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I2i2ui1kk De Ansurv, Ko Ibi.'jcil'uwii Av.uu(, Ttvst üw" W ...

I2i2ui1kk De Ansurv, Ko Ibi.'jcil'uwii Av.uu(, Ttvst üw" W ... image
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I2I2UI1KK de AnSUrV, Ko IBi.'jcIl'uwii Av.uu(, ttvst üw" w Micln., LMioit, Muvc tri ; "' DRY GOODS ! 5,000,000 Dollars wfcW . hauhwy havcawcllsclcjevcd ,,n tnicnt lor ilo WlloLi-SALKvi-lUCTAlLTRA!)::, ,.,.,, ,;,,„. ,.,,.i: Btoie oud i;:.,cmn... whKl. :l;,y w,J hII'wm 6wW lenizas unywtablislnneiit wi-si ií'cv ViiJi. VV NTKl- T"i ;"i(l Pcnrl Aslics, Tol he Iii'níu-Tt imIi wlviiiicea will be iiiade. j dl ,1)1.11111 oftiCtt will tlcnne ilrop m. lm. ÍSH5. '-!■ - :!l"" inedieiil ioWc. riiÍJE ühdrsig:ítíti in.offL'nn lus ■ JL V;isliun::w a;n! ihe udjwíiiíng C".ue, as ;mi1.k' iliy.sK'i.u.. w..u!.! mv. liint iltcr iiavnr' prActicetl medicino "it ihe [nocipli laúglU'i tliö olil scIWol, ii ii. t (Iiícjisc lor t hé Hasi iwd yo'drá ácordiflg i" ihó law "t II"MCfióípníiiy.í- X Simitid d.uili Ws rmnUur.J u,i.;!it hoiv -cIkid] of nu'dicMè ; and : inpoiiiiaYc(íthé ui ■ ui ii ■ ij;aic1s. he unlicsit-itingly bclieves llomu.p uliy inoit site. ccrtain and successlu! (iicinWroftíore. Didoaíi's, incurable, are now in mosi .as, periintmritly erndtt ited y llothopop ..liv. AiV-Ji:tina dI tli'.' ,iao. lioni. uterus stoinocliv, fcc. &'cí Invc nuiv (hcii bur'lirin n medies. Ep ílopáyl "i mi. i. pnnilysis. iieralspii, brdnchiiisj livcraud iiiig drsensca; scatlcl fever, ukulciu. black iiioasli, (itáltgiMrtt sdiatö'ai. erysipelas or Ulack Idhu'ic, cronp, iiifiafjiuin'joni ui úw br.uit, Btoinacli, bowcls., tVc. S.c. no only a fcw of iUj uviiiy ilUi tli i: havo lit-cn stript ui iL' [i icrrors by lliu titucly ;i)plicatiuu oí' lioincntii'aUiTc jiiodio.iincnis. Wiihuiii luiiher essay, Ukj luideraijgned yrowl ïcivo ii t-i tlio fffH tjied'to s:iy. un inaLol ho ri ucJif-i, w'iíeiúcr lljiuojo)athy ij Wiiálil ciniu ■ iiu or .'.i. lío w.,,,11 4l, ) st iic 'li !t hc li isi rclurnwd i rom New Yoik nnd lfriUide11iiu wiih u win. ptoW nsd.jrtiii.Miu.riMKlilCAMK.NT;}, jii - p.Kcd froin Leijuic, tu ihwiilacc, hIkto l.c wilj Xitoii-.l to uil cjILs, and l'umi&h modioamciii. bj;As, & rit ifii vvêi prices Prom (lic ■ and oücluaivo nttentiup '■■■ i givini; t tbe 6(udy an.l prócticc o? Hyriiöjo-patjiy i" bb ubiè ! giv aiisfapiiqn io ttiööc wko nVa avöi liiin witli liictr pa'tronajé. Conffiiiinicnfionis, jot pJin; froïn puienid al a diítaiuv.. v.ill rcccivc pfonipt ■attontion. Tliose w!ii ui iv wïs!i la place unJer his trentmont tur my cluuau di asee, can .,.,..,i.i lodgings eilher al his hovibc, or in oihei íjlacCií, ut low pricce. lloiUCU '1 illiiöt. !YpiÍflOti . f2jí()i y t)V. ,1 815 2.11-ivWarclwHl & fiíixou, IMPORTERrf AiND WfclOÜiSALE DEALKUS IN HARDWARE AND CUTLISRY. CT;o 4, Cuibr sireet. 'J i.nrs ubovc I'earl st. New Vork. J. M. Wahdwjxi. Cui-ini..v.MJ-'. D:.' W. & I). n.rc rei ving o üll aiid ns sorliuciu o ï-CnfcW. and ANiëricin n.n.y.Te. copiados ñ Pnrtol fi"? s'lfI Vdv', C ll"Ciy' Bichen Jlaaore, Fih 8, ( 'Ir ■-: lNn Jrons hik. S8W8, Amerie.u. Buttjand Sj?nw,-4nic8 Sho volinndSjdes. Win. Rowhmd s M.H jnclXCiitSawd, Hurris', lilóoda'. ripia wid alor'a y-yil.c6- wliicharc olilml on most favorúBTe Unas for cash or ix iiiouilrscnciit. N. w Voñw Kob. lcH5. ___'' Xo Wool Orotircrs. WEbcglcaveioinfiirniüur Wol Growing frjenda, that wc shall' bc prepurcJ fur üm .imrcliaec ui" 100,000 Ibs. of n gcod clean mcrcliantable arlicle, as toon 08 the scason lor scliing conuuunces, as vo BI" connected wiüi Eadiorn wool dealers, vo Bha'! be nblc i pay tliu hrgliest prico ihc Kaatum mar ket will aiïbrfl. Grcat cotqriaial wus maJe ae scason ainoiiyst ilie Enaiem Uenkrs ;iuiJlni-; fauturers, in rclorenco lo Uic poar -cc-tidit. i .■. Michigan Wool-much of it being n bod oiiici and a considerable pörljon bcitig uiiiaiJi d. We would bere mkc occayion o jqaest iliai tbc utmost pains öhould bc loken lo have tUt tlicep well wathed Leforo shuariiijr, thnl U)0 'a' ïoefta bo cui off. nd iliat l'lccce bo catefully ticd up willi proper wool tv.iue, (cot 18 to 'r cis per Ui.; hcinp usiue is the best: il will 6u fouiid greatly io ii--advantngc of Wool Giuw ere to )ut up iheir wool in ibis rbanner. Un Avashed wool 8 not nierchuntiiblc, aud willbti irejccted by ritost if not all ofihe Woul buyers, il icing diilicult to clean. J. HOLMES fe Co. Vuolivaiu) Avenue, Laronds Block . Dciroii, March26, 186. 2'7.-tf LÏveOcëse FeatHers. -) rfr LB8. puro Live Gecse Feathers loi pjUUU Bó ,y tde balo or singlo pound, a fjii Jeflcjson Avnuc. l-Vtrit, by BEECUCft A ABIH)'!1. Feb. 22 IQ4G. -JH-oiuo TUE subecriber wislies to buy aqinniiiyo Flax Skkh, iorwliith'hu wü! p'.y i!n' higb est marki-t prico, in G?öóóS or Cash. deüvcrec at bis Al 11 u Muuni Pleasant, Gonessee Coumy. Michroan, Gveiniloa norib oi FqttuoHyille. d. l. u TCH i! rn:. Dcc. 15, IbM5. 21:5-5111 "Slcam Founrtry" TUF. öndérèfgned hAviog Itotight tho entirr interest of IÍ. & It. Earïidge and Geoj i' K.'iu in tho :Stecm Foumliy." Ana Arbor, will manufacturo all "kirute o'i Casting to order, and willbo hnppy to furnish any kinQ ofCnstinijílo tho old custoinerö ol Ilurris. l'-irtridiic .V Co.. II. Sé II. Pariridsc, fc Co., and Pariridge, Kent & Co., nnd to all otlicra who niay favor them WilhaC0M' H.B. HARR.K E. T. W1LL1 MS. Ann Arbor, Dec 2G, 181G. gll-if COUiVrif ORDERS. THE ha-glÉBtpricepi'dilucahby (J. F. Lcwis, BxchartgG Broker,' pppóaita the Insurunco Bank, üciroit, for orilcis on any of tin countios in the State of Michigan; alsofor State securitics ofallkiudcaiid uncurront lunds Calíandsce. Dcc 1, 1815. g-t '-'f CLOVER MACHINES. THRASHING MACHINES and Sepcratorinade and sold by ihcsubFcribere.nt ibeir Ma-i hino Shop, near tbe Paper Alill, Lower Town, Ann Arbor. KNAIT Jfc IIAVILAND, I Jan. 19, 131G. 217 tf To Sportsmcii. 