t)ie application ji kuift. ; pointiijg out a. m de oi euiv at once tira pie, certam, and effectual, by raean of vhich every HurTerer,no mutter wbat nis condition nay be, may cure hiinse.fcheaply, privately, t nd ■adically. BST Thi lectureshotild be in tLe hands of ere■y youth and every man in the land. Sent under tieal, in a plain enve oi:a, to any adIress, post paid, on receipt ol bíx ceuta ortwu post itamps. Addrewi the publishera, F. BRUGMAN & SOX. 1 1 Ann St., New Fout Offlct Box,45S6


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Michigan Argus