4 GENERAL ussortment of Casic-el andTion; oL Barrel Rifles, doublé aiul single barrel Shot Guns, Pistola, Gun Locks. Gaine Bags, Shot Pouches. Pt wder Fl.isks, for sale by 248-1 y 70, Woodtvnrd Avenue, Detroit. ANNUALS.- A laro aml -valuablo assortmentof Annuals for 1 S 10. togeiber with many other splendïdly bound booke, uitablc for uresonts, lor sale at V PERRÏ'S BOOKvSTORE. Dcc. 2:1 84-1-tf BROAD CLOTHS, Casaimeres, Vesiing.", Satinctt8, Gents. Cravats. &c. vS.c. chcap ?}#? .KAYMOND. Dcc. 25, 1843. "-' ! ' Gm "vrv Keps of EastcrnNails, j:st received .)"" and tor sn!c by WILLI AM R. NOYES, Jr. 70, Woodward Avenue, Detroit. Dcc. 12, 1'dll. J-:LEATHER! LEATHER! LEATHER! ELDUKD & CO., No. 1ÍS3. Jeilerson Avcihks -KUrcü'u Kloek," Delioit, iMíu tltis u[)toriuni;y to inionn iliérr cusloipcrs, and the public generally, '.'nat ihey slill continue to keep on hand u t'ull aisioft inent of gpanísb Sj!c Lcaihcr, V: ' -i IV-. EJfrríír'TóoJer&c SJnu'gül'ercd ilo Moiso and Coitar Lejj[ipif Ilcmlück liiuíícd ITjjper Leaïbcr, Cordcyaij do Öak ...... Frenefi tanneil r:,!f Ki.H.-. ■ ■ ll" . ;i.!,l llcniluiik tonied do Góttl r,,ní.nir; n. m,!. ck mojLcjlJJaj] . ■■■ : ■ '" L)f,uraild ,l':i-M11(k;, . (l .. .. u: ;ii:a Coioicd L:ii;uüs, Biignnd Top LPnutcd ij SUinin-. riiil.i.loi!.i.i:i!i'! Ü!uo; .Siiue Trini tlu '■ ' . .nul Kil .! ill kiiuiii. Astho Sub-xTlber.s aro mnnünctüring thcir own Lcutlicr, thoy aroprcparcd lo ell rts low as can bc Hirdiasi ü in Hiis markot. Mcrchnnls and niaiuifacturers uill fiqd il lo thcir ailvautogo to cali and eicamioe our siofk béföVe jnirclinsing cl.,cwlicrc. CrsCush and Lcather exchangcd Tor Ilides and Sfeinsi , w, 7MA . ,. Detroit, Jan. 18-10. _ ' __M „■■lg-Jt-TitWI Tl I ' -■■■ II"'" '■" j . Thirty Thousand Persons A NMJALLV i .i vjclíiu.8 to Cotj&uïïijpi'.on m A i!c Uailv'á Statbs. The cause o! fhccvi.I fe ..( neraily overlookej}, A díort dry cough, ö) nej-lcctcd cold, is ihc precursor. 1 hese deerued unmiporiártt. Pifi m !po siac tiectic tv.-r. ;iikI ni::h. sweats t;o; and dcuiu .. ihé'ècdne. Would yuu fiada ni íiiiti ron ■ín:: i.v:i. ? I [ere it s. Thc cxpcrience üf moro 20 years in prívate practico boa proved i:t eüii -,ncc its introducción to public nono?, alüiouU t hijüow becii uíVcrcd Lut a few niuiitlus ,-iis j 3 ie lias I-een unprecedentcd. and i.ts succej.a be yuiid túeelion, icm- su tnucU o, thrit !t l5i"de.titead io be iho íatCBt tcineJy tn ÍUQ wurlu. ASTUCIA, too. that fearful and ubtressmg í, WhlöU , rendersliíc biitlhessonip duting irt cj:iunu:mct'. Bsubducc) witliontditücnliy byttóagroat reorft ■ and the Buflenw is onhbled 6jí f.s uso íj oli-.u, quici repote : the bhortncss of bre;uh is o .; frií the cüuch s ullayed, and licaltli and vilt: tídíti th place oí dosípoudeiioy uad áuítetiog. UrÍ?fe5 OÍ.OHA0NIAN, or, Ar.i. IIkaiimi Uu.íam, k tlie terhetly w:u. h has been 60 ominuntiy siioeL'ssful m allüviatiug , árftl dtí'ñné thc above cotriplaiirid ; and il PD8 b ■ n used by díe first physicinna i the city, m!io dujlare itto be üÜ'níallfei!, Wastíiucli aö it doce nut dibturb the bowjls in the least by ;)uk'hicíii coslivoncss, wliile all 0h r iv medii-s itc.iuiiiiciided fui the nbove dCR8cs iavariably slui u ;Iie bowcls. thud rcid-iiii ! i't Qcc'cssbry to resört to purgalivc nicdicine. Jt llead the foüowinacr.fce, wliu-h havebeen rclicved and cinc i within few weeks : DAVID HENDERísON, ü() LniM siuct. took a severo coid uu thc 41i dny ui July, iiid ivas biought very lo-.v by a distrossini; couyli. ivhicli resulted in frcquciU iMocks oí b!o frota Uto lm,.-. Al I ougli he íncd rvery i: in tlicslmpc of rciTtcdieB wincli cowl'l Lo loiun!. jet lie was not buntiUled, und by Uu; n.on Octobar Avas so iiiucli ]olu':cd 1-y rwglit hv.oais ihal lie despairc-1 pl Sa, ' . bok oi tJgc.a Ölosaonian rest. .mi him lolnülih. GËOKOK W. KüJtNKTT, oí v. .. }.', has sufliiretl under tlm cIicuíh ol a vi jo cold íor more liiiir) o ye:ir. He avhs ledueed lo ttie brink of the gïravrö ;iií;os(. by tlscoU8Ji ! I iwcats. He aimin!nce4 laiuing blood ii tii-.montli of Octubtr last. Ü tïHnrueuff'd u thc Olosaonian. í:k by tl a ixuddle ofí ' i hc was so lar rtstored thai he lef lor Tui. biuyli witii eveiy prbspÖft i iccovciint; liis heult I. Mm. BEUJi the wiie ot llobei t P. Ufll, oi Morrióïb'wo, N. ;.', vas dieadtully alüietcd it!i As'.hnia lor niaiiy v;iff. lier iiliysieians haJ Ueepaircd of rulievm lier. One butiio pl the Olosaonian so far restQrpd lier tliat she ws, . bju to gi?t ent ui her Ued and c(?(?S3 hei-,uir. which fehö-had bol dono before in moiitlif, and the ia now in a latr way to bfi teheved. Mr. F. LABAN, 52 l'iUe streel, wn wilh ÖSthtna that he had nol elep in lu:. bed lui icr. woeJtfi, when hc comineneed tlic usc üf.hii creot remeuy. Ono boitle cned liiin, and lic hus nothnd a return oi hit) compiumt now more than iivo muntliü. Mis. McGAjNN. 20 alkcr eircet. n qlaq cuied of se.vcie asthina by tlie ( ilosaouiaii. ;.uii states that she never kntw niediemo giyo sycii inimediate and permanent ralio.f. GÈORGE'W. IlAVri. of this city,.wi ■ ' " up by his physiciüi) ac i:iciuablo. II: confltipii'iiun and when hecoiniiitíiceil ïiKiuy the OIoMOonian', was .- v.-c.ik ihat he cotiUl nol walk witliotit being üïsiötcd by a (Vieiid. Jiy stricl nttention he was ao Ktr icatoitii in a few weeks ns to bo ablc to pursuc iwri.buiiwss. JAMt:S A. CKOMBIE, I'JO Nussnn streel ; J. J. Parsells, 11 'J'cHih street; G S. Btfi 'J Bleeckcr street ; James Davis. óri Gieene street ; and Mrs. Mnllen, O Morton sircet ; have all e.vpeiienced the gppd ejfects oj i!ie Qlosaon'on In coughs of loni; Btñrídhigárfd Érecrions of the lungs, nnd pronouncc it. with one acemd. tö (■ theDgreate9t reinedy. and tlic most spcedy and c fiec i u ii I, that tlwy'liavc ever known, Koader, oie yon giifl'eiing from (he abovcjdiseasc ? Try this reinedy. Yon will not. u riap. rrret it. Tt ifiny arrest all thosoidisaifröeV able syinptoras which strike sneh terror to ti:e mind, tind prolon-i yó'ur days. Forsialcat ÍOtí Nafiisau dorr a!vvc Ann, and at Mrs Haya, 139 Fujton stij limoklyn. Atienta for Ánn Arbor. IV. S. J W; .inynard; E. Snnipson, VpHiInnii: D. WJiitwood, Dester; Pickford & Crai. Sa! te: Smith Tyrol, Clinton; H. Bower. Mnnchesrer; P. Far!p;l; i vt Co., Plymouiii: 1 Grógory rirtd V. Tonhv,i!ie.' 21l-0:no FICATHKRS and PAPER HAiNGINGS m.:y tu; foundal all tiirtoa at the Mamiattab StÓrEj DtT)it. . A. l'.AV.MOM). Dcc. 2.", 1 . i I- Cm DISSECTED MAPS - Au instructne and atnusin" arricie; for ihe yountr for salo al PEKKY'S BOOKSTOIli:. Dee. 23. 24bll■Perfsiasi Pilis 'i'n uotlhfi Light mulera IJiuiult' bul cad luul ouihr. I rp:n: tjlmeisxjome, oud rum is, üiai th i J_ i'it'l'. muis ol' lilO ojijl.; o' l!ia fWill lilO . ijM w.'j : '. ii . i ■ ■ ■ !'(; ■...■■-; i.v xiïu sin i.v rxrn.wTS. lic in'üèl ' (Vciuul combiiiaiion of medicinal . diento ihat ever iiue, ur ever can sutnpoae ' ' The UK: R ION p PERSIATs VU LS, Made ol r C.ififv ili;:r-.. w. li '.:i: i" ;l flileö ni thü human itOQiack. ' I i ■ htjuid is .-.: iy i:i!. u p t tlic. tliniii-huat all laliou i u-illi l'lic !)lvto(!. il eilfl is in; i? GbfbÜin lltori! purityii)íí ;hr 8tI0H 8 Ql ''■'' V.i; $ Q It wulild natural}) uiid rcaJiljL cojiil ñe,.v.itli ;. tid all, [liC . . 'i i.i itie ren óf all ' fiïcfi 1".' ''ie ; iin, c'istrt ?8. tiüii -Icaih. Il' the inijiuriiiep st:liíe : -i ■'■ '■ ti D]l oj l sjomacli, to in t'lio moutli, n furred iüuucj bail l)i ;'-!■ ia. pain. 0 ui r.illncitf l ■ -. & li' öjiófl ll:; 1 ti n gs or ihioar. tlicy wül cause a cuuyii, lililiiCö-d. (veakness, ami an uneaay sensation in iho tliroat. iiii;;aioii,' üioncliitis. vnd cpiisgnrpl,ro'n, li tliy èiïttic u'pon iliclivii. ilu'V wlli catrto livcr cö'mWaint. jaunilicè, or sallow skin. Pover rid Bguei Bilions dJ6O8e8-of all kind;-, a.ul iioulatiiy öf the bjveiö,iliarri:l]Q a, vVc. ÍÍ upn tlie neics, they wil! cauto iieivous wcakafw, pain ín (he he.iil, sick lieaJ.Tc!)C, general deuility, luV spirits, heat in üieback, sidt-, or heüd. li in tliq system beneralíy, t causo jiuLcra! oniaqlaljpñ, scrofula. uimors, 'ti-iiLhaidskiu, piiiipTcs, bluiches, irrila[lOpj S:c. S. 0. "ion know f any' liiing c1oa ihc cn-iiic. nll the ii:;.i-iiiuc y utConic itiiarucl in lts móiiöp, Un as;jt decriiasoá iu slrontU, t}ie rnoiiona l'ccoiiic p:irai-iid luurc and moic, umi! .iinally il caaecs to movu. iu w.Uh tfie human -■. sic-üi, qp the bluod be.öóinea miiuiro whli humor?, ilc orKpssuúer creaiingj lain, sjuery, and it' :iot roWóved, iliar.i. A. i of ihfHU Vüls in ti fuiui!, wilj ruld yi'.Jid lo each individual Míe. r or béing i.iadc of vegetable cjí - bc takeii . hut w.itli dcciüüü benctit. Véákly, puny cJiil'drcn, lyill - rng v,ii :l slyvV iiso ol ■!:. o 'Ü-.4. Tlii'.y siiytho w ' igtlwcak, ni I ííiij organs in n man lli:r ubovc (itM'lil'i'.i l;i;:n;i ODlJJÜUlld ot juiwS. ij'uw pass iliï'uuiili iii'c attiajlest vcssulíj lliús 4afM3 win Hcver tcni ,up in tlicsjf'sT torn. ccn in the cyb 'iul brn .:. We k'uow .'■■_. aro üic btal Pitl in the wotlJ. for Umsiy lïiat lnjvü.ia.kcn y. ; v .-i!., i i iü. ., . i uitteil'so, atitl noiTiïivg.faW lutjder u:ui'.i i. ■■ liar.O". - 'l'..i.e tliosc j'ijjj intl ju.i wiil soltloi Vijl á pliyficintii Vlio i".i:r lie'nrd of di ñ i fainily y ; 'iau , .' T!un auuiu tlicy qausc no pain or v. . ,: i:i (.'Ir oii'iainii; tlicy tvoAm úw bvjvveU. hud aiü ■. eutvc ruw ;'.,r DÏAlilUItEA IER COMPL41NT; i,d all üisets ai fröni au impurc &wmaclt jt 1IooJ. 11er k lOthtngbettci1 lor lever amJ a'ne. oi büious die Oases, cl ají iitiii' al-ovc. N. li. Prioe mhieed w Sfl ftot box for :1 i'ilU. lUnieinbur aoh box coniains :?l Pillè- iliinlo.'c. liu'y are t lic chcapcbt as well as liir . Jji'wa.col' l'ills modo of frains. calomel and ctiarse )ov.!cr;s, lor iluy will deslroy tlii . in time. and ause d aih - . ircior llio iiiosiolthcm corrtaru cafumel or liomelhinfl dttimctive tb minan cM.-ifiice. Roneinior ■ rrèdion or Persian Rilé; a' maile of V :. ': ■ ; :'-''- ]'.i - . " f i.i f t i 1 i ï : o principal phvcí'siti the Unon- i and li-tail lv )'. Owcn & CöV, Dctioii; C. Kbcfbac'K, S. P. Jcwcif. lanntt & .M'Collii!!1, A i : 1 1 .'■ ft7-Gin V II O L E S A li E & R E T A I L. A. M'FAIÏREX, B03KSELLEH ANB STAïfOMER. SM ARTS BLOCK, 1 .; 7 .i r k f E ft s o n a i; k .n u i: , drtroit. KEÍEPS co.-K'aittly for 8.jlea ConipUtd nssorf; of Mfscdlnnóous, Schooi and Clnsaical Books, Letter and Cap Ter, pinin and rul ed, Quiüs, Ink. Senllng W, Ciuiery. Wrapping Paper, Printin ■ of all sizl-s: aiu Book, Nc .:nn-l Cnnuister ínjií-ofvarious kindfl DLANK 11OOKS, full and hall bo'.uid, of cvcry ariety of Ruling, Memorandum Book . To Merchants, 'Vviekers. nd others, buyini.' ia (iia:i!i'les. o large (' . oimt m . Sabbatli School and Bible Society Di-positor. e-17-tf - W HOEVER wishes to bny thcir goods to 'good advantoge. musi not ihink of rnaking tlu-ir purchases till llfoy have lookec' over the íopdá and piïecfl at the M.iMinrn Stqhií, Detroit. VV. A. K UMOND. Dce. Sf5, 13 ir,. 244- Gm DEALER IN F0RE16N AND DOMESTIC Hardware and Cutlery, Piails. (li--i. OarponjerB, ','oopcr's and Blacksnittli'8 Tools. Mío. Mnnafaumrer ofCopper, Tin Ware. No. 7ü, Woodwurd vcnio, 'H-'v PlasCcring Ha ir. AQÜANTITY for salo at the Signal Oilico, by KOSTER & DELL, , Aun Albor. M.iuh "'lfO II CpUOllS, COjUpS, ru:sM HIT10.N &:. mpohtat tu am, thosé altuutkd hu kasks'ok'tiii; lungs and breXst. 'i i'l Jin.uJ.S i.rcr ,■ , ,c ,;.,!, II, c ofltï suMitissiit'l ttcultlt rtslóriilice firtucsU! $ i i % I Pi 'i'rom Dr. Bkk Spriiiijtieiri, Wtttif. Co. Ky. ) S: :;:m. II UI Kyv Mo Ji ir. gTanTord A Paik: - - i i:iUe ihis ü,iK)Munhy of nlürimiiL' l ino.-it ix-maikable tui.' hi lol iihhI iipnn .:■ b tíicj uc oí V;. Ií'(o7'r Bdlsum J h' li Chcrni." In ihc venr lölO I vsus laken wuli an IiidniiïliiVnofihe' 'JJowds Vviiich I futiorfcd tfnVJor for m wooks wlicn i tíniiually recovcrcd. In the iall i.l l-'ll 1 was.aUQclued wuh a se'vere cold, wljich séátcd iisclf upan my'luhgB1, rind fb'r tlic sptitè ol three yeuij) I wus eoiilined t my bed. l uid al' viiylii oí medicines ml evcry viirieiy of medical :i.l ;i ut rt'itlio'nt bemfit: and thus l wc;iricd nlony umi! ilie winter of lc'4-1, wheii 1 licanl uf -Wistar's Balsam úf Wild Cbierry." My fricinifi persuaded ttii tó givc it :i lri:il. I hal ;:ivc ui all li.ipc of n iccovery, uid had preparcd inysdf' !r tli-e chango of ui.ihervor!(!. Thrtligh iJieir solicitution l wa? liductíd lo iuak3 ut: of liie Cieii-iiiiie VVibtnr's lialsuiuof Wild Cüi-rry." Tlic'efltcf was truly .-, ii.i.-lii;i';. Aftcr fivc Vfeh'ra of aWieiion, pain :irul auML-t iusj: kJ iilicr Jiaving spe n fuur r frer. uniilni! tCutldrs tono piírposc, and tle ocsl auil mos! rcpcTt;tt!t' i!i siri.-.ns liml prrfvted una. I teas, f O i .in cl io ciUlrc iictiUh bij ! , i..', ;[ ,f fïiïi! and the vsc of Dr. Wistur's )n!saii (f Wild Ciitrry. uni uow . j:j. i 11 ie oo.l hcalih. and ei:c!i is my üherííd ñpftcnrhncc iImi I;an rib lonyer know wlieti I meet my fornicr acquainiancos. I havu cuincdrapidly in wcigh;, and uiy flsli is ihm niiasölidi 1 can now caí nöniiicii ásnny, and my lood scemsto agice with mc.-I linyc eatn inoreuuiin lasisi.x inontl.ö ilir.n l hnd ealón for fivo years beforr. GunqidpjrinÈ my oasá almo.'-t n inirncle. I deern n me sary for iliu goKl of Oie nfllicicd and n dur'y I mvc !f ihè iiro]irictors a'nd my fcllow men. (wlio sliould know whcre rcücf mny bc had) to ninke líiís f tá iuIjiic. Mny iliuhlft-sinji oi' iiod rest ïipon tlic irnpriciors cd' .- valuabjpa medicinó s Wistui's lía!- jaiii of Wild Clierry. Vurirs r-pcciftiJ!}-, W IJ.L1AMÍJ. BAKliR. 'l'ltr, follnrivs htis jnst bren rcce'vad f rom Mr. i:,'l,ini StriilLoil, of l.cjiiimtiin, iWv.. irliici tluf 'oi.vnifitiun in i s icur.-l fi 111 nut bc rural lnj IVistar's Baham of IV. II V 'II CT T IJ. Li .tinción, iio., Jan. SI, 1 S15. Btnjamin Plvclps- Mi .1 taki; grr.ii plcasuic in liomnuinicating to you wlir.t I coneidcr nn extraordinary cure, efiected on my d;:u;:liti'r. ihoiit 14 years of ngc. by Wis liir'b Balsajn of Wild -Citen y. Abont ib s) of í-Vjiíoiiiljcr last, my daugliterwaa tókcii tiulc. and wns ffttén'Uèd Ipv scvernl p!i sieian. vlfosre prec-uríjiiionfí preved iiu'llircüud. or sct;.:icd to do 110 goód. Slie woantieiiucd wiui & constant congh. itnd pain ín ihe broast. Hvr physicians and n II who ;av lier. came to tbe couclusion ihat siic wns in i coiilirnicd stage, of Consumplion. .1 niidtí 110 other cfiIcuJntion tliari for lier to die. - Km íií üútm assho f.inmrnced takiñg lbo Bal}.;iiii .slic !t';;.ii ín iii prove, añil continued so lo do until Ijcr lienl'li was rtVstorod, aiu! ia now ennrcly voü. "W'uli alvféW of brnriitting tliofc who muy be similarly afiliciod, I tak pjsure in cocommetúíiñ" iliiü runu.'y l) tlic coi;ii lence. oi ;hc public. Volirs, wi'b póepect; lvDWARI) SillATTON. IVISTMÏS BAf.SAM OF U'IIJ) CliElittï ihai not oiily rdlevcslmt cures! U"J Tiioc.l per bottlc. or six botilos tor ? .". For sale in Cinciunati only by SANFOÍID APARK, and 'm Ann Arbor b-y Mayiiaids. Bole Aiïcins for this Couniy2W "CAÑT BÈTEAT ! Til 10 subscribe wuiild ijifpiin ibc Fubljc. ii:a! tbey coiuinue lo supply ihe State ot MicliiDÏi vi;h L. B, WALKER'S PATENT S.1IVT MACIMIWESi. THe lar'gc nuñlbcVs oí tliestí .Machines th.-it have i-i 11 Sofd, nnd iho étendily irícréasiilg demaud for tlifin. is ihc best evidenoe of tbcir real valué, ad of tlieir cBiitnation with tlio&ü who have become íannli; r wiih tlicir meFils. Wi,KKi'b ynut .Machine is uperiur ty oiltcrs 'n tho followiiü; piirticnlart;: j 1. Ah it coinbims thc Beating, Scóiiriüg, and Jilouijig rrinciples, it cloans ibe sirüimcst of ruin n I he best manmr, relaining all tlio i'ric non of tbe whcát, áííd diacliarging thc sínii't añil (lust as Inyt as sepnrated froin (lie wlioai. 1. It ís simple i u conütruition, and is therefortí ksi Hable to ÍKconie _derangtd.and costs fesL for rcpaire. 3. It 1111:3 vci y Juia is pciTcctly securt llom liir. . 4. It is ns durable, as any otLer Machine 111 utf. . T). It costs considcrably i.kss th-in olhei ki,nds. Thcsc i.mpoitant poirife prdífferftricc Ín ve gTv en ibis Machine thè prffetertcé wiih ihose whc !i.i c i-iii ly 11 icd il. Arnoríg a large miinl'cr ol C;-nilcmo'it 111 ihe INlilling Business w;ho nn-ln be naincd. liie follüWMig hnvo iwcd tlie Mncliiues, andeertified to luir ex'cc.Hénicy aad supoii;iit : JI. N. Jl.i.vAKP. Ponliac. Micli. K. F. Cooic-Rochcsier, do J'. B. Dwiouth. Masón, do M. F. Frisk, Branclj, Io II. IJ. CoT.iMocK. Coinetock, do llcferoncos mny a'lso b'é to Jojin Bacos, Auburn, Mioh. W. Uvi.v, í,i (io I). C. Vi:ki. m, Rock, do JnifN Phipí, IMonroe, (io II. Dousman, (!o do A. 1i;uh, VValerloo. do (Ji:o. Ki.TciiuM. Marbliall, do N. ííi mi ,h vy. Onlilaiid, d) A!l orders for Machines will bc pVonptly attended to. Address l. O. & A. CRITTÍCNTON. Ann Arbor. ( I.ower Town) Wah. Co. Mich. Aug. --M. i",Iv "Crockery at Wholesale." FRi:i)i;iUCK WKl'.MOKK. has eqifclárrtíj o a hand, tbo largptíl tucli in tbe West ol Crocicri, China, Gassirare, hoofsi,'- Gtuéáes and Píales, Britaimia Ware Tntis, Lamps and Wicking, Ptilcd Vare, China Toys, &. &fc: Ilis fliock includos all the váriéties of Crockery and c'hinu, l'rom the fne.--í China Dinner and Tea Setts to tiio most coinmon uiul km prieedwnre - froin thc riclwsl cut !as. lo t lie [ilainost plaps wnre. Britanniá Cxistors of ever} kind. Kiinmih Tea Sclts. Caílee Pote, Ten Pois, Lamps. Cnndlesticks, &c. L.m;ii Lamik of evtry desen'piion fron lie niosi costly cut PujlorLamp lo the clicnpcs Store lamp. All thc above articles are imported by himsel ilircctly frotn the manufacturero nnd wiilbe sole at Wholesalr. ne low a6 at nny Vholesalo House. expenses from senbparfl addfd oi:y. A liberal discount gpron lor cashMerchants and others are invited 10 cali am examine tho nberve articks nt ihe oíd stind. No. I2íi, Jetïerson Avenue (Eldred's Block.) Detroii. 1 y TEMPjSRANGE HOUSE."" PB. RIPLEY woulil sny to his friends nnd the Iriends of Tempen nce, that he has taken the Temperance ílotifo., lately kepi. by VVrn, G. Wh'eaton, whero ho would he ylad to wait npon thérp'. Hay and Oal8 nnJ Stabbling to ncconimodute teams. Detroit, January 1, 154G. 245tf Wood ! IVood ! ! A FEW Corda oí Wood wanted tinmcdlataly in payment for thc Signul of Liborty.- . n' 3 III Í=i fr W i rplIK prcccding Iiiko s "ivcti to represent . JL the liiten.-iiblc l'ei.-pirauou. It is ihe greal i vocuittion for' thé jnpuritwjs oftlic body. It wil! i be tiouooil thatathiek cloudy mist issues Ironi all of lbo BUrTodTj which indícales lliat th'is pcrspiru'iion Ho we uninierrupudly when wc ie in liealtli, bm mi v.iicn wc are siek. Li'c cullllot Ijo su.-iained vviliïou't il. Il is thloWn OÍ] ironi tlic blüod niid otlicr juiccs ot ihc body. and ditposc-i Iiy (lus m::il)s. i)t ncirly all lllü impuriiits wiiht'n us. 'l'hc blond, by ihis moaiiá. only. woika iisrdi iirj. Tbc language of Scripturéis, "in tbo Blóc is :lio Lil'r." II it i bccomes íñpú'rc, it muy bt trace d direcily to ibe sioppagc of ibc Insensible Perspiration. Itnever rcquircs any inleinal nedicuio.í tu clcanee i(, as ítalwoys prifieiielf by iu mvn heat andaotion. mul llirows off a!l the olFonding hnmors, iiiikim.Ii lbo JiiM-nsibiü Porvpirntion. Thitá we sec alïthat iá DcceáBory whm th blood is stagnaiit, or inieeted. ia m opon ibu porcs, Midit relievcs ileelt" rom ÓII impuriiy iiMinnfly. lia owii heat and vi:;d:v are tiHk;iont, without oneparliclc of medicino, o.xeept 10 open ilic poter upon ihesurface. wc sc-fl tlio My ot laluim bo nincli inicrnal rci!iidies. Ali praoiitionirs. bovvever, disccl liieir tfl'orts lo siorc tiic luni-imbli: pLTïi'iration, bilt leeerns lo bc nol alw.tys the propi r one. 'J'lic Thonipioiiini, or mstanCe, BteoinSj ïlic Hydropnihist sbrouds ns in wel blankeis. tbe Iloinopaib &t deals out infniiiissimnls,tbc AÜoD.iibsi blocils.Mid doses us witb mercury.find Ibe blustcring Quack yorges lis witli piila, p'ills. pills. To givesomciiJea of tlienmiiunl of tlif Insc pibie Ferspiration, wc wil! staietbai thó'iaarhod Dr. Lcwcnbock. and lbo L'ieut Bocrhnuve. aseerlaini'd tliai fivc -eifbibsoi" all wercccivc inlolbc stomach. ])asscd 11 by ibis meons. In oticr words. il' wc cal and drink eifehl pounds perdiy. we evi.cuatc iivc pjuiu! ol' t by ibc Insciiüiblc Perspirótion. Tliis is none oiher than the iiscd up pnnrclcs ui ibc bluud. and oilicr juices givinti place t0 l'lC new and fresh ones. To check ibis, iberelorc. is to remin ia the sysiem fiv L!ghfli8öF dl the virnWjiH niaiicr thni naiiiic dcinands sbotild lc;r;. I tbc iMjdy. And even wlien ibis is ihocase, ibc bljod iö.of so nctive a principie, tliat it deiör-i niiiict! i' ote parlifiea 10 the ski i, wbcro tluy lonn scabs, piinpks, nlccüá. and oiher bpots. Ly a sud'Jen tiMi.silion lioni beat io coid, lbo poics are Ptopped, tbc pcibpiraiion CCiiflea, and . diecase Vcgins u unce to deyqlopeitáelC I lenco. a sioipngc of ibis f&.y ofthc jujcea, Oj-igi.iiQtes so niuny cornplainis. It is by stopping the poros, i iiat ovcrsvlielin!. mankind wiih couglis, cl:l. nul ooiisuinpiions. .;i;o-lL'ii!l)s ot" the wolld die Irom ilisi;..b-s induced by n etoppagc ol the 1jiíci)s:I)1o Pcrspira. tion. It is casi'y eccn. thercforc, how nccessary is tbc flbw ot' tiiij biilule humor to i lic surlacc. lo jittervc hcalth. It cannoi bc siopped; it canuot bc i;ven oliocluil, withoct indneini di.seast'. Lc! :ic aalt ]io-,', evuiy candjd mind. wluii ycejns the inost, luisonablc lo ])uri,uc. lp . uustop lhp jbrcti, aiiur tlnjy asc closed .' XN'otild you giyc liM'; iounsiop tl. e poros? Or would yon appl so.u;,thiug ihat would do this upon in. surfacc, whelo i!ie cloggingnctunlly is Wduld nol this bo cominon f-ens'.' Ajlid yctlknowol no phyiician wl.o nny. cxtvl'nal ipplicaiion to efl'ejl it. TJieréason l assjgn i, tliat no medicine wiiliin their lyjowicdge. is c;ip;ib!c ol loiny ii. Undcr iIh'ïg irfiuneiaiivx.'s, T pres.nt to plivsicians, fir.d lo all olhcrs. a ])iepnraiion ihnt bas this power in itB inllc&t exicnt. it isMcAi.isrr.irs All heaükg öintAient. or'the WOKLD'S SAI. V-C! it bas power io regióle peisim-jtiüii on tito íiví, on tbc hoad. around oíd sores; upon thé chrsi, ín sllon. npon unypartol the body. wheiiier üiscaacd tlighily i or seveiely. It luis power to cause all ext'iñnl fC-res, S 'tofulouy lraniors. skin iIi-imm ■■-. p-i:s .'Ikmis v;oiinds. to d.iiscliaigc ihcir putr.d maner, and líieti iicalí ilii'in. h ik a tenicdy thüt Rveej)8 of!" ihc ■nlioi; ;:;.::- !(rito (' cutb-weótré disorders, and reaiorcs ihe oniiic cuiiclc to iisbealiby (uiiciionfi. I It is a icntedy tliat foibids the nrcp.ssity of so tnatiy and dcLctciiuus drjus taken inio the bioi'nncli. :. It isa v-emcdy v'iat líüitlifr sicivens. rrivf s iiiconvcn'.tTife. or is annjgcronii lo Ihe iiites iiu s. lt'j)rsoryea aad &nknfla ïJic .-urfaoc from alt dcrangenu-nt of is lunclions. wiiiie it kef pa opcu (lic clineiá tur tbo blood lo void sa II us ijnpuiiiics and dii-pope of a!l is USÓlééS partic.lcs The Eiirlace is tbc outlot ol iive-ci. bibs of iln büc and ukccI np. nrafter wiiiiin. It is iierecd wili ïnilüoiiii ol openings to relieve the intestinos. Stop up the; , :■ . abd deatb kn'óckf 1 at your door. It is riijhily tenned Uealing. tor thorc is scarccly a disoase, cxicrnal Of intcr' nal, tliat it wil] not boieH'. I havo nscJ il foi the hiÈt ioiiiiec-n ycars, lor all diseatcs of iht [■ cliftt, eónsúhif)tioirl livér, iirvulvinc the ittihosi lianiier and iespn,ibilily. and I decline bctbrt ' H caven and man, thainotin ono single case bas ' t failed to bcnfii. wbou ih-c patiënt was within ihc roach of mortal nteartS. 1 huvo. had))hysiciaiis, learncd in the profession; 1 have lina iíi;:!6leiB oí t!ie (ïospcl. Judyson the Heiieli, AldoimiMi nnd Lawyers, gen ilomcii ol ihe highest erudition and multitudes o! the pooi-, uso il in every vaiicty of way. and iberc hebeen but one voice, one uniied, universal voice, saying, "McAlister. your Oimment it id! CÓvil V!"l DN'. It can hardly bc ercdited that a salve can hav firiy effect Upou i!:c lunes, reated as tbey are witbin ihc System. Bat wesay ólice tor all, ihai ibis OintiiíciK wiil reach thc htn iiicker thnn añy medicine tliM can be given inicrnally. T.hus. t!' placed upon the-cheet, t penetrales dicëc'tty tb tbc lungaj 8ejaBtee ibe poisonous pnrttclca thai are consummg thcni, and cxpcls i he ni f rom thc syateni. I need not eny that it ia eurinír persons of Consíinpiioii couMi'ually. alllioujih w me told it i.' tpolisliness. 1 care nol wbat is said, so 1 ony aí I bnn curo scverrrl thuusand persous ycaily. HKAl) .UIU'.. This S.ilvc hascurud persons olibe Ilead Aclic dí '2 yt'.irs standing. ::nI w't.o liad ítregdíarlj e-ver y weck, 80 ihiit vomuiíiií; oí.cn took place. Deairiesa and liar Acho are holped with thc likc succéVa. as a!so Agüe h the Face, roi.n ri'.i t. Consuinption, Livor cimplar.r. pníns n thc cíifst or aide, fulliuj of ihc hair. oneor tbc oiher alwaysaccónipáriíes cold fcet. lt is a sure sign o!' (JiSea'se in thc system to haxx) cold feot. Thc Salve wfll resioro thc Insensible Perspiratioii an'l lliua eme (jcry caío. Iñ Scrofuja, ÍKrysiuela3caajd Salí Rhcuin, and o!ber disertíesol' ihis rialttre, no interna! remody hasyetbecn diecovered thnfisöO j;ood. Thc same inay be md of JJionohiiis, (uiney, Sorc Thruat, Piles, fipiaal Discases. Brokcn or Sbie BrcaM. &c. And ns fortlie Chest Disensos, Blich as Asthma, Pain. Opprcssion nnd ihc likc, it is the most wonderíul antidote in tbc World. For Liver Ccinplaiiit it is cqually ellicacious: for Btirus it has tn'i has iisequal in thc World; also, Excresences of every kind, siu'h as Warts, Tumors. Pimples, &c, it mákes clean work of thein all. SORK KYKS. The inílammation and disenso always lieebapk of thc ball of the eye in the socket. Henee the virlue ot any medici ne must rcacli the som ol the inflaiTintion or it wfll do üttlc ,'ood. Tlie Salve, if rubbcd on the temples, will jienctratc dirccily into theeocket. The pores will boopen ed, a proner perspiration will bocrcalcd and thc discase wifl soon pass ofFto thc suríacc. P1MPI.ES OV THE FACE, FRECKLES, TAN, MASCÜL1NE SKIN, CROSS SÜRFACE. Ilíj first acfcton iito exoel all humor. It willol cense drawir.L lili the foöe h (ÍWa fröfn any muer ihit may lio lodycíl uiidcr lhe el.iu afttl eqüently bicaking oui 10 itífi fcuríace. Il llien e.ils. Vviieu thcre is nothiny bttt grossnras, r u!l repulsivo súrface, it begins tu sottert uhcl ( jftcn urjtil ilie ekirl hccomcd ns sfnunih nnd () .n; os a ln!ds, ii iliiuwa ;i iitalincss nnd ( lusliiug color upon 'if iiow whitc, irnsjKircni kia. xlint ié porfcctly cnclinnting. Sóihe times d i case of Kreek le.s it wífl fust stort uit rhose Ittil liavu lain liiililfh íiih! su-ii Imtsrldotn. _ utí thu tíulvc aud 11 will soou diüUjipear. c vu::i;s. s li' ni-; km'w liow final most medicines wei e y i chíldrcil laken íuwaidly. tluy would be tlow ii ir-.irt to thom. Esjx-ciitlly "'mercurial J ;.s," ealled "modiculed lozonges" pillo, Jéc. r Hit; trutli is. no üiic (.■nn KjH. invariuuiy, when a .ni' presont. A'ow let irtesúy wurenis, l hüClhis S.iUe will n!w ivs i el 1 il' a ehild lias voruis. It will drive eveiy vestige of tlicm nn-. filis te ;i 8ÍtUIe níiíi 8iío cure. 'í'iiorc is probably no mgditiiiü on llie face o' Uocardi al once so súroa'nd to safo n (lie exmisión óf wo'rn s; . It would be crufl. nny wicked, to i'ivo intern;d. dotilitliil iiu'tiiciius, so longae a harmless, cxl'.'rnal oiic coulcl bc had. tqit.'kt. Alilionoh I lino -nid lililt: Stíbvl i'. n a hitJi rspioraiivc, yt 1 will stake ibagBhöM ilie World! Tíhv mny briim ilieir Oils íar und ncii-, ;uid mine will restore ihe liair two cases to llicir onc. oi.D ORES, Mimni n.iriiiNS. ii.ikks. etc. That sonie Sores aro un outfat lo ilie impuiitio of tl:c sytum. ís because tbty cannot JÍ0P8 (11" thrQOeh llie nam ul cbannels of the Insensible Per.-pir.itioii. K Biich sores are hcaled up, tho impurities must liuve sonic oihcr outlet. or it wil! criitynèr lift: Tliis is ihc roosiih wlíy it is impolilic to use the coinmon Sal%e of ihe ihiy in sucli cuses. For ihey have no power to open oihci avenues, lo let ofi'lii moibij nintter, and tlie C()i8equerice'fi are always faliiTJ This Salve will aiwftya provide Tor sueli emergerrtit'éí 1)ISIA-1 OF CJÍlt.IHH'jN. flow mnir are swi pt ofi' by eivin;.' iiiicn;l inrdÍLÍiis. whon thcir yuuiig bodics nii'l tendeí Itnmw ;nc uuubie lo benr upi agaiusi tlieml Whole nrmiea nr tlus sent to t!u;ir gravba ttiéiéiy ffÜnl (iöMtr'üig lílo tlteir v.eak stoniachs powerfnl di lias ond pliv.ii.-.-! It is lo sncli ihat ibe Ail-lícnlí nr Oinurca kt.í'cis st .sale, p!easánt,"aná hainlcs's n cüjv! Fucíi ccscd iik Ooüjt. CJi-olic, Cholera Inl'antuin. Woniis, niid :dl Sumnicr OoníplnftrtS} by whicb 30 innny cluldieii dio. ili; Oii.unrm will íemoyo.soepieeclijy nyl,surc-ly, ihoi a phy6cian will hever bu iieJifcd. Bloljljcrsi rtlfouh)ui nll tliis land. we ÚAi solcufíiiy nnd s;:erdly ' clare to you ibnt the AlMIenlmtí Oin;ment will save yourdiildieo froin nii cuily i ve i!' yon wül li.s.j it. Woaieno: now aciuaicd by tbe lenst (U'sio to íiain: Lili FinóViñg ns we do ibut viisi b.jdies of inlanis and ebildren die early: whioh is suppiifod io bu inevitable and impasible to prevenl. we huid up uur wai díiií: uice. and declare m tlie í;:cc cl the w lióle world, C1IILDRICN K'ETÊD KOT DIE MORK THAN OTHKUSÜ Bntil is froiü (be wnm cf proper naurisl-nicnt and the coñstnñt díuggííig ihey undergo which niows Uieni down as tlje runli gtas ialls boíore the scythe. Mpihert! we rrcrfl agaiñ: and if iney weré the last wouls we wcro eviT lo utter, nuil o coiirsc paat tbc reiich ol all intertui, we would say, 'uscUyJ All-!ea:ng Ümtincni forsieknuts among cliüdrcn." ' h re. -n oves ahnost iniinediaíelv il)C inflamatiou and tíwelliiig, wlieu llie puin of couiae ceafcc?. KKVrRS; ín cases of fevcr. the dillicnliy iivs in ilu imhcs btsing locked iip. so that, the iieat audpersp:ration cnnnot pass o!l'. li iic casi inoisiun.could bc si; mul. the crisis iajpned aiid thc daiiücr over. "t'jfiè Ail-Héálifig Oínur.ent will in all c"sryof íevers alnios! iüptrj tnly unlodi thc .-kin and brin,',' forth tiie perspiration. FI.MAl.l: (II.Ml'l 4.IN I. Infiamalion ol tiie knl;.,yr, of tiio womb. n iisíallui:; down. wt'akncs.s. ad iVrcgnianity; iii short, si í 1 thoic dillcultiL8 svliuh are i'tcqurni with fe n mls, iíi(i vcaily nnd permancni riliol'. W,: hnx-Jiad a-ütl ladie-s tell us tluy could not. lívó six montlis wilitoit it. vut to teñíalos ábóut i.ibecotiKMix'ili-erp. íf used fórsonio weeks ah'rcedein to tbeir oonfinenifiíit. very few öfthfcse pains nnd eo:ivuon? whidi uitend tl ein ai ihat pcriotl will bo feh. Thisíaqí ought to be k;io%Mi the v, oí IJ over. se .i.i )i;.a.íi. Wc have c-iircd cns-cs that netnatfy defird everythinií known,a.s well ns t lio ab-iliiy of lineen or iwcmy duciqrs. ünc man t:dd ns lie liad spcnt$50Ü on l.iis children wiihom any benefít, when a few bVxCs of llie üintnietit cuied theiu. cók'k's. Peoplo ncc;l never be iioulded v.iih hem il ihey will uto it. Ás a FA.M1LV MEDIGJNK, no mnn can niíasure' iis valué. Su Ipiíg ns the stars folli nloivg over the lluavens- so fócig ns nol.ihc earth. PUbject io all ihc infn mrtics ol ilu ll, s0 oñg as ditfO-.-e íind ?icknes is known iust so loii will tliis OmiiiiUit tic used nndesteemed. Whon mnn censL-s froni oifilie earth, ihcii ilie dfíii.-md til cecK-, and not ii'11 then. To allay all ;.pp i Iiciihoiis on r.rcoun( xit it inirredienis. in f.osst'íising.such powerfulprOperties. we will state tknt i-i if, eooifHK o I" sume ol tbc most coinmon and harnilces 'lieil-bin existcnce There is no mcreury írt it. as can be -ern froin the fftCt ihat itrlocs not iiiiire tlie ckinono partiële, whiie it will pase ihrhujfh fwid jdiysic the bowcls. JA.M RS M.ALÍS'I'KU & C(). l(;8Sonth. etreet. N. York. Solé proprietor of thc abovo Medicine, lo wliom all communications ñrust be nddtcsscd (post paid). I' rico 'ó Cüiitïand DO cents. O'CAUTION.j-n. As tho AllNealiiitOinímcnt has heen greaflv counterfeited. we have glVCfl ibis caution to ihepublie, tbiít "no Oinlinent will be genujne iinlfís ilie namos of James Mt-A'üster. or .lame? McAlisicr ifc Co., arewriwiui w,ú a pen U(W cveiy label." The hibdi is a siocri cnraving. with thctigure oí "lntjeiisiblc Pcrepirotiou! on the tace. Now we hereby ijfTer a reward of $rl'O. to be paid on cor.vietion. in avy of tlie consiitutcd courts of thc United Staies. of any individual counterfeiling o'.'r-nnntc and Oúument. MAYNAIÍD'S. nn Arlior, Whlct1o Aíents; Sii'iiih & 'I'yri II. Clinton: Jvt'tclinni A Sfeiiít'j TectiniM-h: 1). C. WWnwaoft, Dexicr; II. JJower. IManelietiier; Joirn Owon &, Co., Dtiniit; 1 lamían & Cook, liiookly;:. J)ee. 18, 1ÍÍ45. 24-1- ly !üic. Watkins &. BisscII, ie4( Füll WAK DING AND CO M MISS ION DKTJtOIT. Agentsfor thc Troy and Erie Linc. For ErcgU and Passage, upply Lo Asa C. Tekft, }, . N. Cha."mbkhu.v, $ 29 Coentios SJi.p, N. Y. Idic, Coit $c Co., Troy. c, n ' Búllalo, b. Urv llard, 5 Mark Pac kages " Troy and Erie "Line." Ship Dni'y, (Sofldavs exceptctl,) froin Coenlies' Slip, N. Y., by Troy and Eric Iron Tow Bou I Linc. SJl-Gm E. . BURGER, Denfisl, HAS removed his office to Crane &-Jeweit's lilock. íirat rponi on tho Sccond Floor, where beinfi; well preparad to nttond to every branoh of his profession. wonld rospectfully say to all who have not had (hose necessary ort;rins. THE TEETÍI. properly attended to, dclny no longer, but cali upon him and experience the easc and durability of his operations. T:rs accommodating and charges inno case unreaeonnble. Ann Arbor, Mnrch fi, 1845. 47-tf OAliliATIl SCHOOI. BOOKS for sale nt O TERRY'S BOüJiSTOKE. Ucc. 23.' 214- tf SÜÁWLS. Drcss Btuffa of all kind Laces. WiIh, Cravals. Ribbons, cc. &.c. At thc Manhattan Stí-re, Detroit. W. A. JIAYMOND. Dcc. 25. 645. 244- 6m JXry- Try- Try A ga in. A K'l't-R you lime tricd one ilioutmiidund one Tl kinds of Pili: thcn ny Dr. llulstcad'a Brisk FiUs k ybu wjiJ l'o fnlly tlint llicy are ns inch prefcrúbTe to.evcry ó'ther kind as the sun'e yin and heat is prcforable, lo bring f.t waid nnd rmnote a healtliy irowih in vegetables to tha hiel cuiaiuitca irotn the moon. ■ They nrcjiwt what is yvariled in this country -a pill tlmt opcmiea qcrick, thorougli nnd easy, irrying all impuritieá wlrh ihcm: IcwrVhig tho oniaeli and bowcls clean and clear. Awny witi. our SLOY PILLS, ihnt act SLOW- ckanso r.OW. anti leavo uiC'systcm ina SLOW 6tato. iiüuus mater and olher in'i-diinentBoollcct vcy gofüd ip ihesybtcrn when on' ;'h?y Lcgjn to ccumulatc - and wil in erende ;ia fus,? a Blow 'lis witl Rinove tlicni. It is neccefary tlictCro1; 3 have ;i Krielt operntion - iliat wil] ÁnóvfC XXl u. ()!....n.s frotn tieir lorpiil state, pivc n nr.w inpeius to the bk'od and secretions. Thcn fcod cs - llieAiomuch gnin sticngtl - t lic i-ys lui sïronJS - ilie t-kin cltai- ihc üppciitc Loód, nú yo are wcll - when yonr tlow dosts woulc ;cepyou lingeripg nlojig Tor motiihs- and tlicn lerhiips jou will send lor a Doctor, and wliut illhodo? He yvill'giyc you a poMeríul calinrtic - one that wil! do j'on iectüe góöd. iow be yonr own dcdoip, and take IJalsicd's egelable Brik PilJe, nnd graduaic ihtm tosuit he pntient. To wcak pmients give tinall riocs-alfo to childicn. Tlipy aie tiarn'.icfs and :an begivon to the nost c'clicnK - but thmilicy ;ivc life and nioiton to ihe sysltzn. DISKASE is a elow ïnoiiid actirn, clcpging ip all the stnall vcssels- nnd cnlls aloud lor a eiiudy tluit will aiouse ibcm inio action lefore hey bccoine too cak to l e kept in irotion. - Peoplc die for ilie wónt of uction - ond ftnring liey shall obtain n hoalthy. natura) actior - thcy ircfer tnkina a glow medicine - that lny inny Jootur slowly for yeais - r.nd al die with a slow, linpcring diseiifc- ilir nauiíalcflcit ol tak. ni blow Pilis. Away iH'én viih ihis tlicory - !f nature wishes 10 purify the ah, fIic cnlls tip n hurry a thuader showcr. and wiih it lier light nins (air pliysic) lo puitfy. clcansc, and give t ncw niotion to the iitn'iupplier.p. and al] ib yiell, Shii does rtó't liphlcn ecntly the ycar rrund te product; thL rtiötion. '1 hen ollow nature, hm you are out of heahh - have a bnd lusje in your mo 11 iti - imü'i stjon - cofctivcness - ft vci - colk cliilif - lever and ïpne - dyspepsia - pain in hncd oi FrrVibs - taken col! - or in fact out of ordrr in any wav - relieve yourtcll inin cdialely liytakiiu; the Brisk Pilis. 'J'iy iJiem nngc and you wil uso no dilit-r. í?8 Pilis for Í5 cents. Sold M'liolcsnlc and reinil liy .1. Owcn & Co., Detroit: O. Kl.t'il'ach. S. P. Jcwett. J,in d &. McCollum, Ann Albor. 'J:i7-Oni ÏCKNKSS IN CIIILDULÑ! AND ilie í-níloriiiK which they undergo frönsi wdüiMs" olicn lend to a íaial terniinaiinii, wliilo the iai .s;c is never Bupeced. OQcitMVe hi.ëath, pickiñjj ;:i the iiose. grinding the tccih ilurijii,' t.lcep. siiarlïhg in leep with fiiiibt and screainiiiij. irmiblcsome cough. and fcvuiishncys, aie aniong sono ol ilie l'rom'.mut Sijvij toms of liic ptcseiice of wornio. A (iöiely useoi SI I E U MAN 'tí WORM LUZ O GES VVjLH iiniiiciü.iiely remove all ilirse unpleafant ymptöins; and re&lóie to perfect heiilth. Sister Iirrirtti nö". Snpriior ol' t ie ('atliolic !!;ilf ()r[ihan Am Umi has added her tesiiii.ony in tlicir (avor, to tho ijjqutü ju.'s vvitjch h;c gono befe re. SI o siates 't hn4 üwteaio ovvr ll;(( cluidtcn in tlicAèvliiiii. ;i;id ijiaf ttioy:ii."ivê teen in the liabit of irslng SIk i mnii'.s íjozenícs. and slie lina alwnK foitnd tl:em to bc attended witli (Jkj jiiosI benctieial efleetí. '1'Jkv hnve bu n iauod to bejjjliilJiblein 04W 400,-JöÖ cases; (ONSÜMPTION, liii'iirriza. Coitghs, Colds. Whoopiiifr Cough, Tiglitres-s ol ihc or ChcSt nitíy bc enred. Rev. Daling Aoihouy w,is very luw !jom ConjUin)tion, Jynolhan Hownrd, the celcbrotrd iétnperancc leptürer, was itducul l'o the ycrgQo'í ttic graveby laifintr blond. P,ov. Mr. Dunbar. ui' New Voik, tlic iicv. AJr. De Forest. lOvaitolist in ihe Wcetcrj) part of ihis atac. Rcv. ebas'int) Streel-er, of líctton, tLe wiieolüranni's Diblilo. Pétf. in Monrovia, and ífujxjtéíls oí othcis, have boen rcüevcd and cUrtcd by a proper use qC And no medicine has -over -boen more cfi'ectuali n the iclief oí tliose diseasesj or wliicli cid bu rccomnnnded with more coi nJeiïee. Tltcy ;,i l.iy ;,1I iiching or iiritation. ronder the;ougii -nty, pioiiioe;.pccton.!i()ii. renuwe the cuise, aud pic duce ih-ctnosi lipi-y andi-ietUig .HücIb. IlEADACIli:. !;i;Mf.ii:;i of Irj ilc-ait. LowricfS ofSpirila, Sea sickiicss. IJeypoiidcJic, Fainliicf-s Cholic Spnèins. Cia.nps of the Sioniach. Siimii'tor or Howel Complainiü. also all the distressiiiL' Minfloms aiitiiig hom li ee living, or a ríiplit oi' dissiVation !iie yuidil_y aud üntircly relicvtd by u'sirrg SOEáMÁ:N'S CAWVnOR LOZEXOTIS. 'rbi'v.-ci pe'eáífy and re!ice in a vciyshom 8prfcö(ii iiinc ving tone nnd vior to lli 'syát hui. and eiinble n person usi:;g theiii tu .uiidcrgo great menta] or l:odüy i:ÍL,u;. lJGUMATlSij, V.eal{ Back, pajii nnd weakjiC33 in tlie liieasu ]ack. Linibs and otber pruts. of the body mo sphcnty ninh filcctu;i!ly iclievcd by SIJF-RMAN'S PfOH MAN'S PLASTEit; wbu'li costsonly lá cents, aulis within ihc readi of pij. So grciit has bevonie ihe tcpuMiiou of this nrtictc (Jin-t mc miüion will not begin ló'.suppiy the annu;il deniand. It ís rfcknowlcUgéd lo bc tho bebiiitn'iigdietung ïJlasier in theworW. BEWaatJ OF IMPOS1T1ON. Dr. Sherma.M's l'oor Man's Pl.ister bis na-nte witli diicctiutiii piinied on the back ol' t!w 'laster, and a KTfac UuáfyJ ot tie Bocti r'b wni ten naineunder ihe direc;iioos. JVoiie oihers ar.e "f-miino. or to be relied &r,. Shcnnan'fi VVarenouse is No. IOÖ Nissan st. Ntw Yodi. '. S. .t J. W. MAYiVAhD, Ageiits for Aim Arbor. 4; Cheap Hardviarc Store. THE Subdcribcr takrs this liicthod 10 inforni hia old ciistoiners and tire public generally lliíii he siill couiitiüea to keep a largennd gciicml assortniprit of Foreign and Doinestic HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c. Also, Spike. VVroiiglu. (Jut and JJoibc Shoo Xails, Glass, Sheet Iron, Hoop lion, Sheet and Bar Lead, Zync, Rright and Ancaleó Wire, MoInssca Gates and Fassetts, Mili Saws. Cross Cut Sawü. Hand and Wood SnwB, Badc nnd Kcy Hole Saws, Anvils, Vicesr,; Cellows.Adzcs,CoopOt'a 'looh, Drawing Knives, Spoke Shnvcs, Tap Eoitrt, Ca-st Í3lee1 Atigúrs, Common Auxilie, Augur iiitts, Holiow Augurs. Steel and Jion Squares, Ground Piaster, Water Linie, Grind Siokcs, Potasii.Caldron and Sugar Kottlcs, C;ible, Log, Trace and Ualtcr. Chains, J5road, llnnd and Narrow A.ves, Spirit and Plunih Levels, togetler with a general aírsortment of Hol- lew -Ware, which will be sold low lor Cash or credit at,J I23, Jelferson Avenue. EJ dred's I5!ock. JR. MARVIN. Detroit, Jan. lGih, 184{!. 248-Iy OOTS AID SIÍcTeS, AT WHOLESALE. A. O. M'GÏÏAW & CO., TVHpZiKSALB A.ND KKTAIL PtfALBRS ÍN BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER AND FINOINGS, Corner af Jcffersoii and Woodwatd Jlvvnucs3 Detroit. AC. M'GRAW & CO. would rcspectfully inform the Merchante of Miciiigan, that ihcy hnve oponed a WHOLESALE BOOT AND SF1OE STORE, in tho rooms over their Retail Store, Smart'a Corner. Tliëir long a&quaintance wiih the Shoe busincsp, and the kinds of shocs that wc nccded in this State, will enablc them to furnish merchants wiih such shoes as they need. on hettcr teims than 'hey can buy in the New York market, as all iheir goods aro bought fromfirst hands, and particular attention is paid to the seleclion of sizes. Detroit. 1816. 2-18-1 V TWO young men about 18 or 10 yearsof agfl as apprcnticcB to the S'nsli nnd Blind making business. Also, onc JOURNEYMAN, at UL above business. II. GREGOPvY Ann Arbor. Lower-Tawn, ï)ce. 4, 184?.